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08-21 投稿


realization 发音

英:[ˌriːələˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˌriːəlaɪˈzeɪʃn; ˌrɪəlaɪˈzeɪʃn]

英:  美:

realization 中文意思翻译



realization 短语词组

1、realization of property ─── [经] 变卖财产

2、cash collection of revenue realization ─── [经] 收现基础计算的实现收益

3、loss on realization of assets ─── [经] 资产变价损失

4、realization and liquidation account ─── [经] 变产清理帐户(科目)

5、gain on realization of assets ─── [经] 变产收益, 资产变价收益

6、firmware realization ─── [计] 固件实现

7、realization value ─── [经] 资产实现价值

8、realization and liquidation ─── [经] 变产清算

9、realization and liquidation statement ─── [经] 变产清算表(清册)

10、realization account ─── [经] 变现(变产)帐户(科目)

11、realization of assets ─── [法] 变卖资产

12、loss of realization ─── [法] 变产损失

13、realization convention ─── [经] 收益实现惯例, 实现惯例

14、realization principle ─── [经] 收益实现原则, 实现原则

15、realization of loss ─── [经] 变产损失

16、revenue realization ─── [经] 收入实现

17、realization of profit ─── [经] 利润的实现

18、realization rule for revenue recognition ─── [经] 确定营业收入的实现规则

19、realization statement ─── [经] 变产帐目

realization 词性/词形变化,realization变形


realization 相似词语短语

1、ruralization ─── 乡村化

2、idealization ─── n.理想化;理想化的事物

3、realisation ─── n.实现,完成(等于realization)

4、legalization ─── n.[法]合法化;法律认可

5、derealization ─── n.[心理]现实感丧失

6、metalization ─── n.金属化;金属镀层

7、creolization ─── n.克里奥尔化(欧洲语与殖民地语的混合化)

8、realizations ─── n.实现;领悟

9、penalization ─── n.惩罚;处罚

realization 习惯用语

1、have a full [true] realization of sth. ─── 充分认识到某事

realization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His suggestion theoretically can, but can't pay a realization. ─── 他的建议在理论上可以,但不能付诸实现。

2、Signal light realization multithreading control example. ─── 信号灯实现多线程控制例子。

3、They were striving after an ideal impossible of realization. ─── 他们追求的是一个无法实现的理想。

4、The success of The Novella of Life is due to realization of individual corresponding with social mentality. ─── 小说《生》之所以成功,是因为在作品中实现了个体与社会心理的契合。

5、Its realization necessarily violates certain maxim(s) of the Cooperative Principle proposed by Grice in certain sense. ─── 反语会话含义的实现必然违反格赖斯合作原则中的某条准则。

6、Without the participation of intellectuals, the realization of the four modernizations is impossible. ─── 没有知识分子的参加,实现四化是不可能的。

7、The state provides guarantees in terms of system, laws and material means for the realization of human rights. ─── 国家为人权的实现从制度上、法律上、物质上给予保障。

8、Design and realization of an embedded TTS Chinese voice system. ─── 嵌入式TTS汉语语音系统的设计与实现。

9、WAP Push realization source code! ─── 实现源码!

10、At this point, I came to the realization that I had not tapered the osage thin enough. ─── 在这个时候,我确定我没有把奥色治逐渐变细部分做的足够薄。

11、Transformation as a trade policy toward the banks, "when the realization of CDB listing" is always kept dependents of the external market. ─── 作为一家朝贸易化转型的政策性银行,“国开行何时实现上市”始终是市场存眷的外围。

12、For they are the indispensable conditions of the realization of his tendencies. ─── 因为,这些活动是实现他的各种趋势的不可缺少的条件。

13、The realization of his ambition makes him very happy. ─── 他很高兴他的理想实现了。

14、Realization of a distributed system detect-bed-IVD system. ─── 分布式系统调试器IVD的系统实现

15、For enquiries on the main part of the realization. ─── 主要阐述查询部分的实现。

16、He had the full realization that he was guilty. ─── 他充分认识到他是有罪的。

17、The realization of self-value motivates me to succeed. ─── "哪些品质在你看来对成功是最重要的?

18、Here's an easy way to look at it the difference between them: If service specification is about what, then service realization is about how. ─── 您可以用一个简单的方法看出它们的区别:如果说服务规范解决的是是什么的问题,服务实现介绍的就是怎样做。

19、He said in a suddenly florid tone-it is the realization of a dream. ─── 他突然用卖弄的口气说--这是我们梦想的实现。

20、They are pushing themselves to work hard for the realization of the four modernizations. ─── 他们正在为四化的实现而努力奋斗。

21、It was the realization of his greatest ambition. ─── 这就实现了他的宏伟抱负。

22、All-powerful power supply, the Bo adopt many long, choiceness design, realization cross over! ─── 万能电源,博采众长,精巧设计,实现跨越!

23、The Design and Realization of ATCA Shelf management and High reliability. ─── ATCA之机箱管理及高可靠性设计与实现。

24、Study of the Reality And Realization. ─── 依法行政的现实与实现研究;

25、The unclear realization of" discourse power" results awkwardness in practice. ─── 对于“话语权”认识的模糊不清造成了实践中的尴尬。

26、Synonymy is a realization of semantic paradigmatic relationship. ─── 同义关系是词义聚合的重要表现。

27、Given even a trivial shock, this realization may turn into a stampede. ─── 即使给一点小的冲击,这种意识也可能导致蜂拥出逃。

28、The Realization of Ploting Software Under Borland C ? ─── Borland C~(++)环境下绘图软件的实现

29、He was getting into his own bones the realization that the defeat was not a defeat, after all. ─── 他自己也深深地体会到这次挫折到底并不是一个失败。

30、He came to the realization that he would never make a good teacher. ─── 他逐渐认识到自己永远不会成为好老师。

31、Have a full [true] realization of sth. ─── 充分认识到某事

32、With this realization, he quit his position and exiled himself for cultivation. ─── 于是他看开了人生,舍官隐居修行。

33、It is the only current candidate for a complete theory of the universe, and Hawking sees it as the realization of Einstein's dream. ─── 它是目前可能成为完全解释我们宇宙的理论的唯一候选.在霍金看来,M理论实现了爱因斯坦的梦想。

34、We shall gladly lend every effort in our power toward its realization. ─── 我们将乐意为它的实现而竭尽全力。

35、Living, working, sitting with Me is sadhana.It is meditation.It is Realization. ─── 与我一起生活,一起工作,与我同坐就是灵修,就是禅定,就是了悟。

36、"But", the Master demurred, "that is the last word in realization. ─── “但是,”师父提出异议,“最后一句话就是对神的实现。

37、Engineering Realization of Monitor for the Mainline Based on MPU. ─── 基于单片机的静脉输液监视器工程实现。

38、The realization of her hope made her happy. ─── 她因为愿望的实现而非常高兴。

39、Realization of the danger soon dawned on us. ─── 不久我们才意识到危险的存在

40、It marks China's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocratic politics to people's democratic politics. ─── 中国实现了从几千年的封建专制政治向人民民主政治的伟大跨越。

41、Location is one factor, the design and realization of the look is the other. ─── 位置是一个因素,而展台的设计与外观是另一个因素。

42、They have no realization of the forces at work in Latin American today. ─── 他们对今天在拉丁美洲起作用的各种力量一无所知。

43、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. ─── 实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。

44、Everyone sighed in sudden realization. ─── 大家恍然大悟地说“哦”--

45、After this realization you will be more playful towards life. ─── 在有了这样的认识之后,你会更加有兴趣面对生活。

46、It took another 10 years for me to awaken to the realization that I was missing a fair bit by ignoring my Chinese heritage. ─── 但我是在事隔十年之后才惊觉我真的忽略了我的华人文化传统。

47、Introduce the performances of DDS and tow projects oftechnical realization. ─── 介绍DDS的性能特点和两种技术实现方案。

48、Realization of Wireless Video Transmission System. ─── 一种无线视频传输系统的实现。

49、Nothing man could hope for appeared beyond realization. ─── 凡是人可以指望的事,似乎没有办不到的。

50、The realization of communism is the highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Party. ─── 党的最高理想和最终目标是实现共产主义。

51、Your help did much toward the realization of their aim. ─── 你们的帮助对于实现他们的目标起了很大的作用。

52、Secondly, it promotes the realization of jurisdictional justice. ─── 二是其作为诉讼公正实现机制的价值;

53、Let's pull together for the early realization of the four modernizations. ─── 为了早日实现四个现代化,让我们齐心协力地干吧。

54、Realization of set goals in sales. ─── 完成设定的销售目标。

55、He ceaselessly strives for the realization of individual capacities and talents. ─── 他为实现个人能力与才智而奋斗不息。

56、Realization and Application of MySQL Database ?Interfaces Based on Visual C?++? ─── MySQL数据库接口的VC实现与应用

57、It is the concrete realization of the initiative in military operations; It is the flexible employment of armed forces. ─── 就是具体地实现主动性于作战中的东西,就是灵活地使用兵力。

58、Lacking practicality or the possibility of realization. ─── 假设的,虚幻的缺少现实性或实现的可能性的

59、Spring AOP is one kind of realization technology of the AOP technology. ─── SpringAOP是AOP技术的一种实现技术。

60、The only limitation to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today. ─── 唯一限制我们实现美好未来的是对现在的疑虑。

61、With eager hopes and firm determination the people are struggling for the realization of these objectives. ─── 全国人民现在正以热烈的愿望和坚毅的决心,为着实现这样的目标而斗争。

62、C# The realization of a streaming media player, network streaming media player! ─── 实现一个流媒体播放器,实现网络流媒体播放!

63、Constant commitment to the realization of the hard work. ─── 不断为承诺的实现努力奋斗。

64、The novel tells the life "story of Genji" by this prophecy and its realization. ─── 小说通过这一预言及实现的展开来描述源氏的一生。

65、He gave to them all, without stint, from his illimitable store of realization. ─── 剧作家和醉汉。他毫无保留地给予他们所有自己的实现。

66、Realization of Video Monitoring System based on the Embedded Database DB. ─── 基于嵌入式数据库DB.*的视频监控系统的实现

67、It is also a classical realization of flat CRT with multi-gun structure. ─── 它也是多枪结构扁平显示管的经典模式之一。

68、ASP.NET process, the realization of an online examination system. ─── NET程序,实现一个在线考试系统。

69、The realization of a threat. ─── 威胁的具体实现。

70、Realization of the goal of Yoga is known as moksha, nirvana and samadhi. ─── 实现瑜伽的目标被认为是莫克萨(解脱),涅磐和三摩地。

71、Analysis and Realization of SCCP in the Signaling System No. ─── 七号信令系统SCCP部分的分析与实现。

72、The realization form of public ownership should be diversified. ─── 公有制实现形式的多样化。

73、Realization of Serial Communication Function. ─── 串行通信功能的实现。

74、Without it,we would find it impossible to work together with one heart and one mind for the realization of our goals. ─── 同心同德,一心一意,没有纪律不行。


76、China's women,no less than men,are working hard for the realization of the Four ModerniZations of China. ─── 中国妇女和男子一样在为实现祖国的四个现代化而努力工作。

77、In planning product realization, the organization shall determine the criteria for product acceptance, as appropriate. ─── 在对产品实现进行策划时组织应确定产品接收准则等方面的适当内容.

78、The general architecture, operating environment, realization methods, and related key technologies of the system were presented. ─── 介绍了该系统的内容、结构和开发运行环境、实现方法及关键技术。

79、Enhancing the efforts of implementation and ensuring the basic realization of objectives set in the Program by 2000. ─── 加大实施力度,确保到2000年底基本实现纲要目标任务。

80、Realization of Fault-tolerant Technique in Distributed Multi-layer System. ─── 容错技术在分布式多层应用系统中的实现。

81、It seemed that the realization of his life's dream oppressed him with overjoy. ─── 夙愿得偿似乎使他欣喜若狂。

82、That sobering realization led to a careful reassessment of every aspect of our mutual relationship to the prospect of such a war. ─── 这一认识使人们头脑清醒起来,开始认真地对这样一种战争的前景下双方关系的各个方面重新进行认识。

83、This realization was too much for Tony. ─── 唐尼弄明白了这一点,实在受不了。

84、Realization means it is an experience. ─── 实现意味着它是一次经历。

85、In system development, the realization of a system design in hardware, software, or both. ─── 在系统开发过程中,用硬件、软件或其两者对一个系统设计的具体实现。

86、Program realization of CRC in MCU and redundancy code table. ─── CRC校验码在单片机中的程序实现及其冗余码表的求取。

87、The shaky truce in the Middle East bears little resemblance to the realization of ultimate peace. ─── 中东不可靠的休战与最终实现和平的相似性很小。

88、China considers that the realization of human rights cannot be separated from world peace and development. ─── 中国认为,人权的实现离不开世界的和平与发展。

89、With a final realization of the immensity of her love and the piteous plight it had brought upon her. ─── 克莱终于理解到她那无边的爱和这悲惨的婚约给她带来的是什么。

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