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08-16 投稿


funnies 发音


英:  美:

funnies 中文意思翻译



funnies 同义词

peculiar | witty | bon mot | curious | jest | farcical | strange | unconventional | crazy | laughable | suspect | witticism | rummy | odd | quaint | joke | risible | sick | humorous | cartoon | mirthful | rum | hilarious | fishy | droll | pun | ludicrous | comic | shady | funny story | eccentric | queer | unwell | gag | suspicious | entertaining | amusing | singular |comical

funnies 短语词组

1、the funnies ─── 搞笑节目

2、funnies crew ─── 滑稽剧组

3、fiendish funnies ─── 恶魔般的滑稽

funnies 反义词


funnies 词性/词形变化,funnies变形

形容词最高级: funniest |形容词比较级: funnier |名词复数: funnies |名词: funniness |副词: funnily |

funnies 相似词语短语

1、tunnies ─── n.金枪鱼

2、sunnies ─── 太阳镜

3、funnier ─── adj.更滑稽的;更有趣的(funny的比较级)

4、fundies ─── 基金会

5、dunnies ─── n.厕所,茅厕;地下室,地下通道

6、funniest ─── adj.最滑稽的(funny的最高级形式)

7、gunnies ─── n.麻布袋;粗麻布;粗黄麻布

8、bunnies ─── n.小兔子(bunny的复数)

9、fannies ─── n.(口)屁股,臀部;n.(禁忌语)女性阴部,女性生殖器;n.(Fanny)(英、美、意、法、比)范妮(人名)

funnies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We always read the funnies together. ─── 我们总是一起读那些有趣的部分。

2、But you know what’s the funnies part? ─── 全世界都看出来了,相信自己却不知道。

3、The funnies anime ever , and it also has a good plot and fighting . ─── 超级搞笑,而且故事情节以及打斗都很不错。

4、This is one of the funnies episode in my life. ─── 这是我一生中最好笑的一件事。

5、1. Starting today I refuse to read the funnies till I hear from you.( I was going to hold my breath, but changed my mind. ─── 从今天开始,我拒绝读任何笑话,直到收到你的信为止。我本打算不再呼吸,但还是改变了主意。收藏指正

6、At pesent reading funnies is his favorite avocation. ─── 目前看连环画是他最好的业余爱好。

7、Marian's brother-in-law read the English page, as dedicated as a nice little boy reading the funnies. ─── 玛丽安的妹夫在读报纸的英文专页,就像听话的小男孩在看滑稽连环画时那么专注。

8、On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like funnies (phonics) and vocabulary. ─── 平均上,教师用它来增加教阅读技巧的时间,如:声学和词汇。

9、Starting today I refuse to read the funnies till I hear from you.( I was going to hold my breath, but changed my mind. ─── 从今天开始,我拒绝读任何笑话,直到收到你的信为止。我本打算不再呼吸,但还是改变了主意。

10、He would just smile and those beautiful blue eyes would just sparkle when we would all stand around and make funnies or whatever. ─── 他只是微笑和美丽的蓝眼睛只想将闪耀在我们周围所有的立场,使漫画或者别的什麽东西。

11、For the friends far away from me and around me, work is for life surviving but life consists of losts of funnies that could enrich our lives. ─── 尽管后面紧跟着又有一大堆朋友的事,工作的事,自己的事,还是都抛在脑后了,渴望着出去玩了。

12、or else she stretches out on the bed with her funnies and expects me to run and get her a glass of cold milk whenever she' s thirsty. ─── 要不就是四肢伸开地躺在床上,旁边尽是一些滑稽连环漫画。不论什么时候觉得口渴了,都等着我跑去给她端一杯冰牛奶。

13、Interesting tidbits, videos and funnies from all over the world. ─── 有趣的,视频和漫画来自世界各地。

14、The funnies anime ever, and it also has a good plot and fighting. ─── 超级搞笑,而且故事情节以及打斗都很不错。

15、And looking for the funnies, ─── 又找了些笑话来看

16、American newspapers commonly publish a page or more of them each day. These are usually black-and-white drawings. Sunday funnies are often published in color. ─── 美国的报纸一般每天刊印一页或者更多。这些通常是黑白图片。星期天的连环图画通常是刊印彩色的。

17、Baodingshan carved stone: this one has great momentum like funnies carved on a 500-meter-long cliff. ─── 宝顶山石刻,气势磅礴,宛如一卷镌刻在500多米的崖壁上的连环图画,前后内容连接,雕像无一雷同。

18、1952 "Peanuts" comic strip makes first page of Sunday funnies. ─── 漫画"小人物"在星期天漫画版首页登场。

19、Smudged funnies in a broken bottle ─── 漂流瓶中的破旧连环画

20、2) One section, the classified ads section has advertisement for jobs and things for sale.Another cartoon section is often called the funnies or funny papers. ─── 分类广告板块有求有职广告和产品销售广告. 还有卡通板块经常被人称为搞笑板块 或者搞笑报纸.

21、Sunday funnies are often published in color. ─── 周日娱乐版经常会刊登带颜色的。

22、Starting today I refuse to read the funnies till I hear from you. ─── 从今天开始,我拒绝读任何笑话,直到收到你的信为止。

23、Sunday funnies are often published in color. ─── 周日娱乐版经常会刊登带颜色的。

24、I want to get home and read the funnies , I bet you wouldn't stay either if Dick wasn't in the choir. ─── 我要回家去看连环画呢。我相信狄克若不在唱诗班,你也不会待在这儿的。

25、On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like funnies (phonics) and vocabulary. ─── 平均上,教师用它来增加教阅读技巧的时间,如:声学和词汇。

26、And I'm turning to the horoscope And looking for the funnies ─── 于是我开始看星座版想找些连环画看看

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