plantation 发音
英:[plænˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 美:[plɑːnˈteɪʃ(ə)n]
英: 美:
plantation 中文意思翻译
plantation 词性/词形变化,plantation变形
plantation 短语词组
1、forest plantation ─── 植树造林法
2、cotton plantation ─── 植棉场
3、plantation field ─── 种植园用地
4、Plantation walking horse ─── [网络] 种植园走马
5、plantation in thailand ─── 泰国种植园
6、eucalyptus plantation ─── 桉树人工林
7、ex plantation ─── [经] 农场交货
8、plantation rubber ─── [化] 栽培橡胶
9、coffee plantation ─── 咖啡种植园
10、density of plantation ─── 造林密度
11、garden plantation ─── 园林种植 ─── 园
12、fruit plantation ─── 水果种植园
13、ex plantation terms ─── [经] 农场交货条件
14、fuel plantation ─── 燃料种植园
15、plantation owner ─── 种植园主
16、green plantation ─── 绿色种植园
17、plantation dinner ─── 种植园晚餐
18、coconut plantation ─── 椰子园
19、plantation park ─── 种植园公园
plantation 常用词组
tea plantation ─── 茶园;茶叶种植场
plantation 相似词语短语
1、placation ─── n.安抚
2、placentation ─── n.[胚]胎盘形成
3、plantain ─── n.车前草,香蕉之一种
4、replantation ─── n.重新种植,再植
5、explantation ─── n.移出;移植
6、plantations ─── n.[农]种植园(plantation的复数形式)
7、implantation ─── n.移植;灌输;鼓吹
8、Plantation ─── n.栽植;殖民;大农场;adj.适用于种植园或热带、亚热带国家的
9、planation ─── n.夷平作用;平整化
plantation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They were sold to the plantation owners and forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields. ─── 他们被卖给种植园主,被迫在棉花地、烟草地里长时间劳动。
2、A road of smooth gravel winding round a plantation led to the front. ─── 一条平坦的石子路,绕过一个种植场,通向邸宅的前门。
3、In America a famous example is Joel Chandler Harris's Uncle Remus Stories, a collection of transplanted African folktales told by plantation slaves. ─── 在美国,最有名的民间故事是由乔尔 - 钱德拉 - 哈里斯所编写的《雷穆斯大叔的故事》,该书根据农场奴隶所讲述的非洲民俗故事改编而成。
4、Distribution pattern of nutrient elements in masson pine plantation of Anhui province. ─── 安徽马尾松人工林营养元素分配格局的研究
5、The Wilsons decided to farm ort their rubber plantation to the natives. ─── 威尔逊家决定把橡胶种植园出租给当地人。
6、She was one of three slaves. There was a very small farm. It wasn't kind of the notion of a plantation that we have. ─── 她是3名奴隶之一。曾经有一个非常小的农场,而这它不是那种我们想象的种植园。
7、Every hospital were plantation of pomegranate trees and so on, the hospital has also placed an unusual stone. ─── 家家户户院内都种植着石榴等树木,院内也摆放着千奇百怪的石头。
8、Here was a man who not only proposed to find this plantation on such a night, but to find either end of it you preferred. ─── 刚才站在这里的那个人不仅提出来要在这样的一个夜里找到这个农场,而且还要找到你希望看到的那两个登陆点。
9、They are all more important in plantation crop as also those which are propagated vegetatively. ─── 它们在种植作物以及无性繁殖的作物中都是比较重要的。
10、He owned a cotton plantation. ─── 他拥有一个棉花园。
11、Only an occasional banana grove or superannuated rubber plantation offers a spot of variety. ─── 偶尔有片香蕉林或是废弃的橡胶园,才为景色增添了一丝变化。
12、The Southern plantation house oozes charm. ─── 南部种植园的那所房子散发出很大魅力。
13、You see, he wanted Pointe du Lac, my plantation. ─── 你知道,他想要普都拉,我的种植园。
14、Carol: Yes, he grew up on a plantation in Jamaica with big guys and coconuts. That lying pig dog stole your wine. ─── 卡罗尔:是的,他在牙买加的农场里长大,跟着大人,还有椰子树。那个撒谎的狗偷了你的酒?
15、Energy characteristics of alder cypress mixed plantation ecosystem. ─── 人工桤柏混交林生态系统的能量特征
16、Some of these men now are drilling on the coffee plantation in Guatemala. ─── 其中一部分人在危地马拉的咖啡种植园里进行训练。
17、The influence of clear cutting Chinese fir plantation on the characteristics of runoff water chemistry of forestland. ─── 与相似的文献。
18、There with cheap land and cheap labor, they could build up a plantation as a commercial enterprise. ─── 在这里,他们可以用廉价的土地和廉价的劳动力建立起一个商业企业式的种植园。
19、Last year, The ground area of wheat has increased to third five of all the plantation. ─── 去年,这个地区种小麦土地面积增加到全地区耕地面积的五分之三。
20、In 1849, worried that she and the other slaves on the plantation were going to be sold, Tubman decided to run away. ─── 1849年时,担心自己及农场内的其他奴隶将被卖掉,塔布曼决定要逃跑。
21、Malaysia's biodiesel plants will be operated in a joint venture between the Malaysian Palm Oil Board and several local palm oil plantation companies. ─── 全球去年对生物柴油的需求为250万吨,并正以每年25%速度递增。马来西亚的目标是占据10%生物柴油市场份额。
22、On the basis of the data collected from the measurement of the sample plots of the cutting plantation and seedling plantation of Pinus kesiya var. ─── 依据相同立地条件下同龄人工林样地调查数据,分析比较思茅松扦插苗与实生苗造林效果的差异。
23、But Museveni has said jobs created by the plantation would outweigh losses caused by the clearing of forest land. ─── 但是穆塞韦尼说了,种植园创造的就业将多于清除森林带来的损失。
24、A large estate or plantation in Spanish - speaking countries. ─── 大庄园在西班牙语国家中指大地产和大庄园
25、IOL im plantation for traum atic cataract in children. ─── 儿童外伤性白内障的人工晶体植入
26、The mother,Amanda,in Glass Menagerie is a typical Southern female who grows up in the plantation culture in the South. ─── 《玻璃动物园》里的母亲阿曼达是在美国没落的南方种植园文化下长大的典型南方妇女。
27、They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long. ─── 他们被卖给种植园主,被迫长时间工作。
28、A "block" is a portion of a plantation. ─── 一个“区组”是栽培点的一部分。
29、Variation in ultrasonic wave velocity and dynamic young's modulus with moisture content for Taiwania plantation lumber. ─── 2003。木构造建筑物施工技术手册编订之内涵,林产工业22(2):139-146。
30、Today glimpses of the old-French colonial lifestyle are found in the plantation mansions that stand proud among the ubiquitous sugar-cane fields. ─── 在随处可见的甘蔗地里傲然挺立的一幢幢种植园主的别墅中,还可以领略到过去法国殖民时期留下的一些生活方式。
31、For example, in the rural South when a cotton plantation suddenly cuts its force from 100 people to three, the problem to help the displaced arises. ─── 例如,当南方农业地区的一个棉花种植园,突然将其雇用的劳动力从一百人减到三人时,这些被裁减人员需要帮助的问题马上就产生了。
32、Can do plantation, also can do aquiculture and fowl, cattle to raise. ─── 可以搞种植园,也可以搞水产养殖和家禽、家畜饲养。
33、He also set himself up as a slaveholder on a modest estate he would build into a major cotton plantation, the Hermitage. ─── 杰克逊自我标榜为一位拥有适度财产的奴隶主,并打算将其打造成为一座规模可观、名为隐士庐的棉花种植园。
34、The Buddha told bhiksu: Every plantation, from as tiny as a grass, has been crowded with ghosts and spirits. ─── 佛告比丘:一切人民所居舍宅,皆有鬼神无有空者。
35、Hearing that, the man decided to make his purchase at the plantation. ─── 他听了以后,就决定到那边去买。
36、In truth, say academics, plantation owners migrating from the lowlands have been more of a threat to the trees. ─── 学者说,事实上,由低地移民到山地的所有者对破坏森林有着极大的威胁。
37、A man harvests rubber at a rubber plantation in Xapuri, Brazil, on Oct. 31, 2007. ─── 一名男子去年十月三十一日在巴西夏布里一处橡胶园里采集橡胶。
38、He once owned a cotton plantation. ─── 他曾拥有一个棉花园。
39、Biomass and nutrient accumulation of poplar plantation on beach land in Yangtse River in Anhui province. ─── 安徽长江滩地杨树人工林生物量和养分积累。
40、His father-in-law is a plantation manager. ─── 他的岳父是个种植园经营者。
41、He was born on the Far South, on the d'Arnault plantation, where the spirit if not the fact of slavery persisted. ─── 他出生在美国最南部的达诺尔德的种植园里,那里如果说奴隶制度在事实上没有了,奴隶制的精神却依然存在。
42、Indeed, in may regions " forestry" is synonymous with "plantation culture". ─── 事实上,在许多地区“林业”就是“森林栽培”的同义语。
43、With a ruthless singleness of purpose, he desired his own house, his own plantation, his own horses, his own slaves. ─── 唯一而残忍的目标,他渴望拥有自己的房子,自己的种植园,自己的马匹,自己的奴隶。
44、"Well, you could--you could--it's a good plantation. ─── "喏,你可以----你可以----那是个上好的种植园呢。
45、"We'll get the lawyers who handle our plantation affairs, and the newspaper people and some school teachers and a couple of ministers," Whip snapped. ─── “找那些为我们种植园办事的律师,还有报界的人。再找几个教师和牧师,”惠普干脆利索地说。
46、Economic Benefit of P. Tabulaeformis and P. Armandi Plantation Forest in Zhongtiao Mt. ─── 中条林局油松、华山松人工林经济效益分析。
47、Above the house to the back was a dense plantation, the roots of the trees were above the level of the chimneys. ─── 在房子的后上方,是一片茂密的人造林,这些树的根部高于那些烟囱的顶部。
48、But, finding that he needs slaves for his plantation, he is persuaded by another English planter to sail to the slave coast of Africa. ─── 可是他感到他需要黑奴来替他开垦种植园,于是便在另一英国种植园主的劝说下前往非洲奴隶口岸。
49、A "plantation" is a group of blocks planted close to each other. ─── 一个栽植点是彼此紧密栽植在一起的一群区组。
50、He would sit in the sun for hours, drooling in mournful contemplation of the great orgy which had been his when the German plantation was cleaned out. ─── 他常常一连几个小时坐在太阳底下,一边胡言乱语,一边伤心地回忆他扫荡德国种植园后尽情纵饮的美景。
51、Later, when he led his naked warriors down to the destruction of the Germen plantation, he was wiser, and he appropriated all the liquors. ─── 后来,他变得聪明起来,在率领赤身勇士捣毁德国种植园时,他把酒全部占为己有。
52、But what was Big Sam doing here, so far away from home, especially now that there was no overseer on the plantation and he was Gerald's right-hand man? ─── 可是大个儿萨姆到这里来干什么呢? 离家这么远,尤其现在无人照管农场的时候,而他又是杰拉尔德的得力助手?
53、'I used to just have a small plantation and big debt. But now the debt is gone, and I've been able to double the size of my fields. ' ─── 埃芬迪说,我的生活好多了;以前我只有一小块种植园,欠很多债;但现在不欠债了,种植面积也增加了一倍。
54、They first settled in a cornfield abandoned by Native Indians and named it Plymouth Plantation. ─── 他们最初在当地印第安人废弃的一个玉米地安顿下来,并把它命名为普利茅斯种植园。
55、Main associated tree species are listed for Loblolly pine plantation in hillock areas of Southern Anhui Province. ─── 为皖南丘岗地区火炬松人工林提出可供选择的主要伴生树种。
56、The transpiration of trembling aspen, Shaw, swamp forests were higher (162.6-165.9 mm); hag, birch, larch plantation were lower (150-153.2 mm). ─── 在总蒸腾耗水量方面,以山杨林、杂木林、白桦-落叶松沼泽林较高,为162.6-165.9 mm,过伐林、白桦林和人工落叶松林较小,为150-153.2 mm。
57、There sugar-beet plantation areas were expanded to 176000 hectares. ─── 他们的甜菜种植面积增加到176000公顷。
58、He did know the region by now as well as he did the plantation itself. ─── 他现在对所在区域和对种植园一样了如指掌。
59、Many separate buildings were needed on a plantation. ─── 在庄园里有很多其它的必须的建筑。
60、Eg. He was a plantation owner who looked on his slaves with benevolence but could hardly be accused of treating them with generosity. ─── 他是一个以仁慈之心看待他的奴隶而谈不上慷慨厚待他们的庄园主。
61、Plantation gangs began to oust the patch cultivation of the labourer serf in the case of some staple products. ─── 在某些主要农产品的种植上,大农场上的伙役奴隶开始撵走了耕种小块土地的农奴劳动者。
62、Again, he walked very far before he came to the coconut plantation. ─── 他走了好远才找到椰子园。
63、In conclusion, the appropriate intensive farming measures will effectively promote Castanopsis Carlessi plantation rapid growth and high yield. ─── 因此,采取必要的集约经营措施,能有效地促进米槠人工林速生丰产。
64、"Plantation hand?" said the man. ─── “是去种地吗?”那个人问道。
65、Lian: A bit of both. We have a tea plantation. ─── 丽安:二者兼而有之吧,我们经营一个茶叶种植园。
66、Hawaii's pineapple industry is no longer what it once was, but at Dole Plantation on Oahu, this prickly fruit is still king. ─── 夏威夷的波萝产业已经今非昔比了,然而这种多刺的水果在瓦胡岛的都乐种植园依然是无敌的王者。
67、He'd abscond himself to a secret lair, from which he would lead an abortive raid to free slaves from a wealthy landowner's plantation. ─── 他逃到了一个秘密的洞穴里,在那儿,他可能会领导一场从富有的庄园主手中解放奴隶的流产暴动。
68、Her father had ridden over to Twelve Oaks, the Wilkes plantation, that afternoon to offer to buy Dilcey, the broad wife of his valet, Pork. ─── 原来那天下午她父亲骑马到威尔克斯家的农场"十二橡树"村去了,是为了商量购买他那位管家波克的迪尔茜。
69、They or colonizing is setting upthe plantation, the mine do work, or makes the housework. ─── 他们或在殖民者开办的种植园、矿山作工,或作家务劳动。
70、According to initial plan, a total of 34 million hectares of plantation will be built. ─── 初步规划,这些治理区的总造林是3400万公顷。
71、Later outplant the seedlings in a replicated permanent test plantation. ─── 以后苗木出圃栽植成重复的永久性试验林。
72、Out the Decatur Road. The old Sullivan plantation. ─── 在笛坎特街外,旧苏利文农庄.
73、Don`t start flirting with me. I`m not one of your plantation beaux. ─── 不要跟我调情,我可不是你那些在种植物园中的花花公子情人中的一员.
74、Long-term dynamical plantation growth and eco-environment monitoring is carried out through various ways by APP GXFMC. ─── APP广西林务通过各种方式对森林生长及其生态环境进行长期动态监测。
75、If possible, you are welcome to visit our city and plantation. ─── 如果可能的话,你可以随意参观我们的城市和种植园。
76、A stillness as of death hung over the plantation. ─── 一个死一般的寂静笼罩在那庄园上。
77、The growth speed of the four tree plantation models above is in the order: poplar>water fir>cryptomeria>black locust. ─── 4种模式造林树种的生长快慢顺序是杨树>水杉>柳杉>刺槐;
78、But a stillness as of death hung over the plantation. ─── 可是农场上笼罩着一片死一般的寂静。
79、Soil productivity and biodiversity decline is a popular problem in the soil of Eucalyptus plantation. ─── 土壤肥力下降、生物多样性减少是桉树人工林普遍存在的问题。
80、He loved Sullen, liked her sisters, respected Gerald and had a genuine fondness for the plantation. ─── 他是爱苏纶的,他也喜欢苏纶的姐妹,他很尊敬嘉乐,也很喜爱这庄子。
81、It was this plantation that had so annoyed Charlie Slatter. ─── 使得查理·斯拉特大为气恼的就是这片苗圃。
82、Middleton Place Plantation in South Carolina boasts what it calls the United States oldest landscaped gardens. ─── 在开阔的道路上图片集。米德尔顿的地方种植园在南卡罗来纳州拥有它所谓的美国最古老的园林。
83、Inside this 'jungle like plantation lives a German expatriate and raises fish with his Thai family. ─── 在这里生活,就犹如德国人移居国外和他的泰国家人在丛林里靠养鱼为生。
84、The high population approach treats plantation as an annual crop (one harvest only). ─── 密植种植把大蕉当作一年生的作物处理(只收获一次)。
85、Interval drying was fit for eucalypt plantation which was easier to make collapse. ─── 对于易皱缩的桉树木材,间歇干燥是最有前途的干燥方法。
86、Among the man-made forests,the distance index of the coniferous mixed plantation is the lowest,and its pattern is nearly glomeration. ─── 人工林中,人工针叶混交林的距离指数最小,格局接近于团聚分布;
87、The arthropod community of Leucaena leucocephala plantation in Yuanmou Arid-hot Valley was investigated in 2005. ─── 于2005年对云南元谋干热河谷新银合欢林昆虫群落进行了调查。
88、Visit a Southern plantation and laugh with cunning Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox. ─── 家喻户晓的侠客,传奇般的经历深为人们喜爱。
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