unkindness 发音
英: 美:
unkindness 中文意思翻译
unkindness 网络释义
n. 不亲切;不近人情;不仁慈
unkindness 词性/词形变化,unkindness变形
形容词最高级: unkindliest |形容词比较级: unkindlier |名词: unkindliness |
unkindness 同义词
callousness | wickedness | meanness | harshness | cruelty | ruthlessness |nastiness
unkindness 反义词
unkindness 短语词组
1、unkindness def ─── 无情的定义
2、unkindness arises ─── 不友善产生了
3、unkindness ink ─── 不善墨
4、unkindness k mmfmmkm ooti ─── 不友善k mmfmmkm ooti
5、unkindness flock ─── 群体的不友善
6、unkindness syn ─── 不友善syn
7、unkindness of ravens ─── 乌鸦的无情
8、unkindness art ─── 无情艺术
9、unkindness arise ─── 不友善会出现
10、unkindness often ─── 经常不友善
11、unkindness sl ─── 不友善
12、unkindness works ─── 不友善是有用的
13、unkindness bird ─── 不友善的鸟
unkindness 相似词语短语
1、unfixedness ─── 不善
2、unkindliness ─── 不友善
3、inkiness ─── n.墨水污染;漆黑;涂有墨水
4、funkiness ─── 乡土爵士乐风格;发出刺鼻臭味;时髦新潮
5、blindness ─── n.失明;无知;盲区
6、unkindest ─── 不和善的(unkind的最高级)
7、human kindness ─── 人情味
8、kindness ─── n.仁慈;好意;友好的行为;n.(Kindness)人名;(英)坎德尼斯
9、unsoundness ─── n.不健全;不牢靠,不安全
unkindness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、I have had to contend against the unkindness of his sister and the insolence of his mother. ─── 我必须与他姐姐的冷酷和他母亲的专横抗争。
2、He cut me to the quick with his unkind remark. ─── 他用无情的话刺到我的痛处。
3、It's very unkind of you to say that. ─── 你那样说未免不近人情。
4、Their unkind remarks galled her. ─── 他们不友善的话语使她恼怒。
5、To a man, geisha can only be a half wife, we are the wives not in lightful, and yet to learn of kindness after so mush unkindness. ─── 对一个男人来说,艺伎只能作为半个妻子,我们是黑暗中的妻子,而且在遭遇许多不善之后还要学习去善待。
6、The practice of mindfulness unveils and reveals your essential Good Heart,because it dissolves and removes the unkindness or the harm in you. ─── 专一的修习揭显了你根本的善心,因为它消解了你的不善和伤害。
7、He has a very high spirit, and will not brook unkind words. ─── 他有一颗非常高尚的心,听不得不够和善的话。
8、My body can only withstand so much abuse and unkindness before it collapses and disintegrates; the same as yours. ─── 我的身体只能承受这么多虐待与无情,在它瓦解与崩溃以前,正如你们的。
9、Don't you think it's a little unkind to gloatover your competitor's failure? ─── 你难道不认为对你对手的失败幸灾乐祸是有点不近人情吗?
10、It's not in his nature to be unkind. ─── 他天生不会刻薄。
11、You wrote me an unkind letter. ─── 你写给我一封不友善的信。
12、Don't you think it's a little unkind to gloat over your competitor's failure? ─── 你难道不认为对你对手的失败幸灾乐祸是有点不近人情吗?
13、An unkind and untrue story harmed his reputation. ─── 一个恶意的、捏造的故事伤及他的名誉。
14、His boss was unkind to him, often crying him down. ─── 他的老板对他不好,经常诋毁他。
15、How can you be so unkind and still call yourself my friend? ─── 你怎么能这么不通人情,还自称是我的朋友?
16、It would be truer to say that he was careless than that he was unkind. ─── 与其说他待人苛刻倒不如说粗心更准确。
17、You can't do the children out of going to the park, that would be too unkind. ─── 你不能剥夺孩子们上公园的权利,那太苛刻了。
18、He regretted very much having said such unkind things about his friends. ─── 他说了朋友们的坏话,对此非常后悔。
19、His unkindness to his daughter came home to roost. ─── 他对女儿的刻薄得到了恶报。
20、You are unkind, cheeky and out of all reason. ─── 你无情无耻无理取闹。
21、He who keeps back his rod is unkind to his son: the loving father gives punishment with care. ─── 不忍用杖打儿子的,是恨恶他。疼爱儿子的,随时管教。
22、His wife had behaved kindly to him in return for his unkindness. ─── 他的妻子委曲求全来报答他的无情无义。
23、She's a very good woman; unkindness is foreign to her nature. ─── 她是个很好的妇人,冷酷不是她的本性。
24、The world is offen unkind to new talent,new creations. ─── 可是有时候评论家真的得冒险去发现并且捍卫新的事物。
25、He's never mentioned marriage, and I'm beginning to think he's just trifling with me, which is unkind. ─── 他从未提过结婚一事,我开始觉得她不过是在玩弄我,这可有点缺德。
26、Today,before you say an unkind word, think of someone who can't speak. ─── 从现在起,当你想说刻薄的话之前,想想那些无法说话的人。
27、He's never mentioned marriage,and I'm beginning to think he's just toying with me,which is unkind. ─── 他从不提结婚的事,我渐渐觉得他不过是在玩弄我,这样做太不仁义了。
28、The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations.The new needs friends. ─── 世界对于有才华的信任,新的创造,新的朋友,总是不太友善的。
29、You cannot laugh and be unkind at the same time. ─── 你无法同时欢笑和残忍。
30、They only say such unkind things about you out of envy. ─── 他们是出于忌妒才讲了你那么多的坏话。
31、Lay off making unkind jokes on me,can't you?I've had enough. ─── 别再对我开那些不友好的玩笑了,行不行?我受够了。
32、You might think she could never have been so unkind,but these were her exact words to me,as true as I'm sitting here. ─── 你可能认为她不会这样没有良心,可是,这些正是她对我说的话,千真万确。
33、He loves his dog and yet he's unkind to his children; he must have a Jeky and Hyde personality. ─── 他喜欢他的狗,然而却对他的孩子们很刻薄,他一定是个善恶双重性格的人。
34、What you said was true but it was nevertheless unkind. ─── 你所说的都对,但却不怎么厚道。
35、He cut me to the quick with that unkind remark. ─── 他那冷酷的话深深伤害了我。
36、Unkindness destroys love. ─── 粗暴毁爱情。
37、Don't harbor unkind thoughts. ─── 不要心怀歹念。
38、His unkind behaviour cause his parents a great deal of pain. ─── 他的不礼貌举止使他的父母极为伤心。
39、He was always unkind to mother. ─── 他待妈妈一直都不好。
40、What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind. ─── 你说的是真的,不过我还是觉得有点残忍。
41、You have always been kind to me,and I do not now mean to be unkind to you. ─── 你对我向来不错,现在我也不打算对你不好。
42、A stranger who is kind is a relative;an unkind relative is a stranger. ─── 善良的陌生人是亲戚,冷漠的亲戚是陌生人。
43、The unkindness of your own relations has made you astonished to find friendship anywhere. ─── 你自家骨肉的冷酷,使你在任何地方发现了友情都大为惊诧。
44、The practice of mindfulness unveils and reveals your essential Good Heart, because it dissolves and removes the unkindness or the harm in you. ─── 专一的修习揭显了你根本的善心,因为它消解了你的不善和伤害。
45、It was extremely unkind of you to subject him to the embarrassment of pointing out his errors in public. ─── 你公开指出他的错误使他难堪,那是极不仁慈的。
46、They ascribed their disaster to an unkind fate. ─── 他们把他们的灾难归于命不好。
47、If that is grossly unkind on anyone, I'd be pleased to hear it. ─── 假如有任何人觉得评分太过不近人情,我将会很乐意听到。
48、Why are you so unkind to me? ─── 你为什么对我这么不客气?
49、He is not unkind to his classmates, is he? ─── 他对他的同学不刻薄,是吗?
50、But she seemed to do it, more in the excessively sharp exercise of her official functions, than with any deliberate unkindness. ─── 不过她这样做,似乎倒并不是由于她故意冷酷无情,而是由于她过分严厉地履行她的职责。
51、Don't harbo(u)r unkind thoughts. ─── 别心怀叵测。
52、His manner, if patronizing, was not unkind. ─── 他的态度即使有点傲慢,也不能说是不和善。
53、HISTORY has been unkind to the Barbarians. ─── 历史里所描述的蛮族都是一些大恶人。
54、Don't harbour unkind thoughts. ─── 不要心怀不轨。
55、He restrained himself from making an unkind remark. ─── 他使自己不作不友善的批评。
56、Oh, of course, I was exacting and tyrannical and unkind. ─── 啊!当然,我苛刻,专横,粗暴。
57、Wilt thou unkind thus reave me? ─── 你竟这样冷漠,这样折磨我?
58、They're not unkind, just hard to find. ─── 他们不是不和善,只是很难从中找到,
59、He said a lot of very unkind things to me. ─── 他对我说了很多不友善的话。
60、Don't be so unkind to your brother. ─── 别对你兄弟这么刻薄。
61、His unkind laughter rang in my ears. ─── 他的讥笑声十分刺耳。
62、They reduced her to tears(= made her cry, especially by being cruel or unkind). ─── 他们弄得她哭起来了。
63、Unkindness is foreign to his nature. ─── 刻薄不是他的本性。
64、My parents are dead and I was sent to an unkind farmer. ─── “我父母双亡,而我被送到一位坏心的农夫那儿。
65、Ah, what an unkind hour is guilty of this lamentable chance! ─── 啊!多么残酷的时辰,造成了这场凄惨的意外!
66、He made an unkind remark, and intended to put her down. ─── 他说话很不客气,有意要羞辱她。
67、Lay off making unkind jokes on me , can not you ? I have had enough . ─── 别再对我开那些不友好的玩笑了,行不行?我受够了。
68、You mustn't say unkind things about my sister-in-law. ─── 你不能说我弟妹的坏话。
69、He called me not only an unkind wife, but an unnatural mother. ─── 他不仅骂我是个无情的妻子,而且是个违背天理的母亲。
70、He was as thoughtless as he was unkind. ─── 他做事不加思考,就像他的残暴一样典型。
71、What you said was true but nevertheless unkind. ─── 你所说的都对, 不过有点不客气。
72、He was never actually unkind to them. ─── 其实他从没有对他们不好。
73、Don't jeer at the person who came last in the race - it's very unkind. ─── 不要嘲笑赛跑中跑在最后的人,这是很不友善的。
74、It is unkind and, to speak plainly, has a touch of charlatanism in it. ─── 不客气地说,你这些话简直是有些庸俗。”
75、Trinity had never been unkind to me. ─── 三一学院从未亏待过我。
76、His unkindness hurt me all the more because I had been previously so kind to him. ─── 以前我曾经对他很好,因此他的不友好更加使我难过。
77、His unjust unkindness, that in all reason should have quenched her love, has like an impediment in the current, made it more unruly. ─── 照理说,他的无情义应该叫她的爱情熄灭下来,然而就象流水被淤塞住的时候水反而翻腾得更急。
78、She was rather hurt By his unkind words. ─── 他出言不逊,使她相当伤心。
79、How can you be so unkind and still call yourself my friend! ─── 你怎么能这么不通人情,还自称是我的朋友!
80、Today, before you say an unkind word, think of someone who can't speak. ─── 从现在起,当你想说刻薄的话语之前,想想那些无法说话的人。
81、His wife had behaved kindly to him in return for his unkindness. ─── 他的妻子委曲求全来报答他的无情无义。
82、At first she took no notice of his unkind remarks, but when she did defend herself, she did it with a vengeance. ─── 一开始她没有理睬他那些不友好的话,但当她进行自我防卫时,火力可就猛得很。
83、The smallest mistrust and unkindness, the least act of injustice, leave wounds that last for life in the heart of the child. ─── 哪怕是最微小的不信任和不友好,或者是最微小的一个不公正的行为,都会给孩子的心灵留下一生的伤痕。
84、Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can t speak. ─── 今天,在你说一句难听的话之前,想一想那不能说话的...
85、His unkind remark made my blood boil. ─── 他那不友善的说话使我无名火起三千丈。
86、She was very hurt by his unkind words. ─── 他出言不逊,使她十分伤心。
87、Your unkind remark was not called for. ─── 你这种不客气的话真不该讲。
88、They only say such unkind thing about you out of envy. ─── 他们纯粹出于忌妒才说你这些坏话。
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