erstwhile 发音
英:['ɜːstwaɪl] 美:['ɝstwaɪl]
英: 美:
erstwhile 中文意思翻译
erstwhile 网络释义
adj. 以前的;从前的;往昔的adv. 以前;往昔地
erstwhile 短语词组
1、erstwhile moment ─── 过去的时刻
2、erstwhile tokyo ─── 昔日的东京
3、erstwhile time ─── 过去的时间
4、erstwhile definition ─── 过去的定义
5、erstwhile tokyo crossword ─── 以前的东京纵横填字游戏
6、erstwhile british label crossword ─── 昔日英国标签纵横字谜
7、erstwhile british record label ─── 昔日英国唱片公司
8、erstwhile meaning ─── 过去的意义
9、erstwhile jewelry ─── 昔日的珠宝
erstwhile 词性/词形变化,erstwhile变形
动词过去分词: erred |动词现在分词: erring |动词过去式: erred |动词第三人称单数: errs |
erstwhile 相似词语短语
1、worthwhile ─── adj.重要的;令人愉快的;有趣的;值得(花时间、金钱、努力等)的;有价值的,有益的;值得做的
2、arctophile ─── n.泰迪熊收集者
3、estoile ─── n.有六个波形尖角的星
4、gerontophile ─── n.嗜耄癖
5、erewhiles ─── 艾瑞威利斯
6、Castile ─── n.卡斯提尔(西班牙古国);橄榄香皂
7、intersterile ─── adj.互交不孕的
8、dreamwhile ─── n.梦所持续的时间,做梦时间
9、erewhile ─── adv.片刻前;不久前
erstwhile 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He then spent $47.5 million in purchasing the ATV Music company, who controlled the songs of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, thus sabotaging his musical relationship with his erstwhile partner. ─── 据说他服用药物将他的皮肤颜色变白,还进行了昂贵的整形手术以改变他的相貌,而且有照片刊登说他睡在一个特别的房间里防止变老。
2、But the Bush Republicans have backed down so often on the domestic front that some of their erstwhile supporters wonder what they stand for, apart from winning elections. ─── 但是支持布什的共和党人如此经常在内政交锋时打起退堂鼓,使得一些他们原来的支持者不知道除了胜选,他们支持什么立场。
3、Its erstwhile friend China, struggling to keep a grip on its restive regions, has expressed “concern”. ─── 俄罗斯从前的友邦中国由于正努力控制自身的不稳定地区,仅仅表达了“关注”。
4、This depends on republicans' acceptance of the rule of law, unionists' agreement to share power with their erstwhile enemies, and the willingness of either to take the first big step. ─── 为此,共和党得接受法治,统一党得与他们的旧敌分权,两党的一方必须先迈一大步。
5、To his erstwhile employer, he is a fraudster who has cost the French bank its reputation as well as its money. ─── 对于之前的雇主兴业银行,他是一个给兴业银行声誉和资产造成巨大损失的骗子。
6、Ex:The boy saw his erstwhile boyfriend with another boy on the street. ─── 男孩在街上看到了他的前男友和另一个男孩在一起。
7、Almost at once, Mr Zardari and his erstwhile ally, Nawaz Sharif, who leads the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) party, or PML(N), fell to blows. ─── 几乎在同时,扎尔达里和过去的盟友,领导巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟的谢里夫也开始内讧。
8、Big Pharma is in big trouble, but it may yet find comfort in the arms of that erstwhile foe. ─── 尽管大型药厂遭遇大的困境,但是它们仍可以在与昔日对手的联合中找到安慰。
9、10.And though Mr Tadic may still squeak through, he cannot count on much enthusiasm from many of his erstwhile supporters who think he has been a weak president, bossed around by Mr Kostunica. ─── 即使塔迪奇能够勉强闯过第一轮,他也无法指望得到许多他以前支持者的支持,因为他被认为是一个弱势总统,一切都让科斯图尼察指手画脚。
10、Thanks to company shutdowns,Palo Alto the erstwhile Mecca of masculinity is now just 49 percent male. ─── 由于公司倒闭,帕洛阿尔托从前充满阳刚之气的圣地变为目前男性人口比例仅49%。
11、China, however, is Burma's erstwhile big ally, and deserves the most international pressure to show leadership by forcing the generals to relinquish power. ─── 中国自古以来就一直是缅甸的最大同盟国,因此在强迫缅甸军权放弃政权的角色上,中国理当受到最多的国际压力。
12、" regard angel as investor " freedom is spent " and green to doing poineering work erstwhile review always let Lei Jun very contented. ─── 作为天使投资人的“自由度”和对于往昔创业青春的重温总让雷军很自得。
13、The tales of the erstwhile political power of the English woollen industry are also fun. ─── 英文粗纺行业以前的政治势力的故事也同样引人入胜。
14、As much as Wall Street’s erstwhile masters of the universe have helped to sully their own reputations, they remain less frowned upon than their handlers in Washington, DC. ─── 尽管华尔街的昔日宇宙主人们如此程度地自己帮忙玷污他们自己的名誉,但和在华盛顿特区他们的监 管人员相比,他们还是获得较少的不满。
15、Like some other erstwhile true believers, he became one of most cogent critics of his former faith. ─── 如同昔日的某些真正信徒一样,他也成为其原有信仰最有力的批判者之一。
16、She was a successor to one of her erstwhile foils, Brendan Gill, and she alternated reviewing with another former target, Penelope Gilliatt. ─── 她的前任是她从前的敌人布兰顿·吉尔,和她轮流撰写影评的是另一个昔日的目标:佩莱娜裴·吉拉特。
17、As Hong Kong's erstwhile competitor, Singapore sets out to attract regional corporates and expatriates with a vision for the future, the difference is starkly brought home. ─── 当香港的昔日竞争对手新加坡大打远景牌来吸引亚洲企业和海归人士前往发展时,香港的竞争劣势便暴露无遗了。
18、One seems to need a dose of superiority to overcompensate for the erstwhile sense of inferiority. ─── 昔日的低人一等看起来需要一剂“高人一头”的灵丹妙药要大肆弥补一下。
19、10.The situation is still grimmest in Michigan, Ohio and other erstwhile manufacturing strongholds, where the subprime bust came on top of the secular loss of factory jobs. ─── 密歇根、俄亥俄和其他一些传统制造业中心受到了次债危机的严重影响,并由此产生了大量工人的长期失业,于是形势变得异常严峻。
20、The backlash is not only emotionally driven but also smack of a need for political legitimacy of an erstwhile fragile administration. ─── 美国的反应不单是一种报复的心理,也是一个脆弱的政府寻求政治支持的手段。
21、my erstwhile friend ─── 我以前的朋友
22、To forestall any attempts at exegesis (‘Author, Citing Dadaism’s Erstwhile Esotericism, Opposes Present-Day “Mamaist” Obfuscations’), I confess that as a title it means nothing at all; ─── 为免诸位对本文标题作种种阐释( 借用达达主义的前堂奥主义理论,即笔者反对时下的“妈妈主义”式艰涩 ),本人坦承以此为标题毫无意义。
23、He fled to Brazil with Gloria Lopez, an erstwhile friend of his wife's. ─── 他和他妻子以前的一个朋友葛洛莉亚·洛佩兹一起逃往巴西。
24、By reviving the cabinet career of Lord Mandelson, an erstwhile foe but a minister and strategist of undoubted gifts, the prime minister's last reshuffle galvanised the government. ─── 通过重新启用曼德尔森,曾经的宿敌、极富天才的战略家和部长,布朗最近的内阁重组给英国政府打了一剂强心针。
25、Seventy years ago the erstwhile Porsche engineering office relocated from downtown Stuttgart to the first, newly built Porsche plant in Zuffenhausen. ─── 70年前从前保时捷工程办公室搬迁到市中心斯图加特的第一次,新落成的保时捷工厂楚豪森。
26、So what prompted Mr Bush to come out with such a tough response against his erstwhile ally, after six days of dithering? ─── 布什在不知所措了6天之后,发出如此强硬的回应,这究竟是什么原因呢?
27、A couple of months back we switched over to Chinese green tea for the morning cuppa, in preference to the erstwhile favourite of home-grown Assam black CTC or Darjeeling Oolong. ─── 印度时报:中国龙牢牢地抓住我们(中英双语) 两个月前我们的早茶改用中国绿茶,以往我们最喜欢阿萨姆邦国产的黑茶或大吉岭乌龙茶。
28、The fall-out of the credit crunch saw big banks disappearing or forced into panicky mergers with erstwhile rivals. ─── 信贷危机波及到几家大银行---要么关门;要么为了自保,不得不匆忙与从前的对手合并。
29、In the end Kerrigan was the one who turned against her erstwhile allies and struck the first blow, and many of Jim Raynor's comrades died to her treachery. ─── 最终凯瑞甘最先调转枪头袭击了昔日的盟友,在这场叛变中许多雷纳的战友阵亡了。
30、As to its characteristic,by reading text,it analyses the oriental_western culturals,and transcends erstwhile nationalism. ─── 就其基本特征来说,后殖民主义从文本解读入手,着重分析东西方间的文化关系,并表现出超越民族主义的努力。
31、The result is an unlikely stream of erstwhile Wall Street pros need help. ─── 结果是什么呢?那就是以前这些华尔街公关宠儿,反过来需要寻求别人的帮助,而且像他们这样的求助者还源源不断,实在让人难以相信昔日华尔街竟有今日。
32、He then spent$47.5 million in purchasing the ATV Music company, who controlled the songs of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, thus sabotaging his musical relationship with his erstwhile partner. ─── 接着,他花费了四千七百五十万美元买下了约翰·侬与保罗·卡尼歌曲所属的(国)合音乐公司,这样破坏了他与老搭档的音乐关系。
33、The third discussion is about the way to regain the erstwhile value of the curios left over by traditional folk artisans by proper decoration of them indoors. ─── 传统民间艺匠遗留下来的古玩 ,经过重新装潢成为家居中的点睛之笔 ;
34、According to Danone, Wahaha is making and selling pots of yoghurt and other comestibles to erstwhile clients of the venture without putting a penny in the joint cash-till. ─── 达能表示,娃哈哈在生产酸奶及其它食品,并将其售予合资企业从前的客户,而收入丝毫未由双方共同分享。
35、It is a heavenly abode in the midst of confusion. Unlike the erstwhile plank-paved path used exclusively by the imperial family for their vehicles to move on smoothly, the lane is a place for the common people to roam about leisurely. ─── 是城市喧嚣扰攘中的一带洞天幽境,胜似皇家的阁道,便于平常百姓徘徊倘佯。
36、Four others went to an erstwhile ally that may soon defect to the government, leaving the rudderless and divided PTP in lonely opposition. ─── 还有4席被先前的盟友所赢得,但这个盟友看来很快就会投入政府的怀抱,只剩下支离破碎的PTP毫无方向地独自抵抗。
37、an erstwhile opponent/ally/colleague ─── 以前的对手/盟友/同事
38、And both can marshal strong arguments that they are better managed than their erstwhile peers. ─── 他们也都可以信心十足的宣称其内部管理远尤其他们之前的同行。
39、erstwhile friend; our former glory; the once capital of the state; her quondam lover. ─── 昔日的朋友;我们从前的荣誉;该国以前的首都;她昔日的恋人。
40、Once its erstwhile leader, Ichiro Ozawa,had decided in May to resign over the scandal, the party moved exceptionally quickly to replace him with one of his acolytes,Yukio Hatoyama. ─── 眼下麻生太郎首相领导的自民党从来没有任何能保住下院地位的希望,并且在现在看来,选举过后,自民党在下院很有可能不是最大的党派。
41、So what leverage does Turkey actually have over its erstwhile Ottoman dominion? ─── 因此,土耳其真正对它昔日奥斯曼帝国的领地拥有什么样的影响呢?
42、The court accepted his defence that he had been drugged by erstwhile business partners, a couple of Lebanese-American brothers, so apparently he could not be held accountable for his actions. ─── 法院认可了他对自己所作的辩护,他辩解说他当时被以前的商业伙伴(一对黎巴嫩裔美国人兄弟)实施了药物,处于麻醉状态,因此无法对他的行为负责。
43、Thanks to company shutdowns, Palo Alto the erstwhile Mecca of masculinity is now just 49 percent male ─── 由于公司倒闭,帕洛阿尔托--从前充满阳刚之气的圣地--目前的男性人口比例仅49%。
44、No.The erstwhile schoolfriend also recalls Neil as fairly subdued person. ─── 不是,阿姆斯特朗以前的同学回忆说他为人很压抑。
45、So what prompted Mr Bush to come out with such a tough response against his erstwhile ally, after six days of dithering? ─── 布什在不知所措了6天之后,发出如此强硬的回应,这究竟是什么原因呢?
46、Merrill Lynch, the third-biggest investment bank, sold itself to Bank of America (BofA), an erstwhile Lehman suitor, in a $50 billion all-stock deal. ─── 美林,第三大投资银行,以一单500亿的全股票交易将自己出售给美银行(BofA),这家公司以前也曾申购过雷曼。
47、Our erstwhile companions. ─── 我们从前的同伴
48、Even Mr Saakashvili's erstwhile friends are heartily fed-up with hispresidency, but Georgian politics is still commendably open and contestable. ─── 甚至萨卡什维利先生先前的朋友也厌烦他当总统,但是格鲁吉亚的政治仍然是很开放,允许竞争的。
49、We were delighted to discover a new community garden where erstwhile had been a trash-filled vacant lot. ─── 我们欣喜地在过去曾被垃圾填充的空地上发现了一个新的社区花园。
50、The palace hotel preserves the heritage and tradition of the erstwhile rulers of Udaipur and offers guests a glimpse of a privileged royal lifestyle. ─── 皇宫酒店依然保持着乌达普尔的以往统治者所留下的遗迹和传统,客人们可以尽情享受王室的特权生活方式。
51、9. erstwhile friend; our former glory; the once capital of the state; her quondam lover. ─── 昔日的朋友;我们从前的荣誉;该国以前的首都;她昔日的恋人。收藏指正
52、Acting decisively in firing his two erstwhile colleagues typifies the management style of Mr Liveris, an Australian every bit as plain-spoken as the blokes back home in Darwin. ─── 果断地采取行动裁撤两位老同事体现了利伟诚的管理风格。这位澳大利亚人完全和家乡达尔文人一样说话耿直坦率。
53、e.g: Hilary Clinton's status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine the traditional Trump card of secretary of a state. ─── 作为奥巴马的前竞争对手,希拉里可能使国务卿这一职位的王牌地位受到动摇。
54、These collaborators may be erstwhile competitors or non-profit organisations, lawmakers or local officials. ─── 这些合作者可能是过去的竞争对手,也可能是非营利性组织、立法者或者地方官员。
55、Hilary Clinton's status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine the traditional trump card of a secretary of state. ─── 作为奥巴马的前竞争对手,希拉里.克林顿可能使国务卿这一职位的王牌地位受到动摇。
56、So far only the USA and the erstwhile USSR had sent manned missions to the moon.But only the USA had achieved the feat of actually landing man onto the lunar surface. ─── 迄今为止只有美国和前苏联实现了载人登月,但是只有美国真正实现了人类在月球表面登陆。
57、Erstwhile Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters's plan to shorten timetables for CAFE tightening. ─── 昔日运输部长玛丽体育彼得斯的计划,以缩短时间表咖啡紧缩。
58、His erstwhile friends turned against him. ─── 他先前的朋友转而与他作对。
59、A fortune teller remembers an old prophecy that the son of her erstwhile lover must be bricked up alive in order for the fortress to stand. ─── 一个算命者想起从前的一个预言,那就是必须把她以前情人的儿子砌在墙里城堡才能建好。
60、Even more humiliating for the erstwhile masters of the universe, the new force in finance is now the government. ─── 对昔日的世界巨头来说更丢脸的是,如今金融市场的主导力气酿成了美国政府。
61、If any of the top cyclists are on the juice, their erstwhile competitors cannot afford to give away such margins.That is where the game matrix kicks into defection mode. ─── 只要有顶尖的自行车手服用药物,昔日的竞争者根本承受不起这样的差距,所以赛局矩阵就会落入背叛模式。
62、A fortune teller remembers an old prophecy that the son of her erstwhile lover must be bricked up alive in order for the fortress to stand. ─── 一个算命者想起从前的一个预言,那就是必须把她以前情人的儿子砌在墙里城堡才能建好。
63、Be that as it may, nothing will more swiftly unite two previous foes in a common front if they are threatened by a potential enemy perceived to be more dangerous than their erstwhile opponent. ─── 能够迅速使敌对双方连成一气的,是当双方都感受到一个潜在敌人的威胁,而这个敌人又比它们其中任何一方更具危险性。
64、The erstwhile prodigy had the best chance of her career to win this title, the only Grand Slam singles title she hasn't won. ─── 这位昔日的天才选手曾有其网球生涯中夺得法网女单冠军的最佳机会,这也是她唯一没赢得过的大满贯冠军头衔。
65、Before the book was published I had to rewrite it because in the meantime, the computer Deep Blue beat the erstwhile human world champion, Gary Kasparov. ─── 在我的书出版之前,我不得不重写,因为与此同时,计算机”深蓝“击败了昔日人类世界冠军加里卡斯帕罗夫。
66、Panama is indeed now far removed from its erstwhile financial free-for-all. ─── 事实上,现在巴拿马金融业远非过去的来者不拒。
67、Cordially embracing these professional companions in arms, the people soon elevated Liu's erstwhile soldiers to staff positions in their various bands. ─── 当地民众热情欢迎正规部队的战友们,并推举刘伯承的这些部下当他们的参谋。
68、The other villain was another erstwhile Tory friend, America. ─── 还有就是保守党另一个老朋友,美国。
69、Regaining the Erstwhile Glories of Tongji as A New All-round University at the Insistence on the Coordination between Natural Science and Humanities ─── 坚持科技人文协调再铸综合大学辉煌
70、The Chinese Primary School and erstwhile embassy are separated by one wall. ─── 汉小和大使馆,就是这样一墙之隔。
71、This erstwhile schoolmaster had discovered a way of keeping us quiet in the evenings. ─── 这位往昔的老师找到了一种让我们晚上安静下来的方法。
72、Using methods reminiscent of the erstwhile Soviet Union, it invites people to inform on their coworkers and friends. ─── 它诱惑人们告发他们的同事和朋友,使用的方法让人回想起旧日的苏联。
73、Now, after spending five years teaching at Peking University, I've been assimilated into the "scholarly dignity" of my students,so that my erstwhile"old-age mentality" has revived by and large. ─── 我在北京大学住了五年,不知不觉的又被中国学生的“斯文样子”同化了,我的“老人意态”又差不多全回来了。
74、But almost a decade later Flutter, the likeliest-seeming victor, is gone, taken over by its erstwhile rival. ─── 然而大概10年之后,这个本是最有希望的胜利者却消失了,取而代之的是它昔日的对手。
75、It's easy to sympathise: the erstwhile masters of the universe seem to have forgotten the meaning of both "moral" and "hazard" . ─── 这很容易让人同情:过去的宇宙主宰者(mastersoftheuniverse)们似乎忘记了“道德”和“风险”的涵义。
76、It is now being taken over by Volkswagen, its erstwhile target in a drawn-out takeover battle, after buckling under the weight of debt and derivatives it took on in a bid to wrest control of VW. ─── 当初保时捷公司为了收购大众公司而发动了一场旷日持久的收购战,在报价时为赢得大众控制权而不惜背负巨债并采用金融衍生工具,终于不堪重负,现在反而正在被大众公司收购。
77、Even more humiliating for the erstwhile masters of the universe, the new force in finance is now the **. ─── 对昔日的世界巨头来说更丢脸的是,如今金融市场的主导力量变成了美国政府。
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