espousal 发音
英:[ɪˈspaʊzl] 美:[ɪˈspaʊzl]
英: 美:
espousal 中文意思翻译
espousal 网络释义
n. 拥护;信奉;订婚
espousal 短语词组
1、espousal service ─── 支持服务
2、espousal defined ─── 拥护者定义
3、espousal claim ─── 支持性索赔
4、espousal matrimony ─── 拥护婚姻
5、espousal of ─── 拥护
6、espousal syn ─── 拥护者
7、espousal define ─── 拥护的定义
8、espousal synonym ─── 拥护的同义词
9、espousal meaning ─── 支持意义
10、espousal mean ─── 拥护中庸
espousal 相似词语短语
1、espouser ─── 支持;拥护;赞成;嫁娶
2、espoused ─── 支持;嫁娶;信奉(espouse的过去式、过去分词)
3、spousal ─── adj.结婚的;与婚姻有关的,配偶的;n.(常复数)婚礼
4、spousals ─── adj.结婚的;与婚姻有关的,配偶的;n.(常复数)婚礼
5、espouses ─── vt.支持;嫁娶;赞成;信奉
6、espousals ─── n.拥护;信奉;订婚
7、espouse ─── vt.支持;嫁娶;赞成;信奉
8、exposal ─── n.曝光;显露
9、sponsal ─── 海绵的
espousal 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、his recent espousal of communism ─── 他最近对共产主义的拥护.
2、The council's espousal of a nuclear-free policy has met with n mixed response. ─── 委员会支持的无核政策遇到不同的反响。
3、Does anybody see my espousal ring? ─── 有人看到我的订婚戒指吗?
4、The response I have received to my articles about them, and my espousal of these beliefs, has been, for the most part, pretty hostile, and sometimes downright nasty. ─── 关于这种类型的观念,我所得到的回应大部分都含有相当的敌意,有时甚至带有明显的恶意。
5、This enthusiastic espousal of the private sector and technology has placed Jordan at the centre of a wider Gasoline Chain Saw debate over whether. ─── 这一次的经验让我深切地理解到,项目管理的推动不是一句话便可以成功,要经过一个过程;管理理论的学习只是一个基础。
6、Their paranoid espousal of various conspiracy theories, rabid support of Israel and religious Zionism, and fiery preaching about the "Islamic Threat" held for me a strange fascination. ─── 他们的偏执袒护各种阴谋论,狂热支持以色列犹太复国主义和宗教,并强烈鼓吹的“伊斯兰威胁”为我举行了一个奇怪的魅力。
7、His recent espousal of Communism ─── 他最近对共产主义的拥护。
8、Yes, as the marriage ring of the great espousal hereafter! ─── 是啊,就像来世盛大婚礼上的结婚指环!
9、Yes, as the marriage ring of the great espousal hereafter!" ─── 是啊,就像来世盛大婚礼上的结婚指环!”
10、She know that her mother would never accept such an innformal ring, so she keep the secret of her espousal and she wears her ring only on duties. ─── 她知道母亲不会同意她接受这样一枚不正式的戒指,所以她对自己订婚一事严守秘密,只在上班时才戴上那戒指。
11、The espousal of a notion of public good, drawing people beyond the personal and consumerist. ─── 信奉工艺的理念,引导人们超越个人的、消费者的境界。
12、his recent espousal of populism ─── 他最近对平民主义的支持
13、The espousal of a notion of public good, drawing people beyond the personal and consumerist. ─── 信奉工艺的理念,引导人们超越个人的、消费者的境界。
14、For the benefit of the working class and the poor people. In spite of his espousal ─── 对事业、主义等的拥护
15、Many stories have been handed down among the Chinese people about a judge known for his fearless espousal of justice. ─── 中国民间流传着许多有关包公的传说,称他为“包青天”、“青天大老爷”,称赞他执法严明,铁面无私,为老百姓做主。
16、In Britain, Margaret Thatcher's espousal of monetarism eventually brought inflation down with a bump in the early 1980s. ─── 在英国,玛格丽特对于货币主义的拥护最终使通货膨胀在20世纪八十年代降了下来。
17、The church excommunicated him in 1901, unhappy with his novel Resurrection and Tolstoy's espousal of Christian anarchist and pacifist views. ─── 由于他的小说《复活》以及他拥护基督教无政府主义及和平主义,他在1901年被逐出教会。
18、This enthusiastic espousal of the private sector and technology has placed Jordan at the centre of a wider debate over whether. ─── 此外,据姜俊海介绍,世纪互联还自己设计机柜,通过增大机柜门上的通风网孔,使通风率达到74%,机构的前后门和侧板均可快速拆卸。
19、Its ruling spirits combine a penchant for micro and industrial policies that destroy jobs with an espousal of deflationary macro policies. ─── 它的主要理念一是偏爱损害就业的微观经济与产业政策,二是拥护通缩性宏观经济政策。
20、His support for emancipation alienated many of the more traditional Anglican Tories, while his espousal of free trade split the party and ended his own political career. ─── 他支持天主教徒解放,这让许多较为守旧的信奉英国国教的保守党人对他产生了疏远感;而他对自由贸易的拥护也使得党内出现分裂,并且最终为他的政治生涯画上了句号。
21、We have always the espousal of "science and technology development to the quality of survival, to management-based services for the purpose of" business principles. ─── 我们一贯遵奉“以科技求发展,以质量求生存,以管理为基础,以服务为宗旨”的经营方针。
22、Advocacy describes the act of pleading for, supporting, and active espousal. ─── 宣传介绍了该法的请求,支持和积极拥护。
23、The frank espousal of a policy of annihilating opponents and the murders committed in the pursuance of it have given rise to an opposition movement. ─── 毫无顾忌地灭绝反对派,以执行公务的名义进行谋杀。
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