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09-01 投稿


uranium 发音

英:[juˈreɪniəm]  美:[juˈreɪniəm]

英:  美:

uranium 中文意思翻译



uranium 词性/词形变化,uranium变形

简写符号: U |

uranium 常用词组

uranium enrichment ─── 铀浓缩

enriched uranium ─── [核]浓缩铀

depleted uranium ─── 贫铀;贫化铀

uranium 短语词组

1、high-enriched uranium (HEU) ─── [化] 高浓铀; 高浓缩度铀

2、tetracyclopentadienyl uranium ─── [化] 四环戊二烯合铀

3、tricyclopentadienyl-tetrahydroborato-uranium ─── [化] 三茂四氢化硼基铀

4、bis(n-butylcyclooctatetraenyl) uranium ─── [化] 双(正丁基环辛四烯)合铀

5、tricyclopentadienyl-cholesteryloxy-uranium ─── [化] 三茂胆甾醇氧基铀; 三环戊二烯基胆甾醇氧基铀

6、bred uranium ─── [化] 增殖铀; 增殖生成的铀

7、tricyclopentadienyl-uranium chloride ─── [化] 氯化三茂铀

8、bis-cyclooctatetraenyl-uranium ─── [化] 双环辛四烯合铀

9、ferro-uranium ─── [化] 铀铁; 铀铁合金

10、enriched uranium ─── [化] 富集铀; 浓缩铀

11、tris-cyclopentadienyl-cyclohexyloxy-uranium ─── [化] 三茂环己氧基铀

12、depleted uranium ─── [化] 贫(化)铀(指铀235含量小于天然铀中铀235含量0.71%的铀)

13、spongy uranium ─── [化] 海绵铀

14、bis(ethylcyclooctatetraenyl)uranium ─── [化] 双(乙基环辛四烯基)合铀

15、tricyclopentadienyl-cyclohexyliloxy-uranium ─── [化] 三茂环己氧基铀; 三环己氧基铀; 三环戊二烯基环己氧基铀

16、tris-cyclopentadienyl-n-uranium chloride ─── [化] 氯化三茂铀

17、Hall (uranium) process ─── [化] 霍尔法(电解还原制备金属铀块法)

18、tetraallyl uranium ─── [化] 四烯丙基铀

19、cis-uranium elements ─── [化] 铀前元素

uranium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The IAEA admonished Tehran and insisted on snap inspections and a halt to its uranium enrichment program. ─── 国际原子能机构警告了德黑兰政府,坚持要进行未经通知的临时检查,并要求伊朗停止浓缩铀计划。

2、They went over nationwide in search of uranium mines. ─── 他们为了探寻铀矿走遍了全国。

3、Hyperfine structure of highly-lying levels of Uranium 235 using TLS method[J]. ─── 引用该论文 熊夏幸,李世芳,沈一菁,景春阳,胡企铨,林福成.

4、A few elements, among them uranium and thorium, spontaneously disintegrate into lighter elements by chances. ─── 少数元素,其中有铀和钍,通过它们核的变化自然蜕变成较轻的元素。

5、So it is necessary to discuss the influence of stope leaching uranium to the environment and treat“three wastes". ─── 因此探讨原地破碎浸出采铀对环境的影响和对“三废”的治理是十分必要的。

6、Earlier this month it claimed to be in the final stages of enriching uranium, which would give it a second way to make nuclear devices. ─── 本月早些时候其宣称其正处于浓缩铀的最后阶段,这将使其获得制造核装置的第二种方法。

7、IRAN carries on enriching uranium regardless at its nuclear plant at Natanz. ─── 伊朗不顾后果地在位于纳坦兹的核工厂进行铀浓缩活动。

8、The uranium reconnaissance was undertaken in the U.K. ─── 在英国境内曾开展过铀矿勘察工作。

9、It has converted yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas. ─── 它已经把“黄饼”转化为六氟化铀气体。

10、Russia is again urging Iran to stop uranium enrichment to end the international standoff over its nuclear program. ─── 俄罗斯再次敦促伊朗停止提炼浓缩铀,以结束国际间在伊朗核计划问题上出现的僵持局面。

11、Iran has become even noisier about its desire to go on enriching uranium. ─── 伊拉克甚至闹着渴望要继续他们的铀浓缩。

12、They reported the abnormal uranium content of waters issuing from tuffaceous rocks. ─── 他们发现,从凝灰岩中流出的水中铀含量反常。

13、Earlier, statements in the Iranian media suggested that Iran is not ready to send its enriched uranium abroad. ─── 此前,伊朗媒体的声明表明,伊朗没有准备将其浓缩铀运往国外。

14、China has never exported sensitive technologies such as those for uranium enrichment, reprocessing and heavy water production. ─── 中国从未出口过铀浓缩、后处理和重水生产等敏感技术。

15、But Iran continues to enrich uranium for civilian use. ─── 但伊朗继续浓缩铀用于民用。

16、Th has been produced via a multinucleon transfer reaction by 60MeV/u 18 O ions bombardment of natural uranium. ─── 利用 6 0MeV/u的18O离子束轰击天然铀靶 ,通过多核子转移反应生成重丰中子核素2 37Th ,由多步快速放射化学分离方法从被照射过的靶物质中分离出钍元素。

17、However, the actual weight of uranium or plutonium in such a weapon is greater than this amount. ─── 可是,在一枚那样的核武器中,铀或钚的实际重量要比这个数字大得多。

18、It is generally accepted that a chain reaction may be obtained in uranium which would yield enormous amounts of energy. ─── 人们普遍认为,铀可以引起连锁反应,产生巨大的能量。

19、The establishment of uranium supplies for the future must depend to an increasing extent. ─── 为了满足今后对铀矿资源的需求,必须扩大普查规模。

20、Another mystery is the isotopic composition of xenon found in minerals from the Oklo uranium deposit in Gabon, Africa. ─── 另一个令人费解的问题就是在非洲加蓬的奥克洛铀矿床的矿物中所发现的氙同位素组成。

21、New Mexico leads the nation in uranium mining. ─── 在铀的开采方面,新墨西哥居于全国首位。

22、Exxon Corporation of New York City announced plans in September 1978 to test laser enrichment of uranium in late 1980. ─── 1978年9月纽约市埃克森公司报道,计划在1980年底进行激光浓缩铀的试验。

23、Uranium is soluble in sea water. ─── 铀可在海水中溶解。

24、It looked like ordinary salt, but was one million times more radioactive than uranium. ─── 它看上去就像普通的盐,而它的放射性要比铀大一百万倍。

25、Highly enriched uranium can be produced in China. ─── 中国现今能生产高富集铀。

26、A graben creates a favourable setting for uranium deposition. ─── 地堑成为铀矿沉积的有利部位。

27、Unearthing more uranium is expensive and time-consuming. ─── 发掘更多的铀矿成本昂贵而且耗费时间。

28、Relocation of syngenetic uranium may explain a characteristic feature of the deposits. ─── 同生铀的重新分布可以用来解释矿床的一个典型特征。

29、Uranium Bilgisayar - - Yeni ve 2. ─── el bilgisayar sat谋艧谋.

30、Iran says that Uranium enrichment is for peaceful perpose to provide fuel for nuclear power. ─── 伊朗认为他们的铀提炼计划用于和平的目的-为核电站提供燃料而已。

31、They worked in diamond and uranium mines. ─── 他们在钻石和铀矿场工作过。

32、INTERNEXCO GMBH deals in Uranium hexafluoride, Uranium conversion as well as in Uranium concentrate. ─── INTERNEXCO GMBH 是一家现代化的、靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事铀转换、变换,铀浓缩物的制造、售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的产品系列和服务。

33、These days,mining of the deep have achieved more than 1 km,and uranium mineralization locate 4 km deep in underground. ─── 国内外重大矿产的成功发掘,其深度均在千米以上,铀矿化垂向分布深度可达4 km以上。

34、Over the next two decades, India began to construct and operate nuclear reactors, mine uranium, fabricate fuel and extract plutonium. ─── 在随后的20年中,印度开始建立和运行核反应堆,开采铀,制造核燃料和堤取钚。

35、They have converted yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas. ─── 他们已经把“黄饼”转化为六氟化铀气体。

36、The tests would be sufficiently "sensitive and accurate"to uncover even "tiny traces"of uranium, he said. ─── 他说,这个检查非常"灵敏准确",它能检测出"非常微量的"铀。

37、The escape of neutrons occurs at the exterior of the uranium(or plutonium)material. ─── 中子的逸漏发生于铀(或钚)块的外表面。

38、The tests would be sufficiently "sensitive and accurate" to uncover even "tiny traces" of uranium, he said. ─── 他说,这个检查非常“灵敏准确”,它能检测出“非常微量的”铀。

39、Iran continues to defy the Security Council's instructions to stop enriching uranium. ─── 伊朗继续拒绝联合国安理会要求伊朗停止铀浓缩活动的决议。

40、To make the fissile material, he needs to develop an ability to enrich uranium. ─── 为了得到分裂物质,他需要发展浓缩铀的能力。

41、In the case of uranium the sample location or medium is not as critical. ─── 分析铀时对取样点位置或介质的要求就不那么严格了。

42、Iran says it is still studying a UN-drafted deal to ship its uranium to Russia. ─── 伊朗称他们仍在对关于他们向俄罗斯运输铀的联合国草案进行研究。

43、Of, relating to, or derived from uranium, especially with valence higher than in comparable uranous compounds. ─── 含铀的铀的,与铀有关的,或从铀中提取出来的,尤指比同类含铀的混合物具有更高价的

44、Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon. ─── 浓缩铀是核武器的一个关键组成部分。

45、Our supplies of energy are from the sun, rain, coal, uranium and hydrogen. ─── 我们的能量来源于太阳、雨水、煤、铀以及氢。

46、Dead oil in a semi-oxidized state seems capable of effecting the direct precipitation of uranium from solute. ─── 半氧化状态的重油似乎可能影响铀从溶液中的直接沉淀析出。

47、Chemical compounds and mixtures containing uranium and thorium are active in direct proportion to the amount of these metals contained in them. ─── 含铀和钍的化合物和混合物活跃的程度与这些化合物和混合物中这两种金属的含量直接相关。

48、None of the xenon isotopes we measured were the direct result of uranium fission. ─── 我们所测量到的氙同位素,根本都不是直接由铀的核分裂而来。

49、Iran would accept an IAEA verifiable cap on enrichment limit of reactor grade uranium. ─── 伊朗愿意接受国际原子能机构就反应堆所使用的铀浓度的上限。

50、Neutron activation or chemical analysis for uranium are used as a follow-up . ─── 中子活化分析和化学分析铀可作为进一步追索的方法。

51、One pound of uranium carries more releasable energy than 1, 500 tons of coal. ─── 一磅铀所含的释放能量要比一千五百吨的煤还多。

52、The chain reaction caused by the uranium nuclei is explained in the critical experiment. ─── 临界实验解释了由中子引起铀核的链式反应。

53、The concept of regional uranium enrichment has been discussed by Davidson, Saum and Link. ─── 戴维森、索姆和林克等论述了区域性铀富集的条件。

54、On behalf of the A.E.A., the uranium reconnaissance in the U.K. was undertaken. ─── 受原子能管理局的委托,在英国开展了铀矿普查工作。

55、Primary chemical differentiation accounts for the prepondence of uranium. ─── 初步的化学分异使铀富集。

56、Enriching uranium and producing heavy water could be used to build weapons. ─── 对铀进行浓缩和制造重水是可以用来制造武器的。

57、It includes epigenetic uranium impregnations in sandstone. ─── 它意味着外生的铀进入到沙岩中。

58、Argument against a hydrothermal origin is the sympathetic distribution of uranium and gold. ─── 反对热液成固的理由是铀和金有着一致的分布。

59、Age determination data indicate episodic crystallization of uranium minerals. ─── 年龄测定数据表明,铀矿物有着不同期的结晶。

60、A combinatin of sources of uranium may be the most realistic postulate. ─── 各种铀来源的综合考虑可能是最现实的假说。

61、A writer has found a small deposit of manganese ore and rock specimens flecked with uranium or stained green by copper. ─── 一名作家还发现了一个不大的锰矿堆积体和一些粘染有铀痕迹或者带着铜绿斑痕的矿石标本。

62、On Wednesday, Tehran confirmed it had i talled new equipment to step up uranium enrichment work. ─── 德黑兰星期三证实,他们确实安装了新设备,加快浓缩铀的提取工作。

63、My grandfather told me that coal is like the liver, and uranium is both the heart and lungs of Mother Earth. ─── 我的祖父告诉我煤就像肝脏,而铀既是大地的心脏又是肺脏。

64、Sub critical breeder fuelling actinide series and driven by D-T fusion neutrons can use uranium source effectively. ─── 以锕系元素为燃料的次临界增殖反应堆,在D-T聚变中子源驱动下,可以更有效地利用有限的铀资源;

65、The combined firm would also be strong in aluminium, uranium and coking coal. ─── 合并后的公司在铝、铀和炼焦煤的生产上有举足轻重的作用。

66、Iran has revealed it has a second uranium enrichment plan. ─── 伊朗透露已拥有第二个铀浓缩计划。

67、A metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation, which Marie Curie later called radioactivity. ─── 一种叫铀的金属发出一种射线,后来玛丽·居里把这种现象称为放射性。

68、A metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation. ─── 一种叫铀的金属会发出一种射线。

69、All the streams flowing off the granite contain dissolved uranium. ─── 所有源于花岗岩的河流都含有可溶性的铀。

70、Radiogenic heat, even from a fairly deep-seated uranium orebody, could be measured. ─── 即使铀矿体埋得足够深,它的放射成因热也能被测出。

71、Iran has also pledged to ship some low-enriched uranium out of the country to prove it is not trying to make nuclear weapons. ─── 伊朗亦已保证要将一些低浓缩铀运往国外,证明自己并不试图生产核子武器。

72、The unveiling of a new uranium enrichment facility this month could also have been part of an attempt to build Kim Jong-eun's power base. ─── 本月朝鲜公布了新的铀浓缩设施,这可能也是建立金正恩权力班底的一种努力。

73、Iran says it is fiddling with uranium and plutonium to produce more electricity. ─── 伊朗轻描淡写的说利用铀和钚可以更多发电。

74、Sandstone-type uranium deposit is a kind of exogenetic uranium deposit. ─── 地浸砂岩型铀矿属干外生铀矿,多数产于盆地区,并与油气关系十分密切。

75、It is the first time to find scheelite and uraninite paragenetic orebody in Xiazhuang uranium ore field. ─── 在下庄铀矿田中首次发现了晶质铀矿与白钨矿的共生矿体。

76、When the uranium disintegrates, it changes into lead. ─── 当铀蜕变时,它变成了铅。

77、One of the methods to set free the energy locked in such substances as uranium is known as nuclear fission. ─── 一种把储存在象铀这样的物质里面的能量释放出来的方法被称为核裂变。

78、At Scinto 6 uranium occurs in much altered dolerite below the unconformity. ─── “辛托6”的铀矿体产于不整合面之下变质甚深的粒玄岩中。

79、If nuclear power superseded fossil power, we would run out of uranium in 4 years. ─── 如果我们以核能取代所有化石能源,铀将在4年内耗尽。

80、The matter that the Curies had discovered was radium. It looked like ordinary salt, but was one million times more radioactive than uranium. ─── 居里夫妇所发现的物质就是镭,看起来它就像普通的食盐一样,而它的放射性却铀要大一百万倍。

81、In 1945, all mankind came to know and fear the nucleus when the fission of 1 kg of uranium devastated Hiroshima. ─── 1945年,当1公斤的铀裂变使广岛成为废墟时,全人类开始知道原子核并对它产生了恐惧。

82、In many countries planning restrictions have become more onerous since uranium's heyday in the1970 s. ─── 在许多国家,自上世纪70年代铀全盛期以来,限制的实施业已变得更为艰难。

83、The objection to the placer origin have centred around the softness of uranium compounds. ─── 反对砂矿成因的论据主要是:铀的化合物不耐磨蚀。

84、Iran agreed to suspend enrichment of uranium in its nuclear program at least until the end of July. ─── 伊朗同意延缓在核武器中的铀的添加量至少到7月底。

85、The only local coarse-grained sand-stones in the uppermost part are important for uranium. ─── 仅最上面局部的粗粒砂岩对铀是有利的。

86、Iran says its uranium enrichment is for peaceful purposes to provide fuel for nuclear power. ─── 伊朗说他的铀浓缩是为和平利用核能提供原料。

87、Uranium is just one of several hazards in postwar Iraq. ─── 战后的伊拉克境内,铀只是诸多危害物中的冰山一角。

88、Uranium is used to fuel nuclear plants. ─── 铀用作核电厂的燃料。

89、Thus,certain pitchblendes containing 75% of uranium oxide are about four times as radioactive as this oxide. ─── 因此,含75%氧化铀的某种沥青铀矿物质的放射性是铀氧化物放射性的4倍。

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