neglectful 发音
英:[nɪ'ɡlektfl] 美:[nɪ'ɡlɛktfl]
英: 美:
neglectful 中文意思翻译
neglectful 网络释义
adj. 疏忽的;忽略的;不小心的
neglectful 短语词组
neglectful of
1. 疏忽
Boys are usually neglectful of their appearance.
1、neglectful definition ─── 忽视定义
2、neglectful parenting ─── 忽略型
3、neglectful mean ─── 疏忽大意
4、neglectful parent style ─── 忽略父样式
5、neglectful driving ─── 疏忽驾驶
6、neglectful parenting facts ─── 忽视养育子女的事实
7、neglectful supervision ─── 疏于监督
8、neglectful parents ─── 忽略型家长
9、neglectful of ─── 忽视
neglectful 反义词
respect | endeavor |attend to
neglectful 同义词
overlook | leave out | overleap | neglectfulness | inattention | inattentive | pass | inconsiderate | abandonment | forget | nonperformance | be | desert | disregard | drop | mistreatment | desertion | pass over | over | carelessness | slight | careless | negligence | omit | miss | ignore | fail | avoid | abandon | pretermit | disuse | blink | thoughtless
neglectful 词性/词形变化,neglectful变形
副词: neglectfully |名词: neglectfulness |
neglectful 相似词语短语
1、neglectable ─── adj.可忽略不计的
2、neglect ─── v.忽视,忽略;疏忽;漏做;n.忽略,忽视;未被重视
3、neglectfully ─── adv.怠慢地;不注意地
4、neglecter ─── 疏忽者
5、neglected ─── adj.被忽视的;无人照管的;v.疏于照顾;忽视;疏忽(neglect的过去式和过去分词)
6、neglecting ─── 疏忽;被忽视的;忽视;疏于照管
7、neglectfulness ─── 疏忽
8、neglection ─── 忽略
9、neglective ─── 疏忽的
neglectful 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、His anger did not make him neglectful of his promise. ─── 尽管他很生气,但他并没有忘记自己的诺言。
2、He came in for a good deal of criticism for neglect of duty. ─── 他因失职而大受批评。
3、No country can afford to neglect the education of its young people. ─── 任何国家都不能疏忽对年轻人的教育。
4、Don't neglect your domestic responsibilities. ─── 不要忽略你的家庭责任。
5、However, that doesn't mean we can neglect the artistic side. ─── 但这并不是说我们可以忽略艺术这一方面。
6、A few instruments are in a state of neglect. ─── 一些仪器处于无人管理的状态。
7、Years of hardship and neglect had taken their toll. ─── 多年的劳累和疏于保养损害了他们的健康。
8、His ideas sliped into neglect after his death. ─── 他死后,他的观点渐渐被忽视了。
9、Sloppy dress at trial might seem to add to the case against a father accused of neglectful child-rearing, she says. ─── 一位被指控照顾孩子不周的父亲如果穿得邋里邋遢出庭,势必会导致自己处于更不利的局面。
10、Never neglect the importance of a warm-up. ─── 不要忽略了热身的重要性。
11、One must not think only of the present and neglect the future. ─── 不能只顾眼前,不管将来。
12、He tried to remedy this neglect during his own administration. ─── 他努力在他的任期内弥补这个缺陷。
13、Do not neglect the tremendous might of public opinion. ─── 不要忽视舆论的威力。
14、Sensing neglect, dog runs away after owner has baby. ─── 主人有了孩子以后,宠物狗感到被忽视,离家出走。
15、Don' t neglect to pay him a visit. ─── 别忘了去拜访他
16、Do not neglect to lock the door. ─── 别忘记锁门。
17、But even for women whose fathers had been neglectful or abusive, I found a hunger for approval. ─── 但是,即使她们的父亲已经被忽视或虐待,我发现女儿一种对获得赞许的渴求。
18、No country can afford to neglect education. ─── 任何国家都不容忽视教育。
19、He suffered his subjects to neglect the laws with impunity. ─── 人们要是犯了法,他也不去惩办。
20、Neglect the whole world rather than each other. ─── 哪怕忽略整个世界也不要忽略彼此。
21、He suffered greatly from his neglect in due accounting. ─── 他由于很不注意及时算帐,因此大受其害。
22、Are you going to tax him with neglect of duty? ─── 你要指控他玩忽职守吗?
23、He blamed you for the neglect of duty. ─── 他责备你怠忽职守。
24、Don't neglect paying her a visit now and then. ─── 别忘了有时去拜访她。
25、Don't neglect writing to your mother. ─── 别忘了给你母亲写信。
26、He has shown a persistent neglect of duty. ─── 他一贯玩忽职守。
27、When recruiting, did the company often neglect the inter candidate? ─── 在填补职位空缺时公司通常忽视公司自己的人才?
28、I been neglectful of my friend, taking him for granted? ─── 我忽视了我的朋友、没有把他当回事吗?
29、He was not a man to neglect details. ─── 他不是一个忽视细节的男人。
30、He could hardly suppose I should neglect them. ─── 他绝不会设想我会置她们于不顾。
31、Don' t neglect paying him a visit now and then. ─── 别忘了不时去看望他
32、One of them has been neglectful of answering letters or keeping appointments. ─── 参见文章第二段。朋友可能会变成敌人是一方不回信或是不赴约。
33、Don' t neglect writing to your mother. ─── 别忘了给你母亲写信.
34、He was dismissed for neglect of his duty. ─── 他因玩忽职守被辞了。
35、He is chargeable with a fault or neglect. ─── 他可能因过失或疏忽而被控告。
36、Neglected by her parents, she hangs with a bad crowd, gets pregnant and becomes a neglectful parent. With your help, there is a way out. ─── 她的父母不管她,她和坏人们混在一起,并且怀孕成为了未婚妈妈。有您的支持,她就有一条出路。
37、You should not on any terms neglect your daily physical exercise. ─── 你们无论如何不应忽视每天的体育锻练。
38、Don't neglect paying him a visit now and then. ─── 别忘了时常去看看他。
39、He was bitterly denounced for neglect of duty. ─── 他因玩忽职守而受到猛烈的抨击。
40、It was not a time to neglect even trifling precautions. ─── 在这种时候,连微小的预防都不应该疏忽。
41、Do not neglect to oil the machine before operating it. ─── 在开机器之前不可忽略给机器上油。
42、Neglect will kill an injury sooner than revenge. ─── 不予理会比报复更能消除伤害。
43、All too often the animals die through neglect. ─── 动物因缺乏照料而死亡的事司空见惯。
44、Don't neglect to water the plants. ─── 不要忘记浇花。
45、From comparative neglect, his reputation has soared to the heights. ─── 从前人们对他不大注意,现在声望陡升。
46、She was angry at his neglect of the work. ─── 他工作不尽心,她对此很生气。
47、He railed at the world for its neglect of his genius. ─── 他怨世人不能赏识他的才华。
48、He was criticized because of neglect of duty. ─── 他因玩忽职守而受到批评。
49、Mindful of small matters to the neglect of large ones. ─── 丢了西瓜,抓了芝麻。
50、His person showed marks of habitual neglect. ─── 他的外表透着懒散成癖的形迹。
51、She works so hard that she is often neglectful of her family. ─── 她工作非常卖命,常常连家都忘了。
52、Don't neglect to lock the door when you leave. ─── 你走时别忘了锁门。
53、As leaders we should never be neglectful of our duties. ─── 作为领导,我们千万不可玩忽职守。
54、He was not a man to neglect his friends. ─── 他不是个疏忽朋友的人。
55、The captain was broken for neglect of duty. ─── 上尉因疏忽职责而被降级。
56、Don't neglect writing to the comrades of your unit. ─── 不要忘了给你们部队的同志们写信。
57、We should not just concentrate on one thing and neglect others. ─── 不能只抓一头,把别的事都撇在一旁。
58、They neglect to write to him. they neglect write to him. ─── 他们忽视(忘了)给他去信。
59、Today's housing problems are the product of years of neglect. ─── 今天的住房困难是多年来忽视的结果。
60、He blames you for neglect of duty . ─── 他责备你没尽到职责。
61、We redeemed the neglect afterwards. ─── 后来我们补偿了这个疏忽。
62、He was dismissed for neglect of duty. ─── 他因玩忽职守而被开除了。
63、Mr. Clerk lost his job through neglect of duty. ─── 克拉克先生因玩忽职守而失去了职业。
64、You can't neglect other's criticism . ─── 你不能无视他人的批评。
65、Don't neglect "this" day or night! ─── 二六时中,不离这个[道家]
66、They are so diligent in their study that they neglect their sleep and meals. ─── 他们刻苦学习到了废寝忘食的程度。
67、The slightest neglect would cause a great loss. ─── 即使最小的疏忽也会造成很大的损失。
68、Are you in character somber, melancholy, or neglectful? ─── 你生性阴沉、忧郁,或是不修边幅吗?
69、He is neglectful of his duties. ─── 他玩忽职责。
70、He was condemned for neglect of duty. ─── 他因玩忽职守而受到责备。
71、Do not neglect to brush your teeth. ─── 不要忘了刷牙。
72、Don' t neglect to lock the door. ─── 别忘了锁门。
73、Neglect in preventing or reporting a felony or treason by one not an accessory. ─── 包庇罪行非同犯对防止重罪或叛国罪的发生或对次类罪的报告的忽视
74、Years of hardship and neglect has taken their toll on his health. ─── 多年来的艰苦工作、不顾身体已损害了他的健康。
75、However, our factory workers were neglectful and did not use the stickers with barcode on. ─── 但是厂里疏忽了,没有用上有条形码的那种卡头。
76、You shouldn't neglect your health. ─── 你不该忽略你的健康。
77、She abused himhim soundly for his neglect. ─── 因疏忽被她痛骂了一顿。
78、The time he can spare from the adornment of his person he devote to the neglect of his duty. ─── 他把花在打扮上的时间省下来,却用到了玩忽职守上去。
79、He is neglectful of his apperance. ─── 他不注意自己的仪表。
80、He points out bringing it up with the parent first may make them feel neglectful, which could cause problems. ─── 他指出,首先向父母提出这个可能会让他们觉得自己被忽视了,这可能会导致问题。
81、The artist was embittered by public neglect. ─── 大众的忽视使那位艺术家更加难受。
82、A man should never neglect these social essentials. ─── 一个人决不该疏忽了这些社交上的必需品。
83、Some Boys are neglectful of their appearance. ─── 有些男孩子不注意自己的仪表。
84、Do not neglect this on your site. ─── 别在你的网站上唱反调。
85、The only wrong is to neglect or to abuse them. ─── 唯一错误的事情就是忽视或滥用它们。)
86、Do not neglect minor issues. ─── 不要忽略枝节问题。
87、Romance dies through indifference and neglect. ─── 冷淡和疏忽会使爱恋伤失。
88、He was denounced for neglect of duty. ─── 他因玩忽职守;而破斥责。
89、They denounced her for neglect of duty. ─── 他们指责她渎职。
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