bibliomania 发音
英:[,bɪblɪə(ʊ)'meɪnɪə] 美:[,bɪblɪə'menɪə]
英: 美:
bibliomania 中文意思翻译
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形容词: bibliomaniacal |名词: bibliomaniac |
bibliomania 短语词组
1、bibliomania mean ─── 藏书癖
2、bibliomania orlando ─── 奥兰多图书馆
3、bibliomania day ─── 藏书癖日
4、bibliomania fiction ─── 藏书狂小说
5、bibliomania tulsa ─── 塔尔萨图书馆
6、bibliomania website ─── 图书馆网站
bibliomania 相似词语短语
1、balletomania ─── n.对芭蕾舞的狂热;芭蕾舞狂
2、bibliomanes ─── 图书馆
3、bibliomaniac ─── n.有藏书癖;adj.藏书狂的;藏书癖的
4、islomania ─── n.爱岛癖
5、bibliomaniacal ─── 圣经的
6、bibliomane ─── 藏书人
7、bibliophobia ─── n.书籍恐惧症
8、bibliomancy ─── n.圣经占卜
9、bibliophagic ─── 藏书学
bibliomania 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Bibliomania: Over 2, 000 classic texts can be found on this site, as well as reference books, study guides and links to buy books. ─── Bibliomania:该站点包括超过2000篇经典教科书,也有参考书、学习指南,以及买书的链接。
2、I never care to borrow books from other people or a library.It seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed. ─── 我不喜欢向别人或图书馆借书,在我好像过不来瘾似的,必要是自己买的才满足。
3、bibliomania: Over 2, 000 classic texts can be found on this site, as well as reference books, study guides and links to buy books. ─── Bibliomania:该站点包括超过2000篇经典教科书,也有参考书、学习指南,以及买书的链接。
4、characteristic of or characterized by or noted for bibliomania. ─── 具有有藏书癖特征或因藏书癖而著名。
5、characteristic of or characterized by or noted for bibliomania ─── 具有有藏书癖特征,或因藏书癖而著名
6、It seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed ─── 借来的书,在我好像过不来痛似的,必要是自己买的才满足。
7、'seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed. ─── 借来的书,在我好像过不来痛似的,必要是自己买的才满足。
8、Bibliomania is an invaluable tool for book lovers, as well as students and teachers. ─── 这一网站无论是对书迷,还是老师学生,都是极具价值的工具。
9、Bibliomania - Bibliomania is a simple and fast-loading site that offers over 2000 classic books, short stories, plays and poems online. ─── 藏书爱好者—藏书爱好者是一个简单的,支持快速下载的网站,在线提供超过2000本的经典书、短篇小说、戏剧和诗歌。
10、It seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed. ─── 借来的书,在我好像过不来瘾似的,必要自己买的才满足。
11、Bibliomania is an invaluable tool for book lovers, as well as students and teachers. ─── 这一网站无论是对书迷,还是老师学生,都是极具价值的工具。
12、I am not fond of borrowing books from other people or libraries, believing those books will fail to meet my bibliomania. ─── 我不喜欢向别人或图书馆借书。借来的书,在我好象过不来瘾似的,必要是自己买的才满足。
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