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08-18 投稿


openwork 发音

英:[ˈoʊpənˌwɜːrk]  美:[ˈəʊpənˌwɜːk]

英:  美:

openwork 中文意思翻译




openwork 短语词组

1、openwork jp openwork ─── 日本

2、openwork uk ─── 英国openwork

3、openwork ltd openwork ─── 有限公司

4、openwork isa ─── 开放式isa

5、openwork lace ─── 镂空花边

6、openwork japan ─── 日本露天工程

openwork 相似词语短语

1、to inwork ─── 正在工作

2、looyenwork ─── 灯饰

3、capework ─── 斗篷

4、fretwork ─── n.[建]浮雕细工;回纹装饰

5、ropework ─── n.结绳术;制绳所

6、open book ─── 极坦率的人;一目了然的事物

7、open-world ─── 开放的世界

8、to unwork ─── 没有工作

9、pinwork ─── n.凸出的饰纹

openwork 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Putian boxwood carving and wood carving delicate openwork longan to Kyo, elegant style for park, depicts is exquisite, hierarchy. ─── 莆田黄杨木雕和龙眼木雕则以精致的透雕见长,风格占朴典雅,刻画细腻,层次分明。

2、Tiffany’s Irregular Upper and Lower Border lamps are distinguished by the openwork crown edge, which is meant to represent a branch, shrubbery or tree. ─── 蒂凡尼的不规则的上,下边界灯的特点是镂空冠的边缘,其目的是要描绘出树枝,灌木或树。

3、An openwork fabric made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together at regular intervals. ─── 网用线或绳按有规律的空隙编织或连结而成的透孔织物结构

4、decorative openwork window ─── 漏窗

5、It can also be ornamental openwork of a very refined and intricate design. ─── 它也可以是一个非常完善和复杂的设计,装饰镂空。

6、4. A narrow piece of openwork lace through which ribbon may be run. ─── 珠缘,串饰:狭窄的半圆形嵌线;珠状花边

7、openwork embroidery ─── 起孔剌锈

8、An openwork fabric or structure in which cords, threads, or wires cross at regular intervals. ─── 网绳、线或铁丝按一定间隔交叉形成的网状织品或结构

9、ornamental work of interlaced and branching lines,especially the lacy openwork in a Gothic window ─── 装饰线条,由交错和分枝的线条组成的装饰作品,尤指在哥特式玻璃窗上的带花边的透雕细工

10、down-to-ground openwork screen ─── 落地罩

11、openwork carving ─── 透雕

12、Openwork Sandalwood Fan with Colored Figure Painting ─── 檀香拉花彩绘人物

13、Shangzhai culture is a mid-Neolithic culture in Zhu River valley,but the painted and string pattern potteries are not existed,and the bird-head pottery in openwork is characteristic. ─── 以无彩陶,陶器不具绳纹和鸟首形镂空器等特殊器物为特征,构成一支具鲜明特点的沟河流域新石器时代中期早段文化,称之为上宅文化。

14、to cover with or as if with an openwork fabric or structure ─── 覆以网路用或好象用网眼织物或结构覆盖

15、Openwork Sandalwood Fan with Pyrographs of Peony ─── 檀香烫拉牡丹

16、iron openwork ─── 铁花

17、openwork gloves ─── 网眼手套

18、Around the circular platforms are72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha . ─── 围绕着环形平台有72座透雕细工的印度塔,内有佛龛,每个佛龛供奉一尊佛像。

19、Openwork Sandalwood Fan Pyrograghed with Ten Sceneries of the West Lake ─── 檀香烫拉西湖十景

20、Openwork Sandalwood Fan with Pyrographed Pine and Cranes ─── 檀香烫拉松鹤

21、embroidery ,openwork, with visible ground ─── 透孔刺绣,有可见底布

22、openwork iron gate ─── 透花铁门

23、ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets; geometric openwork ─── 带有三维回纹饰的装饰物;几何形浮雕细工

24、openwork embroidery in which the ground fabric is cut away from the design ─── 雕绣一种透雕细工刺绣,它图案的中空部分被挖去

25、"Tracery: In architecture, bars or ribs used decoratively in windows, especially the ornamental openwork in Gothic windows." ─── 窗花格:建筑中用于窗上的装饰性的棂条或肋材,尤其是哥特式窗户上的装饰性透孔织物。

26、openwork jetty ─── 透空式码头

27、This openwork porcelain brush pot is decorated with a dragon, a traditional symbol of power. ─── 这镂空瓷笔筒装饰有龙,传统的权力象征。

28、Openwork Sandalwood Fan with Colored Figure Painting ─── 檀香拉花彩绘人物

29、ivory openwork ─── 象牙通花扇

30、openwork wall ─── 漏墙

31、floor clown-to-ground openwork screen ─── 落地钟

32、When openwork jacquard fabrics are woven, looms can be mounted in different ways such as one division and one harness leash, one division and multi-harness leash, or front and back harness. ─── 制织透孔纹织物,可以用单造单把吊装造类型,单造多把吊装造类型,也可以用前综和后综装置。

33、Ornamental work of interlaced and branching lines, especially the lacy openwork in a Gothic window. ─── 装饰线条由交错和分枝的线条组成的装饰作品,尤指在哥特式玻璃窗上的带花边的透雕细工

34、Filigree work can either be joined onto a metal surface, or left as openwork. ─── 花丝工艺品既能能接合到金属表面,亦可单独作为镂空饰物。

35、"Lace: Ornamental openwork fabric formed by the looping, interlacing, Braiding, or twisting of threads, originally primarily of linen." ─── 花边: 由绕环、编结、绞织(编辫)或双股线织成的装饰性网状镂空织物。

36、Openwork Sandalwood Fan Pyrograghed with Orchid Design ─── 檀香烫拉兰花

37、Ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets;geometric openwork. ─── 回纹细工饰:带有三维回纹饰的装饰物;

38、openwork hose ─── 网眼袜

39、Lace: Ornamental openwork fabric formed by the looping, interlacing, braiding, or twisting of threads, originally primarily of linen. ─── 花边:由绕环、编结、绞织(编辫)或双股线织成的装饰性网状镂空织物。

40、Handsomely inlaid with plaques of lapis lazuli, these silver towers feature intricate openwork and sculpture, all beautifully adorned with colorful enamel. ─── 漂亮的斑块镶嵌青金石,这些功能复杂的银塔立和雕塑,所有贲彩色釉。

41、Polychrome was used to produce jewelry with a lot of different themes using openwork motifs and several linked items. ─── 多彩被用来制造首饰用了很多不同的主题使用镂空图案和几个相互关联的项目。

42、Openwork Sandalwood Fan with Pyrographs of Beauties ─── 檀香烫拉侍女图

43、openwork vase ─── 通花瓶

44、An openwork fabric; a net. ─── 网网眼式织品;网

45、Great emphasis was placed on the use of the natural beauty of the wood grain together with adopting latticework and openwork carving.This simple classical style has helped to establish its fame. ─── 明带家具自始至终追求神韵为目的,为此风格典雅,朴实大方,历史以来深受人们所喜爱。

46、a narrow piece of openwork lace through which ribbon may be run. ─── 可以穿过网眼的狭窄的透孔镂刻花边。

47、An openwork fabric made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together at regular intervals. ─── 用线或绳按有规律的空隙编织或连结而成的透孔织物结构

48、Ornamental openwork fabric formed by the looping, interlacing, braiding, or twisting of threads, originally primarily of linen. ─── 由绕环、编结、绞织(编辫)或双股线织成的装饰性网状镂空织物。

49、Ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets; geometric openwork. ─── 回纹细工饰带有三维回纹饰的装饰物;几何形浮雕细工

50、Openwork Sandalwood Fan with Pyrographed Plum Blossom ─── 檀香烫拉梅花

51、"Tracery: In architecture, Bars or ribs used decoratively in windows, especially the ornamental openwork in Gothic windows." ─── 窗花格: 建筑中用于窗上的装饰性的棂条或肋材,尤其是哥特式窗户上的装饰性透孔织物。

52、a narrow piece of openwork lace through which ribbon may be run ─── 可以穿过网眼的狭窄的透孔镂刻花边

53、Openwork Sandalwood Fan with Pyrograghs and Inlayed Pieces of Bone ─── 檀香烫拉白骨镶嵌

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