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08-22 投稿


perfidious 发音

英:[pərˈfɪdiəs]  美:[pəˈfɪdiəs]

英:  美:

perfidious 中文意思翻译



perfidious 反义词


perfidious 短语词组

1、perfidious defined ─── 背信弃义的

2、perfidious book ─── 背信弃义的书

3、perfidious albion ─── 背信弃义白化

4、perfidious anglo ─── 背信弃义的盎格鲁人

5、perfidious gossip ─── 背信弃义的流言蜚语

6、perfidious antonym ─── 背信弃义反义词

7、perfidious cap ─── 背信弃义的帽子

8、perfidious definition ─── 背信弃义的定义

9、perfidious define ─── 背信弃义

perfidious 同义词

faithful | double-dyed | utter | strict | exact | perfect tense | achieve | arrant | expert | definitive | ideal | fulfil | stark | complete | tighten up | refine | pure | thoroughgoing | improve | sodding | hone | staring | finished | better | mint | unadulterated | precise | perfective | consummate |faultless | excellent | flawless | right | finish | intact | everlasting | unconditional | accurate | correct | absolute | gross | finalize | proper

perfidious 词性/词形变化,perfidious变形

副词: perfidiously |

perfidious 相似词语短语

1、pervicacious ─── 极固执的;极任性的;非常顽固的

2、perfidies ─── n.不诚实;背信弃义

3、perjurious ─── 伪证的;犯伪证罪的

4、pernicious ─── adj.有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的

5、perfidiously ─── adv.不忠实地;背信地

6、perfidiousness ─── 背信弃义;叛卖

7、pervious ─── adj.能被通过的;能接受的;可渗透的

8、hyperfastidious ─── 过分讲究

9、pertinacious ─── adj.顽固的;执拗的

perfidious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、when we encounter the rumor, to be perfidious and to deceive, we can the pain. ─── 当我们遭遇谎言、背信弃义和欺骗,我们就会痛苦。

2、Your perfidious gossip is malicious and dangerous. ─── 你说的那些背信弃义的话是很刻毒险恶的。

3、There is no vice that doth so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious. ─── 恶之贻人耻辱,未有若欺诈背信之烈者也。没有一件恶德能和被人发现是虚伪欺诈一般使人蒙羞的。

4、La giustizia degli uomini retti li libera, ma i perfidi restan presi nella loro propria malizia. ─── 正直人的公义必拯救自己,但奸诈人必陷溺于自己的恶欲中。

5、But none reject Our Signs except only a perfidious ungrateful (wretch)! ─── 只有每个狡猾的、孤恩的人,否认我的迹象。

6、Gibbs: Aye, the perfidious rotter lead a mutiny against us. ─── (你个背信弃义的无赖带着一批叛徒来找打!)

7、The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments. ─── 伤害一件事物的最背叛的方法就是故意用错误的辩论去维护它。

8、Even perfidious Anglo-Saxons agree on the need for change. ─── 即使是无信的安格鲁萨克逊人也同意这种改革。

9、Perfidious media managers; treachery in the name of truth. ─── 背信弃义的媒体;打着真相名义的背信弃义。

10、China accused Taiwan of a "perfidious betrayal of trust" on Friday for reneging on an agreement to host a stop on next year's Beijing Olympic torch relay. ─── 周五中国谴责台湾拒绝成为明年北京奥运火炬传递站的事件上违背诚信。

11、The benefits of technology have a perfidious habit of flowing to the users not the inventors. ─── 技术带来的好处总是惠及技术的使用者而不是投资者。

12、And then, today, I decided to reply to you if only because I did not want to leave you with the false impression that your perfidious letter is worth the paper on which it has been written. ─── 今天我写信给你仅仅是因为我不能给你留下这样一个错误的印象,即你上一封背信弃义的信有任何的价值。”

13、The company was betrayed by its perfidious allies. ─── 这家公司遭背信弃义的盟友出卖了。

14、The guide made a negative sign with his head, which was probably perfidious. ─── 他弯下腰去,向那向导拉科斯特低声说了一句话。

15、Marked by betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust; perfidious. ─── 背叛的以背叛忠诚、信赖或信任为特征的;背信弃义的

16、Aye,the perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us! ─── |没错 这个背信弃义的无赖 竟然背叛了我们!

17、No wonder they talk about perfidious Albion, he mutters, and you can see why. ─── 他低声嘀咕着,难怪他们都说英国人背信弃义,现在知道为什么了。

18、Woman is perfidious and disingenuous. ─── 女人是邪淫寡信的。

19、which goeth basely upon the belly, and not upon the feet.There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false and perfidious. ─── 所以蒙泰涅在他研究为什么说人说谎算是这样的一种羞辱,一种可恨之极的罪责的时候,说得极好。

20、marked by betrayal of fidelity,confidence,or trust; perfidious ─── 以背叛忠诚、信赖或信任为特征的;背信弃义的

21、the perfidious Judas; ─── 背信弃义的犹大;

22、In your language traitor means betrayer: one is perfidious, treacherous, unfaithful, disloyal ─── 在贵国的语言中,叛徒指的是叛卖者,一个背叛信仰,两面三刀,不忠实,无信无义的人。

23、It was the most perfidious and dangerous dive bomber the Germans had. ─── 这是德国人拥有的最出色而危险的俯冲轰炸机。

24、3. which goeth basely upon the belly, and not upon the feet There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false, and perfidious. ─── 因为这些曲曲折折的行为可说是蛇走路的方法,蛇是不用脚而是很卑贱地用肚子走路的。没有一件恶德能和被人发现是虚伪欺诈一般使人蒙羞的。

25、There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false and perfidious. ─── 没有一件恶德能和被人发现是虚伪欺诈一般使人蒙羞的。

26、Breach of faith; perfidy; treachery; perfidious ─── 背信弃义

27、perfidious crime ─── 背信罪

28、The hunter washed the face, lets these changes the first donkey the fellow can recognize him, then enters the courtyard, said: “now this you obtain the being perfidious retribution!” ─── 猎人先洗了脸,让那些变驴的家伙能认出他,然后才走进院子,说:“现在该你们得到背信弃义的报应啦!”

29、Time and again, the answer lies not in luck, nature, the strictures of this or that religion, or the plots of perfidious foreigners, but largely in the choices of rulers and ruled. ─── 一次又一次,答案告诉我们这不在于国家的命运,性质,这种或那种宗教制约,或少部分背信弃义的外国人,而主要是统治者和被统治者的选择。

30、I suoi profeti son millantatori, perfidi, i suoi sacerdoti profanano le cose sante, fanno violenza alla legge. ─── 城中的先知都是轻浮诡诈的人;城中的祭司亵渎圣物,违犯律法。

31、Perfidious wrongs, immedicable woes? ─── 以怨报德的虐待、难以治愈的痼疾?

32、Poor Mr Bennet will now have to fight the perfidious Wickham ─── 可怜的贝纳先生就要和无情无义的威卡奋战

33、9. Punic faith; the perfidious Judas; the fiercest and most treacherous of foes; treacherous intrigues. ─── 背信弃义;背信弃义的犹大;最凶恶、最奸诈的敌人;背信弃义的阴谋。收藏指正

34、be perfidious ─── 无信义

35、* When Caesar realized that Brutus had betrayed him, he reproached his perfidious friend. ─── *当恺撒认识到,布鲁特斯背叛他,他责备他背信弃义的朋友。

36、Cosmus, Duke of Florence, had a desperate saying, against perfidious or neglecting friends, as if those wrongs were unpardonable: You shall read (saith he) mat we are commanded to forgive our enemies; ─── 科斯谟斯,佛罗棱司底大公,曾有句锋锐的话是说无义和忘恩的朋友的。

37、Punic faith; the perfidious Judas; the fiercest and most treacherous of foes; treacherous intrigues. ─── 背信弃义;背信弃义的犹大;最凶恶、最奸诈的敌人;背信弃义的阴谋。

38、Cosmus, duke of Florence, had a desperate saying against perfidious or neglecting friends, as if those wrongs were unpardonable ─── 佛罗伦萨大公科西莫曾用极其强烈的言辞谴责朋友的背信弃义或忘恩负义,他似乎认为这类恶行不可饶恕。

39、A few retired politicians were dragged out to reminisce about slights suffered at the hands of the perfidious Frogs. ─── 还会拖出几个退休赋闲的政客来追忆背信弃义的法国佬在过去给英国带来的小小不快。

40、the perfidious Judas ─── 背信弃义的犹大

41、Perfidious . And therefore Montaigne says prettily , when he inquired the reason , why the word of. ─── 来的耻辱。因此,蒙田在探讨谎言一词为何如此可厌可憎时,说过。

42、the victim of a perfidious murder. ─── 一次卑鄙谋杀的受害者。

43、Marked by betrayal of fidelity,confidence,or trust;perfidious. ─── 背叛的以背叛忠诚、信赖或信任为特征的;背信弃义的

44、betrayed by perfidious allies ─── 遭背信弃义的盟友出卖.

45、The perfidious military attack on our fatherland, begun on 22 June by Hitler's Germany, is continuing ─── 希特勒德国于6月22日对我们的祖国发动背信弃义的武装攻击,目前攻击还在继续进行。

46、too well I remembered the perfidious hints given by Mrs. ─── 这里人不喜欢他。

47、Their feet will trample on the dead bodies of their perfidious aggressors. ─── 他们将从背信弃义的侵略者的尸体上踏过。

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