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09-03 投稿


Lombardy 中文意思翻译



Lombardy 短语词组

1、lombardy population ─── 伦巴第人口

2、lombardy italy ─── 意大利伦巴第

3、lombardy trophy ─── 伦巴第奖杯

4、lombardy region ─── 伦巴第地区

5、Lombardy erysipelas ─── [医] 糙皮病, 蜀黍红斑, 陪拉格

6、lombardy polar ─── 伦巴第极地

7、lombardy italy map ─── 伦巴第意大利地图

8、Lombardy poplar 【 ─── 植物】箭杆杨[黑杨的一种雄花变种 (Populus nigra italica)]

9、lombardy ontario ─── 安大略伦巴第

10、lombardy poplar tree ─── 伦巴第白杨树

11、lombardy milan ─── 伦巴第米兰

12、lombardy region italy ─── 意大利伦巴第地区

13、lombardy brescia ─── 伦巴第布雷西亚

14、lombardy lake ─── 伦巴第湖

Lombardy 相似词语短语

1、Lombardy ─── n.伦巴第(意大利州名)

2、Lombardi ─── n.(Lombardi)人名;(西、意、英)隆巴尔迪

3、Lombardia ─── n.伦巴蒂大区(意大利经济最发达的地区)

4、Colombard ─── n.(Colombard)人名;(法)科隆巴尔

5、Lombard ─── n.放债者;银行家;(意大利)伦巴第族人;adj.伦巴族人的;伦巴第语的

6、Lombards ─── 伦巴底人

7、bombarde ─── n.大芦管

8、bombard ─── vt.轰炸;炮击;n.射石炮;n.(Bombard)人名;(法)邦巴尔

9、bombards ─── vt.轰炸;炮击;n.射石炮;n.(Bombard)人名;(法)邦巴尔

Lombardy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stefano Lombardi ─── 隆巴尔迪,意大利足球运动员

2、As for Father Lombardi, he is understood to have tried in Germany to make a last-minute attempt to warn Benedict of the possible consequences. ─── 至于神父隆巴尔迪,他试图在德国作最后一分钟的尝试向Benedict警告可能产生的后果。

3、Latin (Latin Dance), including Lombardy, precisely, Samba, Jive and paso doble. ─── 拉丁舞(Latin Dance)包括伦巴、恰恰、桑巴、捷舞和斗牛舞。

4、Consorzio_A_L_A_ Autonoleggiatori Lombardi Associati - noleggio di auto di lusso con o senza autista. ─── 青岛海泰电气股份有限公司生产计数器,绿色食品,汽车检测设备,空调控制器,家用燃所锅炉的公司。

5、A native or inhabitant of Lombardy. ─── 伦巴底的土著人或居民

6、"This is a very controversial area," said Dr.Claudine Isaacs, a breast specialist at Georgetown University's Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. ─── “这是一个非常有争议的领域,”乔治敦大学Lombardi综合癌症中心乳腺癌专家ClaudineIsaacs博士说。

7、For, just as one vernacular can be identified as belonging to Cremona, so can another that belongs to Lombardy; ─── 因为正如一种方言可以被认同为属于克雷莫纳,另外一种方言也可以被认同为属于伦巴第;

8、Federico Lombardi, told the Italian news agency ANSA it was “sad and painful” to hear the slayings had gone ahead. ─── 梵蒂冈发言人菲德里克伦巴地告诉意大利安莎通讯社说听到死刑已经被执行“很悲伤,很痛苦”。

9、the capital of Lombardy in northern Italy; has been an international center of trade and industry since the Middle Ages. ─── 意大利北部伦巴底地区的首府;自中世纪以来一直是一个国际性的商业和工业中心。

10、Having erect and almost parallel branches tapering toward the top, as in the Lombardy poplar. ─── 帚状的伦巴第白杨树等的枝条挺直,几乎平行,且向顶端逐渐变细的

11、"Oh I doubt that," Lombardi said, laughing. ─── “噢,我怀疑,”隆巴尔迪笑着说。

12、If a cutting from a Lombardy poplaris kept alive, new shoots will grow from the end that grew u ermost in the tree. ─── 从伦巴第白杨上砍下的一根枝条如果还活着,原来长在树的最高处的那一端便会抽出新芽。

13、Lombardi also began serving spaghetti . ─── 伦巴第也开始供应意大利面。)

14、A year later Venice and Lombardy (Lombardia) were combined to form the Lombardo-Venetia Kingdom. ─── 一年后,威尼斯和伦巴第大区(伦巴第大区)结合,形成隆巴多,威尼斯王国。

15、The real issue, says Lombardi, is the additional cost this imposes on sorting and recycling organisations. ─── 真正的问题,隆巴迪说,这是额外的成本,这对分类及循环再造组织。

16、As American football coach Vince Lombardi put it,"Winning isn't everything. ─── 正如美国橄榄球队教练文斯·隆巴底所说:“成功不是一切。

17、Lombardy pace of movement and action : the same way to the soles of his feet off, then the entire soles of the feet touch the ground. ─── 脚步动作:脚步动作与伦巴相同,以脚底出去,随即整个脚底着地。

18、The capital of Lombardy in northern Italy has been an international center of trade and industry since the Middle Ages. ─── 意大利北部伦巴底地区的首府,自中世纪以来一直是一个国际性的商业和工业中心。

19、Lombardi string.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) lubano implementing a series of tight management, such as improving supply chain efficiency, control the number of employees. ─── 隆巴迪将对巴诺推行一系列紧缩的管理方式,如提高供应链的效率、控制员工的数量。

20、It rises in the Cottian Alps on the western frontier and flows northeast to Turin, then east across Piedmont and Lombardy into the Adriatic Sea. ─── 源出西部边境的科蒂安阿尔卑斯山脉,向北流至杜林,然后向东流经皮埃蒙特区和伦巴底区汇入亚得里亚海。

21、Latin国标舞is standardized, strict standards, it is in Latin norms developed on the basis of the formation of a professional dance competition, including Lombardy, precisely, jive, samba, paso doble. ─── 拉丁国标舞是规范、严格、标准的,它是在拉丁舞的基础上发展规范形成的竞技专业舞蹈,内容包括伦巴、恰恰、牛仔舞、桑巴、斗牛舞。

22、Even a man as tough and great as the legendary football coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all. ─── 当以利亚求死, 神从天而降给他力量. 第8节提到, 他 就 起 来 吃 了 喝 了 ,仗 著 这 饮 食 的 力 ,走 了 四 十 昼 夜 ,到 了神 的 山 ,就 是 何 烈 山 。

23、Alessandro Nesta has told Milan to speed up talks over a new deal, as he is desperate to remain in Lombardy. ─── 亚历桑德罗内斯塔已经对米兰提出尽快拟定新合同的要求,因为他迫切希望留在伦巴底大区。

24、The comparative studies on biochemical and physiological properties of Speeded-growth poplar and Lombardy poplar ─── 速生杨与钻天杨生理生化特性比较研究

25、Austria withdrew from Lombardy and France agreed not to liberate Venetia. ─── 奥地利从伦巴第撤军,法国同意不再解放威尼斯地区。

26、It based in Milan, Lombardy and plays in the Serie A (first division). ─── 它的总部位于伦巴底的米兰,是甲级联赛俱乐部。

27、The pilgrim got past a security barricade by the central aisle of the vast basilica as the pope began leading the traditional procession to the altar, Father Federico Lombardi told reporters. ─── 费德里科-隆巴迪神父在接受记者采访时说,当时教皇正按惯例带领神甫们走向圣坛,此时一名信徒越过大教堂中央长廊两侧的护栏,当即将他撞倒。

28、It was almost excluded in Lombardy too, this time because some of its signatures seemed dubious. ─── 而同时,由于许多签名受到质疑,它几乎被剔除在了伦巴第的选举。

29、Cabrini, Saint Frances Xavier (1850-1917), was an Italian American Roman Catholic nun, born in Lombardy. ─── 卡布里尼,圣弗朗西斯哈维尔(1850年至1917年),是意大利,美国的罗马天主教修女,出生在伦巴第。

30、Lombardi's sign ─── [医] 伦巴迪氏征(初期肺结核体征之一)

31、"Winning is not everything, but wanting to win is." -- Vince Lombardi ─── 获胜并没什么,只是渴望获胜而已。

32、Lombardy poplar ─── n. [植]箭杆杨, 钻天杨, 笔杨

33、Giovanni Lombardi ─── 隆巴迪

34、furthermore, they seem to know right from left.if a cutting from a lombardy poplaris kept alive, new shoots will grow from the end that grew uppermost in the tree. ─── 而且,它们似乎还能分辨左右。从伦巴第白杨上砍下的一根枝条如果还活着,原来长在树的最高处的那一端便会抽出新芽。

35、UF President John Lombardi canceled classes for the week, and the world's media descended on Gainesville to cover the story. ─── 佛罗里达大学校长约翰·伦巴第将本周的课程全部取消,全世界的媒体都聚集在盖斯威尔报道这一事件。

36、Two Italian regions, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, have already requested that a state of emergency be declared. ─── 意大利的伦巴第和罗马涅两个地区已经发布紧急状态。

37、Through the Lands of the West and Lombardy ─── 通过西方和伦巴第的大地

38、He was probably trained in the Lombardy region. ─── 可能在伦巴底地区受过绘画训练。

39、Pietro Lombardi ─── 隆巴尔蒂

40、gaving erect and almost parallel branches tapering toward the top,as in the Lombardy poplar ─── 枝条挺直,几乎平行,且向顶端逐渐变细的,伦巴第白杨树等的

41、and just as one can be identified that belongs to Lombardy, so can another that belongs to the whole left-hand side of Italy; ─── 一种方言可以被认同为属于伦巴第,那么另一种也可以被认同为属于整个意大利左半部;

42、Combined with the beautiful surroundings of Como and the Lombardy hills and this was one of the best weekends I have ever spent in Europe. ─── 再加上美丽的科摩和伦巴第群山,这是我在欧洲度过的最美好的周末之一。

43、A. V. Lombardi, Department of Aerospace and Astronautic Engineering, University of Rome "La Sap原始页: ─── 2008年.所有权利保留.上海中图文化发展有限公司技术支持.

44、Lombardy pine ─── 美国白杨塔杨

45、CONI and the region of Lombardy will award Andrea Pirlo tomorrow evening for his 2006 World Cup victory as a player from the Lombardy region of Italy. ─── 意大利奥委会和隆巴底大区将会在明晚为出生于隆巴底大区的皮尔洛颁奖以表彰他在2006年世界杯上的胜利。

46、Gennaro Lombardi opened the first American pizza shop in New York City in 1905. ─── 格拉罗?劳巴蒂于1905年在纽约市开办了第一家比萨饼店。

47、It flows southward 194 mi (313 km) through Lake Como and across the Lombardy Plain before joining the Po River above Cremona. ─── 向南流入科莫湖(Lake Como),此段长194哩(313公里)。出科莫湖后,经伦巴底平原,汇入波河(Po River)。

48、LOMBARDY province produces shoe of popular male and female; ─── LOMBARDY省生产流行的男女鞋;

49、This is the language used by the illustrious authors who have written vernacular poetry in Italy, whether they came from Sicily, Apulia, Tuscany Romagna, Lombardy, or either of the Marches. ─── 这是在意大利创作方言诗歌的高贵的作者们所使用的语言,他们可以来自西西里、阿普里亚、托斯卡尼罗马涅、伦巴第或者马尔凯。

50、those on the left, however, are the other part of Apulia, the Marches of Ancona, Romagna, Lombardy the Marches of Treviso, and Venice. ─── 左手边的包括阿普利亚的另一部分、安科纳的马尔凯、罗马涅、伦巴第的特雷维索马尔凯和威尼斯。

51、LINDA DUFFIN: The industrial powerhouse of Lombardy produces much of Italy's wealth, but it's in danger of choking itself to death. ─── 伦巴第省的工业电站为意大利创造了大量财富,可是现在却面临使自己窒息而死的危险。

52、Lombardy erysipelas ─── [医] 糙皮病, 蜀黍红斑, 陪拉格

53、the Vince Lombardi Trophy depicts a football in kicking position that is made entirely of sterling silver. ─── 文斯?隆巴迪奖杯是个空中飞着的足球的样子,全身都是纯银的,

54、In his previous role, a decade ago, as chairman of Lombardy-based Como football club, the Italian received a fax from an Argentine friend. ─── 十年前,这个意大利人在伦巴第担任科摩(Como)足球俱乐部主席时,曾收到一位阿根廷朋友发来的传真。

55、This paper determined a series of biochemical and physiological properties of Speeded?growth poplar and Lombardy poplar. ─── 测定了速生杨与钻天杨的一系列生理生化特性,结果表明:速生杨的叶绿素、脯氨酸、脱落酸、抗坏血酸、可溶性糖含量、硝酸还原酶和过氧化物酶活性均高于钻天杨.

56、In 1801 he demonstrated the battery's generation of current before Napoleon, who made him a count and senator of the kingdom of Lombardy. ─── 1801年他把电池表演给拿破仑看,拿破仑封他为伯爵和伦巴底王国参议员。

57、Multinational companies in Italy, there are one-third (500) is located in Milan, Lombardy 60% of research institutes based in Milan. ─── 在意大利的跨国公司中,有三分之一(500多家)位于米兰市,伦巴第大区60%的研究机构设在米兰。

58、the tall LomBardy poplar . . . towering high aBove all other trees ─── 高大的箭杆杨.超出任何其他树的高度

59、A move greeted with scepticism on the streets of Lombardy's main city of Milan. ─── 在伦巴第省主要城市米兰的各街道上,这一举措遭到普遍怀疑。

60、Returning to Lombardy, Frederick drove out the papal armies which had invaded his territories, and forced the pope to end his excommunication ─── 回到伦巴第后,腓特烈驱走了入侵其领土的教皇军队,迫使教皇终止对他的惩罚。

61、Delion, of France, won the Tour of Lombardy in a sprint finish at Monza yesterday. ─── 法国选手吉勒斯·德利翁昨天在蒙扎最后冲刺时赢得了伦巴第巡回赛冠军。










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