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08-31 投稿


disordered 发音

英:[dɪsˈɔːrdərd]  美:[dɪsˈɔːdəd]

英:  美:

disordered 中文意思翻译




disordered 短语词组

1、disordered insulator ─── 无序绝缘体

2、disordered alloy ─── 无序合金

3、disordered homicide ─── 混乱的凶杀案

4、disordered orientation ─── [化] 无序取向

5、disordered state ─── 无序状态

6、disordered semiconductor ─── 无序半导体

7、disordered scattering ─── [医] 不规律散射

8、disordered lattice ─── 无序晶格, ─── 无序格子

9、disordered motion ─── 无序运动

10、disordered chain ─── 无序链

11、disordered personality ─── [医] 人格失常

12、disordered arms ─── 杂乱的手臂

13、disordered phase ─── 无序相

14、disordered flow ─── 无序流

15、disordered structure ─── 无序结构

16、disordered dentition ─── [医] 出牙紊乱

17、mentally disordered person ─── [法] 精神失常者

18、disordered metal ─── 无序的金属

19、disordered magnetism ─── 无序的磁性

disordered 词性/词形变化,disordered变形

副词: disorderedly |名词: disor-deredness |

disordered 同义词

higgledy-piggledy | messy | tangled | disorderly | unordered | scattered | disjointed | broken | jumbled | upset | illogical | confused | disconnected | anarchic | garbled |chaotic | muddled | unconnected | ailing | topsy-turvy

disordered 常用词组

in disorder ─── 混乱;慌乱地, 狼狈不堪;杂乱地

mental disorder ─── 精神病;心理失常

bipolar disorder ─── 躁郁症;两极型异常

disordered 反义词


disordered 相似词语短语

1、disorders ─── n.无秩序,混乱;小病(disorder的复数形式);v.[电子]扰乱(disorder的单三形式)

2、disorderedly ─── 杂乱无章

3、disorderly ─── adj.混乱的,无秩序的;骚乱的;无法无天的;adv.杂乱地,无秩序地

4、disorder ─── n.混乱;骚乱;vt.使失调;扰乱

5、dissundered ─── 未分配

6、disoriented ─── adj.分不清方向或目标的;无判断力的;v.使……迷惑(disorient的过去式和过去分词)

7、undisordered ─── 未排序

8、disordering ─── n.无序化;v.[电子]扰乱(disorder的ing形式)

9、misordered ─── n.混乱;vt.使混乱

disordered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In a time characterized of disordered standards in design due to fickleness and delineation, a tree enabled us to find our inner tranquility. ─── 在时下浮躁而游离的设计美学导致标准混乱的情况下,面对一棵树,我们找到了心灵的一泓宁静。

2、Some church is disordered and full of troubles because of the leaders' dereliction of duty, yet the leaders pretext that no church on earth is perfect. ─── 今天有不少教会领袖不致力于照着圣经的原则治理教会,却借口说地上没有完美的教会。

3、The volume of "Poems" which appeared a year previously hardly presaged the disordered work that was to follow. ─── 在《荒原》发表前一年问世的《诗选》绝对不会预示继之而来的是这样一不“杂乱无章”的作品。

4、Abstract: [Objective] To study effective method for disordered sports of parkinsonism. [Method] The treatment and control groups take Madopar in the same time. ─── [目的]探讨提高帕金森病运动障碍的有效办法。[方法]治疗组和对照组同时服用美多巴,治疗组针刺四肢关节的穴位。

5、Peppard PE,Young T,Palta M,et al.Prospective study of theassociation between sleep disordered breathing and hypertension[J].New Engl J Med,2000,342(19):1378. ─── 中华医学会呼吸病学分会睡眠呼吸疾病学组.阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征诊治指南(草案)[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志,2002,25(4):195.

6、The children disordered the room . ─── 孩子们将房间搞得很乱。

7、I floated through this disordered life, ─── 世乱遭飘荡

8、She became disordered upon hearing the bad news. ─── 她在听到坏消息后,精神陷入混乱。

9、His hair was disordered. ─── 他头发篷乱。

10、If he had stepped in there and used his eyes, instead of his disordered mind, he could have cure the well by natural means. ─── 他要是进去一趟,用用他的眼睛,别老用他那出了毛病的脑袋,早就可以用很自然的法子把井修好。

11、His face was flushed and his hair disordered. ─── 他的脸红了,头发乱了。

12、In the end, such a person will be pulled apart by his lower passions, and cannot possibly find happiness with a disordered soul. ─── 最终,像暴君那样的人会被低等的激情所撕裂,而且不可能以一个疯狂的心灵来获得幸福。

13、He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally. ─── 他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。

14、Disordered anger, as it's sometimes called, tends to be of greater intensity. ─── 往往称为错乱的愤怒,表现为比一般更为强烈的程度。

15、The microstructure undergoes a process of disordered dislocations to cell structure, subgrain structure and subgrain coarsening. ─── 7075合金的显微组织演变经历由无规则排布的位错演化成胞状组织、亚晶组织、亚晶长大等过程;

16、It sounded just that weird and disordered ─── 听起来总是那么古里古怪、好象神经有点毛病似的。

17、His face was flushed, and his hair disordered. ─── 他满脸通红,头发蓬乱。

18、If he had stepped in there and used his eyes, instead of his disordered mind, he could have cure the well by natural means. ─── 他要是进去一趟,用用他的眼睛,别老用他那出了毛病的脑袋,早就可以用很自然的法子把井修好。

19、I didn't like his friends, and his music seemed to be merely an excuse for the life he led. It sounded just that weird and disordered. ─── 我不喜欢他的朋友,而且觉得他的音乐仅仅是他过的那种生活的借口而已,荒诞不经,乱七八糟。

20、These two kinds of energy are generally referred to as ordered and disordered energy. ─── 一般把这两种能称之为序能和无序能。

21、The ground beetle found in the disordered mow also had the same fate.Every jar or pot had its use.Inside or outside the wall, grass roots and barks were suspended from the eave. ─── 发现了乱草堆中的土鳖虫也是照收不误,热水烫死晒干贮藏好,坛坛罐罐都有用场。

22、In fact, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) serves as a critical organ in the maintenance of CNS homeostasis and is disrupted in a number of neurological disord. ─── 其实缺氧在引起神经元的损伤前,血脑屏障的开放或功能异常已经发生,但缺氧如何引起血脑屏障的各种生理病理变化的?其分子机制如何?这是我们研究的焦点。

23、You always type with the computer and get the settings disordered, then you cry to the keyboard. ─── 你只会用电脑打字,却总把程序弄得一塌糊涂,然后对着键盘哭。

24、room was disordered when they arrived at the scene of the burglary. ─── 当他们到达夜盗现场时房间被弄得乱七八糟。

25、Occasionally he passed a hand through his still disordered hair. ─── 偶尔他用手捋捋依旧很凌乱的头发。

26、Members of the Conservative Party Robert Neville Gould said: "This is mentally disordered. ─── 保守党议员罗伯特古德维尔说:“这简直是神经错乱。”

27、Peppard PE, Young T, Palta M, et al. Prospective study of the association between sleep disordered breathing and hypertension. New Engl J Med, 2000, 342(19):1378. ─── 中华医学会呼吸病学分会睡眠呼吸疾病学组.阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征诊治指南(草案).中华结核和呼吸杂志,2002,25(4):195.

28、However,there are serious issues,such as a waste of resource,disordered mining and environment pollution during development of coal resource. ─── 但在煤炭资源开发过程中,尚存在着资源浪费,开发秩序混乱以及环境污染等严重问题。

29、During hysterical conditions various functions of the human body are disordered. ─── 在歇斯底里的状态下身体的许多机能是紊乱的。

30、Its two most salient features: the disordered chronology and the shocking ending arouse many acholars' interest as well as most of their criticism towards the story. ─── 学者对它的兴趣和大部分有关这部短篇的评论主要源于小说两个显著的特点:打乱的时间编排和出人意料的结局。

31、Tidy up the merchandise disordered by customers. ─── 及时把顾客挑乱的商品整理归位;

32、Schizophrenia, characterized by hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking, is far more common in men than in women and is usually diagnosed in late adolescence or early adulthood. ─── 幻觉、妄想和思维混乱是精神分裂症的典型特征,该病通常是在青少年晚期或成年期的早期发病,且男性患病率远高于女性。

33、A series of accidents disordered the shop ─── 一连串的意外事件把店里弄得乱七八糟。

34、Nor was he dressed himself like a bridegroom, but in strange disordered attire. ─── 他自己打扮得也不象个新郎,身上穿得邋里邋遢的。

35、The room was disordered when they arrived at the scene of the burglary. ─── 当他们到达夜盗现场时房间被弄得乱七八糟。

36、There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litters the floors. ─── 在那些发霉的,昏暗的杂乱无章的房间里总是有希望的,真正的稀世珍宝将会在那堆被乱七八糟丢弃在地板上的垃圾中被发现!

37、Unsound or disordered. ─── 不健全的,混乱的

38、In other cases, the structural pattern appears disordered. ─── 但在另一些场合它们的构造图式却又显得混杂。

39、Sir, they are often not universally disordered in their intellects. ─── 先生,他们的理智并非常常错乱失调。

40、DURING POLLOCK'S ERA, nature was assumed to be disordered, operating essentially randomly. ─── 在帕洛克的时代,人们认为大自然的运行是无序、随机的。

41、To spread out in a straggling or disordered fashion ─── 不整齐的散布以杂乱无序的形式使扩展开的

42、As if his memory were impaired, or his faculties disordered, the prisoner made an effort to rally his attention. ─── 囚徒努力集中注意,好像记忆力受到了伤害,或者器官功能已出现了紊乱。

43、Hemorrhage, disordered ventilation and impaired drainage are decisive pathogenic factors in the causation of cholesterol granuloma. ─── 它有典型的组织病理包括胆脂晶体、红血球浸润及其周围的肉芽组织。

44、This strange, unexpected, terrible accusation has disordered your reason. ─── 你的头脑显然是被一个奇特、可怕、意想不到的污蔑弄糊涂了。

45、He was out of sorts physically, as well as disordered mentally. ─── 他浑身不舒服, 心绪也很乱。

46、Disordered sensori-motor control, resulting from an upper motor neurone lesion, presenting as intermittent or sustained involuntary activation of muscles. ─── “由于上运动神经元损伤导致的感觉-运动控制障碍,表现为肌肉的间断性或持续性的不自主运动”。

47、The ordered IS minerals were formed in.acidity medium the disordered S/I minerals formed in the alkaline one,and tie rectorite was formed in the abnormal regions of... ─── 在酸性介质的影响下,形成IS有序间层矿物;在偏碱性的介质条件下,形成S/I无序间层矿物;高压异常区则形成累托石。

48、Most unusual, he thought, a vision or a mirage - more likely a vision, a trick of his disordered mind. ─── 太奇怪了,他想道,这是幻象吧,也许是海市蜃楼吧--多半是幻象,是他的错乱的神经搞出来的把戏。

49、It is disordered in concept and lack of basis in theory that regard Er to morpheme. ─── 不分情况把“儿”都视为语素,概念上是混乱的,理论上是没有根据的。

50、There is always hope htat in its labyrinth of musty,dark,disordered rooms a real rarity will be foud amongst the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors. ─── 总是有希望在发霉、阴暗、杂乱、迷宫般的店堂里堆积如山的旧货中找到一件真正的珍品。

51、She found that teens who eat at least five meals a week with their families are 35 percent less likely to be 'disordered eaters'. ─── 她发现那些一周至少有五餐和家人在一起的青少年饮食失调率要低于35%。

52、He led a disordered life and died in poverty. ─── 他生活毫无规律,于贫困中死去。

53、Agricultural production, already greatly disordered by the collapse of the railways through war-strain, shrank to a mere cultivation of food by the peasants for their own consumption. ─── 农业生产由于战争重负所带来的铁路瘫痪本来就已经极度紊乱,现在更是缩减为仅仅耕种只够农民自己消费的粮食。

54、We shall examine the empirical and conceptual underpinningsof this attribution and arrive at some conclusions about the importance of cerebral lateralization in various forms of disordered language development. ─── 我们将检查这个结论的经验主义及概念主义支柱,并可得到某些结论,关于。

55、We couldn't understand her disordered presentation. ─── 我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。

56、The goal of Information Resources Integration (IRI) is gathering and ordering the dispersive or disordered information resources to facilitate users' entrance into information systems. ─── 信息资源整合的目标是将分散的资源集中起来,把无序的资源变为有序,使之方便用户查找信息、方便信息服务于用户。

57、When he again looked thing is the disordered hair by the wind, weather - beaten face rolling tear -- it was distressed and helpless tears! ─── 当他再次抬起头,映入眼帘的是被风吹得零乱的头发,饱经风霜的脸上滚动着大颗大颗的泪珠--那是心痛而无奈的泪水!

58、She is wearing glasses, a baggy old sweater, a pencil in her disordered hair. ─── 她戴着一副眼镜,穿着一件宽大的旧毛衣,蓬乱的头发里插着一支铅笔。

59、It is the unsolidified sediment consisting of disordered kaolinite and small amount organic matter and lignite materials. ─── 常含少量有机质或与褐煤矿层等伴生。

60、D. from there).Throughout his career, his research has focused on fundamental physical phenomena in ordered and disordered solids. ─── 他在职业生涯的研究中,专攻有序和无序固体里的基础物理现象。

61、It is the change from an ordered arrangement to a disordered arrangement which is the source of the irreversibility. ─── 从有序的排列到无序排列的变化是不可逆性的起源。

62、Especially for China's disordered motor insurance rate, it would be a great help, and can also improve the decision-making level. ─── 尤其对我国车险市场费率混乱的情况下,采用此系统更能保护被保险人的利益,同时提高保险人的决策水平。

63、But they always encounter resistance while they are chasing this dream: Difficult to cascade the management policy; Low production efficiency; Disordered working sites; Depression of employees ... ─── 可是追逐梦想之旅却经常面临各种阻力:管理思路难以推行?生产效率低迷不前?工作现场混乱无序?员工热情低落,工作马虎?......

64、While some patterns are interleaved and disordered in the pattern, space, it is difficult to separate them by a complicated surface caused by ART2 neural network. ─── 当几个模式由于发散而在空间互相交错时,要用ART2神经网络产生复杂的模式空间分类曲面将它们分开则相当困难。

65、very disordered; in a hopeless mess ─── 乱纷纷

66、Sets of valves ,inserts and bear boots should not be got disordered, they should be singly placed and have identifying marks. ─── 不得弄乱成套气门、轴瓦和轴承盖等。应把各套分开,并作识别标记。

67、Amorphous materials have disordered atomic structure as compared to crystalline materials: that is, they have only short-range order rather than the long-range periodicity of crystals. ─── 与晶体材料相比,非结晶体材料使原子结构发生无序变化,即:它们只有晶体的短程序列特征,而没有晶体结构的长期周期性特征。

68、Poor little friendless rat, doubtless his mind has been disordered with ill-usage. ─── 可怜的没有朋友的小老鼠,毫无疑问他一定是被虐待得精神错乱了。

69、He led a disordered life and died in poverty ─── 他生活毫无规律,於贫困中死去

70、In her disordered appearance, I recognized Gaston's handiwork. ─── 她头发蓬松,衣衫零乱,我看得出这是加斯乐的手作的怪。

71、The fact that individual opinions came to be basis for political justness made the political situation disordered and turbulent. ─── 当各种意识形态所操控的“民意”冒充“公意”成为政治正当性基础的时候,便加剧了政治的动荡和无序。

72、As a matter of fact, a great amount of substantive digital learning resources are in a disordered state. ─── 实际上,大量散布而又有用的数字化学习资源处于一种“无序”状态。

73、Tie types of I/S interstratified mineral have rectorite,ordered IS and disordered S/I. ─── I/S间层矿物的类型有累托石、IS有序间层矿物、S/I无序间层矿物。

74、He was out of sortsphysically, as well as disordered mentally. ─── 他情绪很乱,浑身也不舒服。

75、In physics, the temperature is a measure of the disordered kinetic energy of the molecules constituting a body. ─── 在物理学中,温度是组成一个物体的分子无序动能的一种量度。

76、They used to think of it as the most highly ordered state.Although the molecules may be maximally disordered, the system overall is placid, symmetrical and orderly. ─── 他们原本认为平衡是最高程度的有序状态,尽管分子或许处于最紊乱的状态,但系统整体则是处于平静、对称和有序的状态。

77、Theoretically, Barth's idea of society as disordered systems, characterized by an absence of closure is applied to criticize the idea of society and culture as holistically integrated units. ─── 在理论上,运用巴特的族群理论,批判了英美两国人类学传统上视社会和文化为孤立整体的思想,强调社会是一个无序的系统,并且不具备封闭性。

78、Histopathological examination showed the disordered arrangement of stratum spinosum cell and the appearance of allotypic nuclear division and tumor giant cells from left side waist. ─── 左侧腰部斑块组织病理学显示棘层细胞排列紊乱,可见异型核分裂及瘤巨细胞。

79、The basket packed in silence, they brought her bonnet to her, and smoothed her disordered hair, and put it on. ─── 她们不声不响地把篮子装好了,代她把帽子拿来,给她理了理那紊乱的头发,替她把帽子戴好。

80、It had its origin in the necessities of disordered finance, prostrate commerce, and ruined credit. ─── 基于当时财政紊乱、商业衰竭和信贷崩溃,产生了联邦。

81、If there are more than two components of a disordered atom or group, it is necessary to apply a restraint (SUMP) to the free variables used to represent the occupancies. ─── 如果对于一个无序的原子或基团包含两个以上的组分,就必须要采用对表示占有率的参数进行限制的方法来解决。

82、Salinger's vivid description of Holden's disordered mentality reflects the people's disordered spiritual mentality after WII and inspires the readers deeply. ─── 塞林格运用象征手法淋漓尽致地表达了主人公的错位精神家园,反映了二战后人们的精神状态,同时给读者以深刻启迪。

83、Octahedral [PbI_6] works as network modifier and they are homogeneously dispersed in the disordered network by linking with [AsS_3/2] pyramids by S-I bonds. ─── 八面体构型的配位多面体[PbI_6]为网络修饰体,通过S-I键与[AsS_3/2]三角锥连接,均匀地分布于玻璃网络中。

84、The densities of electronic states (DOS) of quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems with three parallel chains are computed with thirty thousand sites based on the negative eigenvalue theory. ─── 利用负本征值理论计算方法,重点计算出准一维平行三链无序系统的电子态密度,对比研究了一维单链、准一维双链的情况。

85、They found old and young, men and women, tumbled in disordered heaps. ─── 他们找到男女老少,滚成一堆。

86、The direction of condylar subchondral bone trabeculae was arranged obviously perpendicular to the articular surface in central and posterior parts in the disordered occlusion group. ─── 实验组中部和后部软骨下骨小梁变得明显垂直于髁突表面排列。

87、a farraginous mass of disordered report ─── 一份七拼八凑杂乱无章的报告

88、Crystal is an ordered solid, as opposed to a disordered solid. ─── 晶体是一种有序的固体,和无序固体相反。

89、I am a little bit disordered now and not able to continue. ─── 很多东西,只能留在记忆里,在冷冷冬夜暖暖的屋子里,偶尔翻起。

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