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09-07 投稿


infertility 发音

英:[ˌɪnfɜːrˈtɪləti]  美:[ˌɪnfɜːˈtɪləti]

英:  美:

infertility 中文意思翻译



infertility 同义词

unfruitfulness | aridity | poverty |sterility | barrenness

infertility 短语词组

1、infertility clinic ─── 不孕症门诊; ─── 不育门诊

2、infertility clinics colorado springs ─── 科罗拉多斯普林斯不孕症诊所

3、cross infertility ─── 杂交不孕性

4、infertility dr ─── 不孕症医生

5、infertility treatments ─── 不孕治疗

6、infertility drug ─── 不孕症药物

7、infertility worldwide ─── 全球不孕症

8、infertility treatment ─── 不孕治疗

9、infertility rate ─── 不孕率

10、infertility meds ─── 不孕症药物

infertility 词性/词形变化,infertility变形

动词第三人称单数: infers |动词现在分词: inferring |形容词: inferable |动词过去式: inferred |名词: inferrer |动词过去分词: inferred |副词: inferably |

infertility 反义词


infertility 相似词语短语

1、fertility ─── n.多产;肥沃;[农经]生产力;丰饶

2、infertilely ─── 无耻地

3、antifertility ─── adj.避孕的;防止生殖的

4、subfertility ─── n.生育能力低下

5、infernality ─── 地狱

6、infantility ─── n.幼稚;不成熟

7、interfertility ─── 互交可孕性

8、infectivity ─── n.传染性(影响别人);易传染

9、invertibility ─── n.[数]可逆性

infertility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A venereal infection in cattle and sheep caused by the bacterium Vibrio fetus, often producing infertility or spontaneous abortion. ─── 弧菌病由弧菌体病菌引起的牛和羊的一种性传染疾病,经常会造成不能生育或自动流产

2、It is characterized by hyperandrogenism and chronic anovulation infertility. ─── 以高雄激素血症及慢性不排卵性不孕为其临床特征。

3、Ejaculatory duct obstruction is a rare but important cause of male infertility. ─── 射精管梗阻是一种罕见现象,但却是男性不育的重要原因。

4、What are the key causes of male infertility? ─── 导致男性不育的主要原因是什么?

5、There is increasing evidence that sperm DNA anomalies may lead to infertility,abortion,stillbirth,fathead and chromosomal diseases. ─── 传统的精液检查往往不能找到精子DNA完整性异常患者的不育原因,因此对这部分患者进行精子DNA完整性检查具有更重要的意义。

6、According to modern medical research showed that obese women can cause amenorrhea, infertility and irregular menstruation, and so on. ─── 另据现代医学研究表明,肥胖可引起女性闭经、月经不调和不孕等。

7、Or is it some asyet unidentified aspect of a couple's infertility that is passed on and which affects their offspring? ─── 或者由于夫妇不育的某些至今未确定的方面可以传递给并影响他们的后代?

8、In women, untreated gonorrhea can lead to infertility. ─── 在女性,未经治疗的淋病能导致不孕。

9、Objective: To explore the selection of the insemination methods for patients diagnosed with unexplained infertility. ─── 摘要目的:探讨不明原因不孕患者体外受精方式的选择。

10、Pituitary adenoma is one of the important etiologies of male infertility. ─── 垂体腺瘤是男性不育的重要病因。

11、Laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy can not only diagnose the causes of infertility comprehensively but also treat directly. ─── 宫腹腔镜联合镜检实现了两种微创手术的优势互补,漏检率低,诊疗同步。

12、Fixing infertility genes, he hopes, would be just a first step toward correcing genetic diseases like sickle cell anemia. ─── 他希望,修复不育基因只是治疗镰状细胞性贫血等基因疾病的开始。

13、Last fall, they reported that iron supplements appear to help protect women from oulation-related infertility. ─── 去年秋天,他们报告称,铁补充剂有助于妇女免受排卵相关的不育之患。

14、But we had not reckoned on the possibility of infertility. ─── 但我们没有预料到不育的可能。

15、Male infertility is becoming commonplace. ─── 男性不育越来越常见。

16、It has better efficacy for inactive ovary and persistent corpus luteum of cow and infertility of sow, ewe and bitch. ─── 对母猪子宫内膜炎、牛卵巢静止和持久黄体和犬、羊的不孕症,均有满意疗效。

17、Objective To study on the figures of serum FSH and LH for diagnosis and treatment of the male infertility. ─── 摘要目的探讨血清FSH与LH值高低对临床上诊断和治疗男性不育症的意义。

18、These difficulties can include impotence, lack of sexual interest or frequency and sterility or infertility. ─── 女性患者还可能出现月经失调,甚至一些更年期早期症状,如潮热、失眠和易怒。

19、This method is quite effective for infertility due to tubal obstruction. ─── 峻竣煎结合中药灌肠治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕疗效确切。

20、Congenital absence of the vas deferens (CAVD) is an important factor that contributes to obstructive azoospermia and male infertility. ─── 先天性输精管缺如(CAVD)是梗阻性无精子症及男性不育的一个重要原因,其病因仍未完全阐明。

21、She wouldn't change genes to get a blue - eyed baby,or a genius baby,but she'd do it to cure diseases or infertility. ─── 她并不想通过改变基因来生一个蓝眼睛或天才婴儿,但她希望能以此来治愈疾病或不育。

22、However, Santoro said low testosterone causes infertility only if it is very low or occurs in morbidly obese men. ─── 不过,Santoro说,睾酮水平低导致不育只出现在水平极低或病态性肥胖的男子中。

23、All the men showed signs of infertility, with impaired sperm production and motility. ─── 所有男人都有不孕的迹象,伴随著精子的量与活力的降低.

24、Clinical study suggests chronic prostatitis can result in infertility. ─── 摘要临床研究发现慢性前列腺炎性可以导致不育。

25、Baird co-authored a 2006 NIEHS study that linked obesity to infertility in men. ─── Baird是NIEHS2006年关于肥胖与男性不育研究的共同作者。

26、Abstract] Objective: To study the ultra-B under the monitoring of hydrotubation in infertility in the clinical value. ─── 摘要]目的:探讨B超监测下输卵管通液术在不孕症中的临床价值。

27、In many cases, infertility can be treated. ─── 很多情况下,不育也是可以治疗的。

28、Human sperm function test has such an essential role on the etiologic diagnosis of male infertility that it attracts more and more attention. ─── 人精子功能检测对男性不育症的病因诊断具有重要意义。

29、The others failed to respond but they were all smokers. Tobacco has long been recognised as a major factor in infertility. ─── 还有一些人精子计数没有变化,这部分人都是烟民。吸烟一直被认为是男性不育的主要原因。

30、The side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss, excessive vomiting, fatigue,体虚, infertility and kidney, heart damage. ─── 化学疗法的副作用是脱发、过度呕吐、疲倦、体虚、不孕及肾脏、心脏受损。

31、UNLIKE most medical conditions, infertility does not incapacitate, nor does it usually cause physical pain or suffering. ─── 不同于许多其他疾患,不育不使人残疾,通常也不引起生理上的疼痛或不使适。

32、"Diet as a whole is something we need to look at more closely in terms of infertility," she said. ─── “总体来说,从不孕的角度看,我们应该对自己的饮食更加在意,”她说。

33、Objective: To analyse the clinical effectiveness of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in the treatment of severe male infertility. ─── 摘要目的:分析卵浆内单精子显微注射授精(ICSI)治疗严重男性不育症的临床效果。

34、Retrospective analysis of 112 women with infertility underwent laparoscopic operation ac-cording to the laparoscopic findings. ─── 回顾性分析112例不孕症患者行腹腔镜术检查及治疗的临床资料。

35、We are all familiar with the increased infertility rates facing many American couples today. ─── 我们熟悉当今许多美国夫妇面对的不孕率上升的事实。

36、Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy in patients with infertility. ─── 摘要目的探讨引起不孕的主要因素及宫腹腔镜联合镜检在诊治不孕症中的价值。

37、It is often found when a doctor is looking for causes of infertility or is testing for prostate cancer. ─── 通常在医生检测不孕症或前列腺癌时会发现该病。

38、"Nongonococcal" The main harm is caused by male infertility, female infertility. ─── “非淋”的主要危害是引起男性不育,女性不孕。

39、Howeer, they point out that "our findings should raise concern because ICSI is increasingly used to oercome male infertility. ─── 但是,他们指出,“现在ICSI被越来越多地应用到克服男性不育,因此,我们的研究结果应该会引起关注。”

40、Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of 4 different treatments for woman polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) with infertility. ─── 摘要目的:探讨4种方法治疗多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)并不孕的效果。

41、But now, improements in the "take-home-baby rate" hae slowed or een plateaued at the nation's top infertility clinics. ─── 但是现在,即便在全国一流的不育诊所婴儿出生率的增加速度已经有所减缓甚至停滞不前。

42、Objective: To investigate the diagnostic evaluation of hysteroscopy-laparoscopy in female infertility. ─── 摘要目的:探讨宫腹腔镜检查在诊治女性不孕症中的临床价值。

43、Infertility is normally seen as a private matter. ─── 不孕之症在正常情况下都被看作是个人的问题。

44、Varicocele is the most common surgically correctable cause of infertility. ─── 摘要精索静脉曲张为男性不孕症锭可以手术治疗的原因中最常见者。

45、To explore clinical effects and correlating factors of laparoscopy applied in the patients of female infertility. ─── 摘要目的探讨腹腔镜手术在女性不孕症诊治方面的临床应用及相关影响因素。

46、Traditionally used for impotence, male or female infertility, premature ejaculation, frigidity in women, and irregular menstruation. ─── 传统用于阳痿、男女不育、早泄、女性性冷淡、月经不规则。

47、It is the Geneva, Switzerland-based Biotech Company's second recombinant infertility drug. ─── 它是瑞士生物技术公司在日内瓦的公司生产的第二种重组治疗不孕症的药。

48、The presence of immotile sperm or sperm shaking in place and not demonstrating forward motion is suggestive of immunologically related infertility. ─── 如果存在非运动精子或原地摆动但不向前运动的精子要考虑免疫因素引起的不孕。

49、Vogt PH.Human chromosome deletions in Yq11,AZF candidate genes and male infertility:history and update.Mol Hum Reprod,1998,4:739-744. ─── 于从一庄广伦周灿权.男性不育患者Y染色体微缺失筛查方法的建立和初步应用.中华遗传学杂志,20038,(20)4:358.

50、The lack of uterine and ovary blood flow may be a factor contributing to infertility. ─── 子宫卵巢动脉血流灌注不足是造成不孕症的一个重要因素。

51、The incidence of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome in patients with ectopic pregnancy and tubal infertility is 13.8% and 25%, similar with reports of others. ─── Fitz -Hugh -Curtis综合征在输卵管妊娠和不孕患者中的发生率与国外接近。

52、Even the fear of infertility or problems in trying to conceive a child can be a source of stress. ─── 甚至害怕不孕或尝试怀孕过程间遇到的问题都会成为压力源。

53、Objective To study hysteroscopy on treatment of infertility caused by intrauterine adhesions. ─── 摘要目的探讨宫腔镜治疗宫腔粘连并发不孕的疗效。

54、My herb pills (got in Belgium) for my infertility, virilization, acne, hirsutism, etc problems has almost run out. ─── 我的在比利时的中药,为我的不育、多毛、痤疮等问题已经用完。

55、Nitric oxide as a cytotoxic factor may be partial to kill sperm and the sperm suppression activity due to infertility. ─── 一氧化氮作为局部细胞毒因子可杀灭精子和抑制精子的活动力而致不孕。

56、Objective: To explore the significance of abnormal expression of HB-EGF, EGFR in endometrium of unknown reason infertility. ─── 摘要目的:探讨不明原因性不孕症患者子宫内膜中HB-EGF及其受体的表达。

57、PID can damage the fallopian tubes enough to cause infertility or increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. ─── 控制可损害输卵管足以引起不孕或不增加患宫外孕。

58、One of the important reasons of male infertility is azoospermia and dead spermatozoa. ─── 引起男性不育的一个重要原因是无精症、死精症。

59、They then analyzed the DNA of the sterile males and identified the allele that caused the infertility. ─── 他们分析了不育雄性小鼠的DNA,鉴定出导致不育的等位基因。

60、Some infertility experts worry about their health and deelopment. ─── 一些不育专家为他们的健康和发育担忧。

61、Whether the 51KD antigen is a new sperm antigen related to infertility deserves to be confirmed by further study. ─── 51KD抗原是否为一种新的与不育相关的精子抗原,有待进一步研究证实。

62、Weight extremes _ being too thin or too fat _ raises the risk of any sort of infertility, said Dr. ─── 体重极端—过瘦或过胖—提高各种类型不孕的风险,WilliamGibbons博士说道。

63、But harvard public WeiShengXi, said the latest research low-fat milk will also increase a woman's risk of infertility sex without eggs. ─── 但是哈佛公共卫生系的最新研究表示,食用低脂肪牛奶也会增加妇女无卵性不孕的风险。

64、The clinical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome are characterized by menstrual irregularity,hyperandrogenism,anovulation and infertility. ─── 多囊卵巢综合征患者的主要病理、生理变化为胰岛素抵抗、高胰岛素血症及高雄激素血症。

65、Mentor skim water from the Tianchi, enabling Xinmiao human infertility. ─── 恩师掬取天池水,洒向人间育新苗。

66、This paper aimed to investigated the relationship between myomas and infertility. ─── 摘要研究子宫肌瘤与不孕两者的关联。

67、"In summary, our study supports the use of clomiphene citrate alone as first-line therapy for infertility in women with PCOS," the study authors wrote. ─── “总之,我们的研究支持单独使用舒经酚作为一线药物治疗PCOS引起的女性不孕,”该研究的作者写道。

68、Q: Why is infertility so high in this community? ─── 问:这个部族的不孕症比率为何如此高?

69、Ironically, infertility can now be passed from father to son. ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,不育现在可以通过父亲传给儿子。

70、Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year (or longer) of unprotected sex. ─── 不孕不育的定义是在一年(或更长时间)的无保护措施的性行为后不能怀孕。

71、Asthenospermia is one of the familiar causes of male infertility. ─── 弱精子症是引起男性不育的常见病因之一。

72、Published an infertility monograph, and published many papers on national-level journals. ─── 出版有关不孕不育专著一部,在国家级杂志上发表论文多篇。

73、Indications All men and women of infertility. ─── 主治各种男女不孕不育症。

74、Infertility is also a growing problem, with one in six couples haing problems conceiing. ─── 不孕症逐渐增多,1/6的夫妇有受孕问题。

75、Objective To discuss the difference of uterine and ovary blood flow between infertility and normal women. ─── 摘要目的探讨女性不孕患者子宫卵巢动脉血流与正常人的差别。

76、Endometritis is a cause of infertility. ─── 子宫内膜炎是不育的原子。

77、Summary Apoptosis is a common phenomenon during spermatogenesis, and its dysregulation has been associated with male infertility. ─── 凋亡是精子发生中的普遍现象,凋亡的失调控被认为与男性不育的发生有关。

78、One in six British couples suffers infertility and a growing number are turning to IF. ─── 六分之一的英国夫妇患有不孕不育症,越来越多的人们选择试管受精。

79、Not being able to conceive a child can be stressful and frustrating, but a number of male infertility treatments are available. ─── 可以想象,如果一个家庭不能正常地生育后代,会使双方都感到沮丧。

80、Objective: To investigate the clinical value of hysteroscopy combined with laparoscopy for treatment of oviduct infertility. ─── 摘要目的:探讨宫、腹腔镜联合手术在输卵管性不孕症诊治中的临床价值。

81、The uterine tube is the factor that leads to infertility. ─── 216例不孕症患者中输卵管不通畅者107例,占49.53%。

82、Objective To investigate the incidence of infertility reasons, in order to guide the clinical treatment. ─── 摘要目的为探讨不孕症的发病原因,借以指导临床治疗。

83、"Aoiding trans fats is a good idea for many reasons, and one of them may be reducing infertility risk," he says. ─── “从多方面考虑,避免食用反式脂肪确是是一个好主意,其中之一就是可以降低不育风险。”他说道。

84、Further and thorough research on NOS will provide a new target for diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis-associated infertility... ─── 对一氧化氮合酶的深入研究将为子宫内膜异位症性不孕的治疗提供新的靶点。

85、Fibroid symptoms can include excessie menstrual bleeding, enlarged uterine size, frequent urination, pelic pressure or pain and infertility. ─── 平滑肌瘤症状包括过多的经血,子宫体积增大,尿频,骨盆压痛以及不孕。

86、Moreover, formaldehyde and lead to respiratory and pulmonary produce humans, foetal deformities, women of the potential threat from infertility. ─── 不仅如此,甲醛还是导致呼吸道和肺产生癌变、胎儿畸形、妇女不孕症的潜在威胁物。

87、Now, new research finds iron may be associated with the risk of ovulatory infertility. ─── 如今,新研究发现铁可能与排卵性不孕的风险相关。

88、"A more plausible explanation is that a common exposure underlies infertility and testicular cancer," they wrote. ─── “一个更合理的解释是不孕和睾丸癌具有共同的根源。”

89、The mechanism endocrine in female can provide theoretical basis for infertility,dysfunctional uterine bleeding,amenorrhea and so on. ─── 从理论上阐述了上述机制,从而为不孕症、功血、闭经等疾病诊断治疗提供了理论基础。

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