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09-07 投稿


intimation 发音

英:[ˌɪntɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˌɪntɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

intimation 中文意思翻译



intimation 词性/词形变化,intimation变形


intimation 相似词语短语

1、estimation ─── n.估计;尊重

2、inanimation ─── n.没有生命;不活动;不活泼

3、animation ─── n.活泼,生气;激励;卡通片绘制

4、intimating ─── adj.亲密的;私人的;精通的;有性关系的;n.知己;至交;vt.暗示;通知;宣布

5、intimations ─── n.暗示;告知;讽示

6、intonation ─── n.声调,语调;语音的抑扬

7、intimidation ─── n.恐吓,威胁

8、intinction ─── n.面包蘸酒(基督教某些宗派在进圣餐时用面包蘸酒而领食)

9、inhumation ─── n.土葬;埋葬

intimation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These figures also afford some intimation of the complexity and complication of the modern industrial mechanism and the intricate segregation and isolation of divergent economic groups. ─── 这些数字也可以说明,现代工业的机械作用与各种经济团体的精细的划分和各自为政现象有着多么密切而复杂的联系。

2、But your Letter was the first Intimation that another Tribe more numerous and powerfull than all the rest were grown discontented. ─── 但是,你的信第一次正式宣告又有一个族群滋生不满,而且这群人比其它所有族群人数更多,力量更大。

3、From May Fourth Literature Revolution to 1930, Feiming's emotion and recognition to Lu Xun had evolved from respect and love, intimation to estrangement. ─── 摘要从五四文学革命到1930年代,废名对于鲁迅,经过了从敬爱、亲近到疏远、龃龉相生的感情和认识变化。

4、An intimation,a threat,or a sign of impending danger or evil. ─── 预兆即将到来的危险或邪恶的恐吓、威胁或迹象

5、but the heavenly manifestation had, a few moments later, changed this intimation into perfect knowledge. ─── 但是,片刻以后,天上的显示把这种暗示变成了一种完美的知识。

6、In the way of china establish law and order, some west-law theories can give us some intimation. ─── 在中国法治化进程中,不可避免的要借鉴西方的理论成果。

7、There was no intimation from his doctor that his condition was serious. ─── 他的医生没有透露他的病情很严重。

8、Only Americans fully share his intimation. ─── 只有美国人才能完全同意他的说法。

9、It is a faint intimation, yet so are the first streaks of morning. ─── 这是一个隐隐约约的暗示,好像黎明的微光一样。

10、" He had then not the least intimation of my intention to set up there or anywhere. ─── 当时我想在这里或别的地方创业的想法他一点也不知道的。

11、But Robert stubbornly refused to accept my silence.It was my first intimation of the strength of his love. ─── 但罗伯特倔强地改变了我的少言寡语,由此我第一次感到了他那份爱的力量。

12、THE first intimation, apparently, was when three-year-old Yves told his mother that her shoes did not go with her dress. ─── 当三岁的小伊夫告诉自己的母亲:她穿的鞋子与身着的服装并不相称时,这显然首次昭示了一个时装天才与生俱来的独特品位。

13、Mrs. Reynolds'; s respect for Elizabeth seemed to increase on this intimation of her knowing her master. ─── 雷诺奶奶听到伊丽莎白跟她主人相熟,便好象益发敬重她。

14、These early signs are the me rest intimation of what is about to flash before you in the Pacific, Europe, and North America. ─── 这些早期的信号也只是即将要发生的席卷太平洋,欧洲和北美的事件的微薄的暗示。

15、The fact is that there is no intimation in the Bible that anyone should stop certain sins only, or diminish the amount of other sins he commits. ─── 事实上,圣经里没有一处暗示说人应当仅仅停止去犯某一些罪,或少犯一些他正在犯的别的罪。

16、copy of such intimation message must accompany the original shipping documents. ─── 拷贝这种暗示讯息必须随同原船文件。

17、And why is it that as we grow older we seem to lose that joyous intimation of something beyond, something of greater significance? ─── 那么,为什么当我们长大以后,我们好象失去了对某种超越的东西,某种更有意义的东西的那种快乐的隐隐约约的感觉?

18、To see the end in the beginning and beginning in the end is the intimation of eternity. Definitely, immortality is not continuity. Only the process of change continues. Nothing lasts. ─── 由始见终,由终见始,是永恒的意旨。可以肯定,长生并非延续。延续者只有变迁的过程。没啥可以历久不衰。

19、There is slight intimation in some of the cases that if Congress does abolish a common law action it must either duplicate the recovery or provide a reasonable substitute remedy. ─── 有轻微暗示,在有些案件中说,如果国会不废除一个共同的规律行动,它必须要么重复回收或提供一个合理的替代补救。

20、Still he had a strange prescience,an intimation of something yet to come. ─── 不过他有一种奇特的预感,感到了某件事情就要发生!

21、Even though she spoke shocking words of correction, there was never any intimation that the concerned, faithful ones within the remnant should leave the organization for any reason whatsoever. ─── 虽然她说过令人惊奇的改正之言,却丝毫没有任何暗示说余民教会内关心的、忠心的人因为无论哪一种理由应该离开这个组织。

22、But your Letter was the first Intimation that another Tribe more numerous and powerfull than all the rest were grown discontented. ─── 但是,你的信第一次正式宣告又有一个族群滋生不满,而且这群人比其他所有族群人数更多,力量更大。

23、Hopkins sent me the earliest intimation ─── 霍普金斯最先将情况通知我。

24、But the harsh words of the father in a drunken moment of excessive ancestral pride cause a dignified departure with the conciliatory donation of half her means of subsistence and the intimation that she is rejoining her husband. ─── 但父亲在一次酒后的刺耳话语中说了一些有关家世过分骄矜的话,使苔丝傲然离开了家。她把自己一半的生活费留给父母,并告诉他们她要去找丈夫团聚。

25、One month after operation, lumen of vein-bridge stenosis was observed and histology exams showed that new intim was formated. ─── 术后一月取材,可见静脉桥管腔狭窄,病理切片示新内膜形成。

26、The wily Edomite was aroused at the intimation of a possible rival. ─── 这狡猾的以东人敏感地觉察到有政敌兴起的可能,便坐立不安。

27、Joseph mumbled indistinctly in the depths of the cellar, but gave no intimation of ascending; ─── 约瑟夫在地窖的深处咕哝着,可是并不打算上来。

28、Gladly did I take advantage of this intimation; and the minute I flung myself into a chair, by the fire, I nodded, and slept ─── 他这么一诉一说,我马上乐意地依了他的话,我刚刚倒在壁炉边的一把椅子上,就点头晃脑地瞌睡起来,就这么睡着了。

29、To see the end in the beginning and beginning in the end is the intimation of eternity. ─── 由始见终,由终见始,是永恒的意旨。

30、The flames rising over the city gave to Aeneas some intimation of the fatal event. ─── 城市上空升起的火焰多少向埃涅阿斯暗示了不祥的事件。

31、Undercurrentn. An underlying tendency, force, or influence often contrary to what is superficially evident; an intimation ─── 潜在倾向通常与表面倾向相反的潜在趋势力量或影响;暗示

32、an official intimation of tax assessment ─── 估税公告

33、He has given us no intimation of his intentions/what he intends to do ─── 他没有向我们透露他的意图

34、I did not have any intimation that he was going to resign. ─── 我没发现任何他要辞职的暗示。

35、THE first intimation, apparently, was when three-year-old Yves told his mother that her shoes did not go with her dress. ─── 当三岁的小伊夫告诉自己的母亲:她穿的鞋子与身着的服装并不相称时,这显然首次昭示了一个时装天才与生俱来的独特品位。

36、1.A frown is often an intimation of disapproval. ─── 皱眉头常常表示不赞许。

37、And why is it that as we grow older we seem to lose that joyous intimation of something beyond, something of greater significance? ─── 那么,为什么当我们长大以后,我们好象失去了对某种超越的东西,某种更有意义的东西的那种快乐的隐隐约约的感觉?

38、a warning or an intimation of something imminent,especially of impending danger ─── 对于即将发生之事的警告或暗示,尤指即将来临的危险

39、The western is distant intimation among family members.In material support respect, social wealth is transferred from the young to the old through social old-age insurance system. ─── 西方发达国家是一种“有距离的亲密”模式,从物质层面看,它通过社会养老保障制度以社会财富的代际转移形式得到间接体现;

40、Mrs.Reynolds's respect for Elizabeth seemed to increase on this intimation of her knowing her master. ─── 雷诺奶奶听到伊丽莎白跟她主人相熟,便好象益发敬重她。

41、A warning or an intimation of something imminent, especially of impending danger. ─── 告诫对于即将发生之事的警告或暗示,尤指即将来临的危险

42、At this intimation the Gun club merely shrugged its shoulders and returned to its great work . ─── 听了这个消息,大炮俱乐部的会员们只耸了耸肩膀,就继续进行伟大的工作去了。

43、Several Greek (e.g., Clement of Alexandria) and Latin writers show considerable knowledge of the externals of Indian religions, but none gives any intimation of understanding their more recondite aspects. ─── 几个希腊人(例如亚历山大的革利免),还有一些拉丁作者,都表现出对印度宗教有相当多的客观认识,但没有任何的暗示表明他们明白印度教的更深奥内涵。

44、At this intimation the Gun club merely shrugged its shoulders and returned to its great work ─── 听了这个消息,大炮俱乐部的会员们只耸了耸肩膀,就继续进行伟大的工作去了。

45、He has given us no intimation of his intentions/what he intends to do. ─── 他没有向我们透露他的意图。

46、an intimation,a threat,or a sign of impending danger or evil ─── 即将到来的危险或邪恶的恐吓、威胁或迹象

47、Results One month after operation,lumen of vein-bridge stenosis was observed and histology exams showed that new intim was formatted. ─── 术后常规饲喂。结果4周后取材,可见静脉桥管腔狭窄,病理切片示内膜增殖。

48、Keywords High frequency ultrasound Atherosclerosis Intim a-media thickness Endothelium-dependent dilation; ─── 关键词高频超声;动脉粥样硬化;内膜-中层厚度;内皮依赖性舒张功能;


50、Brown gave no intimation that he had heard anything. ─── 布朗象没有听见似的,无任何表示。

51、It was the voice of Scrooge's nephew, who came upon him so quickly that this was the first intimation he had of his approach. ─── 那是司克洛奇的外甥,他匆匆地来到,一进门就对司克洛奇打招呼。

52、the intimation of infinite transcendence or unrepeatable uniqueness is to be found, not through self-reflection following on the reduction, but precisely through the experience of the Other's face. ─── 无限的超越性或不可重复的独特性的隐秘(暗示、内容)被发现,(这)不是通过自我反思的一系列还原,更确切地说,而是通过对他者之脸的体验(被发现)。

53、He was good-looking, with dark eyes which could smoulder with just the right intimation of passion. ─── 他长得很帅,黑色的眼睛只要遇到恰当的激情暗示就会放电。

54、Keywords Glycosylation end products;advanced;Cell culture;Pericyte;Tunica intim; ─── 糖基化终末产物;高级;细胞培养;周细胞;血管内膜;

55、Most interpreters take it that the Precursor had some intimation of Jesus being the Messias: they assign this as the reason why John at first refused to baptize him; ─── 大多数诠释者都把这位先驱者看成是弥赛亚耶稣的一些预示:他们为约翰为何起初拒绝为他受洗作了一些理由;

56、"I had no intimation that there would be any kind of reaction like this at all. ─── "没人暗示过我会有这样的大反应。

57、This intimation had its desired effect. The picture was sent home, and committed to the flames. ─── 这项暗示得到了他欲求的效果。画作被送回家然后烧毁。

58、I regarded that as sort of covert intimation that my service could be dispensed with ─── 我认为那是一种隐隐约约的表示,叫我无须再给他帮忙了。

59、It is a feeling similar to that experienced by lovers on the heights of happiness, when they have a passing but intense intimation of death or when a Premonition of betrayal haunts their budding love. ─── 那些身处于幸福之巅的恋人们对此似曾相识,当他们有过短暂却强烈的死亡暗示之后,或者当他们萌动的爱情出现背叛阴影的预兆之时。

60、They were too proud to give any intimation of their financial difficulties. ─── 他们太骄傲,不敢让别人知道他们的财政困难。

61、“She knows Me so intimately, and trusts Me so utterly, that she is independent of words or looks or any outward intimation of My approval. ─── “她已经完全认识我,完全信任我,她不需要能听,能见,能摸,能觉的帮助。

62、This intimation seemed to compose in some degree the vehement passion of the old hag ─── 这番交代似乎使老妖婆的无名怒火稍微平息了一点。

63、At this intimation the Gun club merely shrugged its shoulders and returned to its great work. ─── 听了这个消息,大炮俱乐部的会员们只耸了耸肩膀,就继续进行伟大的工作去了。

64、The intimation of vehicles' speed distribution and run time distribution is also gi ven,as well as the applicable range of each platoon dispersion model. ─── 还对车辆行驶速度及行驶时间分布进行了拟合,分析了各离散模型的适用范围。

65、It began with the haunting intimation (which I presume every child receives) of his mystical inner life; ─── 它始 于萦绕于心头的关于神秘的精神生活的暗示(我相信每个孩童都领受到这种暗示;

66、There was no intimation from his doctor that his condition was serious. ─── 他的医生没有透露他的病情很严重。

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