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08-28 投稿


congregational 发音

英:[kɒŋgrɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l]  美:[,kɑŋgrɪ'geʃənl]

英:  美:

congregational 中文意思翻译



congregational 网络释义

adj. 会众的;公理教会的

congregational 反义词


congregational 词性/词形变化,congregational变形

动词第三人称单数: congregates |名词: congrega-tiveness |动词现在分词: congregating |动词过去分词: congregated |形容词: congregative |动词过去式: congregated |

congregational 同义词

convention | multitude | collection | parish | congregating | house | union | crowd | audience | faithful | fellowship | flock | throng | host | theater | fold | gathering | mass |assembly

congregational 短语词组

1、Congregational Christian Church ─── [网络] 公理会;基督教公理会;联合基督教会

2、congregational federation uk ─── 英国公理联合会

3、Congregational Church ( ─── 基督教)公理教会

4、Beneficent Congregational Church ─── 受益教会

5、congregational christmas songs ─── 教会圣诞歌曲

6、congregational meeting ─── 会众 ─── 会议

7、congregational singing ─── 会众歌唱

congregational 相似词语短语

1、congregationally ─── 会众

2、congressional ─── adj.国会的;会议的;议会的

3、congregationalism ─── n.公理制;会众制

4、congregationalist ─── n.公理会之教友;adj.公理会的

5、congregations ─── 聚集;(教堂里的)会众(congregation的名词复数)

6、aggregational ─── 聚集的;集合的

7、congregating ─── vt.聚集;vi.聚集;adj.集合在一起的

8、conjugational ─── 结合的

9、congregation ─── n.集会;集合;圣会

congregational 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Set up small towns to improve the level of the congregational living in city ─── 发展小城镇是提高我国城市化水平的重要途径

2、There will be a Congregational Meeting held on Jan. 25 (Sun.) at 1:30pm.During the meeting, the Executive Board will share with you the ministries of Grace Church. ─── 1 月25 日(主日)下午1 时30 分将举行中宣会新恩堂季会,执委会将与会众分享教会事工,并藉此解答有关教会的问题。

3、One of the least frequent is the congregational form so familiar in the West. ─── 其中最频繁的是公理的形式非常熟悉在西方。

4、He was a deacon at the Above Bar Congregational Church where Isaac spent his formative years. ─── 华兹父亲是公理宗的执事,是华兹小时候在教会的楷模。

5、A conical room lit from above, referred to by the architects as the ’sacred space’, divides the cafe from the main congregational area. ─── 圆锥房间 点燃从上面所提到的建筑师的'神圣空间' ,划分为网吧的主要公理地区。

6、These two historical psalms would have been for congregational use. ─── 这两篇诗篇都可以用在会所中。

7、congregational rate ─── 聚集效果

8、Over the bare limbs of the trees, which now swayed in the wintry wind, rose the steeple of the Union Park Congregational Church, and far off the towers of several others. ─── 光秃秃的树枝在寒风中摇摆,树梢后面耸立起联合公园公理会教堂的尖顶,再远处,还有好几个教堂的塔楼耸立着。

9、merger of the Congregational Christian Church and the Evangelical and Reformed Church. ─── 公理基督会、福音会、和新教教会归正会的合并。

10、Congregational Council for World Mission ─── 公理会世界传教会

11、The main nonconformist groups in England are Methodist, Congregational and Baptist. ─── 英格兰主要的新教群体有卫理公会,公理会和浸信会。

12、Then take time to check out the singalong books, choir books, instrumental scores, and worship manuals that will assist you in your personal, small group, and congregational worship. ─── 记得看一下各式的乐谱和出版书籍,包括为个人、团契小组、和羣体敬拜生活而制作的主旋律歌本、合唱本、乐器谱、和一系列敬拜手册。

13、Of the many ways to chant Krishna's floris, foremost is His nama-Sankirtan (Congregational chanting of His names). ─── 唱颂奎师那的荣耀有很多种方法,其中最高的是他的圣名克伊坦(齐颂圣名)。

14、Congregational Church ─── n. (基督教的)公理教会

15、Next Sun (2/12) there will be a congregational meeting to vote on the next step with the Brewster Building.T4C Members please plan to attend . ─── 请弟兄姐妹们在主日早晨准时到达教会,预备心敬拜神.谢谢大家合作.

16、Meanwhile, the structure was detached from the ground to become congregational and waiting Spaces for patients. ─── 同时,建筑的底层架空,形成了为病人服务的公众聚集和等待空间。

17、(religion) of or pertaining to or characteristic of a Congregational church. ─── (宗教)属于、关于公理会的,或有公理会特点的。

18、General Council of Congregational Christian Churches ─── 基督教公理会总会

19、After Hoiling's graduation in June 2007, she served in China Congregational Church (Church of Christ in China) as an assistant preacher in Church Music (part-time). ─── 2007年6月毕业后,潘传道于中华基督教会公理堂任职助理圣乐宣教师(部份时间)。

20、2.The Joint Board has nominated brother Joseph Lee to be the Elder nominee.After a three-month praying period, the confirmation will take place on August 16th during a congregational meeting. ─── 2. 教会长执会提名李景德弟兄为长老候选人,并在三个月的祷告期后于八月十六日的会员大会中投票认定。

21、These two historical psalms would have been for congregational use. ─── 这两篇诗篇都可以用在会所中。

22、The sahn or the open courtyard for congregational worship with the enclosing cloisters or liwans and the sanctuary at the Western end offered a different architectural vocabulary. ─── 撒哈,或者向崇拜的会众开放的庭院带有围绕的回廊或者大行政区和避难所,西部末端提供了一个建筑学的不同词汇。

23、World Alliance of Reformed Churches (Presbyterian and Congregational) ─── 世界长老、公理会归正联盟

24、He has continued to serve in the pastorate during his time at Gordon-Conwell and has for the last ten years been senior pastor of First Church Congregational of Boxford, Massachusetts. ─── 在戈登康威尔的时间,他继续在牧会的职务中服事,而且在最近的十年,他是麻萨诸塞州巴克斯福特第一公理教会的主任牧师。

25、merger of the Congregational Christian Church and the Evangelical and Reformed Church ─── 公理基督会、福音会、和新教教会归正会的合并

26、5.The Joint Board has nominated brother Joseph Lee to be the Elder nominee.After a three-month praying period, the confirmation will take place on August 16th during a congregational meeting. ─── 5. 教会长执会提名李景德弟兄为长老候选人,并在三个月的祷告期后于八月十六日的会员大会中投票认定。

27、Psalm 111 is a congregational hymn of praise for God's righteous works, faithfulness and compassion. ─── 诗篇第一一一篇是一首信徒赞美上帝圣工、信实、及怜悯的圣诗。

28、Born in Pittsburgh, he was raised in the Congregational church but rejected its teachings, unable to reconcile God's mercy with the idea of hell. ─── 提升到会众教堂,但抛弃了它的学说,因其不能将上帝的仁慈和地狱的概念相融合。

29、congregational singing ─── 教堂会众的歌唱

30、As the Hindu temple is not meant for congregational worship, the garba-griha is small in scale when compared to the whole temple complex. ─── 作为印度教庙宇,并不意味着会众崇拜,garba-griha与整个错综复杂的庙宇比较的时候,在尺寸上就变得小规模了。

31、Deacon Board Meeting Summary: the topics discussed during the meeting last week will be shared today during the Congregational Meeting. ─── 执事会议重点:上个星期会议中所讨論的项目将会在今天的年度大会中报告。

32、At least five years full-time congregational and pastoral ministry experience, preferable in the US or Canada. ─── 最少有五年全职在堂会牧养的经验。有在北美事奉经验者,优先考虑。

33、Congregational Pastor notified of the Meeting/Program? ─── 堂会牧师已被通知有关聚会?

34、During his ministry, the church moved to Keystone Congregational Church for Sunday worship and joined the Federation of the United Church of Christ. ─── 之后十年,在基石教会聚会,由李信助牧师牧养。

35、Pray for God's guidance upon the Deacon Board, Pastoral team and congregational members that we may serve in unity in shepherding and spreading the gospel. ─── 求主带领执事部与教牧团及全会众同心同行,叫万事互相效力,在牧养,布道的事工上更有美好的果效。

36、1.merger of the Congregational church and the Christian church. ─── 公理会和基督会的合并。

37、That is why Muslims are not allowed to hold two congregational Prayers in one mosque at the same time. ─── 这就是不允许穆斯林在一个清真寺同时成立两个哲玛体礼拜的原因。

38、Original Site of the American Congregational Mission Preaching House ─── 美国公理会布道所旧址

39、This signals the start of the congregational Fardh Prayer. ─── 念法与唤礼相同,只是在“你们快来得成功呀!”

40、As the Hindu temple is not meant for congregational worship, the garba-griha is small in scale when compared to the whole temple complex. ─── 作为印度教庙宇,并不意味着会众崇拜,garba-griha与整个错综复杂的庙宇比较的时候,在尺寸上就变得小规模了。

41、National Association of Congregational Christian Churches ─── 基督教公理会全国协进会

42、Deacon Board Meeting Summary: the topics discussed during the meeting last week will be shared today during the Congregational Meeting. ─── 执事会议重点:上个星期会议中所讨论的项目将会在今天的年度大会中报告.

43、Congregational Church of England and Wales ─── 英格兰及威尔士公理会

44、The main nonconformist groups in England are Methodist, Congregational and Baptist. ─── 英格兰主要的新教群体有卫理公会,公理会和浸信会。

45、There will be a special congregational meeting to confirm the CPSC today. ─── 新的聘牧委员会将于今日的特别会员大会中认定。

46、When ye pass (Congregational) prayers, celebrate Allah's praises, standing, sitting down, or lying down on your sides; ─── 当你们完成拜功的时候,你们当站着、坐着、躺着记念真主。

47、merger of the Congregational Church and the Christian Church ─── 公理会和基督会的合并

48、Pastoral search committee - for their search of four candiates: Senior Pastor, English congregational Pastor, Mandarin ministry Pastor and Children Ministry Pastor. ─── 为聘牧委员会代祷-正考虑聘任以下教牧同工:主任牧师、英语堂牧师、国语堂及儿童事工教牧。

49、The 11-year-old is not only keen on performing the five congregational prayers but also tuning in to pos-prayer sermons and brief lectures. ─── 这个11岁的孩子不仅热爱每天五次的聚众礼拜,还收听礼拜宣讲和简短的演讲。

50、At least five years full-time congregational and pastoral ministry experience, preferable in the US or Canada. ─── 最少有五年全职在堂会牧养的经验。有在北美事奉经验者,优先考虑。

51、Religion: The principal religion is Christianity, with about 70% of the population adhering to the Cook Islands Congregational Christian Church, and Roman Catholic. ─── 宗教:主要信基督教,70%的人属于库克群岛公理会基督教会以及天主教。

52、Probably written in response to a battle won because God enabled His people to be strengthened, it was then adapted for congregational use. ─── 这一诗篇的著作目的也许是要回应赢得的战争胜利,因为上帝要使祂的百姓得到鼓励,所以它也可以用在会众的崇拜中。

53、the Congregational church ─── (基督教)公理会

54、Some people might understand that the female 'imams' could lead the congregational Prayers or deliver the Friday khutbahs. ─── 一些人也许理解了女性“伊玛目”可以带领公众礼拜或负责主麻讲经。

55、a member of an evangelical Protestant church of congregational polity,following the reformed tradition in worship,and believing in individual freedom,in the separation of church and state,and in baptism of voluntary,conscious believers ─── 浸信会教友,卫理公会教堂福音派新教的一员,使用改革的祈祷传统,崇尚个人自由、政教分离和自愿洗礼、理智信仰

56、Basic knowledge of congregational studies and methods of church analysis will also be introduced. ─── 此外,学生将到指定之教会进行观察访问及进行简单研究,以作为学期功课。

57、The Congregational Meeting originally scheduled for today will be postponed until further notice.Issues related to next year's deacons need to be further discussed by the Deacon's Board. ─── 原预定在本日主日崇拜会后举行的会员大会将延后,关于新年度执事的问题,执事会需进一步讨论。

58、However, leading the congregational Prayers and delivering the Friday khutbahs cannot be carried out by women. ─── 然而,带领公众礼拜和负责主麻的讲经是不能由妇女来执行。

59、The place where this market situated used to be occupied by the Preaching House of American Congregational Mission. ─── 这个市场的所在之处,原为美国公理会的布道所。

60、The place where this market situated used to be occupied by the Preaching House of American Congregational Mission. ─── 这个市场的所在之处,原为美国公理会的布道所。

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