frequence 发音
英: 美:
frequence 中文意思翻译
frequence 网络释义
n. 频率,频繁;频数
frequence 短语词组
1、free frequence ─── 自然频率
2、exchange frequence ─── 交换频率
frequence 相似词语短语
1、frequented ─── adj.频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的;vt.常到,常去;时常出入于
2、frequenter ─── n.常客;常常来访者
3、frequency ─── n.频率;频繁
4、frequent ─── adj.频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的;vt.常到,常去;时常出入于
5、frequences ─── n.频率,频繁;频数
6、frequents ─── adj.频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的;vt.常到,常去;时常出入于
7、sequence ─── n.[数][计]序列;顺序;续发事件;vt.按顺序排好
8、infrequence ─── n.很少发生;罕见(等于infrequency)
9、frequencies ─── n.频率(frequency的复数形式);频数分析;次数分配表
frequence 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、According to the technology of direct digital synthesis(DDS),a kind of low frequence signal source was introduced based on the Complex Programmed Logical Device(CPLD)and Single Chip Micyoco(SCM). ─── 介绍了一种应用直接数字频率综合器(DDS)技术,基于可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)和单片机设计的低频信号源。
2、The frequence of intragenic homozygous deletions of DMBT1 of non small cell lung cancer group were higher than that of small cell lung cancer group ( P < 0.05 ). ─── DMBT1基因纯合性缺失率非小细胞肺癌组高于小细胞肺癌组,低、未分化肺癌组高于中、高分化肺癌组,伴有淋巴和/或远处转移组高于不伴转移组,有吸烟史组高于无吸烟史组(P均
3、Acoustic intensity detection can efficiently estimate objective direction, and frequence partition, beam revolving and vector equations can differentiate multi-object. ─── 声强检测可以有效地进行目标方位估计,利用频带划分、旋转波束、矢量方程组可以在一定程度上有效地解决多目标干扰的问题。
4、speed regulation technique by frequence modulation ─── 变频调速
5、third octave centre frequence 1/3 ─── 倍频程中心频率
6、Study of the Experiment Using Rogowski Coil to Measure Frequence Current with High Precision in Phase Angle ─── 基于罗哥夫斯基线圈的高相位精度线路工频电流测量的实验研究
7、2000Hours Low impedance, Suit for use in switching power supplies and high frequence circuit. ─── 2000小时,低阻抗,适用于开关电源及高频电路.
9、synchrotron-oscillation frequence ─── 同步加速器频率
10、Keywords Ho:YAG laser;power;pulses frequence;pulses energy; ─── YAG激光;功率;脉冲频率;脉冲能量;
11、dual tone multi frequence (DTMF) ─── 双音多频
12、wobble frequence ─── 摇频
13、The core of this system is grid-connected inverter which makes sure the output power can satisfy the demand of grid such as voltage, frequence and phase. ─── 其核心部件就是光伏并网逆变器,以保证输出的电能满足电网对电压、频率、相位等电气性能指标的要求。
14、variable frequence power supply ─── 变频电源
15、Recently the average referring frequence is improving, but the gap between Chinese journal and those of the other countries is still large. ─── 我国学术期刊被引频次近年来逐渐提高,但与国际水平还有较大的差距。
16、Finally presents the detecting and processing technique of exciting power and frequence. ─── 重点介绍激振力和激振频率的检测和处理技术。
17、As noise-exposure time and recover time fixed, the frequence bund of noise was resemble,temporary threhsold shift are infacted by audition, noise- level and work year mainly. ─── 在噪声暴露时间及测定时间一定、噪声频谱相近的情况下,暂时性听阈位移主要受听阈、噪声强度和工龄的影响。
18、This paper analyzes the cause of the error of attitude algorithm of SINS in frequence domain, and computes the error under the classic conic motion. ─── 摘要从频域角度分析了捷联惯导系统在姿态解算过程中误差产生的原因,并在典型圈锥运动情况下进行了定量计算。
19、frequence of occurence of binary words method ─── 二进制出现频率方法
20、This is the retopologised head with a bit of cleanup work and some high frequence detail added from the colour map. ─── 这是经过初期净化处理之后的重新拓扑的头部模型,我们在彩色贴图中加入了一些高频细节。
21、natural vibration frequence andfundamental mode were obtained.The influence of hydrodynamic pressure and complex foundation upon dynamic characteristics was investigated. ─── 并以后期坝体满库模型为例,讨论了复杂基岩对自振特性的影响,对坝体-基岩动力特性分析模型提出了合理建议。
22、And we caculated the power of the whole signal,the power of each frequence point that componented the signal. ─── 并在频域对信号的总功率,各频率分量功率,信号周期性以及失真度进行了计算。
23、increase of ship fire frequence these years presents great danger to the safety of ships, cargoes and crew on board as well. ─── 船舶火灾频发率不断增加,对船舶、货物和船员的生命安全构成了极大的威胁。
24、Frequence Domain Analysis for the Error of Attitude Algorithm of Strap-down Inertial Navigation System ─── 捷联惯导系统姿态算法误差的频域分析
25、Keywords fractal;in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium deposits;weak magnetic anomaly of high frequence; ─── 分形;地浸砂岩型铀矿床;高频弱磁异常;
26、The natural frequence of hydraulic vibration working platform in the shape of reinforced plank-box ─── 具有加筋板的箱框型液压振动工作台的固有频率
27、Keywords noise;frequence;acoustics;signal-to-noise ratio;sonority; ─── 噪声;频率;音响效果;信噪比;响度;
28、Comments on the vibrational frequence equation of three-span simple supported suspension bridge ─── 关于三跨简支悬索桥振动频率方程的讨论
29、dielectric relaxation frequence ─── 介质弛豫频率
30、variable frequence variable speed ─── 变频
31、Thenorphine caused a increase in frequence and a decrease in the amplitude and basal tension of the isolated bile. 4. ─── 噻喏啡除增加收缩频率外,对胆总管收缩幅度和基础张力都有降低作用。
32、HWH middle frequence inverter,controller and PQS process monitoring system for resistance welding. ─── 德国HWH公司中频电阻焊变频机,控制器,PQS 智能焊接质量检测系统。
33、sound intermediate frequence ─── 伴音中频率
34、frequence of periodic function ─── 周期函数的频率
35、Study on erythrocyte ATPase activity in patients with generalized tonic-clonic epilepsy of different frequence seizure ─── 不同发作频度的全身强直-阵挛性发作癫痫患者红细胞膜ATPase活性的研究
36、Keywords Induction Furnace;Medium Frequence;Crystal Tube;Melting Rate; ─── 感应电炉;中频;晶闸管;熔化率;
37、As the wheat varieties had been improving, the frequences of Glu-Alb, Glu-Blb, e and Glu-Dla decreased, the frequences of Glu-Ala, Glu-Bla,c,d and Glu-Dld increased, no change occurred for the other alleles in frequence. ─── Glu-Ala、Glu-Bla、c、d和Glu-Dld的频率增加; 其它等位基因频率无大的变化.
38、critical fusion frequence ─── 临界停闪频率, 临界融合频率, 临界聚变频率
39、Observation of the Efficacy of External High Frequence Thermotherapy in Combination with Gatifloxacin for the Treatment of Male Nongonococcal Urethritis ─── 体外高频热疗联合加替沙星治疗男性非淋菌性尿道炎疗效观察
40、For all optimized configurations, there is no imaginary frequence in the vibrational analysis. ─── 利用能量梯度法优化构型,对各优化的构型作振动分析,均未出现虚频率。
41、absorption limiting frequence ─── 吸收截止频率, 吸收极限频率
42、low olwer limiting frequence ─── 低下限频率
43、Each observation could have been weighted inversely as the distance or as the square root of the frequence. ─── 每次观测可以倒过来加权作为距离或作为频率的平方根。
44、Application of Frequence Conversion Variable Speed in the Controlling System of EPS Accelerator ─── 变频调速在EPS加速器控制系统中的应用
45、sync tip frequence ─── 同步脉冲顶部频率
46、unity-gain-crossover frequence ─── 单位增益交叉频率
47、Exciting Frequence Optimization for Electromagnetic Flowmeter with Genetic Algorithm ─── 基于遗传算法的电磁流量计励磁频率优化
48、The results of the experiment show that the BBD technique is simple and convenient,its controlling frequence band is wide,and the effect of damping and noise reduction notable; ─── 实验证明,该技术结构简便、控制频带宽、减振降噪效果显著;
49、single phase industrial frequence ─── 单相工业频率, 单相工频
50、cyclotron resonance frequence ─── 回旋谐振频率, 回旋共振频率
51、The optimal explant in tissue culture was stem section,and the frequence of callus induction can reach 50%. ─── 在进行组织培养时可优先考虑采用其茎作为外植体进行愈伤组织诱导,其诱导率可达50%。
52、Logarithm of frequence of every symptom factor was calculated, and then the likelihood possibility ratio of every syndrome, according to which the diagnosis of syndrome was determined. ─── 先筛选出15组47项症状因子并求出各症状因子的频数对数,再计算各证候的似然概率,根据似然概率的大小确定中医证候诊断。
53、Design of Low Frequence Signal Source Based on CPLD and SCM ─── 基于CPLD和单片机的低频信号源设计
54、runoff frequence factor ─── 径流频率因子
55、the average referring frequence ─── 平均被引率
56、Frequence Compensation of Amplifier for RAP-10 Type Pile Detection Tester ─── RAP-10型桩基检测仪放大器频率补偿
57、The Design of Multiple Filter Based on Anti-interference of Main Frequence in the Microcomputer Measure and Control System ─── 在微机测控系统中抗工频干扰的复合滤波器设计
58、quarter-wave resonant frequence ─── 四分之一波共振频率
60、intermediate critical frequence ─── 居间中肯频(率)
61、The results of the experiment show that the BBD technique is simple and convenient, its controlling frequence band is wide, and the effect of damping and noise reduction is notable. ─── 实验证明,该技术结构简便、控制频带宽、减振降噪效果显著。
62、variable frequence microwave ─── 变频微波
63、H-bridge topology ,adopted in the power circuit, runs under the limited unipolar of double frequence reversible PWM mode. ─── 功率电路采用工作在单极倍频可逆PWM控制模式下的H桥结构。
64、normalizational frequence distribution ─── 归一频数分布
65、Keywords grinding aid;powdered process;stirring ball grinder;high frequence vibromill; ─── 搅拌球磨机;高频震动磨;助磨剂;粉磨工艺;
67、Keywords Anti-infectives agents;Defined daily dose;Frequence;drug-used; ─── 抗感染药物;限定日剂量;用药频数;
68、The weather-proof and vibration-proof of RXLG series are better than traditional resistors, so they are widely used in the ower source and the frequence converters, especially in terrible invironment. ─── RXLG系列电阻器耐气候性、耐振动、安全性,优于传统瓷骨架电阻器。广泛应用于电源、变频器、伺服系统等高要求的电气回路中,并且能适用于恶劣的工控环境。
69、Eighty-eight in-patient dements were analysed to understand the occur-ing frequence of jealousy delusion and trait of delusion for senile dementia. ─── 为了解老年痴呆患者中嫉妒妄想的发生频率及妄想的特征,我们对88例住院的痴呆病人进行了分析。
70、Keywords hepatitis C virus;hypervariable region 1;mimotope;cross reactivity;reactivity frequence; ─── 关键词丙型肝炎病毒;高变区1;模拟表位;交叉反应性;反应频率;
71、For each grouped tasks, loop transformation was applied to diminish the frequence of reading configuration data, which resulted in improved application performance. ─── 对每个任务组合进行循环变换,减小配置数据的读取次数,提高了应用算法的性能。
72、So PWM with higher frequence can be used to eliminate the low-frequence harmonics of bus current and reduce the distortion rate of current waveform. ─── 因此可以采用频率更高的脉宽调制PWM脉冲,能基本上消除电网侧电流的低次谐波,减少电流波形的畸变率;
73、A flow control to install before back flow of the loop into the tank and to head the frequence control pump. ─── 流速控制必须安装在循环系统中储罐的回水之前以控制变频泵。
74、Because the flare force contains the square of the wave elevation velocity, it results in an difference between the flare force frequence and the associated moving frequence; ─── 外飘力和波面运动的速度的平方项有关,导致其振动频率和相应运动方向的频率不同;
75、Using Multiple Frequence Computerized Therapeutic Equipment Combined with Voltaren to Treat 129 Cases of Pain ─── 多频电脑治疗仪配合扶他林治疗各类痛症129例
76、international distress frequence ─── 国际遇险呼救频率
77、blade-passing frequence and harmonics ─── 叶频倍频
78、principal resonant frequence ─── 主共振荡频率, 主鸣频(率)
79、Analysed the frequence compensation and noise response of the Op Amps extent. ─── 对电路的频率补偿和噪声性能进行了一定的分析。
80、The formulations of the response are developed from the those of the frequence-domain by the Fourier transform. ─── 用傅里叶变换由频率域公式导出了时间域的响应公式。
81、Research on DTC control method of reducing torque ripple and switching frequence for induction motor ─── 一种降低转矩脉动和开关频率的异步电机DTC控制方法的研究
82、stress must be laid on testmg of the bridge , selp-vibration frequence and crossmg amplitude of vibration about the bridge must be known. ─── 应该重视对桥梁的检测,了解桥梁的自振频率和横向振动振幅。
83、The major factors that affect on the action frequence of SMA spring are analysed and a way of improving its frequence characteristic is presented. ─── 分析了影响其动作频率的主要因素并提出了改善频率特性的措施。
84、Intelligent Battery Discharger Based on High Frequence Chopping ─── 基于高频斩波技术的蓄电池智能放电器
85、multichannel voice frequence ─── 多路话音频率
86、signal-pulse repetition frequence ─── 信号脉冲重复频率
87、receiver local oscillator frequence ─── 接收机本机振荡器频率
88、I am a man easily touched.I am often weepy when reading.It is a frequence to weep.After all I am a man. ─── 我是一个容易被感动的人,经常看书时感觉眼睛很难受,哭出来倒很少有,毕竟我还是一个男生。
89、chrominance signal subcarrier frequence ─── 彩色信号副载波频率
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