oblivious 发音
英:[ə'blɪvɪəs] 美:[ə'blɪvɪəs]
英: 美:
oblivious 中文意思翻译
oblivious 词性/词形变化,oblivious变形
副词: obliviously |名词: obliviousness |
oblivious 短语词组
1、oblivious definition ─── 不经意的定义
2、oblivious investor ─── 健忘的投资者
3、oblivious meaning ─── 遗忘意义
4、be oblivious of ─── 忘记,没注意,不顾…
5、oblivious transfer ─── 不经意传输
6、oblivious espanol ─── 健忘埃斯帕诺
7、be oblivious to ─── 不注意, ─── 不顾…
8、oblivious of oneself ─── 忘我
9、oblivious youtube ─── 不经意的youtube
10、oblivious of ─── 忘记不注意
oblivious 相似词语短语
1、obliviously ─── adv.遗忘地
2、oblivions ─── n.遗忘;湮没;赦免
3、obliviousness ─── n.健忘;不注意
4、bivious ─── 两栖的
5、obliquitous ─── adj.倾斜的;倾角的;转弯抹角的
6、obvious ─── adj.明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的
7、multivious ─── 多面体
8、mollitious ─── 软的
9、oblivion ─── n.遗忘;湮没;赦免
oblivious 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They are completely oblivious to the rich culture underlying the language. ─── 他们却对语言背后蕴藏的文化一概不知。
2、The ladies seemed oblivious of the impending danger and were having a great time at the party. ─── 女士们好象完全没有察觉到即将到来的危险,在晚会上玩得很尽兴。
3、Consider a bank that has separate "silos" -- self contained application systems that are oblivious to other systems within the bank. ─── 考虑一个银行有一些分离的“地窖”——在银行内不为其他系统所知的自包含应用程序系统。
4、A grasshopper on a moss-covered tree, oblivious of itself. ─── 停在长满绿苔树上的蚱蜢,浑然忘我。
5、A thrush and its young family nest in traffic lights in Leeds city centre, oblivious to the constant traffic. ─── 一个画眉之家在英国利兹市区的红绿灯框内安家,完全"无视"身边繁忙的交通。
6、Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation (OPE) ─── 不经意多项式估值
7、Kevin Buley, from Chester Zoo, said: "Flora is oblivious to the excitement she has caused, but we are delighted to say she is now a mum and a dad. ─── 切斯特动物园的布利说:“显然,弗洛拉已经忘记它制造出来的惊喜,但是我们很高兴它现在又当爹又当妈。
8、Were they oblivious to the poisons they were ingesting? ─── 他们浑然不觉正在摄入的毒药?
9、They protected themselves from the burning sun with a black umbrella and were quite oblivious to the effrontery of the people who watched them pass by. ─── 她们都擎着黑伞以躲避灼人的阳光,但对同样灼人的路边恬不知耻的观客的目光,她们毫不在意,从容走过。
10、A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. ─── 没有梦想的生活就像折翼的鸟儿被禁锢于牢笼之中,进而忘却那目光之外的天空。
11、You can farm your land, pay your taxes, decide not to vote, and simply be oblivious to any bureaucratic political structure. ─── 你可以耕作农场的土地、你付税,决定不投票,根本不理会任何官僚政治组织。
12、Rex Reed of The New York Observer called Mrs Yee "silly" because he assumed she is oblivious to her husband's trysts with other women. ─── 在感情层面,王佳芝接连受到挫折:父爱的缺失,还有心仪男友的“背叛”,形成两股巨大推力,将王佳芝推向易先生。汤唯塑造的王佳芝,由于生活的压抑,把演戏当作一种释放。
13、The WSDL is oblivious to parameters and return values; it only deals with XML documents. ─── WSDL与参数和返回值无关;只处理XML文档。
14、He consumed those books in three or four night of intensive reading, during which he seemed oblivious to everything else. ─── 他花了三四夜的功夫专心读了这几本书,在这期间,他似乎是什么都不管了。
15、At the edge of a sprawling grassland, a pair of hoofed grazers resembling horses, an antelopelike notoungulate and a ground sloth feed quietly, oblivious to their impending doom. ─── 在辽阔草原的边缘,有一对貌似马儿的有蹄草食动物、一只很像羚羊的南方有蹄类和一只地獭正在静静觅食,没有注意到大祸即将临头。
16、Alma Triner had been in her " zone" --a term often used by athletes to describe being so zeroed in on1 a task that they are oblivious to distractions. ─── 原来特林纳进入她的“状态”了,这是运动员常用的一个词,指专心于某一目标而对任何干扰都不在意。
17、Oblivious to her scrutiny, Ken wriggled in his seat, slow. ─── / 易忘的到她仔细研讨,肯恩在他的座位中蠕动,慢地。
18、North Koreans authorised to speak to visitors appear to be oblivious of their guests' annoyance at such privations. ─── 北韩官方发言说,在这样的限制之下游客似乎忘记了他们的烦恼。
19、He was oblivious of what was happening ─── 他已经忘却发生什么事了。
20、Numbly oblivious to the crowds cheering, they stumbled toward the exit. ─── 他们麻木地跌跌倒到地向出口走去,没有庆祝。
21、You may be busy flitting here and there but don't be oblivious to someone who is watching every move you make. ─── 你可能正忙于到处留连,但别忘了有人正注视着你的一举一动;
22、He was quite oblivious to the danger he was in. ─── 他完全忘记了自己处于危险中。
23、Oblivious of the din due to a midnight fair, the pilgrims have queued up to pay their obeisance to their lord, Shiva, on the pious occasion of Mahashivaratri festival. ─── 在湿婆神之夜这种虔诚的宗教场合,朝圣者忘却了半夜庙会的喧闹,排起队来向他们的湿婆神表达敬意。
24、They party, oblivious to the vast sea and building swells. ─── 他们尽情派对,把浩瀚的大海和上涨的潮水抛在脑后。
25、He was oblivious to the noise. ─── 他没有注意到那响声。
26、I felt relaxed on the scene of the army exercises, happily oblivious to the heavily guarded military facilities around. ─── 到军事演习现场,轻松自在,不会有戒备森严之感;
27、Nor is man oblivious to the tide. ─── 人们也并不是对潮不在意的。
28、Under the condition of a discrete logarithm problem, S2 is decrypted by the OPE (Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation) protocol and Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial (scheme 2). ─── 在离散对数困难问题的条件下,利用不经意多项式估值协议和拉格朗日插值多项式来解密S2(方案2)。
29、Construction of m-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer ─── n取m不经意传输协议构造研究
30、RSA-based enhanced oblivious transfer protocol ─── 基于RSA数字签名的增强不经意传输协议
31、Under the condition of a discrete logarithm problem,S2 is decrypted by the OPE(Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation) protocol and Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial(scheme 2). ─── 在离散对数困难问题的条件下,利用不经意多项式估值协议和拉格朗日插值多项式来解密S2(方案2).
32、And vital to rapid deployment, most applications can be completely oblivious to this background legerdemain. ─── 另外,对快速部署来说非常重要的是,大多数应用程序对这些幕后戏法是完全不可知的。
33、But Miss Dwyer did not appear vexed, pretending indeed to be oblivious of everything else in admiration of the spectacle before her. ─── 德怀尔小姐没有气恼,假装实在是被眼前的美景迷住而无法自拔。
34、Obi-Wan’s attention was totally on his friend so he was almost oblivious to the fact that a fork was hurtling across the table until Anakin snatched it out of the air, inches from his face. ─── 奥比万的注意力完全集中在自己的朋友身上,以至几乎没有注意到一把叉子正越过桌面飞奔而来,直到阿纳金在叉子离他的脸只有几英寸距离的时候抓住了这把叉子。
35、Still she was motionless, like a curled up, oblivious creature. ─── 可她却仍然不动弹,犹如一只踡缩的,被人遗忘的动物。
36、In the gloom, qualities like faith, grit, and dedication, are stretchedto limits we have never before reached. Yet life seems so oppressive weare oblivious to our triumphs. ─── 只有在艰苦的日子里,信心、坚忍、忠贞等这些美德,才能发挥到极至。可是我们往往因生活太苦,以致没注意到我们已经在发挥这些潜力了。
37、She lay motionless where she was, oblivious to pain. ─── 她一动不动地躺在原地,感觉不到疼痛。
38、One Oblivious Transfer (OT) based DAA protocol is presented and analyzed. ─── 一种基于不经意传输(OT)的DAA协议被提出并分析。
39、He drove off, oblivious of the damage he had caused. ─── 他车开走了,没有注意到他所造成的损害。
40、They stood together on the bottom step and stared at each other, surrounded by oblivious strangers. ─── 他们并肩站在最底层的台阶上凝视彼此,忘记了周围来来往往的行人。
41、Mother Nature, of course, is oblivious to the federal government's machinations. ─── 大自然自然不会理会联邦政府有多少雄心壮志。
42、The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose. ─── 乐观主义者看到的是玫瑰而不是刺,悲观主义者则盯着刺看,忘了还有玫瑰。
43、However, despite this, the world is still enough fruit; it, my brother, does that mean we can neglect those of the ripe fruit, oblivious to it, do not enjoy them, they simply rot away any you? ─── 不过,尽管如此,世间仍存在足够的果实;难道,我的兄长,难道我们能轻视这些已经成熟的果实,对它不闻不问,不去享受他们,任它们白白腐烂掉么?
44、Wrapped in her problems, Chin was oblivious to her surroundings. ─── 她并不注意到周围的一切。
45、But the FIBA leaders were oblivious to this problem. ─── 但是FIBA的领导者并没有太在意这些问题。
46、He was so absorbed in his work that he was oblivious of the goings-on around him. ─── 他专心致志地工作,完全没有理会周围的一切。
47、Phyllis plays a reporter who rushes to the scene, oblivious that her boyfriend Edmund is in there. ─── 唯有一位陌生人郑各评冒着生命危险留下来救她。
48、He was quite oblivious of the danger. ─── 他完全没有察觉到危险。
49、He drove off, oblivious of the damage he had caused. ─── 他车开走了,没有注意到他所造成的损害。
50、Only now, as the news of Dolly, the sublimely oblivious sheep, becomes part of the cultural debate, are we beginning to come to terms with those soulquakes. ─── 只有现在,当有关多利这个一度引人注目而现在被人遗忘的绵羊的消息成为文化争论的一部分时,我们才开始平息了这一心灵上的撞击。
51、Using mobile phones to record the silent-to-many output of the Mosquito machines they have used the sound to disrupt classes by irritating fellow students while teachers remain oblivious. ─── 他们用手机录下这种蚊子装置所发出的很多人察觉不到的声音,利用它来刺激其他同学以干扰课堂,而老师却对此毫无察觉。
52、Hoarders are usually oblivious to the fact that the animals are malnourished or filthy, and they are convinced they're rescuing them from a worse fate. ─── 储物症患者通常对动物营养不良或肮脏污秽的状况视若无睹,并坚称自己是将它们从更悲惨的命运中解救出来。
53、As we argue for ethical choices, we are aware that social pressures, resulting from oblivious prejudices as well as from expectations of powerful partners, can make a moral choice difficult. ─── 在面对伦理选择时,我们知道,由具有影响力的合作伙伴的期望和潜在的偏见所造成的社会压力,使伦理选择变得非常困难。
54、According to them, only an obsession to the extent of craziness would make one oblivious to all else, transforming him or her into a super-achiever. ─── 大概是这样一个过程。
55、In this mode, he is oblivious to anything and everything but the "prey" he is pursuing which can and often does result in tragedy. ─── 在这种本能的驱使下,他会忘记所有的任何的东西而全神贯注于他的“猎物”这样会造成很多悲剧。
56、They wander carelessly across streets with their headphones on, oblivious to the world around them. The music's pumping, and they're dreaming of fame and fortune. ─── 他们戴着耳机漫不经心地徘徊于街头,对周围的世界毫不关心.在音乐的跳动中,梦想着成名和富有.
57、Meanwhile all the others work on, oblivious to their rotted-out neighbor. ─── 其余的人仍在继续干活,而对他们的邻居正在腐烂这件事一无所知。
58、He stayed at Anfield and, as the summer wore on, it looked as if the Stamford Bridge club would again be lovelorn, with Andriy Shevchenko continuing to be oblivious to Chelsea's charms. ─── 他留守安菲尔德,随着夏季渐去,看来似乎斯坦福桥会再次成为被爱遗忘的角落,比如安德烈-舍甫琴科一再无视切尔西对其的好感。
59、oblivious of one's surroundings ─── 不注意周围事物
60、He was oblivious of his promise. ─── 他忘记了他的诺言。
61、You eventually become oblivious to the noise. ─── 你终究会变得不在意吵闹声的。
62、As usual in the very young, she marveled that people could be so selfishly oblivious to her pain and the world rock along just the same, in spite of her heartbreak. ─── 像小时候惯常有过的那样,她奇怪人们居然会那样自私,毫不理睬她的痛苦,而且不管她多么伤心,地球仍照样安安稳稳地转动。
63、Page 67: He leapt over the castle gate and continued in a straight shot, oblivious of the soldiers. ─── 他跳过城门,一路狂奔完全忽视了士兵们的存在。
64、However, what both red tops seem oblivious to is that Del Horno is currently injured and may well have a problem completing any potential medical. ─── 不管怎样,奥尔诺最近受了伤,近期要想彻底恢复可能有些问题。
65、So much so that he seemed oblivious to the frenzy around him, and did not at first acknowledge the crowd. ─── 到这样的程度以致于他根本不理会跟着他的人群,也没有对周围的人做出任何回应。
66、Oblivious to the traffic, or to me as I overtook them, for encouragement she sang him classic melody. ─── 就在四周流动的车辆还有我忽略他们时,她为了给自己的丈夫加油打气,哼起了一段经典的旋律。
67、He was oblivious of his dream. ─── 他忘记了做过的梦。
68、The sounds should have been experienced along with the visual, but the commentators droned on over the beautiful productions oblivious to their destruction of the entire scene. ─── 声音应该与画面同步,但是讲解员似乎忘了自己的行为会毁坏画面,只顾独自嗡嗡。
69、Because the records had been erased, dolphins and whales were oblivious to how they had been used in future generations and as time went by. ─── 因为记录已经被删除,所以随着时间的过去,海豚和鲸鱼的后代已经忘却了它们是如何被利用的。
70、I felt relaxed on the scene of the army exercises,happily oblivious to the heavily guarded military facilities around. ─── 到军事演习现场,轻松自在,不会有戒备森严之感。
71、They stood together on the bottom step and stared at each other, surrounded by oblivious strangers. ─── 他们并肩站在最底层的台阶上凝视彼此,忘记了周围来来往往的行人。
72、Because we continually experience desire, we are oblivious to its presence in us. It is like the noise made by the fan of a computer. ─── 由于我们不断体验欲望,反而对它的存在视而不见,就像对计算机的风扇噪音听而不闻一样。
73、Under the condition of discrete logarithm problem, S2 was decrypted by OPE (Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation) protocol and Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial (scheme 2). ─── 在离散对数困难问题的条件下,利用不经意多项式估值协议(OPE)和拉格朗日插值多项式来解密S2(方案2)。
74、Both ears are shut to what goes on outside the window; the whole mind is concentrated on the sages' books (said, usu. disapprovingly, of one who is absorbed in study and oblivious of his surroundings). ─── 两耳不闻窗外事, 一心只读圣贤书。
75、The depth of the hole is proportionate to how oblivious you are of the fall. ─── 你不是坠入爱河,你是掉在坑里。坑的深度和你对掉进去的健忘程度成正比。
76、WAITING for the perfect wave, surf-riders at Newcastle seem oblivious to the cargo ships just beyond. ─── 在等待理想的波浪之际,纽卡斯尔的冲浪者们并不在意不远处的货船。
77、There he is the fat fellow in the Barka lounger, munching candy, swilling beer, pudgy fingers on the clicker, oblivious to family and all other persons not dressed in numbered uniforms. ─── 他们的形像就是坐在舒服的安乐椅上,嚼着口香糖,大口喝着啤酒,肥胖的手指拨弄着遥控器,对家人不管不问的胖乎乎的家伙,以及其他不一而同的球迷。
78、"Now, you must stop worrying," Edna continued, oblivious to her cousin's shocked expression as she began to help find clothes for the maid to fold and put in Nora's cases. ─── "现在,你必须停止担忧,"艾德拉继续说,没有注意到劳拉惊骇的表情,她帮助劳拉收拾衣服,放到劳拉的箱子里。"
79、Theater students reading a script are oblivious to a mangy dog searching for his dinner. ─── 同学研读剧本,癞痢狗穿梭觅食,互不干扰。
80、He sat there reading the book, oblivious of the people nearby. ─── 他坐在那里看书,没注意到附近的人们。
81、Discussing Taiwan manufacturing industry introducing and executing management system, it's used to take American or Japanese style, but in many times, it is unable to receive oblivious achievement. ─── 台湾制造业在制度执行上,多半采取美式与日式之管理制度为主,但是在执行制度的成效上却多半无法收到明显的成果。
82、I standed bihind him in that dusk while he got the letter with a charming perfume. Never again can I be oblivious to the moment while our eyes met. ─── 在这封蘸着迷离香气的信到达他手中的那个黄昏,我站在了他面前。永远记得目光相遇的一刹那。
83、Mired in their rancorous culture wars and squabbling among themselves, they seem oblivious to the fact that American global leadership is fast ebbing away. ─── 在强势文化战争中不能自拔,相互之间攻讦不断,他们似乎没有意识到美国全球领导者地位正在迅速衰退的事实。
84、They are working hard, oblivious of all fatigue. ─── 他们不顾疲劳地努力工作,
85、a person oblivious to social changes. ─── 一个忘记了社会变化的人。
86、The women, seemingly oblivious to what they are doing, stomp to the spirit altar, each seizing a machete. ─── 两个女人看来根本不知道自己在做什么,每人拿着一把大砍刀在神坛上重重地跺脚。
87、On the green lawn of the Pisa, under public eye, I saw two young couples frozen in their kisses, oblivious of the passage of the time. ─── 在比萨斜塔的绿草地上,众目睽睽下,两对年轻人嘴贴嘴,动也不动,忘记了时间的流动。
88、You are both fun-loving and quite oblivious to the faults that might drive most people crazy. ─── 你们都爱好玩乐,对于能让大多数人都发疯的错误都毫不在意。
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