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09-10 投稿


conducive 发音

英:[kənˈduːsɪv]  美:[kənˈdjuːsɪv]

英:  美:

conducive 中文意思翻译



conducive 网络释义

adj. 有益的;有助于…的

conducive 短语词组

1、be conducive to ─── 对…有帮助,有益于…

2、conducive synonym ─── 有利同义词

3、conducive to ─── [医]adj.有助于…的,有益于…的

4、conducive to in a sentence ─── 有利于句子

5、conducive antonyms ─── 有利反义词

6、conducive definition ─── 有利的定义

7、conducive defined ─── 有利的定义

8、conducive meaning ─── 有益的意义

conducive 词性/词形变化,conducive变形

名词: conduciveness |

conducive 相似词语短语

1、conductive ─── adj.传导的;传导性的;有传导力的

2、nonconducive ─── 不导电的

3、unconducive ─── adj.无助的

4、conductively ─── adv.能导电地

5、conducible ─── adj.有助于…的

6、conduce ─── vi.导致;有益,有贡献于

7、contusive ─── 挫伤的

8、inconducive ─── adj.无益的;没有帮助的

9、conducing ─── vi.导致;有益,有贡献于

conducive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The role of the die is to enable the processing of raw materials conducive to forming, easy-to-volume production. ─── 模具的作用是使加工的原材料利于成型,便于批量生产。

2、But the election still nearly a year away, but this senseless tangle is not conducive to the normal work of the Organization. ─── 但是距离大选还有将近一年,而这种毫无意义的纠结不利于正常组织工作。

3、Establishing social security system conducive to population and development, especially family planning. ─── 43、建立有利于人口与发展特别是计划生育的社会保障制度。

4、Criminal retrial system is conducive to prevent and rectify the error in criminal judgments. ─── 它对预防和纠正刑事裁判的错误起到十分重要的作用。

5、This year, they are all the wiser and are devising boundaries that are conducive to their purpose. ─── 今年,他们明智了许多,并正在设定对其目的有帮助的界域。

6、The establishment of immission responsibilities system is conducive to the environmental protection and the building of harmonious society. ─── 建立不可量物侵害责任制度有利于保护环境,建立和谐社会与社区。

7、Meanwhile,make more use of the library. it's quieter and provides a more conducive atmosphere for serious studying. ─── 同时,你可以多去图书馆,那儿要安静些,那儿可以给你认真学习提供一个更有利的环境。

8、Platform and posture are closely related: Different hardware platforms are conducive to different behavioral stances. ─── 平台和姿态是紧密关联的,不同硬件平台有益于不同的行为姿态。

9、Diversity is conducive to the learning environment. ─── 多样化对学习环境确有益处。

10、The combination of production sectors, schools, and research sectors is conducive to the overall development of our society. ─── 产学研相结合有助于我国社会的全面发展。

11、Foreign economic and trade development will be conducive to the promotion of speedy national economic growth. ─── 发展对外经济贸易有利于促进国民经济快速增长。

12、There is an ambiguous expression in a contract, it is preferable that an interpretation conducive to the safety of the subject-matter should be given. ─── 一旦合同中出现含糊不清的表述,应尽量做出有助于保障标的物之安全的解释。

13、Chinabelieves any non-proliferation measure should be conducive to regional and international peace, security and stability. ─── 中方认为,任何防扩散措施都应有助于国际和地区的和平、安全与稳定。

14、Fundamentally speaking, the move is conducive to economic development and social progress, and conforms to the long-term interest of the working class. ─── 但从根本上说,有利于经济发展和社会进步,符合工人阶级的长远利益。

15、Luxury Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort. ─── 奢侈品使人愉快、舒服但非必需的东西。

16、That loud room is not conducive to doing my homework. ─── 喧吵的房间无助于我做功课。

17、A conducive and supportive environment is needed to produce talent in the arts. ─── 尤其是艺术人才的培养,讲究的是良好的气候与土壤。

18、Most employees only hear from management when something is wrong and this negative reinforcement is not conducive for high level work teams. ─── 大部分员工只听到管理这个时候有什么负面增援不利于高层工作队。

19、In particular, the background color of the ink thickness deviation thicker to be able to provide an environment conducive for gloss. ─── 尤其是底色的不朱层厚量偏厚一些,不妨为平华供应一个不利的本原。

20、Create an atmosphere that is conducive to interaction - get rid of the podium and don't hide behind the lectern. ─── 创造一个有益于互动的气氛-除掉你和听众之间的障碍物也不要把自己藏在演讲台后。

21、At the same time, M1 is currently still in the 10-year low, and next year the release of liquidity is conducive to the recovery in asset prices. ─── 同时,目前M1仍处于10年来的最低位,明年流动性释放,有利于资产价格的复苏。

22、Generally speaking, this broad concept of mountain songs is conducive to our understanding of what the artistic traits of the mountain song types are. ─── 一般来说,这种广义的山歌概念更有助于我们对山歌 体裁艺术特色的理解。

23、But equally as Nghe An Aetna Group chairman Li Anmin the villagers believed that this way is not conducive to Nghe An fifteen. ─── 但是同样作为义安村村民的安泰集团董事长李安民认为,这样的方式对义安村委来说并不有利。

24、In my view, it is important for parents to ensure that the home atmosphere is conducive to learning both academic and social skills. ─── 在我看来,对家长来说重要的是确保家庭氛围有利于学习学术和社会技能。

25、The bilateral relationship is built on the basis of common interests and is conducive to a more balanced and pluralistic new world order. ─── 中欧关系正是建立在共有利益的基础上,它有助于建构一个更为平衡、多元的国际新秩序。

26、Study on skin CYP is conducive to well understanding skin diseases and drug metabolic process in skin,which has very important signif... ─── 对皮肤CYP的研究有助于了解它在药物代谢和皮肤疾病中的作用,对提高药物疗效、开发经皮给药新制剂、防止药物和毒性物质对皮肤的侵害等,具有重要意义。

27、Easier payment terms would be conducive to our business with you. ─── 宽松的支付方式将有助于我们彼此间的业务。

28、Only when developing nations get rid of poverty as quickly as possible, can a situation conducive to world peace and development be formed. ─── 只有发展中国家尽快摆脱贫困,才能形成有利于世界和平与发展的局面。

29、Bed or bedroom not conducive to sleep, excessive sleep during the day can also make people sleepless. ─── 床或卧室不利于睡眠,白天睡得过多也会使人失眠。

30、Too many regulations are not conducive to the development of foreign trade or an increase in foreign earning. ─── 好多制度不利于发展对外贸易,对增加外汇收入不利。

31、Summer eating vegetables which are conducive to health care? ─── 夏天吃哪些菜有利于保健养生?

32、Systematic experiments made on light fastness of mulberry dyes show that anthraquinone dyes and metal complex dyes are conducive to light fastness. ─── 对桑蚕丝织物的耐光色牢度进行了较系统的试验。

33、Otherwise, they will have the same conviction of different acts, not conducive to such criminal conduct unified control. ─── 否则,就会出现同一行为不同定罪的问题,不利于对这种犯罪行为进行统一管制。

34、Coffeehouses and teahouses have been with us for hundreds of years, but they had associations that did not seem conducive to a mass market. ─── 咖啡屋和茶楼已经伴随我们上百年之久,但是有一点是一致的,那就是它们似乎对大众市场没有益处。

35、"Nothing is more conducive to happiness than the free exercise of the mind in pursuits congenial to it" (Macaulay). ─── “没有什么能比追求心灵相通的自由操练对快乐更有传导性了” (麦考雷)

36、The State Council shall formulate fiscal and tax policies conducive to the implementation of cleaner production. ─── 国务院应当制定有利于实施清洁生产的财政税收政策。

37、It is generally believed that the successful launching of this new product will be conducive to the development of the unit trusts and mutual funds in Hong Kong. ─── 一般相信,这次成功推出新产品,对香港单位信托及互惠基金的发展会有帮助。

38、The structure punctuates the interior space, while creating an atmosphere conducive to reflection. ─── 同样这样的建筑结构也打破了传统的室内布局,创造了一个有利于反思的场所。

39、Assuming that your home office environment is conducive to work and you are able to focus, more work is going to get done. ─── 假如你家里的办公环境有益于工作,你能够集中精力,那么你就可以完成更多的工作。

40、Family planning has provided women with more opportunities to receive education and is conducive to raising their educational qualities. ─── 实行计划生育使妇女有更多受教育的机会,有利于提高妇女的文化素质。

41、"The establishment of a transparent platform for information disclosure is conducive to the healthy development of securities markets. ─── “建立一个透明的信息披露的平台,有利于证券市场的健康发展。”

42、Also conducive to protect the quality of photos, such as a glass picture frame, you can change the anti-anti-yellowing photographs and so on. ─── 也利于保护相片的质量,像带有玻璃的相框,可以防相片变反发黄等。

43、The Great Moderation, as this period was called, was not conducive to great macroeconomics. ─── 大稳健,尽管这段时间有这样一个名字,对伟大的宏观经济却并无助益。

44、It was hardly an environment conducive to conceptual thought when SALT II got under way in October 1972. ─── 1972年10月,第二阶段限制战略武器会谈进行时的环境几乎使人无法思考问题。

45、Establishing social security system conducive to population and development,especially family planning. ─── 建立有利于人口与发展特别是计划生育的社会保障制度。

46、Conducive:Tending to cause or bring about;contributive. ─── 使生活习惯规律化有益于健康。

47、The parcelling of a leasehold as inheritance should be conducive to construction and development purposes and shall in no way spoil its utilities. ─── 分割作为遗产的土地使用权,应当有利于开发建设和生产经营,不得损害该地段的效用。

48、Meanwhile the bottom of the head more than the quantity, is conducive to resolving the head of the resistance. ─── 同时底部的量超过头部的量,极有利于化解头部的阻力。

49、It inclines you to cherish subtle states conducive to a joy that is unknown to most people. ─── 它使你倾向于珍藏一些微妙的光景或状态,这有助于增进一种对很多人而言比较陌生的乐趣。

50、It is also mentioned as being conducive to the receipt of messages from the netherworld. ─── 同时也被认为是通灵阴间的通灵器。

51、But being sucked into a media maelstrom isn’t necessarily conducive to a nascent love affair. ─── 但是,卷入媒体的漩涡对于这场刚刚萌芽的爱情来说并不是什么好事。

52、Throttling is not recommended because partially open gate valves exhibit flow characteristics not conducive to accurate and consistent flow control. ─── 不建议用于节流应用,因为部分开启的闸阀所表现的流量特性并不利于精确和一致的流量控制。

53、Plenty of exercise is conducive to good health. ─── 多进行体育锻炼,对健康大有好处。

54、Second, deepening hot stock on the market to do more still full of energy This is conducive to short-term A-share market continues to overexert. ─── 二是个股热点不断深化,说明市场的做多能量仍然比较充沛,这有利于A股市场短线的继续逞强。

55、We believe that conditions are not presently conducive to establishment of a dugong nature reserve in Hainan. ─── 但在海南省西海域近岸未发现儒艮,且原有儒艮栖息地的海草均被破坏消失,认为目前建立海南儒艮自然保护区的条件尚不成熟。

56、We, as the Government, will continue to play a leading role in creating an environment that is conducive to this. ─── 作为政府,我们会继续担当重要角色,创造有利这种联系和合作的环境。

57、We need not belabor the obvious point that such symbolization is conducive to feelings of security and belonging. ─── 我们不需要抨击这个观点:这样的象徵化有助于安全感或归属感。

58、A party official said the atmosphere in the Tain constituency was not conducive to a free and fair election. ─── 一名政党官员说泰恩选区的气氛不能促成自由公平的选举活动。

59、It teaches ethical codes which are not conducive to human happiness. ─── 它所传播的道德规范有益于人类的幸福。

60、Without a conducive setting, a few experts and enthusiasts are not enough to breathe life into the language. ─── 一旦失去了自然发展的环境,少数专家和有心人根本不可能起死回生。

61、And a conducive legal environment for the conduct of e-transactions. ─── 以及有利于进行电子交易的法律架构。

62、Thin plates, multimendia favourof economicalof plate material consumption, conducive to conserve resources. ─── 印版薄,有利于节省版材材料的消耗,利于节约资源。

63、The climate was mild and conducive to life or growth. ─── 天气宜人、有利于生活或者生长。

64、Crimper: (n.) a small edged hold which is conducive to crimping. ─── 只有指间大小的点,而且一般要用crimp手型来爬。

65、There is no reason why Singapore cannot produce at least one such person in our highly conducive environment. ─── 以我们所拥有的有利条件,不难培育出这样一个人。

66、Friendliness is conducive to business success. ─── 和气生财

67、"I fear you are not well, Mr. Carton!" Said she. "No. But the life I lead, Miss Manette, is not conducive to health." "Then why not change it? ─── “我担心你是病了,卡尔顿先生!”“没有病。不过我的生活方式是不利于健康的。”“那你为什么不改一改呢?

68、Set up a social security system that will cover all the working people and develop a favorable social environment conducive to the self-development of the working people. ─── 建立覆盖所有劳动者的社会保障制度,形成有利于劳动者自身发展的社会环境。

69、Iran has not acted in ways that are conducive to peace in the region or to the prosperity of its own people, he said. ─── 他说,伊朗还没有采取有益于地区和平或本国人民富强的行动。

70、Communication for development, the promotion of mutual learning is conducive to the construction of cultural diversity. ─── 交流促进发展,促进相互学习,有利于文化多样性的建设。

71、Cutting the working week would be conducive to the individual, giving millions of workers more time to spend as they see fit. ─── 减少每周工作时间将对个人有益,让数百万工人有更多的时间,并在他们认为合适的地方度过这些时间。

72、Commercial bribery for the qualification of the main is conducive to accurate against the purchase and sale of commercial bribery. ─── 商业行贿罪对于主体资格的限定,有利于准确打击商业购销中的行贿行为。

73、Also, of course, the Moonglade is somewhat more conducive to druidic magic than a large city like Darnassus. ─── 当然这也是考虑到相比达纳苏斯这种大城市而言,月光林地更加适合德鲁伊魔法。

74、Thirdly, it is conducive to investors in the relatively low purchase price shops. ─── 三是有利于投资者以相对低廉的价格购买到商铺。

75、All conducive to any litigation or arbitration documentary, physical evidence and other evidentiary material should be collected. ─── 凡是有利于诉讼或仲裁的任何书证、物证及其他证据材料都应当收集。

76、Planned obsolescence is not conducive to pride in workmanship. On another level, consumption is turning sour . ─── 在一个水准上人消费正变得缺乏吸引力,特别是商品的质量似乎一直在降低。

77、Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort. ─── 奢侈品使人愉快、舒服但非必需的东西

78、Second, it is conducive to enhancing the representativeness of the central parity of RMB in the new market structure. ─── 二是有利于在新的市场结构下提高人民币汇率中间价的代表性。

79、We will strive to provide an environment that is conducive to investment and innovation in broadcasting and multi-media content production. ─── 我们会致力缔造吸引投资及有助广播服务和多媒体内容制作不断创新的环境。

80、Studies from the angle of literary institution are not only fruitful to our reevaluation of literariness, but also conducive to literary study. ─── 从体制层面着手研究文学,有利于我们刷新对文学的认识,也将对文学研究的顺利开展有所助益。

81、is important for parents to ensure a good atmosphere which is conducive to the children's learning in both academic and social skills. ─── 重要的是家长要确保一个良好的氛围,这有利于孩子在学术和社会技能的学习。

82、Nothing was more calming, more conducive to pure reason, than the atmosphere of money. ─── 再也没有任何东西比金钱更能使人心平气和,更能排除其他干扰而敦促人倾向于纯理性了。

83、China's entry into the WTO is not only conducive to China's reform and opening-up process, but also beneficial to global prosperity. ─── 中国加入世贸组织不仅有利于中国的改革开放和经济发展,也有利于世界经济的繁荣。

84、Surprisingly, I have found Mexican food, swapping out rice for vegetables, to be one of the cuisines most conducive to the “slow carb” diet. ─── 令我惊讶的是,我发现墨西哥食物中可以用蔬菜来代替米饭,这是一种非常有效的有利于”低碳水化合物“疗法的烹饪之一。

85、Price moves that are conducive to environmental protection and energy saving are exempt from the restraint. ─── 对节约能源或者环境保护有利的价格变动是可以免于价格设限的规定的。

86、However, there are also opposing views pointing out that an inactive or defunct OC will not be conducive to proper building management and maintenance. ─── 不过,反对的意见则指出,有名无实的法团无助于楼宇的妥善管理和维修。

87、Smoking is not conducive to health. ─── 吸烟不利于健康。

88、Second, a disproportional rate of male and female students in one class is conducive to class discipline and learning effect. ─── 其次,男女比例不一致有利于班级纪律和学习成效。

89、Bringing the issue under multilateral discussions is not conducive to the settlement of the dispute, but will only complicate the matter. ─── 将南海问题拿到多边场合讨论,无助于争议的解决,只会使问题复杂化。

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