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09-03 投稿


Genevese 中文意思翻译




Genevese 短语词组

1、genevese definition genevese ─── 定义

2、genevese twitter genevese ─── 推特

Genevese 相似词语短语

1、Guenevere ─── n.格韦纳维亚(女子名,等于Guinevere)

2、Genevieve ─── n.吉纳维芙(女子名)

3、Genevese ─── n.日内瓦人;加尔文教派之信徒;adj.日内瓦人的;加尔文教派之信徒的

4、gentlenesse ─── 先生们

5、Genovese ─── adj.热那亚的;热那亚人的;n.(美、意)杰诺韦塞(人名)

6、generate ─── vt.使形成;发生;生殖;产生物理反应

7、geneses ─── n.创始(genesis的复数)

8、genes ─── n.[遗]基因(gene的复数形式);n.(Genes)人名;(俄)格涅斯

9、genevrette ─── 吉纳夫雷特

Genevese 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Beautiful landscape of Kwan-yin mountain is compared as the East Genevese ─── 观音山水美如画,景攀东方日内瓦

2、night scene taken from the western mountain as the eastern Genevese . ─── 从西山上拍的昆明夜景,昆明的夜景有东方日内瓦之称。

3、But in the Genevese doctrine faith itself is not holy. ─── 但是,在日内瓦主义信仰本身并不神圣。

4、The world economy forum 2003, one is based on Genevan economy brain trust, rate Sweden the 3rd big state of world that has competition ability most economically. ─── 2003年的世界经济论坛,一个基于日内瓦的经济智囊团,将瑞典列为经济上最具竞争力的世界第三大国。

5、This man who doesn't want to show his name said that the meeting held in the suburban of Genevan,Switzerland last only one day. ─── 这位不愿透露姓名的欧洲消息人士表示,会谈在瑞士日内瓦的郊外举行,持续1天。

6、A night scene taken from the western mountain as the eastern Genevese. ─── 从西山上拍的昆明夜景,昆明的夜景有东方日内瓦之称。

7、Central wall well hotel ,a garth-like hotel with the Bai nationality characteristic of designed by international four-star standard, is located in the so called oriental Genevese,Dali,a city with long history famed home and abroad. ─── 城心井茗苑酒店,是按国际四星级标准设计的最具有白族民居特色的庭院式酒店,位于享有东方日内瓦盛誉,驰名中外的九街十八巷棋盘式的大理古城。

8、The fire vehicle driven by itself-probing extinguishing and fire fighting robot won many international prizes at Hongkong、Genevese、London,etc. ─── 企业自主研发的无人驾驶车-侦察灭火消防机器人获中国国家专利,并于2002年获香港、日内瓦、英国伦敦、世界尤里卡国防发明博览会奖等多个国际奖项。

9、Cadre is set in forum of Genevan world economy to publish year report, announced 1997 pop chart of international competition ability. ─── 本部设在日内瓦的世界经济论坛发表年度报告,公布了1997年国际竞争力排行榜。

10、A yearly meeting of all the member countries in the World Health Organization is this week in Genevese (Geneva), Switzerland. ─── 世界卫生组织全体成员国的年度会议本周在瑞士的日内瓦举行。

11、I am by birth a Genevese, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic. ─── 我出身于日内瓦的名门望族。

12、Beautiful landscape of Kwan-yin mountain is compared as the East Genevese ─── 观音山水美如画,景攀东方日内瓦

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