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08-30 投稿


druidism 发音


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druidism 短语词组

1、druidism wow ─── 德鲁伊教哇

2、druidism bible ─── 德鲁伊教圣经

3、druidism 101 ─── 德鲁伊教101

4、druidism beliefs ─── 德鲁伊教信仰

druidism 词性/词形变化,druidism变形

副词: druidically |形容词: druidic |名词: druidism |

druidism 相似词语短语

1、druggist ─── n.药剂师;药商;(美)药房老板(兼营化妆品、文具、牙膏、漱口剂、香烟等杂货的)

2、druidical ─── adj.督伊德教徒的;督伊德教的

3、druidess ─── n.女巫师;女祭司;女督伊德

4、Luddism ─── n.劳工运动(等于Luddite)

5、Hasidism ─── n.哈西德主义(等于Hassidism)

6、dudism ─── 杜德主义

7、drudgism ─── 苦工主义

8、druidic ─── adj.督伊德教徒的;督伊德教的

9、druids ─── n.德鲁伊教团员(Druid的复数);威尔士诗会官员或二等奖获得者

druidism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、6. I had many tells on my server of how people were now creating druid alts etc. ─── 听闻此说,阿尔发唱片公司人员说:那是磁铁式的耳环,夹的啦。收藏指正

2、The etymological origins of the word druid are varied and doubtful enough that the word may be pre-Indo-European. ─── 依据语源学,“德鲁伊”这个词的起源是各式各样,足可以猜忌这个词可能是出自印欧时代之前。

3、The role of primary healer CAN be filled by a druid, so can many other roles. ─── 主要治疗者任务能被德鲁伊完成,其他许多任务也一样。

4、When a Druid in cat form casts Pounce it will now properly animate. ─── 天然完美:这个技能现在将不再在坐着时被暴击而触发.另外,它现在将被微秒天赋影响.

5、Q: What improvements have you made to Druid Elemental Skills? ─── 对德鲁伊的元素技能有什么改动?

6、Antagonism between residential culture and alien culture druid be avoided to prevent the obsession of ethnocentrism. ─── 在这种场合应该避免把自文化和他文化相互对立,而陷于狭隘的本民族中心主义。

7、Druid: Omen of Clarity now has a reduced chance to be triggered by Hurricane. ─── 德鲁伊:降低了飓风术触发清晰预兆的机率。

8、If you do a 10-player raid with 2 Holy paladins and 1 Resto druid, you should not feel gimped. ─── 如果一个10人团队中有2个神圣骑士1个恢复德,你不应该觉得这样不好。

9、Druidism is a primeval religion that ancient Celts believed in. It spread extensively in Gaul, Britain and Ireland in the late 1000 BC. ─── 督伊德教是古代凯尔特人信奉的一种原始宗教,公元前一千年代后半期在高卢、不列颠和爱尔兰等地广泛传播。

10、It's very, very important for both your druid and lock to have exceptional gear if you plan on winning against two geared melee that hump your lock instead of priest. ─── 如果你们面对的是两个装备不错的菜刀,而他们又准备集火术士而不是牧师,你们的小德和术士拥有优秀的装备将非常、非常重要。

11、Like all of Cenarius's children, centaur favor druidism over other divine arts. ─── 和塞纳留斯所有的孩子一样,半人马喜欢德鲁伊教超过其他神奇技艺。

12、A Druid in Human Form While You Are Not Stunned ─── 在你没有被晕的时候,人形德鲁依

13、If you can make the druid blow trinket and your rogue isn't being assisted, you can very easily switch to the druid and gib him in a Cheap Shot -> Kidney Shot. ─── 如果你们能使对方小德交出徽章而且你们的贼没有被集火,你们能把目标转向小德并在一个偷袭->肾击之内干掉他。

14、In the 18th century England and Wales experienced a Druid revival inspired by e. g.John Aubrey John Toland and William Stukely. ─── 十八世纪,英格兰和威尔士阅历了一场德鲁伊教的复兴,是由约翰奥布里,约翰托兰,以及WilliamStukely得到灵感而引发。

15、4.But with the conquering of the Romans in the west Mediterranean area and Britain, Druidism gradually disappeared from the scene. ─── 但是随着罗马人对西地中海地区及不列颠的征服,督伊德教逐渐销声匿迹。

16、Bear form is rumored to be a "warrior" form, Panther form is rumored to be a "rogue" form. What differences are there between a druid forms and the true classes? ─── 传闻熊形态是战士形态,豹形态是盗贼形态。德鲁伊与其变形形态间有何不同?

17、It takes weeks for night elf or tauren druids to correct the damage a centaur druid inflicts on any territory it comes across. ─── 修复一个半人马德鲁伊在任何领土带来的损害,将花费暗夜精灵或是牛头人德鲁伊数周的时间。

18、Should the druid start to run in Travel Form, slow him down with Frost Shock and Earthbind Totems. ─── 当德鲁伊切换到旅行形态,要用冰霜震击和地缚图腾给他们减速。

19、Under Cenarius' watchful eye, they began to study the ancient arts of druidism that would enable them to heal the ravaged earth and re-grow their beloved forests at the base of Mount Hyjal. ─── 在塞纳留斯的关注下,他们开始学习古老的德鲁伊法术,学习如何治愈伤痕累累的大地,并开始在海加尔山脚下种植他们喜爱的树木。

20、Druid of Talon Adept Training ─── 专家级猛禽鲁依训练

21、Lacerate: This ability now deals additional damage based on the attack power of the Druid. ─── 割裂:这个技能现在从德鲁伊的攻击强度获得额外的伤害加成。

22、Druid of Talon Master Training ─── 大师级猛禽徳鲁依训练

23、Coronius attended the University of Erathia for one semester before he realized that academics were overrated. He left Erathia for AvLee, finding a Druid who could teach by example. ─── 克洛尼斯曾在埃拉西亚的魔法学院中学习过,但他很快就厌倦了那呆板的教学方式,毅然离开学院,到埃里拜一名隐士为师。

24、In the 18th century, England and Wales experienced a Druid revival, inspired by e. g.John Aubrey, John Toland and William Stukely. ─── 十八世纪,英格兰和威尔士经历了一场德鲁伊教的复兴,是由约翰奥布里,约翰托兰,以及WilliamStukely得到灵感而引发。

25、This versatility will guarantee a spot for the Druid in any adventuring party. ─── 全能这一特点将保证德鲁伊在每一个冒险队伍里都有一席之地。

26、Dirty Deeds: This talent will no longer interfere with getting the bonus damage from the Druid ability Mangle on Rupture and Garrote. ─── 卑鄙:这个天赋将不再影响盗贼的割裂和绞喉从德鲁伊的芒果(想不起来原名,老记得叫芒果...)技能效果中提高伤害

27、Celtic Irish goddess of beauty, the eldest daughter of the last Druid of Ireland. ─── 凯尔特爱尔兰的美丽女神,是爱尔兰德鲁伊教最后的团员的长女。

28、And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. ─── 为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。

29、The purge can benefit you greatly by removign only 1 stack of lifebloom, and something else, or it could knock off 2 of the lifebloom, healing the druid. ─── 如果驱散掉1层生命绽放或者其它什么别的,那你赚大了,反之,驱散掉两层生命绽放,治疗了德鲁伊.

30、What improvements have you made to Druid Elemental Skills? ─── 对德鲁伊的元素技能有什么改动?

31、But with the conquering of the Romans in the west Mediterranean area and Britain, Druidism gradually disappeared from the scene. ─── 但是随着罗马人对西地中海地区及不列颠的征服,督伊德教逐渐销声匿迹。

32、To be a Druid,I will never lose my dream. ─── 不适合。。的确。。只是不适合罢了。。没有谁对不起谁

33、As a shape shifter, what forms can a druid take? ─── 如果使用变形术,德鲁伊可以变成什么?

34、Innate druidic power does not necessarily lead to becoming a druid, and lacking that innate power does not preclude becoming a druid. ─── 但自从接触德鲁伊教义后,他的后天努力和不懈钻研使他的力量远远超出了其余德鲁伊。

35、This is the MAIN stat of your resto druid, and every upgrade should be considered from that viewpoint. ─── 对恢复德来说它是主要的属性,每次升级(装备?)都应该考虑这点。

36、Druid of Claw Master Training ─── 利爪德鲁易大师训练

37、Priests of the Druid religion of ancient Britain and France believed mistletoe had magical powers. ─── 古代英国和法国的德鲁伊教的牧师们相信槲寄生具有神奇的力量。

38、Glyph of Innervate: Has been adjusted to grant the Druid 90% of his or her base mana pool over 20 seconds. ─── * 激活雕文:调整为在20秒内增加德鲁伊90%基础法力值。

39、Most of your mana in this battle should be for keeping the druid as close as possible. ─── 在这次战斗中,你的绝大多数魔法应该为了保持德鲁伊和你尽可能的接近。

40、A cat druid plays like a rogue and they have their own form of rupture kiting. ─── 一个猫德和盗贼差不多,他们有他们自己的风筝DOT。

41、Decreased the casting times on the Druid's Call Lightning and Hedge of Thorns powers ─── 减少德鲁伊闪电施法时间,群草施法时间

42、Druid - Mangle has a 40% chance to grant 125 Strength for 8 seconds, Starfire has a 25% chance to grant up to 135 spell damage for 8 seconds, and Rejuvenation has a 25% chance to grant up to 190 healing for 8 seconds. ─── 德鲁伊-毁灭有40%的几率使你的力量提高125点,持续8秒;星火术有25%的几率使你的法术伤害提高135点,持续8秒;回春有25%几率使你的治疗效果提高190点,持续8秒。

43、I had many tells on my server of how people were now creating druid alts etc. ─── 在我的伺服器上,也听闻有很多人现在开始另外创造一个德鲁伊来玩。

44、The "Druid Epic Flight Form" is now available through a series of quests. ─── 嗯...自认为翻译得挺忠于原著的,可惜,中午睡了一觉,晚了

45、He has Return, allowing him to teleport to the Lone Druid at any time. ─── 它有回归能力,可以随时回到你的身边。

46、5.Britain was a headquarters of Druidism, but once every year a general assembly of the order was held within the territories of the Carnutes in Gaul. ─── 凯撒注重到高卢里面所有任何等级和尊严的人,要么是在德鲁伊教里,要么是在贵族里,是两种分化的阶级。

47、And they believe the pre-Christian Druid movement was responsible for the monument. ─── 他们相信,创世纪前的德鲁伊教运动促成了纪念碑的建立。

48、Next patch: Druid and shaman talents, level cap being raised to 60, big download, balance changes, warlock reevaluated. ─── 下一帖:德鲁伊和萨满天赋,级别提高到60,大量下载,平衡改变,术士重新评价。

49、Spirit beasts are the embodied spirits of the natural world.These creatures are naturally incorporeal, but may take a true physical form to fight for the druid or shaman who called them. ─── 幽灵巨兽是自然世界的实体幽灵.这些生物是自然的精神,但是能够从召唤它们的德鲁伊或萨满的战斗中获得一个真实肉体.

50、The Ancient Druid Order claim that Toland held a gathering of Druids from all over Britain and Ireland in a London tavern, the Appletree, in 1717. ─── 古代德鲁伊律法声称托兰持有从整个英国到爱尔兰的德鲁伊教知识收集,于1717年在伦敦的一间酒馆里面。

51、Even so, there are encounters where a druid has a tanking advantage over a Protection paladin, just like there are situations where a Holy paladin has an advantage over a shaman. ─── 尽管如此,你们也许会碰到某些情况,野德的表现可能会比防骑好,就象有些时候奶骑比撒满更有优势。

52、After playing on a druid and paladin on the TTR so much, it was hard to get used to solo healing through double melee. ─── 在TTR上和小德、圣骑士一起打了这么久之后,在面对双菜刀时单治疗的局面确实让我很不适应。

53、Shapeshift into aquatic form. Increasing swim speed and allowing the druid to breathe underwater. ─── 变身成鱼,令游泳速度加快,并能够于水中呼吸.

54、Unlike Malfurion, Illidan had no patience for the subtleties of druidism and proved to be a poor student despite their teacher, the demigod Cenarius. ─── 与玛法里奥不同的是,伊利丹对于德鲁伊教的毫无耐心,尽管他们的老师是[[魔兽百科:半神|半神]][[魔兽百科:塞纳留斯|塞纳留斯]] ,他也被证实是个差生 。

55、One day, a druid discovered her blindness was the trick of a cruel fairy and cured her. ─── 一天,有个德鲁伊发现她的残疾是一个残忍的小仙子耍的把戏,并且治愈了她。

56、Druid of the Claw mana regeneration rate increased slightly. ─── 利爪德鲁依的法力恢复速度稍稍加快了。

57、High Druid: Shooter, Caster (Stoneskin), Power Feed. ─── 射手,施法(石头皮肤),力量给养

58、Priests of the Druid religion of ancient Britain and France believed mistletoe had magic prowers(magical powers). ─── 以前英国和法国信仰德鲁伊的牧师相信槲寄生具有神奇的力量。

59、Then one of her older sisters encouraged her to make their father proud by becoming the best druid in the elven nation. ─── 后来,她的一个姐姐鼓励其成为精灵国里最好的德鲁伊,以此荣耀他们的父亲。

60、Go visit the priest, shaman or druid forums.They are all now the worst healers. ─── 去看看牧师,萨满和德鲁伊论坛,都在说自己是最差的治疗。

61、magi does not contradict a druidic source of magic, as there can be magi within druidism by real-world definition. ─── 法师并不与德鲁伊魔法冲突,因为现实社会中德鲁伊信徒也可以当法师。

62、Your druid and warlock should be able to get the second melee into a CC rotation fairly easily, unless it's an undead rogue. ─── 你们的小德和术士应该能很轻松地让另一个近战进入控制链,除非他是一个亡灵贼。

63、Also, Druidism was a thorn in the side of the Romans, who could not totally rule Britain so long as it existed; ─── 同时,德鲁伊教是罗马帝国边境上的一条刺,只要它存在,帝国就不能统治英国;

64、One trait of a druid is the ability to take the role of primary healer. ─── 一个有能力担当主要治疗者任务的德鲁伊优秀特点。

65、He confessed his love for her and said that Malfurion had clearly gone mad in his pursuit of druidism. ─── 他说玛法里奥毫无疑问迷失在他的德鲁伊教义里了。

66、When Awakener Druid enters the battlefield, target Forest becomes a 4/5 green Treefolk creature for as long as Awakener Druid is on the battlefield. ─── 当醒眠德鲁伊进战场时,只要醒眠德鲁伊仍在战场,目标树林便成为4/5绿色的树妖生物。

67、What do you think about that crazy druid? ─── 你什么看那个疯子德鲁伊?

68、Fixed a bug where Monster Shrines could affect Druid Vines. ─── 固定一巨大的圣地能影响德鲁伊特藤蔓植物的臭虫.

69、Part One mainly discusses the origin of Druidism and its development in Gaul, Britain and Ireland; ─── 其一,探讨了督伊德教的起源及其在高卢、不列颠和爱尔兰的发展及消亡;

70、Druid Balance 4 piece Arena/PVP set bonus changed from +15% outdoor movement speed, to "Your Wrath casts have a chance to reduce the cast time on your next Starfire by 1.5 sec. ─── 平衡德鲁伊的PvP套装4件效果从“增加户外移动速度15%”改成“你的愤怒(技能)有机会降低你下一个星火术的施法时间1.5秒”。

71、As a powerful druid, counsellor of the king, and authority on the demons, Tieru was certainly there to help in the war. ─── 作为强大的德鲁伊,王家顾问,以及恶魔问题的权威人士,蒂耶鲁当然会在那协助战事。

72、Still, to regard a druid as merely a healer is a dangerously simplistic assumption that has led to the defeat of many an unwary foe. ─── 不过说回来,认为德鲁伊只是治疗者这种过于简单的臆测就经常导致很多疏忽的敌人败北与德鲁伊。

73、Caydiem> Are you aware how a Druid plays in tank form? ─── 你知道德鲁伊坦克形态如何操作么?

74、Human sacrifice is sometimes attributed to Druidism; ─── 人类献祭有时候也归因于德鲁伊教;

75、It can be found on apple trees, lindens, maples and poplars. (Priests) of the (Druid) religion of ancient Britain and France believed (mistletoe) had magical powers. ─── 人们在苹果树、菩提树、枫树及白杨树上也可以发现它。古代英国和法国德鲁伊教的牧师们认为槲寄生具有神奇的力量。

76、Druid is a shapeshifter.At different levels they gain the ability to shapeshift into different animals, and these animals have different abilities/pros/cons. ─── 在不同的场合德鲁伊可以变成不同的动物,有不同的能力,长处和短处。

77、I briefly re-rolled to Tauren Druid a couple of months prior to TBC being released, but yeah, returned to my hunter as soon as TBC hit. ─── 但我发现这个职业并不是我所想的那样,不过我还是喜爱猎人这个职业并坚持了下来。

78、It seems to some fans the principles of druidism would be antithetical to the majority of high elves, and it didn't appear there was any indication of any renegade sect of druids. ─── 似乎德鲁伊信徒在高等精灵社会中是和主流对立的,并且没有迹象表明有被判信仰的德鲁伊出现。

79、However, with high end gear and frenzied regeneration, it is not always possible to kill a bear druid in30 seconds worth of evasion. ─── 但是,有了高级装备和疯狂的回蓝/,在30秒砍死一个德鲁依不大可能。

80、Human sacrifice is sometimes attributed to Druidism; ─── 人类献祭有时候也归因于德鲁伊教;

81、To that end, a druid can use his connection with the Emerald Dream to exert a calming influence over animals, even forcing some into a temporary state of hibernation. ─── 为达到这目的,德鲁伊可以用他和翡翠梦境的连接来安抚动物使它们平静,甚至可以迫使动物进入冬眠状态。

82、When in Bear Form, Dire Bear Form, Cat Form, Travel Form or Aquatic Form, the druid is now considered a Beast. ─── 在各种变身形态下,德鲁依被认为是野兽。

83、A preliminary research on the ancient Druidism ─── 原始督伊德教初探

84、Druid of the Claw mana pool increased from 400 to 600. ─── “手爪之德鲁伊特教僧侣魔力池”将从400增加到600。

85、He confessed his love for her and said that Malfurion had clearly gone mad in his pursuit of druidism. ─── 他向她求爱并且说玛法里奥毫无疑问在他的德鲁伊教义里迷失了。

86、Human sacrifice is sometimes attributed to Druidism; it was an old inheritance in Europe, (although this might be Roman propaganda). ─── 人类献祭有时候也归因于德鲁伊教;这是欧洲的一种古老遗产(尽管这可能是罗马的宣传)。

87、What's good about a resto druid is that you won't have to worry about what talents to take - you can have them all. ─── 对纯恢复德来说一个好处是,你不必担心应该如何配天赋-把它们全加上就是了。

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