meager 发音
英:[ 'migɚ] 美:[ˈmiːɡər]
英: 美:
meager 中文意思翻译
meager 同义词
scrimpy | miserable | derisory | emaciated | stingy | lacking | bitty | bare | scant | gaunt | exiguous | inadequate | underfed | paltry | scanty | undernourished | mean | meagerly | poor | skinny | rawboned | scrawny | lean | meagre | lank | thin | puny | scarce | insubstantial |skimpy | lanky | beggarly | bony | scraggy | sparse | measly | small | insufficient | slight
meager 反义词
fat |ample | plump | rich | plentiful | stout
meager 词性/词形变化,meager变形
副词: meagerly |名词: meagerness |
meager 短语词组
1、meager crossword ─── 微薄纵横字谜
2、meager coal ─── 贫煤
3、meager set ─── 贫集
4、meager testing ─── 微薄试验
5、meager definition ─── 微薄的定义
6、meager meaning ─── 微薄的意义
7、meager for kids ─── 对孩子来说很穷
8、meager synonym ─── 微薄同义词
9、meager sand ─── [机] 低粘天然砂
10、meager lime ─── 贫石灰
11、meager profit ─── [经] 微利
meager 相似词语短语
1、mealier ─── 微薄的
2、mealers ─── n.一种用于制粉的木制工具;住在一处而在另一处借宿的人
3、eager ─── adj.渴望的;热切的;热心的;n.(Eager)人名;(英)伊格
4、mealer ─── n.一种用于制粉的木制工具;住在一处而在另一处借宿的人
5、meagerly ─── adv.瘦地;贫乏地
6、meaner ─── 卑鄙的
7、meander ─── v.(河流、道路等)蜿蜒,曲折前行;漫步,闲逛,徘徊;漫谈,闲聊;(文章)行文散漫;n.河流(或道路)弯道,河曲;漫游
8、manager ─── n.经理;管理人员
9、meatier ─── 多肉的(meaty的比较级)
meager 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、You might begin with the shepherds in the fields by night or Santa at the North Pole or even the druidic appeal of a winter festival that comes just when the sun seems most meager. ─── 也许你会从夜晚雪地里的牧羊人讲起,或者是北极的圣诞老人,抑或是基督徒在太阳看起来不那么灿烂时表现的对这个冬天节日的热情。
2、Thus chooses this for cuts into the spot to conduct the research by to enrich this aspect material, thin ksimme diately the modern drawing art research most meager strength. ─── 因而选此为切入点进行研究以丰富此方面的材料,以为当下现代绘画艺术的研究尽微薄之力。
3、They scraped out a meager existence from the small plot of land. ─── 他们靠一小块土地过着贫穷的生活。
4、There is a complete metamorphic series of coal from lignite to meager coal in Wumuchang area,Yimin,the main metamorphism type is contact metamorphism of coal. ─── 伊敏五牧场区存在着从褐煤到贫煤完整的变质系列,其主要煤变质类型为接触变质。
5、However, our current desktop systems can easily hold 500,000 times as many documents (and that’s not to mention what even a meager local network can provide access to)! ─── 如今的桌面系统可以轻易地存储多达以前500 000倍的文档(更不必说我们还在使用局域网络中更大的存储)!
6、Coupled with the affect of grow apace of market economy and global economics,meager profit will become to a reality problem. ─── 伴随着市场经济的快速发展以及经济全球化的影响,微利将是我们要长期面对的一个客观现实问题。
7、My Meager Opinion on the Tort of Trademark ─── 商标侵权问题刍议
8、Your meager Jedi training is not enough to assure your success against the Dark Woman. Only the power of the dark side will destroy her. ─── 你的那些绝地训练不足以保证能够击败暗女。只有黑暗面才能干掉她。
9、The meager grant of the Commons had by no means put an end to his financial distresses. ─── 下议院通过的那一点微薄的赐资根本无从解决他经济上的困难。
10、George worked a long hours on meager food ,in a small room,by dim lamps. ─── 乔治吃简陋的食品,住一间小房间,靠微弱的灯光,长时间的工作。
11、If the steely motivation of these young women were only about securing a meager wage, this bargain would not work. ─── 如果这些年轻女孩如同钢铁般坚韧的动机只是为了一份满足温饱的微薄工资,那么讨价还价就不会发生了。
12、He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons;Braque eked out his collages with charcoal. ─── 他通过做家教来补充他的不高的工资;布拉克用木炭来。
13、Individual power is pitifully meager; she oscillates between feeling good and bad, as if she knows that this is a never-ending movement. ─── 个人力量何其渺小,她心情忽高忽低,彷佛知道这是一场没完没了的运动。
14、Evidence on the toxic range of magnesium in the leaves is very meager. ─── 叶片镁含量毒害范围的资料还非常欠缺。
15、Official salary is insufficient and meager ─── 俸禄鲜薄
16、Her meager income just offsets family outgoings, she remains hand-to-mouth. ─── 她的微薄薪金仅够抵消家庭开支,故此她只能现挣现吃。
17、They might look meager and wizened, but it was related that they had in their time fought twenty duels or been loved by ten princesses. ─── 他们可能看上去虽然干瘪,形容枯槁,但据说在年轻的时候,曾经参加过廿次决斗,或者曾经获得十位公主的青睐。
18、But supreme leader Gen.Than Shwe reneged on even that meager concession, and she refused to see the U.N. envoy on his latest trip, even as he hobnobbed with one regime crony after another. ─── 但最高领导人丹瑞大将甚至对那个苍白无力的妥协都缺乏诚意,故而她拒绝与新近来访的联合国特使会面,甚至是他与当局头目一个接一个地把酒言欢的情况下都是如此。
19、Towers are the mountains, aqueducts the rivers, with only spotty parks and gardens to serve as meager forests. ─── 在拉尼卡, 高塔为山, 沟渠为河, 只有零星可见的公园与花园勉强算是片贫弱的森林。
20、His present salary is rather meager. ─── 他目前的工资少得可怜。
21、The two men and the woman grouped about the fire and began their meager meal. ─── 两个男人同一个女人围着火,开始吃起少得可怜的午饭。
22、As a Burmese refugee who is afflicted with asthma, Nur Hussin scrimps and saves his meager income to provide for his family of nine -- and has never asked his children to drop out of school. ─── 在2008年1月成立,一共有178人报名,其中有4位缅甸难民的姊弟,他们每次都迟到上学,但不久志工就发现了原因,他们每天都要步行一小时才能到学校。
23、Doctors often raise their meager salaries by prescribing high-priced tests and medicines, and patients who cannot pay up front are regularly denied treatment. ─── 医生工资菲薄,经常要靠开出高价化验单和高价药品来提高收入,掏不起钱的病人经常无法得到救治。
24、With an inheritance of about 500 books from his father, he kept accumulating more despite the meager invalids' pension he got from the government. ─── 他的父亲留给他500本书,他承袭著这份遗产,继续累积书本藏量,即便当时的他,只能靠著单薄的政府伤残退役军人津贴勉强支撑。
25、Company main coal is planted for rich coal, gas coal, 1 / 3 cooking coal, meager coal is mixed anthracitic. ─── 公司主要煤种为肥煤、气煤、1/3焦煤、贫煤和无烟煤。
26、During their six- to twelve-week voyage, they subsisted on meager rations. ─── 在六到十二周的航行中,他们靠微薄的口粮维持生活。
27、He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons; Braque eked out his collages with charcoal. ─── 他通过做家教来补充他的不高的工资;布拉克用木炭来。
28、Often at the end of a hard day‘s work one realizes with dismay that the meager stack of finished work one has accomplished has an immeasurably slight impact on the work as a whole. ─── 一些中国品牌以有竞争力的价位为后盾,已经挤进了国际市场,但是同时也采用了其他战略。
29、Report From Miaoli After the death of her husband, Mrs. Chang was left with the responsibility for caring for their four children on a very meager income. ─── 女士的先生因病去逝,留下母子四人,以她微薄的收入抚育尚在就学的幼儿,艰辛之困境可想而知。
30、He rely on the meager income. ─── 他靠微薄的收入生活。
31、CCF regiment would average about 2,200 men, organized into three infantry battalions, sometimes with an artillery battery, more often with a mortar company, and several meager support companies. ─── 一个志愿军团平均有2,200人,编成三个步兵营,有时候会有一个炮兵连,更多情况下是一个迫击炮连,另外还有一些为数较少的后勤连队。
32、By this meager, solo loop, the whole caboodle is regulated. ─── 但就是这样一个看似贫乏单调的回路,整个过程就得以协调。
33、How was it possible to maintain so comfortable a life with such meager resources? ─── 入项菲薄,怎供得起大家这么称意的生活?
34、He can not support his family on his meager salary ─── 他靠微薄的工资无法养家
35、Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps. ─── 党的干部吃简陋的饮食,住寒冷的窑洞,靠微弱的灯光,长时间地工作。
36、Individual power is pitifully meager; she oscillates between feeling good and bad, as if she knows that this is a never-ending movement. ─── 个人力量何其渺小,她心情忽高忽低,彷佛知道这是一场没完没了的运动。
37、Various confused and contradictory explanations surfaced from ministers, but not the oil. Only at their next officially scheduled meeting did they come up with a meager quota increase. ─── 人们盼到的是部长们花样百出又自相矛盾的解释而不是石油。直到他们下一次的官方会议他们才作出了增加配额的决定,但也是杯水车薪。
38、Even if you hit one of your meager four gutshot outs on the river, you don't stand to make very much money. ─── 即使你在河牌轮有幸击中了四张内听顺子的补牌,你也不会赢很多钱。
39、He can not support his family on his meager salary. ─── 他靠微薄的工资无法养家。
40、Perhaps I am just an employee in a small company,living boringly with a meager salary.Perhaps I can marry a good wife and have a pretty child,living harmoniously together. ─── 也许我只是公司小小的职员,拿着自己微薄的薪水,过着自己平淡的日子;
41、Despite Kessler's wailing and carrying on, the two assistants methodically removed his meager furniture. ─── 不管凯斯勒怎样喊叫,怎样哭闹,这两名助手还是把他的破旧家俱一件件搬下来。
42、Because it was so late, the prime rib was overdone, and the selection of regular 42)desserts was 43)meager. ─── 因为上菜很慢、肋眼牛排煮得太老,而且可供选择的餐后甜点种类匮乏。
43、She lives on the meager income from her writing. ─── 她靠写作那点微薄的收入生活。
44、Funds for malaria research and development amount to a meager 0.3 percent of all medical expenditures worldwide. ─── 供研究疟疾的基金的总数不足全世界医疗费用支出的0.3%。
45、He had to support his family with his meager income. ─── 他只能靠微薄的收入来养家。
46、He depends for his livelihood upon a meager income. ─── 他依靠微薄的收入过活。
47、Their food supply is meager. ─── 他们食品供应短缺。
48、He related how on several occasions he was robbed of his meager possessions and beaten. ─── 他讲述他怎么好几次被人抢走他贫乏的财产和被打。
49、The effect of a tawdry, unarranged, and over-decorated environment works for the deterioration of taste, just as meager and barren surroundings starve out the desire for beauty. ─── 一个俗气的、没有秩序的和装潢过度的环境会败坏美感,正如贫乏而荒芜的环境会饿死美的愿望一样。
50、A meager cat is seeking foods in the ruins of a greenbelt under construction by Shanghai Suzhou river,Sept.8,2003. ─── 2003年9月8日,上海苏州河边上正在建设一个大型公共绿地,一只瘦骨嶙峋的猫在废墟上觅食。
51、And they wasn't meager, but had deep affection and rich contents. Why? ─── 但并非浅陋,而是有着深沉的感情与充实的内容。
52、Hopes the technical service system whichwe consummates to be able for various enterprises' energy to save, thedevelopment most meager strength. ─── 但愿我们完善的技术服务体系能为各企业的能源节约、发展尽微薄之力。
53、Your meager Jedi training is not enough to assure your success against the Dark Woman.Only the power of the dark side will destroy her. ─── 你的那些绝地训练不足以保证能够击败暗女。只有黑暗面才能干掉她。。决定是我做的。
54、The old man somehow found his way to the counter ahead of me. Roberta smiled. He said not a single word. Roberta picked up each of his meager purchases and entered each amount into the cash register. ─── 不知怎么地,老人比我先走向柜台。罗伯塔微笑着。老人一声不吭。罗伯塔一一拿起他所买的少量几样东西,逐一放到收银机上计价。
55、People who do well financially ask different questions as they look at investments than people who produce meager rewards. ─── 善于理财地人和小打小闹的人在投资机会面前,所问出的问题是不一样的。
56、Ordinary workers in the building industry earn meager salaries. ─── 从事建筑业的工人收入微薄。
57、It is so meager like thin dusts that I could not even see myself. ─── 它是如此微薄的像稀薄拂去灰尘般以至于我不能甚而看见自己。
58、In the looting and chaos that followed the overthrow of Saddam in April last year, the National Theater in Baghdad was ransacked. Actors would gather outside what was left of the building to pick up their meager salaries. ─── 去年4月,萨达姆政权被推翻后,伊拉克国内掀起了抢劫的狂潮,局势一片混乱,位于巴格达的伊拉克国家剧院也遭到了洗劫。演员们不得不聚集在大楼残骸外面来获取微薄的收入。
59、Furthermore, although our knowledge of Pluto and Charon is meager, what we do know indicates that they offer a scientific wonderland of their own. ─── 再者,尽管我们对于冥王星与冥卫一所知有限,但从其中已经可以看出它们本身就是科学奇境。
60、an unjust cause finds meager support ─── 失道寡助
61、You might begin with the shepherds in the fields by night or Santaat the North Pole or even the druidic appeal of a winter festival thatcomes just when the sun seems most meager. ─── 你可能会从夜晚的牧羊人或者是北部的万圣节要或者是在太阳最薄弱的时候到来的督伊德教的冬天的节日。
62、China is a developing country with a large population, a meager heritage, and a undeveloped economy, especially in the rural areas. ─── 中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,经济不发达,农村尤其不发达.
63、Later on, in order to augment the meager income he garnered from the associated press, he started his own small portrait studio and began to photograph the families of Ravenna. ─── 后来,为了贴补他为美联社架线而领到的微薄收入,罗维西开设了一间很小的肖像工作室,为拉文纳市民和他们的家庭照相。
64、What can we learn from these meager facts? ─── 从这些贫乏的材料我们可以了解什么呢?
65、Kingship over human beings is a meager thing when compared with heavenly bliss. ─── 人间的帝位,较之天界的喜乐,实在微不足道。
66、It's difficult to raise a family on a meager income. ─── 微薄的收入是很难养家的。
67、The last time such a meager increase did not coincide with a recession came in the 1950s. ─── 在如此不给力的就业岗位创造增长速度下却没发生经济衰退,那还是20世纪50年代的事了。
68、"The report that first reached us through the newspapers was meager and contradictory" (Thomas B. Aldrich). ─── “最初通过报纸传到我们这里的报道既不全面又互相矛盾”。 (托马斯B. 奥尔德里奇).
69、His addiction for alcohol is a draft on his meager income. ─── 嗜酒对他微薄的薪水来说是笔不小的消费。
70、China is a developing country with a large population, a meager heritage and an underdeveloped economy, especially in the rural areas. ─── 中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,经济不发达,农村尤其不发达。
71、With the assistance of several meager advances from the bookseller who was to bring it out, he succeeded. ─── 书商给他预支了几笔数目不大的酬金,帮助他取得了成功。
72、His face was gray and meager, his expression hungry. ─── 他脸色灰白,瘦削,一副饥饿相。
73、Arriving at the church, Tony slipped into one of the classrooms, hoping for a chance to blend with the group and study his meager notes during the lesson. ─── 到了教堂,托尼溜进一间教室,希望能容于学习小组并在课堂中研究他的兆级讲章。
74、Superficially, Korean people seem to be tough, but deep down inside, they have been proven meager. ─── 韩国人表面上看起来不可一世,自称最强硬,但骨子里却被证明是懦弱无能。
75、I was able to catch thus a meager glimpse of the world of drama, and I shall never forget the delight of that moment. ─── 这样,我可以获得对梦幻世界微弱的一瞥。我将永志不忘那个时刻的愉快。
76、A high strength, waterproof. easy ignition boiler briquette was made in laboratory by using the Changzi meager coal as raw material and two complex binders at cool pressing briquetting. ─── 以山西省长治市长子县贫煤为成型原料,采用冷压成型工艺,在试验室研制出具有高强、防水、易燃等优良特性的锅炉型煤,该型煤由2种复合粘结剂制成。
77、Meager opinions on clinical experimentation ─── 临床试验刍议
78、His intelligence was great, his power of reasoning impressive, but his emotional nature was meager. ─── 他睿智恢宏,推理能力惊人,然而他表露感情的天性却有所不足。
79、Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, and dim lamps. ─── 党的干部吃简陋的饭菜,住寒冷的窑洞,靠微弱的灯光,长时间地工作。
80、Her sympathetic heart ached to add some delicacy to his meager purchase, but her courage failed. ─── 她那颗善良的心真想给那可怜的人加些美味食品,但她还是没有勇气。
81、The incident itself was very meager. ─── 事情本身不过是芝麻大
82、In addition to this, AGR system is rather meager in English and is unable to recover feature of pro, which is therefore absent in the language. ─── 另外这种格变本身又过于弱小,无法使pro的各种特征得到恢复,因此pro在英语中也就不存在了。
83、Members of poor peasant families spun or wove cloth and linens at home for scant remuneration in an attempt to supplement meager family income. ─── 贫穷农民家庭的成员在家纺织布和亚麻以挣得很少的报酬,弥补微薄的家庭收入。
84、They worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps. ─── 他们吃的是简陋的饭菜,住的是寒冷的窑洞,在昏暗的灯光下长时间地工作。
85、"I have spent decades trying to understand the forces at work in this world. But, In the face of all that is transpiring, I realize how meager my knowledge is. ─── “我花了几十年尝试理解这世上活动的几股势力。但是,当面对这突发一切时,我才意识到自己的知识有多么贫乏。
86、But when the girl confessed her mere meager experience that had something to do with accounnting was helping the Students' Union manage its finance, it made the HR manager a bit disappointed. ─── 但女大学生坦言自己没有工作经验,唯一的会计经验是在学校管过学生会财务,这让人事经理有点失望。
87、The precautions taken were meager and haphazard enough, as was proved in distressing instance after instance in the progress of the cruel and unmanly business, but a certain degree of restraint was observed. ─── 在残酷无情的战争中,一桩桩令人悲痛的事件证明,德方的克制是很不够的,而且带有任意性,但确实有一定程度的节制。
88、Her father earned a meager living as a truck driver, her mother was an office assistant. ─── 靓颖的父亲是一名收入微薄的货车司机,母亲是普通员工。
89、If the universe is eternal into the future, its contents thinning to a meager gruel, it is also eternal into the past. ─── 假如宇宙向未来永恒延伸,它的内容物就会日渐稀薄;往前永恒回溯的情况亦然。
微薄微薄,汉语词语,拼音:wēi bó。主要有三个释义:
4.钱少。中文名微薄外文名meagre;scanty拼 音wēibó词 义微少单薄
微薄: 细小而薄弱;数量很少
微薄,汉语词语,拼音:wēi bó。主要有三个释义:1.微少单薄;菲薄。 2.犹微贱。 3.指帘。4.钱少。
微不足道 微为繁富 微乎其微 微察秋毫 微文深诋
单薄 浅薄 菲薄
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