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08-16 投稿


dispatchment 中文意思翻译



dispatchment 短语词组

1、dispatchment means ─── 调度方式

2、dispatchment definition ─── 调度定义

dispatchment 相似词语短语

1、dispatches ─── v.派遣,发送;迅速处理,快速办妥;杀死,处决;n.派遣,调遣,发送;(军事人员或政府官员间的)急件,快信;(由身在外地的记者发给报纸的)报道,电讯

2、dispartment ─── n.分裂;裂口

3、displacement ─── n.取代,位移;[船]排水量

4、dispatcher ─── n.调度员;[计]调度程序;[计]分配器

5、mismatchment ─── 不匹配

6、dispatchers ─── n.[交]调度员(dispatcher的复数);[计]调度程序

7、mismatchments ─── 不匹配

8、dispatching ─── n.[交]调度;配送;安排作业;v.派遣;分派(dispatch的ing形式)

9、dispatched ─── 派遣;[计]发送

dispatchment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Each basic channel in channel interlock table must be tested one by one to ensure the correct dispatchment of locomotive operation. ─── 为保证监控系统能正确调度指挥机车运行,进路联锁表中的每条基本进路都需严格地逐条调试。

2、There are many official documents to copy and dispatch for record. ─── 今天公司有很多公文需要抄报。

3、He sent his letter by dispatch. ─── 他以快邮寄出他的信。

4、What was in the dispatch sent by the Khitans? ─── 契丹的国书上是怎么说来着?

5、He sent a dispatch from Chicago to St. Louis. ─── 他把公文从芝加哥递送到圣路易斯。

6、Employees moniter video screens and dispatch agents where they are needed. ─── 工作人员监视视频屏幕并且调动人员到需要的地方去。

7、Worth worked for AP as a dispatch rider in 1934,also working as a free-lance photographer. ─── 1934年,沃思开始担任美联社的通讯员,同时还是自由摄影师。

8、To dispatch or consign (a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. ─── 寄送,托运:派遣或寄送(例如船只)给代理商店或代理人。

9、The author tries to sort out the different types of the current labor dispatchment and looks into it from different points of view. ─── 在概述中对我国现有劳动力派遣类型做了分析和梳理,试图从多层次、多方位的视觉看待劳动力派遣这一新问题。

10、He conclude the negotiation with dispatch. ─── 他迅速结束谈判。

11、The Simulation-Model of Reservoir Flood-Dispatchment and Its Application ─── 水库洪水调度仿真模型及应用

12、Labor force dispatchment organization has been gradually defined legally with the emergence of the phenomenon of labor force dispatchment. ─── 劳动派遣机构是随着劳动派遣这一特殊社会现象而在法律概念上逐步明确下来的。

13、On Communication Interface Designing Based on Railway Wireless Train Dispatchment Radio ─── 基于轨道车无线列调电台的通信接口设计

14、Console Interface Module Interfaces with Industry Standard Dispatch Console. ─── 多种类型的转发器控制和发射控制能力。

15、This paper studies the communication interface designing between the main and vice control board in the Railway Wireless Train Dispatchment Radio. ─── 研究了轨道车无线列调电台主副控之间的通信接口的设计,对设计原理与编程进行了全面论述。

16、Cargo to be Discharge at C.Q.D Basis and no dispatch money / demurrage. ─── 卸货为C.Q.D条件,无快卸奖金及慢卸罚款。

17、Comparison between Labor Force Dispatchment Organization and Employing Unit ─── 劳动派遣机构与用人单位之比较

18、A dispatch was sent to warn the troops of an oncoming assault. ─── 发出一封快信,警告军队注意一场袭击即将来到。

19、and nature of labor force dispatchment determine the nature of labor force dispatchment organization. ─── 劳动派遣的样态和性质决定了派遣机构的性质。

20、He wishes company to dispatch him to the branch in Suzhou. ─── 他希望公司能将到调到苏州的分部"将到"是"将他"吧?

21、Can you dispatch a technician to us ? ─── 你们可以派个技术员过来吗?

22、How to treat chronic dispatch hives? ─── 怎么治疗慢性讯麻疹?

23、Stick with dispatch of the canal lax, can send a link madly. ─── 和讯贴吧管的不严,可以狂发链接。

24、Liu lost no time in lending his sword of authority to Zhuge who then started to dispatch Liu's army for the defence. ─── 刘备忙将印剑交给诸葛亮。诸葛亮开始集众点将。

25、It requires code to dispatch the telex. ─── 发电报需要代码。

26、Your order have be noted and will be dispatch as soon as we have stork . ─── 你的订货已做了记载, 一经有货我们将马上发送.

27、Are Packed Products Stored Ready For Dispatch? ─── 已包装产品随时可以发运?

28、They worked around the clock and over the entire weekend to get the export order ready for dispatch on the Monday. ─── 为了做好出口订单,让货物在星期一发出,他们整个周末都在日夜工作。

29、To receive BOM from D&E Dept. and dispatch to each relevant department for material procurement, assembly and so on. ─── 从设计部接收BOM表并分发到各个相关部门以准备项目所需材料,装配准备等等。

30、OK. I'll dispatch a truck right away. Would you wait? ─── 好的,我立刻派一辆拖车去。请你等一下。

31、He is clerk of method and dispatch. ─── 他是个办事有方法又有效率的职员。

32、A jam in the dispatch department. ─── 发送部门的文件积压。

33、The empire is grateful for your dispatch. ─── 帝国感谢你的援助。

34、Posting himself on the flag bridge of the giant Yamato, he sent a blunt final dispatch to his crew. ─── 他在巨型战舰“大和号”的舰桥上,向他的官兵们发出了一道措词率直的最后紧急命令。

35、For such a substantial order, we propose to have the merchandise dispatch by sea. ─── 对数量如此巨大订货,我们建议走海运。

36、Give the seller in time the necessary instructions for dispatch. ─── 及时给与卖方必要的发货指示。

37、He finished the job with great dispatch. ─── 他们飞快地完成了工作。

38、That's what it took to end the war,"he told the Columbus Dispatch in 2003."I went out to stop the killing all over. ─── 它使战争结束了“,2003年他告诉哥伦布电讯报说。”我投弹结束了所有的杀戮。

39、Duke of Venice. Write from us to him; post-post-haste dispatch. ─── 公爵替我写一封十万火急的信给他。

40、We had to pay for the storage fee and labor fee because you didn't dispatch a ship in time. ─── 因为你没一直没派船来,我们不得不每天支付仓库保管费和人工费等。

41、The form and nature of labor force dispatchment determine the nature of labor force dispatchment organization. ─── 劳动派遣的样态和性质决定了派遣机构的性质。

42、Even with each of these issues to contend with, the dispatch architecture is still relatively simple to deal with. ─── 尽管需要解决上面的每一个问题,分发架构使用起来依然相对简单。

43、To dispatch or consign(a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. ─── 寄送,托运派遣或寄送(例如船只)给代理商店或代理人

44、Nim Goldman had been conferring with somebody at the dispatch console. ─── 尼姆?哥尔德曼一直在调度台上与别人商量。

45、In software design, USES the method of OOP, compiles the management, dispatchment and man-machine interface by VB, and implements the exact and reliable function of this nc system. ─── 在软件设计方面,采用了面向对象的方法,用VB语言编制了系统管理与调度、人机界面,实现了数控系统准确、可靠运行。

46、He carries out his duties with efficiency and dispatch. ─── 他执行任务迅速而有效。

47、Washington wants Japan to dispatch solders to the war in Afghanistan. ─── 华盛顿希望日本为阿富汗战争派遣自卫队员,

48、When she dispatch down the Silence Glave, the time stopped, everything ends. ─── 当她挥下沉默之镰的那一刻,时间静止,万物走向尽头。

49、However, Struts allows for controllers that dispatch to multiple methods in a single class if the class extends. ─── Struts可以让控制器分派给这个类中的多个方法。

50、If you test material does not arrive within 10 days of the start (dispatch) date please contact us. ─── 如果客户在测试样品分发后10日内未收到测试样品请及时与我们联系。

51、You can dispatch your representative to join the open-package inspection, if you like. ─── 你方愿意的话也可派代表参加开箱检查。

52、They're concerned with the dispatch and receipt of consignment. ─── 和他们有关的是发货和接货。

53、Acting on this principle,the Party should dispatch a sufficient number of its best members and cadres to the front. ─── 在此原则下,党应派遣最好的和足够数量的党员和干部上前线。

54、The number of failures to dispatch an asynchronous LDAP search. ─── 分派异步LDAP搜索失败次数。

55、The form and nature of labor force dispatchment determine the nature of labor force dispatchment organization. ─── 劳动派遣的样态和性质决定了派遣机构的性质。

56、His dispatch of the stacked work got him noticed by the boss. ─── 他应对大量工作的高效率让老板注意到了他。

57、"That's a grand dispatch, the officers call them things!" cried Deerslayer. ─── “正如那些军官说的,这可是绝妙的报告

58、Monitoring and evaluating Flight Operations by the Flight Operations Control Center (Dispatch Office ) reports. ─── ·按照航班运营控制中心(调度办公室)的报告,监督和评估航班运营。

59、To assist in engine rig, test, de-rig and preparation for dispatch. ─── 协助发动机配套、测试、重新配套以及发货准备;

60、An assassin was to dispatch the president and his aide. ─── 一名杀手将要暗杀总统和他的副手。

61、Enable service interaction points to dispatch messages to, or receive messages from, the bus. ─── 允许服务交互点将消息发送到总线或从总线接收消息。

62、At the heart of every state machine lies an implementation of double dispatch. ─── 在每个状态机的核心都有一个双重分派的实现。

63、To issue officially; dispatch. ─── 发行;发送

64、In 1914 the British Government immediately ordered the dispatch of nearly all the Army's aircraft to France. ─── 1914年,英国政府立即把陆军飞机几乎全部派往法国。

65、CORBA does not support asynchronous server-side dispatch. ─── CORBA不支持异步服务器端分派。

66、You can actually use this RDF description to write a flexible driver for dispatch code. ─── 事实上,您可以使用这一RDF描述编写可以灵活调度代码的驱动程序。

67、Volume Of Product Stored Available For Dispatch? ─── 已包装产品之体积足够付运?

68、O, come apace, dispatch! I partly feel thee. ─── 啊!快点,快点;我已经有点觉得了。

69、The number of failures to dispatch an asynchronous paged LDAP search. ─── 分派异步分页LDAP搜索失败次数。

70、We'll dispatch your order today,Madam,without fail. ─── 夫人,今天我们必定发送你的定货。

71、Pug was still digesting this sickening and surprising order when another dispatch came down, again by messenger. ─── 帕格还在思考这个令人焦虑的奇怪命令时,又发下来另一份急件,它是由传令兵送来的。

72、She did the job with great dispatch. ─── 她以高效率完成了那件工作。

73、Should we dispatch cadres to help exercise regional national autonomy? ─── 又比如实行民族区域自治,我们派不派干部?

74、She prepares and signs the dispatch release which is the legal document providing authorization for a flight to depart. ─── 准备并签发签派放行单。

75、He is eager to dispatch the matter in hand. ─── 他急于了结手头的事情。

76、All equipment is test run on full load, overload and all control pannel functions are tested before dispatch. ─── 发电机组将在原厂以全载及过载测试,控制盘之功能也都逐一检测后才出厂,以确保机组之品质及性能。

77、As the goods are urgently needed,we should be glad if you would dispatch them without further delay. ─── 因为急需这批货物,如能即刻发货将感激不尽。

78、To dispatch authenticated warranty cards to customers. ─── 分发已鉴定的保证书给客户;

79、To dispatch the commit holdup to a thread from the thread pool. ─── 以将延迟的提交分配给来自线程池的线程。

80、His empty desk betrayed a man who believed in the swift dispatch of business. ─── 他的办公桌上没有文件,这表明他是一个赞成迅速处理公务的人。

81、He can not quite believe the dispatch send by his reporter. ─── 他不敢相信他的记者发来的报导。

82、In the western countries including Japan, the legal system of Labor Dispatchment is mature and has got individual and specific law about it. ─── 在西方发达国家(包括日本),劳动力派遣法制发展比较成熟,在实践上已经取得单独立法的成果。

83、The next dispatch of mp3 players were being shipped. ─── 下一批mp3正在运出。

84、But I am in a great hurry, man, to take that dispatch. ─── 不过,我很着急呢,伙计,得送那份急件。

85、It waves a piece of antigen that acts as a signal so that T cells can rush in and dispatch the interloper. ─── 它挥舞著这一小块抗原充当信号,于是T细胞迅速赶来,把入侵者给除去。

86、It refers to dispatch the goods in the specific transportation mode. ─── 将货物按指定的运输方式发送货物。

87、Which is your regular Lead Time from production to dispatch from the factory? ─── 从工厂的生产到调货发送,你的正常订货到交货时间是什么时候?

88、The editor eventually accepted a toned-down version of the correspondent's dispatch. ─── 主编最后接受了这位通讯员一篇措辞温和的快讯。

89、Urban Road-network and Traffic Description Model for Vehicle Real-time Dispatchment ─── 车辆实时调度中的城市路网及交通描述模型

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