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08-24 投稿


dramatization 发音

英:[,dræmətaɪ'zeɪʃən]  美:[,dræmətɪ'zeʃən]

英:  美:

dramatization 中文意思翻译



dramatization 同义词

markedly | considerably | theatrically | noticeably | significantly | vividly |intensely | radically | affectedly | severely

dramatization 词性/词形变化,dramatization变形

副词: dramatically |

dramatization 反义词


dramatization 短语词组

1、dramatization esl ─── 戏剧化

2、dramatization method ─── 戏剧化方法

3、dramatization ad ─── 戏剧化广告

4、dramatization bible ─── 戏剧化圣经

5、dramatization movies ─── 戏剧化电影

6、dramatization means ─── 戏剧化意味着

7、dramatization meaning ─── 戏剧化意义

8、self-dramatization n. ─── 戏剧化的自我表现, 自吹自擂

dramatization 相似词语短语

1、aromatization ─── n.[有化]芳构化;香花作用;香味

2、dramatisation ─── 戏剧性描写;(小说等)改编为剧本

3、pragmatizations ─── 语用化

4、dramatisations ─── 戏剧性描写;(小说等)改编为剧本

5、dramatic action ─── 戏剧动作

6、dogmatization ─── 教条主义

7、dramatizations ─── n.编剧;改编成戏剧

8、pragmatization ─── 语用固化

9、traumatization ─── 精神创伤

dramatization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective Correlative and Dramatization of New Poetry--The Nine Famous Poets'Study on the Technical Level of Poetry ─── 客观对应物与新诗戏剧化--论九叶诗派在技术层面上的诗学探求

2、"Dramatization" refers to avoiding a very straightforward representation, but placing the author"s will and emotion on the external things. ─── “戏剧化”是指尽量避免直截了当的正面陈述而以相当的外界事物寄托作者的意志与情感。

3、It begins with a discussion about his proposition of dramatization and his complex attitudes towards autobiographic form of narrative. ─── 本文开篇讨论了詹姆斯小说的戏剧化手法和他对第一人称叙述的复杂态度。

4、So the dramatization ending, before was for this does not look like the season, the match competition to draw to a close period complete completely. ─── 尽管这次中国赛没有中国球员身影也没有真正的超级球星,但如此精彩激烈的比赛还是能够让中国的球迷看的过瘾。

5、The Los Angeles Olympics became a spectacular dramatization of a renascent American entrepreneurial energy and optimism. ─── 洛杉矶奥运会成为了一场壮观的美国复兴的商业和乐观主义的表演。

6、A television or movie dramatization of events based on fact. ─── 纪录电视或纪录电影

7、The Los Angeles Olympics became a spectacular dramatization of a renascent American entrepreneurial energy and optimism. ─── 洛杉矶奥运会成为了一场壮观的美国复兴的商业和乐观主义的表演。

8、part two illustrates plenty of coincidences to demonstrate the techniques of dramatization; ─── 第三节以梦境为例来说明小说中独特的心理描写手法;

9、It's a vision that can still inflame us - and does - at the very end of the Royal Shakespeare Company's marathon dramatization of Dickens' third novel. ─── 这个愿景能够而且确实光照着我们,就在皇家莎士比亚剧团把狄更斯的第三部小说用马拉松戏剧形式搬上舞台的最后一刻。

10、a television dramatization of the trial ─── 根据那次审判改编成的电视剧

11、The Tendency Towards Dramatization in Chinese Classical Long-Narrative-Poems ─── 中国古典长篇叙事诗的戏剧化倾向

12、The play was a dramatization of a short story. ─── 那个剧本是对一个简短事故的戏剧化。

13、Work with a group and create a dramatization that shows bullying. ─── 和一个团体的工作并且创作一个表现威胁的戏剧。

14、game dramatization ─── 游戏表演

15、The Dramatization of the Folk Songs and Ballads in the Han Style ─── 戏剧化的两汉乐府民歌

16、James"s dramatization and his viewpoint about the first-person narrative directly influence his narrative stratagem and narrative effect of this work. ─── 这些都直接影响到他的叙述策略和作品的叙事效果。

17、This novel lends itself well to dramatization for television. ─── 这篇小说非常适合于拍成电视剧。

18、I came away from my years of teaching on tile college and university level with a conviction that enactment, performance, dramatization are the most successful forms of teaching. ─── 我结束在大学和学院的教学生涯时,我坚信表演、表演和戏剧化是最成功的教学方式。

19、However, writers should also make full use of the imaginariness and the dramatization to display the theme clearer. ─── 在具体的操作上,则要努力发挥虚构和渲染的技法,更好地表现主题。

20、The related (potentially NSFW) video dramatization of the experience for developers received many comments. ─── NSFW相关(可能)视频的经验对于开发商而言,以收到了很多的评论。

21、A dramatization of virtuoso violinist Paganini's life. ─── 最后一段令人想起吴楚帆,白燕。

22、A dramatization by actors of actual recorded events. ─── 由实际发生的,有案可查的事件的参与者改编成剧本

23、The Shelleyian-Byronian version of aesthetic avant-gardism per se is incarnated as literary elitism, utopian futurism and poetic dramatization of their personal life. ─── 他们的审美先锋主义思想主要体现于三个方面:对诗人和读者的精英身份的定位、未来主义与乌托邦冲动以及诗化生命与审美表演。

24、Most of these works borrowed from the creative experience of major Western operas in their efforts to solve the problems of musical dramatization. ─── 其中大多借鉴西洋大歌剧的创作经验,力图解决音乐戏剧化问题。

25、The third chapter analyses the relation between dramatization and impersonal lyricism. ─── 第三章分析戏剧化与“非个人化抒情”的关系。

26、The cutting of the wedding cake represents a ritual that was once seen as a dramatization of the male's dominance. ─── 切婚礼蛋糕是一种戏剧化地表现男性支配地位的仪式。

27、The movement to the west has its heroes as well as its villains, and its dramatization still has an inexhaustible fascination. ─── 西迁的过程中,坏人横行,英雄辈出,这类影剧至尽仍有无穷的魅力。

28、Competition on Dramatization of Stories for Family ─── 亲子故事演绎比赛

29、On the Pursuit of Dramatization of Jiuye Poets Group ─── 论九叶派诗歌的戏剧化追求

30、There exist two modes of thinking,historical dramatization and dramatic "historicization"(caused to be or to be like the history)in the production of histortical drama. ─── 在史剧创作中存在着“历史戏剧化”和“戏剧历史化”两种不同的思维方式。

31、Develop understanding of dramatization in terms of set up , plot points , pivot, and end of story. ─── 了解故事的展开,关键情节点,线索到剧终的戏剧结构。

32、But my starting point is only to protect the ball, even if is a child, is also impossible to have that the dramatization to fall to the ground the way. ─── 但是我的出发点只是为了护球,而即便是一个小孩子,也不可能有那么戏剧化的倒地方式。

33、Work with a group and create a dramatization that shows bullying. ─── 和一个团体的工作并且创作一个表现威胁的戏剧。

34、Models for "Dramatization" and "Modernization" in the Current Dramatic Works ─── 当代戏曲"戏曲化"与"现代化"的范例

35、Starring renowned diva Hsiao Nan-ying, it is a vivid dramatization of the 13th century Sung Dynasty battle that pitted the legendary General Chang Ta against the Mongol hordes. ─── 本片是家传户晓之潮剧戏宝,故事背景发生于南宋末年,元军攻陷临安,宋帝南逃至广东崖门,遭逢元军围困,危在旦夕,下诏张达将军(丁敏饰)起兵勤王。

36、The dramatization of this massive eviction seems to be making Chinese censors nervous. ─── 电影里庞大驱逐的剧情,似乎让中国的审查单位感到很紧张。

37、Perform the dramatization for your class. ─── 在你的班级表演这个戏剧。

38、While certain details have been altered for the sake of dramatization, the following true story has been carefully researched for authenticity and is presented as it happened. ─── 本故事为真人真事改编,虽曾改动部分细节以达戏剧效果,但所有内容经仔细调查,证实真确无误。

39、To indulge in self - dramatization. ─── 沉溺于自我戏剧化

40、A dramatization in which this technique is employed. ─── 心理剧采用这种技巧的戏剧表演

41、dramatization of history ─── 历史戏剧化

42、Discussion on the Dramatization in the Novels of Bai Xian-yong ─── 试论白先勇小说的戏剧化

43、The dramatization of a novel ─── 将一本小说改编成剧本

44、dramatization of the text ─── 课文戏剧化

45、Contest on Dramatization of Chinese Stories for Family ─── 亲子中国故事演绎比赛

46、The Jian Bo's narration about the moving details in the daily life highlights the tendency to dramatization. ─── 焦波对感人生活细节的讲述,突显了故事化倾向;

47、In "Dramatization," the thesis investigates how the novel gains the effects of foregrounding in the presentational technique of dramatization. ─── “戏剧化”一节中阐述了小说是怎样通过戏剧化的手法来表现前景化效果的。

48、Second, the dramatic music from the start, musical material and dramatization practices Images such as music, drama explored in the dramatic music, Methods and folk music styles and characteristics; ─── 第二,从音乐戏剧性的展开方式、音乐素材及戏曲化手法、音乐形象塑造等问题,探索该剧在音乐创作上的戏剧性原则、方法及民族音乐的风格和特色;

49、Through interviews, a questionnaire, and task performance, the study confirms students’ need to express themselves in English through conversation and dramatization. ─── 透过访谈,问卷及作业表现,本研究肯定学生需要以英文会话和英文戏剧方式来学习表达。

50、This intriguing film is a dramatization of her recent trial and her subsequent five-month prison sentence. ─── 这部引人入胜的电影记述她的审判过程和五个月的牢狱生活。

51、There exist two modes of thinking, historical dramatization and dramatic "historicization" (caused to be or to be like the history) in the production of histortical drama. ─── 摘要在史剧创作中存在着“历史戏剧化”和“戏剧历史化”两种不同的思维方式。

52、Repeat the dramatization but freeze at various moments during the action and ask class members to describe how each of the characters in your dramatization feels at these points in time during the action. ─── 重复表演各种不同的片段,要求班级成员描述他们的感觉,对你的戏剧每一个个性的动作及其特点。

53、First, the Blizzard Holiday Skit (10mb, mp3) makes a comeback after a year's hiatus and features a dramatization of an open casting call for the best undiscovered voice-acting talent in Azeroth. ─── 首先,中断一年的暴雪假日幽默故事重新恢复,由编剧公布一个公开的演员表寻找最好的没有发现的艾责拉斯配音演员。

54、A novel which lends itself well to dramatization for television ─── 适合于拍成电视剧的小说

55、Keywords historical drama;enlightening spirit;dramatization of history;historization of drama; ─── 历史剧;启蒙精神;历史戏剧化;戏剧历史化;

56、This short BBC Radio 4 dramatization is thoroughly professional and a lot of fun. ─── 这短暂的BBC广播4台戏剧,是十分专业和有很多乐趣。

57、These may arise in the context of embellishment or fictionalization, such as in a docudrama or other dramatization of a true story. ─── 这种情况可能表现为渲染或虚构,例如关于真实事件的文献电视电影或其他戏剧化改编。

58、Yang Shaolin, the general manager of the Center, is working with Fudan University economics professor Zhang Jun and others on the dramatization. ─── 上海话剧艺术中心总经理杨绍林正与复旦大学经济学教授张军等人一起合作改编该剧。

59、Develop understanding of dramatization in terms of set up, plot points, pivot, and end of story ─── 了解故事的展开,关键情节点,线索到剧终的戏剧结构

60、Their lives and fates, inextricably linked, merge again in the figure of Paul Shelley who brings them both to this authentic dramatization. ─── 保罗雪尼的逼真演技,把二人的人生和命运再次交织在一起。

61、Narrative dramatization refers to realization of the narrative aim by means of drama's elements, form and force in narrative activities. ─── 叙事的戏剧化是指在叙事活动中借用戏剧的元素、形式与力量来达到叙事目的。

62、It might take a little exaggeration or dramatization, but that's what good storytelling is all about. ─── 也许需要加点夸张或戏剧色彩,但好故事都是这么讲出来的。

63、The incident seemed to lend itself to dramatization. ─── 那件事似适合于编成戏剧。

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