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08-26 投稿


stylus 发音

英:['staɪləs]  美:['staɪləs]

英:  美:

stylus 中文意思翻译



stylus 短语词组

1、electronic stylus ─── [计] 电子笔

2、diamond stylus ─── [电] 钻石唱针

3、curve following stylus ─── [计] 曲线描绘针

4、conductive foam stylus ─── 导电泡沫笔

5、cutting stylus ─── 录音针,刻针( ─── 录音刻纹用)

6、stylus drag ─── [电] 唱针拖曳

7、stylus pressure ─── [电] 针压

8、vertical stylus forces ─── [电] 垂直记录针力

9、recording stylus ─── [计] 记录触针

10、stylus tracing ─── 针状体描记图; ─── 针形体描绘

11、stylus tracer ─── [医]细探子描记器,针形描绘器,细探子记录器(牙科)

12、embossing stylus ─── [电] 浮凸针

13、stylus printer ─── 针式打印机 [计] ─── 针式打印机

14、stylus point ─── 记录针,划线针

15、reproducing stylus ─── [电] 重制唱针

16、stylus alignment ─── [电] 针校准

17、stylus force ─── [电] 针力

18、stylus argenti nitratis ─── [医] 硝酸银棒

19、stylus oscillograph ─── [电] 针示波器

stylus 词性/词形变化,stylus变形

名词复数: styluses |

stylus 相似词语短语

1、stylers ─── n.造型师;(头发)造型器,造型机;n.(Styler)(美、英、加)斯泰勒(姓氏)

2、styles ─── n.风格;样式;模式(style的复数形式);n.(Styles)人名;(英)斯泰尔斯

3、stylish ─── adj.时髦的;现代风格的;潇洒的

4、styluses ─── 尖笔;唱针

5、stylees ─── 风格

6、stylist ─── n.设计师;文体学家

7、stylise ─── v.使……风格化;效仿……的风格(等于stylize)

8、stylops ─── n.捻翅虫;虫扇;n.(Stylops)捻翅目

9、stylets ─── n.匕首;探针;通管丝

stylus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the following screen, you will be asked to tap the center of the target as shown below.This ensures accurate stylus entry. ─── 在下面的屏幕中,你要精确点击目标十字花的中心,这样为了以后使用中触摸屏定位准确。

2、It has a stylus-operated on-screen keyboard that takes great skill to master. ─── 有由触笔操控的银幕键盘,需要很高的技巧去掌握。

3、Navigation using joystick and key-pad (customizable), support for touch-screen inputs (stylus). ─── 使用操纵杆和键盘(可定制)导航,支持触摸屏输入(手写笔)。

4、a stylus that formerly made sound by following a groove in a phonograph record. ─── 以前通过沿电唱机的唱片凹槽擦动而发声的唱针。

5、The gnomon-and-ruler indicates the time by the length of the shadow of stylus in the sun. ─── 圭表是利用太阳射影的长短来判断时间的。

6、a rotating drum holding paper on which a stylus traces a continuous record (as of breathing or blood pressure) ─── 带有触针能够描绘连续记录的纸的旋转鼓室

7、Servo Mechanism Design and Focusing Error Signal Improvement of Optical Stylus Profilometer ─── 光针轮廓仪伺服机构设计与聚焦误差信号的改进

8、rake of a stylus ─── 唱针切向倾角

9、From the very beginning, our system has also included a handheld display (with stylus input) to complement the head-worn see-through display. ─── 从一开始,我们的系统就同时包含一个手持式显示器(可用触控笔输入),以便辅助头戴式透视显示器。

10、Scratch Hardness Test Using a Diamond Stylus on the Micro-Tribometer mod. ─── 便条硬度试验用钻石笔在微摩擦国防部。

11、reproducing stylus ─── 唱针留声机针

12、Unfortunately, with smaller screens we've seen small touch interfaces, so in today's world the stylus is often needed. ─── 但不幸的是,显示屏太小,我们会看到很小的触摸屏接口,所以触控笔还是必不可缺的。

13、The Way of Avoiding Stylus Drop down from the Model While Tracer Scanning ─── 仿形扫描中解决触指脱模的方法及实现

14、However, traditional small-screen input methods, such as the keyboard and stylus, don't always make it easy to navigate and fill in a form. ─── 但是在小屏幕设备上使用按键、手写笔等传统的输入方式使得填写表单变得不是那么容易。

15、a stylus; a style ─── 尖笔

16、No matter if you use Stylus RMX, Reason or any other REX2 player, Textural REX will be one of the most musical, fun-to-use and flexible loop collections in your arsenal. ─── 不管你rmx的爱好者,或是其他音乐创作家,这份音色库将是一个最具音乐,缤纷-使用和灵活的收藏品。

17、Essentially the Beatbox is a portable electronic musical instrument that activates when the stylus contacts the metallic pad. ─── 与会者每个人对尚身陷囹圄的游精佑先生之功德、人品、以及与其相关之交往记忆纷纷发言。

18、at the end of a week he wrote as well with this pen as with the stylus. ─── 一星期以后,他用笔写字已和用铁笔写得一样好了。

19、A matrix printer that uses a stylus to produce patterns of dots ─── 一种用触针产生点模式的点阵打印机。

20、An instrument for recording variations in pressure,as of the blood,or in tension,as of a muscle,by means of a pen or stylus that marks a rotating drum. ─── 压力记录器,记波器一种记录压力(如血压)或张力(如肌肉张力)变化的仪器,它通过一支笔或记录针的方式描出旋转的轨迹。

21、Fan, K.C., Su, C.D. and Mou, J.I., “Error analysis for a diffraction grating interferometric stylus probing system,” Meas. Sci. Technol., 12, 482-490, 2001. ─── 吴锦源,创新雷射都卜勒振动/干涉仪之研治-高性能微光机电系统之量测,国立台湾大学应用力学研究所博士论文,1997。

22、The stylus is traveling in a groove. ─── 唱针正循着唱片纹路移动。

23、It has two screens, one of which is touch-sensitive and can be tapped or written on with fingernails or a stylus. ─── 它有两个屏幕,其中一个是触摸屏,可以用手指甲点击或者用铁笔书写。

24、InkML is an XML data format for representing digital ink data that is input with an electronic pen or stylus as part of a multimodal system. ─── InkML是XML数据格式,它代表了使用电子钢笔或作为多式联运系统部分的铁笔进行输入操作的数字墨水数据。

25、"With bigger screens and a larger pen-like stylus it's likely that older users may find the DSi XL easier and more comfortable to use but there are many more people it can and will appeal to. ─── “有着更大的屏幕和更长的像钢笔似的触笔,现在看来老年用户可能发现XL将更舒适更容易操作,但其实这将会有更多人被它吸引。

26、Backed up by a simple, intuitive interface, users can write a message effortlessly with either their fingertips or a stylus and see their text instantly and accurately transcribed into digital text. ─── 在一个简单、直观的界面的支持下,用户可以毫不费力地用手指或手写笔书写信息,并且立刻就能看到他们的文本,然后准确地将其转换成数字文本。

27、Keywords organic coatings;mar resistance;curved stylus;pointed stylus;test method; ─── 关键词有机涂层;抗划伤性;弧形划针;尖顶划针;测试方法;

28、Panel elements do not receive mouse or stylus events if a Background is not defined. ─── 如果未定义Background,则Panel元素不会接收鼠标或手写笔事件。

29、Styli can get lost, and because of this (and the nerd factor), younger users are often put off by the use of a stylus. ─── 原因在于,手写笔有可能会丢失,而且很多人根本不愿意使用手写笔。

30、A removable case containing the stylus and electric conversion circuitry in a phonograph pickup. ─── 唱头留声机唱壁中装有唱针和变电圈的可移动的盒子。

31、If you are using a tilt sensitive tablet you can also spray images that distort depending on the stylus pressure and tilt direction and tilt angle. ─── 假如你使用倾斜敏感书写板你也能够喷射图象其扭曲根据铁笔压力和倾斜方向和倾斜角度。

32、With an iPad, a stylus and a good notetaking app, I should be able to leave paper behind. ─── 拥有一个iPad,一支手写笔和一个好的记事的app,按理说我应该可以不再需要纸张。

33、Based on the integrality of three-dimensional surface topography,a new roughness measuring instrument of stylus and three-dimensional was put forward. ─── 基于表面微观形貌三维分析的完整性,介绍了一种新开发的触针式三维粗糙度测量仪。

34、Included accessories: Gift box, Leather carrying bag, Stylus pen... ─── 内附:礼品外盒,皮革手提袋,铁笔...

35、Stylus pen for mobile computers ─── 可移动电脑记录笔

36、You could, for instance, make the type larger for easier reading.Or you could make notes in the margin with a stylus, your observations being stored on tiny, removable flash-memory cards in the spine. ─── 为便于阅读,你可以把字体放大一些.你还可以用尖笔在空白处作批注,这些批注储存在书脊中可以随时装卸的微型的瞬时储存卡上.

37、reproducing stylus tip ─── 唱针尖唱针

38、a rotating drum holding paper on which a stylus traces a continuous record (as of breathing or blood pressure). ─── 带有触针能够描绘连续记录的纸的旋转鼓室。

39、If they retrieve Voyager, they will find, mounted on its side, a gold-plated copper disc, complete with stylus and cartridge. ─── 如果他们收回“旅行者”,他们将会发现它的边上镶着镀金铜唱盘,带着唱针和拾音器心座,完整无缺。

40、The officers use stylus pen-based input devices to write their reports onto touch-sensitive screens. ─── 警官们使用指示笔式输入设备在触摸屏上写报告。

41、The paper introduces some items to be noticed for using stylus printer and analyses the causes of excessive ink consumption. ─── 介绍使用喷墨打印机应注意的事项,探讨打印机墨水消耗过快的问题。

42、A small, pointed stylus used to transmit vibrations from the grooves of a phonograph record. ─── 唱针小而尖的唱针用来传递唱片凹槽的振动

43、Use and Maintenance of Stylus Printer ─── 喷墨打印机的使用与维护

44、A finger or stylus interrupts the light beams and position is determined on the grid. ─── 一只手指或者尖笔打断轻的梁,位置是决定闸极栏。

45、Analyses the normal faults of stylus printer,included broken pin fault,parallel interface fault and circuit fault,points out the countermeasures for them. ─── 分析了针式打印机常出现的故障 ,主要包括断针故障、行接口故障、电路故障 ,并提出相应的防范措施

46、printed multi stylus electrode ─── 印字多触针电极

47、MU110-Ⅱ9 stitches of stylus printer ─── MU110-II型9针式打印机

48、You can vary the above settings based on the number of dabs of paint, stylus pressure, randomly,or position of the fingertip control wheel of the Wacom Intuos airbrush stylus. ─── 你能够改变上面的设置基于绘制的涂抹的数量,铁笔的压力,随便的,或者手指控制轮的位置。

49、Or you could make notes in the margin with a stylus, your observations being stored on tiny, removable flash-memory cards in the spine ─── 你还可以用尖笔在空白处作批注,这些批注储存在书脊中可以随时装卸的微型的瞬时储存卡上。

50、If your screen is not responding accurately to your stylus taps, choose Realign. ─── 如果屏幕没有准确反映笔针的点击,请选择“重新校准”。

51、Tap the stylus near the player you wish to control . As you move the stylus this player will follow it around the pitch . ─── 用笔尖轻触附近你想控制的球员。当你移动笔尖时,你所控制的这个球员就会在足球场地内随着一起移动。

52、That with an iron stylus and lead They were engraved in the rock forever! ─── 伯19:24用铁笔镌刻、铅灌在磐石上、存到永远。

53、It can be easily retrofitted to almost any cutting station. The marking stylus easily penetrates most materials. The Scriber is compatible with BURNY Controls and other CNCs as well. ─── 它能够较容易的用于各类切割装置,划线笔较高的材质可轻易的在各种钢板上做标记.可配置在BURNY数控系统或其它数控系统上使用.

54、single-channel heated stylus recorder ─── 单道加热式笔录记录器

55、electronic stylus ─── n. 电子笔

56、Tap the stylus near the player you wish to control . As you move the stylus this player will follow it around the pitch . ─── 大意:用笔尖轻触附近你想控制的球员。当你移动笔尖时,你所控制的这个球员就会在足球场地内随着一起移动。

57、The influence of stylus shape on measured data is introduced,and two methods of data correction for stylus radius are proposed. ─── 分析了触针测头形状对被测轮廓数据的影响,并提出了对测头半径的两种数据修正方法。

58、An instrument for recording variations in pressure, as of the blood, or in tension, as of a muscle, by means of a pen or stylus that marks a rotating drum. ─── 压力记录器,记波器一种记录压力(如血压)或张力(如肌肉张力)变化的仪器,它通过一支笔或记录针的方式描出旋转的轨迹

59、With modified Epson Stylus Color ink jet printer, pretreatment conditions and dyestuffs optimization were carried out for trial ink jet printing. ─── 在改造的 Epson Stylus Color彩色喷墨打印机上进行小样喷墨印花前的预处理条件和染料的选择试验研究。

60、Use your stylus for its intended purpose only. You risk damaging your stylus through misuse. ─── 不要将笔针用于其他用途。误用会损坏笔针。

61、Carefully press and briefly hold stylus on the center of the target. ─── 将笔针轻而准确地在十字光标的中心点一下,

62、double stylus dishes for plate-cultures ─── (记录器)笔尖托盘

63、You could, for instance, make the type larger for easier reading. Or you could make notes in the margin with a stylus, your observations being stored on tiny, removable flash-memory cards in the spine. ─── 例如;为便于阅读,你可以把字体放大一些。你还可以用尖笔在空白处作批注,这些批注储存在书脊中可以随时装卸的微型的瞬时储存卡上。

64、he drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus. ─── 他用铁笔把图案写在蜡纸上。

65、In a similar version of this tale, the Rabbi leaps on top of the man in a frenzy and carves the story of Ruth on his nose with a stylus. ─── 在与此故事类似的一个版本中,拉比暴怒之下,将那人扑倒在地,并用铁笔在他鼻子上刻了路得的故事。

66、If you need to handle mouse or stylus events but do not want a background for your Panel, use Transparent. ─── 如果需要处理鼠标或手写笔事件而不需要对Panel使用背景,请使用Transparent。

67、adding and subtracting device, pocket-type, operated with a stylus ─── 加减法运算器,袖珍型,靠记录针控制

68、to wear [stylus] ─── 唱针磨损

69、camber of a stylus ─── 唱针径向倾角

70、a turntable that rotated the record; a stylus that tracked a groove in the record; a pickup that converted the mechanical movements of the stylus into electrical impulses; ─── 带动唱片旋转的圆盘、沿唱片纹道走动的唱针、把唱针的机械振动转换成电脉冲的扬声器

71、the stylus of a record-player ─── 唱机的唱针

72、Calculation for Compensating Error of Stylus Radius of CMM Probe ─── 三坐标测量机测头的测球半径补偿误差的计算

73、Stylus RMX users will be pleased to find T-Rex specially organized into 82 suites and ready for simple drag-and-drop conversion to the RMX format. ─── 可广泛应用于音乐创作,游戏音乐,舞台音乐等等。

74、“But the input method is much more efficient with touch-screen and stylus,” says Horace Luke of HTC, a Taiwanese handset manufacturer. ─── “但触屏手机的输入法要更为高效,”台湾手机生产商HTC的HoraceLuke如是说。

75、The light pen is a hand-held probe with three point light sources (LEDs) and a spherical touch stylus arranged in one line. ─── 光笔是一种手持式触发测头,在笔体上装有三个与球形笔尖测头中心成一条直线的点光源(发光二极管)。

76、Its main innovation was that it dispensed with the conventional wisdom that touch meant a stylus and allowed the use of a grubby, greasy, uneducated finger instead as its main driving force. ─── 其主要的创新是,它打破了那种只能用触控笔进行操作的思维定势,可以直接使用肮脏、油腻、笨拙的手指。

77、A finger or conductive stylus touching the screen creates a capacitive ground path in the circuit. ─── 一只手指或者导电接触萤幕的尖笔建立一条容性地道路在这条电路内。

78、we now call it an Eulerian path -- you can never lift your stylus from the surface, and you can never go over the same line twice. ─── 但是安哥拉人却以一种循环的方式来创作,并且这样的知识通过家族的长幼相传得以继承。

79、microgroove stylus ─── 密纹唱针

80、Zull, J. E (2002), The art of changing the brain: Enriching the practice of teaching by exploring the biology of learning. , Herndon, VA: Stylus Publishing, Inc.. ─── 动脑教与学:大脑研究在教学实务上的应用(梁云霞译),台北:远流.

81、Light pen: Light-sensitive stylus used to edit on a VDU (visual display unit). ─── 光笔:在直观显示器上作编辑用的光敏尖笔。

82、Epson Stylus Color printer was modified for jet printing on cotton fabrics. The printing technology was also explored with four Cibacron reactive dyes. ─── 利用 Epson Stylus Color彩色喷墨打印机对Cibacron活性染料小样喷墨印花工艺进行探索。

83、Can be played with the stylus or cursor/joystick: optimized for one-hand use. ─── 你可以使用手写笔或摇杆去玩游戏,因为它们对游戏做过特别优化。

84、The two-piece design, comprising probe body and detachable stylus module(s), connected using a highly repeatable magnetic kinematic coupling. ─── 其组合式设计将测针和分离式测量模块,通过高另灵敏度的可重复性磁模连接。

85、If you do it the other way, it becomes a stylus tip and in another way, it becomes a laser pointer. ─── 如果你以另一种方式转动它,它就变成一支触控笔,再换一种方式转动,它就变成一支激光笔。

86、One approach is to allow users to draw Chinese characters with a finger or a stylus. ─── 其中一种就是它让人们可以用手指或触针笔在屏幕上写下汉字。

87、hypopharyngeal stylus ─── 下咽针

88、Stylus printers and ink jet printers are low-value non-durable equipment. ─── 一般针式打印机和喷墨打印机属低值易耗品。

89、at the end of a week he wrote as well with this pen as with the stylus ─── 一星期以后,他用笔写字已和用铁笔写得一样好了。

有很apple pencil效果一样的手写笔吗?

不要浪费钱 直接买applepencil 因为你买了其他的各种笔 它们的使用体验还是会迫使你去买applepencil 另外多买几个替换笔头 和elecom 的磨砂screen protector 配合使用

有很apple pencil效果一样的手写笔吗?





Apple pencil can make the iPad closer to the experience of writing on paper. The pen can provide a sense of pressure level, just like a pencil. The handwriting is lighter when writing gently, and deeper when writing with a little force.

When you use Apple pencil to write, the iPad will automatically disable the touch screen, and your hand can be placed directly on the screen without fear of false touch.

In essence, the capacitive pen is just a conductor, so as to extend the touch screen of human body and form the coupling capacitance effect. So when you write on it, there is no difference between the touch of hand and the touch of hand. Only changing the hand touching the screen into a pen equivalent to a conductor can not provide the experience of writing on paper, and if the hand touches the screen, it will touch by mistake.

If you want to use a capacitive pen to draw on the iPad, you usually need to wear anti touch gloves, so as to achieve physical isolation from the touch screen, and the capacitive pen has no pressure sensing function.

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