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08-18 投稿


cartman 发音


英:  美:

cartman 中文意思翻译



cartman 短语词组

1、cartman meme ─── 卡特曼模因

2、cartman kfc ─── 卡特曼肯德基

3、cartman south park ─── 卡特曼南方公园

4、cartman wiki ─── 卡特曼维基

5、cartman zoom ─── 卡特曼变焦

6、cartman and heidi ─── 卡特曼和海蒂

7、cartman ipad ─── 卡特曼ipad

8、Eric Cartman ─── 卡特曼

9、cartman poker face ─── 卡特曼扑克脸

cartman 词性/词形变化,cartman变形


cartman 相似词语短语

1、amtman ─── 阿姆特曼

2、earthman ─── n.地球人(该词源于科幻小说)

3、carman ─── n.电车的车长;运货马车的车夫;n.(Carman)人名;(英、西、瑞典)卡曼

4、carmen ─── n.卡门(女子名)

5、caravan ─── 大篷车

6、Eastman ─── n.伊士曼(姓氏)

7、atman ─── n.(印度教)灵魂;自我;呼吸

8、cardan ─── n.万向接头;n.(Cardan)人名;(西、法)卡丹

9、Batman ─── n.蝙蝠侠

cartman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Kyle: we're not talented?Cartman: That's right.We're not talented.See, we're not the artistic side, we're the thinking side. ─── 估计那个人也是从什么地方看了哪个资料上的这个问题,他以为是答案,然后就拿出来问别人。

2、Cartman: Attention! ─── 立正!

3、Cartman Kenny. ─── 演员:Eric.

4、stan:“kyle,do you mean cartman is right? ─── ”(你认为cartman那家伙是对的吗?

5、cartman:“stupid? you said PSP is stupid? did you all hear that? en, oh, no , I didn't mean that. ─── ”(愚蠢的?什么?你说PSP是愚蠢的?你们都听见他说什么了吗?!

6、Cartman : life goes by pretty fast, if you stop and look around once for a while, and do what you wanna do all the time, you could miss it. ─── 生命转瞬转逝,如果你不偶尔停下来,四周回望,去做你一直想做的事情,你可能会虚度一生。

7、Cartman: Yes! Do you really wanna go back to that?! ─── 对!你真的想回到那种生活吗?

8、You defeated the Grand Wizard Cartman in battle. ─── 你在战斗中击败了高等犹太精灵凯尔。

9、Cartman: Avast! These aren't pirates, they're just a bunch of black people. ─── 且慢!他们不是海盗,只不过是一群黑人。

10、Cartman: Yes, very nice. Apparently, these are the pirates. ─── 是的,太好了。显然他们的确是海盗!

11、Ze Mole, and Cartman "saying the F word about Jesus" and the repeated use of 'G*d Dammit', etc. ─── Ze mole和Cartman他们经常说些“操耶稣”或者不断重复“操上帝”这样的词。 等等。。

12、Cartman: North Africa. Just picture it, guys: clear blue water with skull islands. Waterfalls and jewelled treasure underneath. ─── 在北非!伙计们,想象一下吧:湛蓝滴海水中的骷髅岛,随处可见的瀑布和数也数不清的财宝!

13、Cartman: There will be refreshments served! ─── 届时将会有甜点供应!

14、Software Description: About South Park 3D Spectacular Screensaver, This 3D screen saver displays Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Kenny, bouncing around your desktop! ─── 这个3D屏幕保护程序显示卡车司机,凯尔,斯坦和肯尼,环绕你的桌面!

15、In "AWESOM-O," Cartman disguises himself as a robot and persuades gullible Butters to share his secrets. ─── 在这一集里,卡特曼伪装成一个机器人,哄骗轻信的巴特斯分享他的秘密。

16、Cartman: Ah, nice. Come on, mateys! ─── 啊,太好了,走,伙计们!

17、Software Description: About South Park Gang 3D, This is a collection of 35 3D South Park images; watch as Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan float around your desktop. ─── 这是南方公园人物的3D图片;卡车司机,肯尼,凯尔,和斯坦环绕你的桌面漂流。

18、Cartman: Alright lads! Go home and write your farewell letters to your families! The land of pirates awaits! ─── 好了,伙计们!都回家去给你们的家人写封诀别信吧!海盗之地等着我们呢!

19、Cartman:life goes by pretty fast,if you stop and look around once for a while,and do what you wanna do all the time,you could miss it. ─── 生命转瞬转逝,如果你不偶尔停下来,四周回望,去做你一直想做的事情,你可能会虚度一生.

20、Cartman: That's right.We're not talented.See, we're not the artistic side, we're the thinking side.Stan: Yeah. ─── 炸了也没用,小心物理学家研究,分析磁盘磁应用分布,把你的信息破译出来。

21、And you'll finally get to one like 'Dances With Smurfs, ' and it's just Cartman and Wendy, and a very intimate, tightly written story. ─── 但最后我们会做出一集像“与蓝精灵共舞”这样的,只有卡特曼和温迪,和一个私密、紧凑的故事。

22、Mother walked out into the street and surprised a burly cartman who was beating his horse over the head with the butt of a heavy whip . ─── 母亲出门走到街上,她突然向一个正在用重鞭柄痛打马头的粗壮车夫冲过去。

23、Cartman: Haven't you assholes been watching the news? ─── 你们这些白痴从不看新闻吗?

24、Eric Cartman: "Drugs are bad because if you do drugs you're a hippie and hippies suck. ─── " 吸毒是坏的,因为如果你吸毒,你就是一个嬉皮士,而嬉皮士太逊了。

25、Kyle, Cartman: Jews can't be pirates. ─── 犹太人不能做海盗.

26、omfg. watching cartman sing poker face....priceless. ─── hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 心情: fabulous 星期三。

27、Stone: 'AWESOM-O' has one of my favorite scenes of any South Park: Cartman is starving and he eats toothpaste. ─── 斯通:整个《南方公园》里我最爱的一个场景就是在这集里:卡特曼饥不择食狂吞牙膏。

28、Cartman: Na-ah!She's being a total bitch! ─── 不,她就是一个婊子!

29、Mother walked out into the street and surprised a burly cartman who was beating his horse over the head with the butt of a heavy whip. ─── 母亲出门走到街上,她突然向一个正在用重鞭柄痛打马头的粗壮车夫冲过去。

30、Cartman: That's true. ─── 那倒是真的。

31、At the end of season 1, viewers were promised that the identity of Cartman's father would be revealed. ─── 第一季结尾,帕克和斯通曾向观众保证,他们会揭秘卡特曼(Cartman)父亲的身份。

32、Cartman: You guys! You guys! We can finally do it! We can finally leave this crappy town and live the life we've all dreamed of! ─── 喂喂喂!伙计们!我们终于可以做到啦!我们终于可以离开这座垃圾城市开始我们梦寐以求的新生活啦!

33、Cartman: You guys, the fuck? ─── 你们这些家伙,我艹!

34、Can you imagine?Kyle: How come we never get opportunities like that?Cartman: You wanna know what it is, guys?Kyle: we're not talented? ─── 扔到水中的硬盘几个月了,并且扔的时候数据已经删除了,奶奶的,居然数据能恢复出来60%,不知是真是假!

35、Cartman: Dude, I'm a pirate! What the devil do I care what me mudder thinks anymore? ─── 小子,我是个海盗!我他妈的怎么会在乎我妈她怎么想呢?

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