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08-18 投稿


figural 发音

英:[ˈfɪɡjərəl]  美:[ˈfɪɡərəl]

英:  美:

figural 中文意思翻译



figural 短语词组

1、figural speech ─── 比喻性言语

2、figural memory ─── 形象记忆

3、figural lamp ─── 数字灯

4、figural pencil sharpeners ─── 图形卷笔刀

5、figural blindness ─── [网络] 形象失明

6、the figural representation ─── 图形表示法

7、figural analogy questions ─── 比喻问题

8、figural synthesis ─── 无花果合成

9、figural candlesticks ─── 雕像烛台

10、figural oil lamp ─── 数字油灯

11、figural cohesion ─── 无花果凝聚力

12、figural reasoning test ─── 图形推理测验

figural 相似词语短语

1、figurant ─── n.(戏剧电影中的)群众演员;男配角演员

2、figurable ─── 能成形的

3、figured ─── v.是……的重要部分;认为;计算;(人)起重要作用;(虚构的人物的)出现;估计;在意料之中;用图表描绘;用图案装饰(figure的过去式及过去分词);adj.饰有小图案的,有花纹的;图示的

4、figure ─── n.数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像;vi.计算;出现;扮演角色;vt.计算;认为;描绘;象征

5、fulgural ─── adj.闪电的;与闪电有关的

6、fissural ─── 间隙的(fissure的变形)

7、augural ─── adj.前兆的;占卜的

8、figurate ─── adj.有固定形状的;形成图案的;表示几何图形的

9、figurally ─── 形象地

figural 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two measures of cognitive instruments were employed, the Chinese Version of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence and Torrance’s Tests of Creative Thinking (Figural B). ─── 测验工具为:毕保德 图画词汇测验修订版甲式、托尼非语言智力测验与陶伦思创造力测验。

2、figural synthesis ─── 图形综合

3、figural masking ─── 图形掩蔽

4、abstract art and figural art ─── 抽象艺术与具象艺术

5、three figur ─── 三位的

6、Keywords Breast neoplasms;Breast-consering surgery;Figural aftereffect;Factor analysis;statistical; ─── 乳腺肿瘤;保乳手术;形象后疗效;因素分析;统计学;

7、The elegant decorative motifs and certain figural elements reveal a Western influence. ─── 典雅的装饰图案和某些人物的内容揭示了西方的影响。

8、The Congo people decorate their pipes with figural and geometric patterns. ─── 刚果人民用几和形状的样式装饰他们的烟斗。

9、Paul de Man, Allegories of Reading: Figural Language in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke, and Proust (New Haven:Yale University Press, 1979). ─── 塞尔登:《文学批评理论--从柏拉图到现在》,刘象愚等译(北京大学出版社,2000).

10、These are the figural representations contained in ancient wall painting. ─── 这些都是古代壁画中的人物画像。

11、The best part of new figural water-ink is the value of realistic solicitude the painting works express. ─── 新具象水墨最为感人的地方在于他们的作品中体现出来的现实关怀的价值。

12、"figural:Of, relating to, consisting of, or forming a pictorial composition or design of human or animal figures." ─── "具有人或动物的形象的:属于、关于或形成人物或动物的组织或形象的,或由此构成的."

13、The people of the Dong nationality of Guangxi believe in various gods, such as natural gods and figural gods, becoming a typical example of religious mixed-gods worship in the southern China. ─── 摘要广西侗族人民对自然神崇拜与人神崇拜的多神信仰,是我国南方少数民族中多神崇拜的典型。

14、One important function of the first pass is that of locating the stimuli, an obvious prerequisite for any figural analysis. ─── 第一通行证的一个重要作用是那找出刺激, 一个明显的前提对于任何形象的分析。

15、From the torque curve (figur 3), we can see the anti-torque rigid degree of DHS is 55.39N. ─── 在扭矩 - 扭角曲线上(见图3),可以看出DHS的抗扭刚度达55.39N.

16、Brush Stroke Figural Painting as Chinese culture one subsystem of parent, it survive state will live in into era culture influence of linguistic context . ─── 工笔人物画作为中国文化母体上的一个子系统,其生存状况必将受到所处时代文化语境的影响。

17、figural unity ─── 图形统一性

18、He is good at transfering figural things into abstract lines and colors, and put them together finally. ─── 他善于将具象的事物融入抽象的图形与色彩,并使两者合二为一、和谐共生。

19、a figural design ─── 象征性的图案

20、The rational development of integral panel blank has significant meanings such as save material, reduce cost and insure figural quality. ─── 摘要整体壁板毛坯的合理展开对节省材料、降低成本和保证成形质量有重要意义。

21、figural perception ─── 图形知觉

22、Bauerle, specializing in figural and landscape paintings, had completed numerous portraits for the royal family. ─── 鲍尔勒喜好取材人物与风景,并完成多幅皇室子女肖像画。

23、the figural representation ─── 人物画像

24、The articleemphasizes that the illusional space is a kind of development andprogress to the space form in the figural painting, shows a diversesituation inthe figural painting. ─── 文章强调了“梦幻”空间是具象绘画中的空间形式的一种发展和进步,显示了具象绘画所呈现的多元态势。

25、"Figural Virtue" ─── “比德”

26、Through the Figural Transition of PAN Jin-lian to the Thinking Variance on Women ─── 从潘金莲形象的演变看女性思潮的变迁

27、The resultant cosmetical figur and the succeeding prothetic-eyeball movement are rather satisfied; ─── 利用此种皮脂植入物可以免除代用眼球植入的种种合并症,诸如代用眼球移位或迸出肌束;

28、Individual Difference of Pupil Figural Reasoning Strategy in Primary School ─── 小学生图形推理策略个体差异

29、design; the figurative art of the humanistic tradition-herbert read. ─── 图案;人文主义传统象征艺术-何伯特·鲁德。

30、An Experimental Study of Applying Rough Outlined and Figural Teaching ─── 铅球教学采用粗线条形象教学法的实验研究

31、The Fashion of Figural Representations in the Han Dynasty and the Evolution of Zan ─── 汉代图画人物风尚与赞体的生成流变

32、Illusional space is a developed and evolutional space form in figural painting, which indicates the figural painting's pluralistic trend. ─── 摘要“梦幻”空间是具象绘画中空间形式的一种发展和演变,显示了具象绘画所呈现的多元态势。

33、Bauerle, specializing in figural and landscape paintings, had completed numerous portraits for the royal family. ─── 鲍尔勒喜好取材人物与风景,并完成多幅皇室子女肖像画。

34、figural after-effect ─── 图形后效

35、Spatial organization is treated as a sort of crude figural analysis which some-limes may even be sufficient for recognition. ─── 空间组织对待一些石灰也许甚而是充足的为认识的有点儿粗暴形象的分析。

36、I hope through my camero,their figur could make you a deep sence. ─── 我希望能够通过我的镜头,让他们的样子给你留下深刻的印象。他叫郭鹏,我们叫他鹏儿。

37、figural virtue ─── 比德

38、On the contrary, the motif of ancient Chinese sculptures were “object”such as animals and Buddha but not “subject”,for example, commemorative figural sculptures. ─── 而中国古代雕塑中主体性的人常成为退守状态,被塑者常是“被看”把玩的对象,中国古代雕塑较多的是动物像、佛像,却鲜见纪念性人物雕像。

39、a figural design; the figurative art of the humanistic tradition- Herbert Read. ─── 象征性的图案;人文主义传统象征艺术-何伯特·鲁德。

40、Spatial organization is treated as a sort of crude figural analysis which some-limes may even be sufficient for recognition. ─── 空间组织对待一些石灰也许甚而是充足的为认识的有点儿粗暴形象的分析。

41、alteration, figural ─── 形象变更, 视网膜拮抗

42、figural identity ─── 图形同一性

43、In the new period, research on Ling Shuhua has got into position, and made great achievement in figural image and artistic style. ─── 在新时期,凌叔华研究进入了新的阶段,在人物形象和艺术风格研究等方面取得了突出成就。

44、, listen for figural groupings . ─── ,聆听音形群组。

45、Given only a set of varied durations all playing the same pitch (MAKETUNE.D), listen for figural groupings . ─── 只给一组同样的音高但不同的音符长度(MAKETUNE.D),聆听音形群组。

46、figural displacement after ─── 图形位移后效

47、The Congo people decorate their pipes with figural and geometric patterns. ─── 刚果人民用几和形状的样式装饰他们的烟斗。

48、On the one hand, to become iconic a building must provide a new and condensed image, be high in figural shape or gestalt, and stand out from the city. ─── 一方面,要成为一个标志,一座建筑必须要提出一个全新并且浓缩的意向,在抽象形态或者建筑完形上高屋建瓴,并且要从城市中脱颖而出。

49、Given a set of varied pitches all with the same duration, listen for figural groupings, then give varied durations to the pitches to bring out these groupings and to make a coherent melody. ─── 给定一组不同的音高同样音符长度,聆听音形群组,然后给予这些音高不同的音符长度去组成这些群组,并且制造一个流畅的旋律。

50、The best part of new figural water-ink is the value of realistic solicitude the painting works express. ─── 新具象水墨最为感人的地方在于他们的作品中体现出来的现实关怀的价值。

51、new figural water-ink ─── 新具象水墨

52、a figural design; ─── 象征性的图案;

53、This study examined nonverbal memory in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) on a figural reproduction task, the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF). ─── 在脑波信号的研究过程中,已有许多研究利用不同演算法去分析各种时域或频域的脑波信号。

54、Through comparing the fantasy space and the realityspace in the figural painting to make sure its special artcharacteristic; ─── 通过具象绘画中梦幻空间与现实空间的比较来确定其独特的艺术特征;

55、The plain display of furnishings and rugged figural clothing in this work reveal the impoverished environment of this farmhouse;hence, killing a pig bears a significant meaning for the entire family. ─── 画中简单的陈设和人物粗糙的衣著可看出这个农家的生活并不富裕,因此杀猪对整个家庭来说是一件大事。

56、figural art ─── 具象艺术


58、Views on Figural Virtue between Xiaoxiang Bamboo and Lin Daiyu ─── 潇湘翠竹与黛玉形象的比德观照

59、Fang Zengxian: Creantion Figural Paintings and Contribution in Portraits ─── 方增先人物画的独创性与贡献

60、figural after ─── 运动感觉图形后效

61、This set of Apollo Bathing sculptures includes 7 each separate figural sculptures. Material comes from Hunan province in China. ─── [相关分类:装饰材料,厨房工作台面,空顶,桌面,雕刻品

62、The second chapter points out the characteristic and failure in figural portrayal through the analysis on the traits of the reformers that have the most artistic characters. ─── 第二章通过对改革题材小说中最富有艺术光彩的改革者形象特质的分析,指出此类小说在人物形象塑造上的特点与不足。

63、view of figural virtue ─── “比德”观

64、A little girl is attracted by various figural dough sculptures made by folk artists at the Beijing National Culture and Art Expo in the Temple of Earth launched in Beijing, China, August 3, 2007. ─── 当日,首届北京民族文化艺术博览园在地坛公园亮相。

65、figural cohesion ─── 图形凝聚

66、" This is the a substantial increase over the September 2008 figural figure of 14 million people acquire assitancerequiring assistance. ─── "自2008年九月,需要援助的人数大量增长,大约有一千四百万。

67、The scale is still not large, but the combination of both abstract and figural makes her painting grand. ─── 规模还不大,但两者的抽象和具象的结合,使得她的绘画气势宏伟。

68、3.Research and recommend on figural data to make scientific amendment on necessary issues. ─── 相关市场研究和分析,寻找数字管理和趋势,收视,接受度的解决方案。

69、Yeh, S., Chen, I., &De Valois, K.K. (1994).The shape of spatial attention revealed by figural aftereffects. ─── 陈一平(1996),皮质细胞之对比增益研究,中国心理学会八十五年度年会。

70、The spatial component of visuospatial sketchpad, the articulatory component of phonological loop, and the central executive are involved in figural analogies. ─── 在图形类比推理中,主要有视空间模板中的空间成分,语音回路中的发音成分以及中央执行器的参与;

71、All Purpose Design And Figural Recurrence --Program and Design of Da Jinshan Nunnery, Jiangxi ─── 通用式设计与形象迭用-江西大金山寺规划与建筑设计随感

72、The Culture Linguistic Context of the Traditional Brush Stroke Figural Painting ─── 传统工笔人物画兴衰的文化语境解读

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