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09-06 投稿


euthanasia 发音

英:[,juːθə'neɪzɪə]  美:[,juθə'neʒə]

英:  美:

euthanasia 中文意思翻译



euthanasia 短语词组

1、assisted suicide euthanasia ─── 辅助自杀安乐死

2、euthanasia pronounce ─── 安乐死发音

3、euthanasia definition ─── 安乐死定义

4、legalized euthanasia ─── 合法的安乐死

5、euthanasia drug ─── 安乐死药物

6、in defense of voluntary euthanasia ─── 为自愿安乐死辩护

7、Euthanasia in India ─── 印度的安乐死

8、Child euthanasia ─── 儿童安乐死

9、Euthanasia in Switzerland ─── 瑞士的安乐死

10、euthanasia cost ─── 安乐死费用

11、euthanasia coaster ─── 安乐死过山车

12、euthanasia for dogs ─── 狗的安乐死

13、Euthanasia in the United States ─── 美国的安乐死

14、legalizing euthanasia ─── 安乐死合法化

15、euthanasia co2 ─── 安乐死二氧化碳

euthanasia 相似词语短语

1、euthanased ─── 安乐死

2、euthanasing ─── 动画

3、athanasia ─── n.不死

4、euthanases ─── 安乐死

5、euthanasiasts ─── 安乐死

6、euthanasiast ─── n.安乐死;安乐死术(euthanasia的变形)

7、euthanasy ─── 安乐死

8、euthanase ─── 安乐死

9、euthanasic ─── 安乐死

euthanasia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia. ─── 对安乐死支持和反对者都有强有力的论据。

2、Countries with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some limited rules for voluntary euthanasia. ─── 不间断提倡思想和行动自由的国家对主动实施安乐死进行限制性规定,就没有什么可担心的了。

3、As a result, most countries today refuse to legalize euthanasia. ─── 因此,今天的大部分国家都拒绝让安乐死合法化。

4、They canvass, canvased the pros and cons of euthanasia. ─── 他们彻底讨论有关安乐死的正反两方面的意见。

5、Euthanasia frequently results in chemical tissue residues, necessitating proper disposal to prevent contamination of the environment or other animals (eg, scavengers, predators). ─── 安乐死经常导致化学组织物残留,所以,正确的处理尸体,可以有效的防止对于环境或者其它动物的污染。(比如食腐动物和,肉食动物)。

6、The legalization of euthanasia is an issue of controversy. ─── 安乐死的合法化是具有争议性的话题。

7、West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to legalize any form of euthanasia for a long time to come. ─── 与之相反,西德在未来相当长的时间里都无法使任何形式的安乐死合法化。

8、Both chose euthanasia to end their lives after their memoirs were written. ─── 在写下回忆录后,两个人都选择安乐死结束了生命。

9、Even the most extreme proponents of euthanasia do not support such an action in those circumstances. ─── 即使是极端的安乐死支持者也不赞成在这种情况下采取如此做法。

10、On the basis of reviewing the history of euthanasia and social welfare, the present author explores the relationship between euthanasia and social welfare from the view of theory and positivism. ─── 作者在考察安乐死与社会福利历史的基础上,从理论和实证两个维度探讨它们之间的内在关联性。

11、Sleepy all day, I do not know old age is coming, so euthanasia, and gambling is not a great regimen it? ─── 终日昏昏不知老之将至,就这样安乐死了,赌博不是一种绝佳养生法么?

12、Basically, euthanasia is not a judicial right. ─── 安乐死根本就不应当是一种私法上的权利。

13、In the vast majority of euthanasia cases, what the patient is actually asking for is something else. ─── 在大多数安乐死病例中,患者真正要求的是另一回事。

14、Euthanasia, or mercy killing, returned to the word's front pages in April as the Netherlands became the first nation to legalize the act. ─── 四月,荷兰成为第一个将“安乐死”合法化的国家,这使得“安乐死”话题再一次登上世界的头版头条。

15、Our fierce national debate over issues like abortion and euthanasia will seem tame and transparent compared with the questions that human cloning raises. ─── 与克隆人所带来的问题相比,我们国家关于堕胎和安乐死的最为激烈的论战都将变得平淡无味,容易解决。

16、People are divided on the issue of euthanasia. ─── 人们在安乐死这一问题有两种截然不同的观点。

17、In modern ethics, all debates over abortion and euthanasia are related to the definition of the concept of "person". ─── 医学伦理学中有关堕胎、安乐死问题的争论 ,都涉及“人”这个概念的定义。

18、The euthanasia legalization took one kind of value choice the tendency, has accepted gradually for the various countries' people. ─── 不过,安乐死的合法化作为一种价值选择的趋势,已逐渐为各国人们所接受。

19、Euthanasia can actually relieve dying patients from their suffering. ─── 安乐死的确能解除临终病人的痛苦。

20、Don't you know that the Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits the practice of euthanasia? ─── 你知不知道荷兰是欧洲唯一允许施行安乐死的国家。

21、Consequently, a civil law authorizing abortion or euthanasia ceases by that very fact to be a true, morally binding civil law. ─── 因此,授予堕胎或安乐死以权利的私法被道德约束终止了。

22、The right to apply for euthanasia should be authorized to the patient himself in order to guarantee the earnest and strictness of euthanasia. ─── 安乐死申请权应当局限于患者本人,由此才能保证安乐死实施的严肃性和严谨性。

23、Euthanasia is the last resort that caner patients turn to for pain relief after failure of all theropies. ─── 在所有疗法都失败后,安乐死成为癌症患者为了解除痛苦而寻求的最后办法。

24、Euthanasia is not yet legal in Japan, but given the excruciation suffering of patients with terminal cancer is terrible. ─── 安乐死在日本尚未合法,忍受癌症末期这种酷刑是很可怕的。

25、Euthanasia is a right. ─── 安乐死是一种权利。

26、In the ethical reflection on the euthanasia of the badly handicapped newborn, the teleological thoughtway is superior to deontology. ─── 在对“残婴安乐死”的伦理学理论考察中,目的论的思维向度较之义务论更具根本性和优先性。

27、Although there is a lot of movement for euthanasia legalization after the middle of the 20~(th)century,only Holland and Belgium pass the bill. ─── 二十世纪中叶后西方国家不断出现将安乐死合法化的运动,但是只有荷兰和比利时两个国家通过了法案。

28、Do you know that the Netherlands is the only country in Europe, which permits the practice of euthanasia? ─── 你知不知道荷兰是欧洲唯一施行安乐死的国家?

29、The Essence of Euthanasia: To Death or Relief? ─── 安乐死的本质:"致死"还是"安乐"?

30、Euthanasia comes from other else/ nothing but from love and sympathy for patients. ─── 安乐死不是出于别的,而是出于对垂危病人的爱与同情。

31、It has long been a hot topic whether or not should we carry out "Euthanasia" . People keep arguing about it all around the world. ─── 是否实施“安乐死”一直以来是大家讨论的热门话题。全世界的人都在争论不休。

32、Should voluntary euthanasia &physician-assisted suicide be legalized? ─── 安乐死应否合法化?

33、The order of preference of inhalant anesthetics for euthanasia is halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, methoxyflurane, and desflurane, with or without nitrous oxide. ─── 对于安乐死比较好的吸入麻醉药剂主要有:氟烷,恩氟烷,异氟烷,七氟烷,甲氧氟烷,以及地氟烷伴有或者不伴有一氧化二氮(笑气)。

34、Jodi Buckman, director of animal-protection services for the American Humane Association, said training shelter workers on proper euthanasia techniques is important. ─── 动物福利的倡导者兰迪-格里姆成了这只小狗的新主人,而且他还以美国加州著名的圣-昆廷监狱的名字给这只大难不死的小狗取名为昆廷。

35、They argued in favour of legalizing voluntary euthanasia(= people being able to ask for euthanasia themselves). ─── 他们据理力争让自愿安乐死合法化。

36、And let me start by dispelling the outlandish rumors that reform will promote euthanasia, or cut Medicaid or bring about a government takeover of health care. ─── 什么医疗改革会促进安乐死(立法),会削减医疗补助,或者说政府会接管医疗系统,都是一派胡言,让我来澄清这些谣言吧!

37、Do you know that the Netherlands is the only country in Europe that permits euthanasia? ─── 你知道不知道荷兰是欧洲唯一允许安乐死的国家?

38、Acceptable methods and agents for euthanasia of different species of animals are listed in Table: Agents and Methods of Euthanasia by Species. ─── 对于不同品种动物安乐死所合适的方法及药剂列表如下:根据品种所列的安乐药品及死方法。

39、Doctors often broach the euthanasia option to their patients, a form of pressure. ─── 医生经常会将自己就安乐死的意见讲述给病患,无形中对患者施加压力;

40、Abortion and euthanasia are, in fact, crimes that no human law can legitimize. ─── 实际上,堕胎和安乐死是任何人法都不能将其合法化的罪过。

41、Even in such secular, permissive countries as Sweden, doctors tell surveys they oppose euthanasia by large margins. ─── 即使在瑞典这样一个开化的国家,大部分的医生告诉调查者他们反对安乐死。

42、To subject(an animal) to euthanasia. ─── 使(动物)无痛苦的死亡

43、It is against the law for doctors to practise euthanasia, ie to kill patients to prevent suffering. ─── 医生施行安死术是违法的.

44、Euthanasia: individual choice or social demand? ─── 安乐死:个人的选择还是社会的要求?

45、It is against the law for doctor to practise euthanasia. ─── 医生施行安死术是违法的。

46、Once the euthanasia be made legal, there will be numerous socious problems followed, and we won't able to solve them rapidly.Moreover, it is difficult to establish a moral agent fot the euthanasia. ─── 一旦安乐死立法,随之而来的社会问题将多如牛毛,无法迅速地一一解决。而且,我们很难给安乐死设定一个道德底线。

47、Why cannot we practise euthanasia to stop the throes? ─── 为什么不能用安乐死来结束他的痛苦?

48、It is necessary to precondition the study of legality to legitimization in Euthanasia s research. ─── 安乐死“合法性”研究应是“合法化”研究的前导。否则后者很可能陷入盲目。

49、The legal toleration of abortion or euthanasia is therefore an abdication of the state's primary duty to safeguard human rights through law. ─── 因此,容忍堕胎或安乐死的法律是对于国家通过法律保护人权的基本义务的放弃。

50、In Australia- where an aging population, life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their partother states are going to consider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia. ─── 在澳大利亚--人口老龄化,延长寿命的技术和变化看的社会态度,这些因素都在发挥作用一一其他的州也会考虑制定相似的关于安乐死的法律。

51、Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortionboth of which involve taking life of a human being. ─── 也许没有什么比安乐死与流产更有争议了,因为它们都涉及人命关天的问题。

52、Decriminalization of euthanasia is actually equal to acknowledgement of people s right for death by law. ─── 安乐死合法化实际上就是法律对人的死亡权的认可。

53、The euthanasia was a dispute already long question, it involved to domains and so on philosophy, medicine, ethics, legal science. ─── 安乐死是一个争议已久的问题,它涉及到哲学、医学、伦理学、法学等领域。

54、However, the legalization of euthanasia may also bring with it problems our society has not previously faced. ─── 但是,安乐死合法化的可能也带来问题,我们的社会以前没有遇到。

55、You can use the shelter's humane euthanasia service at no charge. When the time comes, Animal Control staff will perform humane euthanasia at no charge. ─── 你可以免费使用收留所的安乐死服务。如果那个时刻来临了,动物控制组织的职员可以免费实施安乐死。

56、Euthanasia is illegal in most countries. ─── 安乐死在大多数国家被认为是非法的。

57、In a Greek watercloset he breathed his last: euthanasia. ─── 在一座希腊厕所里,他咽了最后一口气,安乐死。

58、West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to legalize any form of euthanasia for a long time to come. ─── 与之相反,西德在未来相当长的时间里都无法使任何形式的安乐死合法化。

59、Instances,euthanasia and war. ─── 举例,安乐死和战争。

60、Most patients hope by himself to die in respectful and silent, not from pain and ***. Euthanasia is the only way. ─── 大多数病入膏肓的病人们本身也想有尊严地、在平静中而不是在痛苦和屈辱中死去,安乐死是唯一可行的出路。

61、Euthanasia is a special kind of unpardonable crime in the name of charity,guilty up to the hilt! ─── 安乐死其实是一种特殊的在仁爱名义下从事的彻头彻尾的不能饶恕的罪恶。

62、Euthanasia is a thorny issue in the fields of law and ethics. ─── 安乐死是当前法学、伦理学界的共同难题。

63、Before the carcass is disposed of, death must be verified by a means appropriate to the species and the method of euthanasia. ─── 在尸体处理之前,必须对其进行仔细的检查,该检查应该与之相同品种和对应的安乐死方法想符合。

64、If we help Cassie die by euthanasia, you can be with her, hold her, talk to her and comfort her. ─── 如果我们帮它安乐死去, 你能和它在一起, 抱着它, 跟它说话, 安慰它。

65、Other states are going to consider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia. ─── 其他的州也会考虑制定相似的关于安乐死的法律。

66、In addition, euthanasia may be used by murderers. ─── 可知安乐死可能被谋杀犯利用,这是反对它的第二个理由;由。

67、A story is told of a woman whose relatives gathered in Amsterdam for her planned euthanasia. ─── 有这么一个故事,有一位妇女打算接受安乐死,因此她的亲戚们都来到了阿姆斯特丹。

68、In regard to animals, euthanasia is the act of killing an animal in a humane manner. ─── 对于动物,安乐死则是一种仁慈的杀死动物的方法。

69、Because these acts are intrinsically unjust, laws permitting abortion or euthanasia can neither be licitly obeyed nor supported or voted for. ─── 因为这些行为在本质上是非正义的,法律上允许堕胎或安乐死既不可能被合法地遵守,也不可能被支持或赞成。

70、They reflected aspects of 4 dimensions:opinion to suicide behavior,attitude to person who committed suicide or attempt suicide,attitude to family members of suicider,attitude to euthanasia. ─── 29个条目分为4个维度,分别为对自杀行为性质的态度、对自杀者(包括自杀死亡者与自杀未遂者)的态度、对自杀者家属的态度、对安乐死的态度。

71、A woman with multifction sclerosis defeats Britain Government in a lawsuit, forcing it to elaborate on laws on euthanasia. ─── 一名患有多功能硬化症的妇女打赢了一场官司,迫使英国政府阐明其在安乐死方面的法律。

72、But if we legalize euthanasia, there will be a danger someone may use it for killing. All in all, euthanasia is question we cannot dodge. ─── 但是,如果安乐死合法化,也存在一种危险------有人会利用安乐死进行谋杀.总之,安乐死是一个不能回避的问题.

73、Euthanasia does relieve the dying patients from their suffering. ─── 安乐死的确能解除临终病人的痛苦.

74、I intend to forgive those ancestors who suffered greatly due to all the karma that failed to be released due to euthanasia over time. ─── 我意愿原谅我那些因安乐死业力未被解除而随时间积累起来、故而承受严重折磨的所有祖先。

75、Demeter continued with her involvement with the medical schools of the slave civilization until she chose to end her life at the age of 4400 through euthanasia. ─── 后来德墨特尔继续进行奴隶文明中各种医学校的工作,直到4400岁选择安乐死为止。

76、Euthanasia presents varies of moral issues since it means that take active measures to end one's life. ─── 安乐死提出了很多道德问题,因为它意味着要采取主动措施结束人的生命。

77、Should euthanasia be made legal? ─── 安乐死是否应定为合法?

78、The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer. ─── 制定关于安乐死的法律已经到了不能再回避的地步。

79、The opponents hold the opinion that “Euthanasia” is inhumane and even crucial. ─── 反对者们认为安乐死不人道,甚至很残忍。

80、Our euthanasia programme is no secret. ─── 我们的安乐死项目并非什么秘密。

81、The euthanasia of the badly handicapped newborn is moral on half of the newborn themselves in theory from the angle of teleology, at the same time, the deontology often objects to the euthanasia. ─── 从目的论思维方法的角度来看,出于婴儿自身利益为优先考虑的安乐死行为具有道德合理性。而持义务论的人通常对其持反对态度。

82、Perha no i ues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion , both of which involve taking the life of a human being . ─── 也许没有问题比安乐死和人工流产更有争议性,它们都涉及结束一个人的生命。

83、If this seems to be the right choice, ask your veterinarian whether he or she will do inhome euthanasia. ─── 如果这看上去是最佳选择的话,询问兽医是否愿意进行家中安乐死。

84、But McCaughey started the rumor that this was a form of euthanasia, where old people would be forced to agree to death. ─── 然而,麦考希开始散布谣言,说这么做是安乐死的一种方式,老人将被迫同意死亡。

85、Lawful/Leagalized Euthanasia will cause to tramplate/abuse human life, because any certain kind/form of murder could be named as Euthanasia by them who do without any limits . ─── 合法化了的安乐死会招致对人类生命的践踏,因为任何形式的谋杀都会被肆无忌惮的人给方便地冠以“安乐死”的名义。

86、Euthanasia does end the suffering of dying patients. ─── 安乐死的确能解除临终病的痛苦。

87、Do you know that the Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia? ─── 你知不知道荷兰是欧洲唯一允许施行安乐死的国家。

88、The doctor refused to practice euthanasia on that terminally ill patient. ─── 医师拒绝在那位末期病人身上施行安乐死。

89、That amounts to involuntary euthanasia, which is illegal (though Belgium, like the Netherlands, has legalised euthanasia for consenting adults). ─── 基本上,那是非自愿的安乐死。




人道毁灭(Animal euthanasia),是以最低的受痛苦程度,把动物生命“人为地结束”,“euthanasia”源于希腊文,有“好的死亡”或“无痛苦的死亡”的含意,因此也有人译为动物安乐死。人道毁灭的原因一般是疾病、疯狗症、市场供过于求、优生学等。基于道德尊重的原因,人道毁灭的动物身体绝对不作食物的目的,否则如此的行为称为“宰杀”、“屠宰”,例如宰猪、宰牛、宰鸡。




Animal euthanasia






人道毁灭就是杀死它或者说让它消失。 就是当某个事物遭受苦难,选择杀死它更符合人道主义。人道毁灭(Animal euthanasia),是以最低的受痛苦程度,把动物生命“人为地结束”,“euthanasia”源于希腊文,有“好的死亡”或“无痛苦的死亡”的含意,因此也有人译为动物安乐死。

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