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09-06 投稿


overawe 发音


英:  美:

overawe 中文意思翻译



overawe 网络释义

vt. 威慑;吓住;使大感敬畏

overawe 词性/词形变化,overawe变形

动词第三人称单数: overawes |动词过去分词: overawed |动词过去式: overawed |动词现在分词: overawing |

overawe 短语词组

1、overawe syn overawe ─── 综合征

2、overawe definition ─── 总体定义

3、overawe synonym ─── 过度同义词

4、overawe def ─── 过量def

5、overawe means ─── 过度的意思是

6、overawe me ─── 把我吓坏了

7、overawe meaning ─── 超越意义

overawe 相似词语短语

1、overage ─── n.过于老化;商品过剩;人工时效过度;adj.超龄的;过老的

2、overawed ─── v.使敬畏,使胆怯

3、overbake ─── vt.过烘,烧损;烘烤过度

4、over-age ─── 超龄的;超额;过多

5、overbade ─── vt.报谎价;出价较…为高;vi.过高出价;n.高价;谎价

6、overaged ─── adj.超龄的;过老的

7、overate ─── v.吃过量(overeat的过去式)

8、overawes ─── v.使敬畏,使胆怯

9、overcame ─── v.克服(overcome的过去式)

overawe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、21 They go into caverns in the rocks and into crevices in the cliffs, From the terror of the LORD and the splendor of his majesty, when he arises to overawe the earth. ─── 以便在上主起来震撼大地的时候,逃避上主的威吓和他显赫的光辉,而隐藏在盘石的孔洞里和岩石的隙缝中。

2、19 Men will go into caves in the rocks and into holes in the earth, From the terror of the LORD and the splendor of his majesty, when he arises to overawe the earth. ─── 当上主起来震撼大地时,你们应潜入岩洞,躲在土穴中,为逃避上主的威吓和他显赫的光辉。

3、district cooperation can overawe across the area drug dealers 'organization. ─── 区域协作可对跨区毒贩组织形成威慑。

4、They tried to overawe others by displaying their strength before the volleyball match but finally they failed. ─── 他们企图在排球赛前先声夺人,结果事与愿违。

5、intimidate by show and appearance: overawe with pretense. ─── 以声势威吓。

6、At that time, Persia liked to show off financial and physical resources by the way of displaying his finance, so as to overawe neighboring countries. ─── 当时的波斯国王以陈列财务来炫耀本国的财力物力,以威慑邻国。

7、Truth does not strike a pose to overawe people but talks and ACTS honestly and sincerely. ─── 凡真理都不装样子吓人,它只是老老实实地说下去和做下去。

8、It was autumn, 1541.Following the uncovering of a plot against his throne in Yorkshire, King Henry VIII has set out on a spectacular Progress to the North to overawe his rebellious subjects there. ─── 1541年的秋天,随着在约克郡图反王权阴谋的暴露,国王亨利八世发起了声势浩大的御驾亲征,前往北方镇压叛党。

9、We should do our work honestly, take an analytical approach, write convincingly and never strike a pose to overawe people. ─── 我们应该老老实实地办事,对事物有分析,写文章有说服力,不要靠装腔作势来吓人。

10、We should do our work honestly, take an analytical approach, write convincingly and never strike a pose to overawe people ─── 我们应该老老实实地办事,对事物有分析,写文章有说服力,不要靠装腔作势来吓人。

11、We know best what they say; and thou art not one to overawe them by force. So admonish with the Qur'an such as fear My Warning! ─── 我全知他们所说的谰言,你不能强制他们,故你应当以《古兰经》教诲畏惧我的警告的人们。

12、5.The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant and to make the gulf between poverty and success seem both wide and deep. ─── 都市的整个中心区域带着一种高不可攀的神气,仿佛故意要叫一前来找职业的人感到惶恐不安,故意要使贫富之间的鸿沟加宽加深。

13、Truth does not strike a pose to overawe people but talks and acts honestly and sincerely. ─── 凡真理都不装样子吓人,它只是老老实实地说下去和做下去。

14、They tried to overawe others by displaying their strength before the volleyball match but finally they failed. ─── 他们企图在排球赛前先声夺人,结果事与愿违。

15、The district cooperation can overawe across the area drug dealers'organization. ─── 区域协作可对跨区毒贩组织形成威慑。

16、To overawe alarmingly ─── 咄咄逼人

17、If you could but visit them as some souls have, the feeling of utter contentment and peace would overawe you. ─── 如果你能够像一些灵魂已经做过的那样拜访他们,全然的“满足感”与“和平”将震住你。

18、Although it can not solve the security problem fundamentally, it can overawe criminal in some degree,and it may provide some important clue after things happened. ─── 虽然说不能根本上去解决安全问题,但是对犯罪份子有一定的威慑作用,更重要的是能够借助录像资料多提供了线索。

19、The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant. ─── 整个市中心区有着一种高傲的神气,好像故意要让一些前来寻找职业的普通人感到惶恐不安。

20、If a future Chinese government decides to use the string of new ports as naval bases, this does not necessarily mean Beijing is out to intimidate its neighbours and overawe the region. ─── 如果未来的中国政府决定利用新建的港口作为海军基地,不一定意味着北京要威胁邻国或称霸一方。

21、The entire metropolitan centre possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant, and to make the gulf between poverty and success seem both wide and deep. ─── 整个都市中心显出一种财大气粗,高不可攀的气势,为的是让那些普通的求职者望而生畏,不敢问津,也为的是让贫富之间的鸿沟显得又宽又深。

22、It is this advantage that gives the nuclear weapon the power to overawe. ─── 正是这个优势赋予了核武器威慑力量。

23、Writing long-winded and empty articles may be set down to immaturity, but striking a pose to overawe people is not merely immature but downright knavish. ─── 装腔作势,借以吓人,则不但是幼稚,简直是无赖了。

24、overawe a person into submission ─── 恐吓某人使其屈服

25、Truth does not strike a pose to overawe people but talks and acts honestly and sincerely. ─── 凡真理都不装样子吓人,它只是老老实实地说下去和做下去。

26、The statistics still have the power to overawe us. ─── 数字仍然有力量吓住我们。

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