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08-23 投稿


incessantly 发音


英:  美:

incessantly 中文意思翻译



incessantly 短语词组

1、incessantly verb ─── 连动动词

2、incessantly synonym ─── 同义词

3、incessantly loud ─── 不停地大声

4、communicate incessantly ─── 不停地交流

5、incessantly definition ─── 不断定义

6、incessantly define ─── 不断定义

7、incessantly antonym ─── 反义词不断

8、incessantly defined ─── 不断定义

9、incessantly busy ─── 忙个不停

incessantly 反义词


incessantly 词性/词形变化,incessantly变形

名词: incessancy |副词: incessantly |

incessantly 同义词

continual | unremitting | infinite | unending | nonstop | uninterrupted | constant | relentless | persistent | ceaseless | continuous | endless | unceasing | steady | unbroken | never-ending | perpetual

incessantly 相似词语短语

1、conversantly ─── 熟悉地

2、inconsonantly ─── 不协调地

3、talk incessantly ─── 喋喋不休

4、incessantness ─── n.不间断

5、instantly ─── adv.立即地;马上地;即刻地;conj.一…就…

6、successantly ─── 成功

7、incessant ─── adj.不断的;不停的;连续的

8、inconstantly ─── adv.易变地

9、incessancy ─── n.持续不断;频繁性

incessantly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sing the Batman theme incessantly. ─── 不间断地唱《蝙蝠人》的主题曲。

2、It is chiefly insects which, from incessantly harassing and weakening the elephant in India, check its increase. ─── 主要地是昆虫不断袭扰和削弱印度象而抑制了它的增殖。

3、He went on chipping away incessantly, and for the first time with some success. ─── 他不断地钻空子,这是他第一次得手。

4、Ralf is finally rescued as he wished, but he feels extremely sad. He weeps incessantly for the fall of humanity of his friends. . . ─── 拉尔夫最终实现了他被拯救的愿望,但他却感到异常悲痛,为同伴们人性的沦丧而不停地哭泣……

5、Frankly, since you are paying him to clean an unused car, incessantly, and he isn't doing it, any change is likely to be an improvement. ─── 坦白的说,因为你一直付他钱去清洁一辆不用的车,而他没有清洁,任何改变都会是改进。

6、On the 80-mile drive to our home, I talked incessantly while he quietly listened, without interrupting. ─── 在开车80英里回我们家的路上,我不停地说这说那,而他只是静静地听着,并不打断我的话。

7、She always can look for the point what makes to be busy incessantly of oneself. ─── 她总是能找点什么事使自己忙个不停。

8、A newsboy selling newspaper: 'sell reported that the sale was "shouting incessantly. ─── 卖报的报童:‘卖报,卖报”的喊声不绝于耳。

9、"Chatter:To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects; jabber ." ─── 不停地谈:急快地、不停地谈论琐事;急促含糊地说.

10、incessantly complain to high heaven ─── 叫苦连天

11、His eyes leaked continuously with excitement, and when I took the bag and umbrella from his hands he began to pull so incessantly at his sparse gray beard that I had difficulty in getting off his coat. ─── 他激动得眼泪不住地往下流,我从他手里把旅行包和雨伞接过来时,他不停地伸手去拉他那摄稀稀的花白胡须。 我好不容易才帮他脱下了大衣。

12、Her tongue was incessantly scolding. ─── 她嘴里不断地骂人。

13、Incessantly practicing sanctified Pararnitas, so as Bodhi-citta is not neglected nor lost, and with total eradication of defilements, all lofty endeavors may thus be consummated. ─── 勤修清净波罗密,恒不忘失菩提心,灭除障垢无有余,一切妙行皆成就。

14、He would talk incessantly if you give him a litle encouragement. ─── 你只要稍微鼓动他一下,他就会滔滔不绝地说。

15、Even in common life, if I assign a cause for any event; is it any objection, Philo, that I cannot assign the cause of that cause, and answer every new question, which may incessantly be started? ─── 即使在日常生活中,如果我要确定任何一个事件的原因,我无法再去确定那个原因的成因,无法去解决每个不断出现的新问题;

16、You have probably come across "mad" people in the street incessantly talking or muttering to themselves. ─── 大概你在街上遇到过不断说过不停或喃喃自语的”疯子“。

17、The March morning was bleak and dull, and a drizzling rain fell incessantly, obscuring the landscape, and blotting out the distance. ─── 三月的早晨是萧瑟而阴郁的,浙浙沥沥的细雨下个不停,弄得景物模糊,远近也看不分明。

18、She was a hyperactive first lady, masterminding a gigantic plan for overhauling America's health-care system, intervening incessantly in policy debates and visiting more than80 countries. ─── 她是一位极为活跃的第一夫人,策划一个庞大的计划来改造美国的医疗保健系统,从未间断参加政策的辩论并出访了超过八十个国家。

19、Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces, drinking tea incessantly from silver trays full of scones and crumpets. ─── 她就像坐在炉火熊熊的壁炉前的女人,不时从装满蛋糕和松脆饼的银盘中取东西喝。

20、Whether the Annanuki in present time be female or male, generally they take from oneself incessantly and perhaps even to the point of manifesting a disease or other life travesty. ─── 不管Anu在现今是男性还是女性,通常他们会不间断地吸食一个人使其甚至陷入疾病或其他生命悲剧。

21、He gazed incessantly beyond this world through these fatal breaches, and beheld only darkness. ─── 他从那无法补救的缺口不停地望着这世界的外面,而所见的只是一片黑暗。

22、To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects;jabber. ─── 不停地谈急快地、不停地谈论琐事;

23、Our company has the ability of professional devise and professional manufacture, and we will show you new products incessantly so that the buyer has the more choices. ─── 专业的研发实力和专业的生产能力,不断推出新品,使买家有更多更好的选择。

24、The doctrines of learning: 1. learning from work, working after learning; 2. action over words, practice over learning; 3. to learn incessantly, to learn from your competitors. ─── 学习的方法:1.工作中学习,学习后工作;2.做比说重要,习比学有效;3.人要不断地学习,向对手学习。

25、Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces, drinking tea incessantly from silver trays full of scones and crumpets. ─── 她就像坐在炉火熊熊的壁炉前的女人,不时从装满蛋糕和松脆饼的银盘中取东西喝。

26、We stitched incessantly. ─── 我们缝个不停。

27、He had awakened from his torpor altogether off his head, and was inclined to be violent, babbling incessantly about some boat-race on the Cam. ─── 他已从昏迷状态中醒了过来,但神志不清,脾气暴躁,不断地念叨什么在剑河上赛船的事情。

28、Rudy incessantly regretted what does emerge from this plot? ─── 后悔不迭的鲁迪该怎样摆脱这场阴谋呢?

29、Her thick blond hair, which was inclined to wave, and which easily uncoiled, and which it was necessary to fasten up incessantly, seemed made for the flight of Galatea under the willows. ─── 一头蓬松的黄发,偏偏喜欢飘舞,容易披散,不时需要整理,仿佛是为使垂杨下的仙女遮羞而生的。

30、To pester or annoy persistently or incessantly. ─── 使苦恼,烦扰经常不断地打扰或烦扰

31、Just listen, cicadas in the trees cried incessantly, as if to say "dead heat, heat is dead. ─── 你听,知了在树上不停地叫着,好像在说“热死了、热死了”。

32、By dint of slaving incessantly from morning till night she managed to keep her home fairly comfortable. ─── 她一天忙到晚,把家里弄得相当舒服。

33、" the driver's happy incessantly, glibly agrees. ─── 司机乐之不迭,满口答应。

34、Based upon the spirit of“ solidarity, exploration, diligence, and pragmatism”, our company will incessantly win customer's trust and support by first class service to enlarge ourselves in ever fierce market competition. ─── 公司本着“团结开拓、业务实”的企业精神,以优质的服务,不段赢得用户的信赖和支持,在激烈的市场竞争中日益壮大。

35、To repeat incessantly, as a cuckoo does its call. ─── 咕咕叫,学杜鹃叫象杜鹃叫一样不停地重复

36、Thus the present incessantly reinvents the past. ─── 因此,现今总是不停地再造过去。

37、When summer came on, he elected to sweat out a hot and dusty existence in the city and to toil incessantly. ─── 一到夏天,他反而喜欢在城里挥汗度过酷热的、污浊的生活,劳苦不休。

38、Also imagine that no matter how rude, unhappy, irritated, or ornery the voices are on the other end of the line, these young Indians are incessantly and unfailingly polite. ─── 也可以设想不管电话那头的声音多么粗鲁、不悦、恼怒或争吵,这些年轻的印度人不倦的保持礼貌。

39、So do they seek,reveal and develop incessantly the truth that guides their advance from practice and by comparison in their historical activities. ─── 人民也总是从历史活动的实践和比较中,不断寻找、揭示和发展指导自己前进的真理。

40、It is the task of every educator to incessantly accommodate themselves to the needs of social development and the students' change, ceaselessly deepen teaching innovation and update education conception. ─── 不断适应社会发展变化的需要,适应学生变化的需要,不断深化教学改革、新教育观念是每个教育工作者永恒的课题。

41、The toddler had just learned to walk, and he ran about incessantly. ─── 他刚会走路,一刻不停地要乱跑;

42、The position appeared by no means to please him, however, with an increasing rabble surrounding the coach, deriding him, making grimaces at him, and incessantly groaning and calling out: 'Yah! ─── 可是他的处境似乎并不叫他高兴。 马车周围的人越来越多,他们嘲弄他,对他装鬼脸,还不时地起哄大叫,“呀!

43、It have modern high-technology into exercise to incessantly crate, It is committed to researching, dev- eloping and designing air conditioning purificarory system at all times. ─── 为中国电子学会洁净技术分会会员,是国内一家技术力量雄厚,配套全面的空气净化、 彩钢结构专业生产厂家,近年来销售在3000万以上,是苏州净化行业的标杆企业。

44、lTo incessantly communicate with all distributors in order to understand their problems or demands. ─── 与经销商不断保持沟通以理解他们的问题与需求.

45、"It was talked about incessantly for two or three weeks amongst everyone," Skiles said. ─── “它在人们之间持续不断的被谈论的2-3个星期,”斯凯尔斯说。

46、To Enhance the Enterprise Innovation Ability Incessantly to Realize the Leaping Development of the Company Diligently ─── 不断提高企业创新力努力实现公司跳跃式发展

47、Rubbish short messages have made the mobile phone users complain incessantly. ─── 垃圾短信使手机用户叫苦不迭。

48、He kept up his chatter on the way to the farm, not always brilliantly, but incessantly ─── 去农庄的路上他一直不停地讲话,虽然没有什么出众的见解,倒也是滔滔不绝。

49、She was incessantly tossing her head to keep the dark heavy hair out of her gleaming black eyes. ─── 她不停地晃着脑袋,不让那又黑又厚的头发遮住她那双闪闪发光的黑眼睛。

50、People pressed incessantly for the Government to take decisive action to fight graft. ─── 公众人士不断向政府施压,要求采取果断行动,打击贪污。

51、At this task she laboured incessantly for some time, finding relief from her own nervous fears and imaginings in the humdrum, mechanical movement of the machine. ─── 她这么手脚不停地干了一会儿。 在机器的单调刻板运动中,她的心情松弛了一点,不再提心吊胆,紧张不安了。

52、Once again, Bolt clowned incessantly before the race. ─── 博尔特再一次跑在了最前头.

53、His unpopularity comes of his talking incessantly ─── 他不受欢迎是他多嘴多舌的结果。

54、Almost incessantly they would hear noise, as in background noise in a busy room with activity of people and machinery. ─── 他们几乎不间断地听到噪音,就象在一间忙碌的充满着人和机械活动的房间里的背景噪音。

55、She complained incessantly. ─── 她没完没了地抱怨。

56、Thus the present incessantly reinvents the past.In this sense, all history, as Benedetto Croce said, is contemporary history. ─── 在这种意义上,所有的历史,正如克罗齐所说,都是当代的历史。

57、He washed, waxed and incessantly detailed it as if it, alone, was symbolic of his success. ─── 他给它清洗、打蜡、不厌其烦地夸耀它,彷佛这部车子就是他成功的标志。

58、To bend someone's ear: to talk to someone incessantly ─── 与某人喋喋不休;与某人没完没了地谈

59、To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects; jabber. ─── 不停地谈急快地、不停地谈论琐事;急促含糊地说

60、He never inquired about him, but he thought of him incessantly. ─── 他从不探听他的消息,却又随时在想他。

61、You jab your forehead incessantly with a pen in the hope that this will encourage some sort of intelligent thought to flow from your brain to the paper via your biro. ─── 你不停地用笔戳着前额,仿佛这样就能从大脑中汲取一些灵感,让它顺着圆珠笔流淌到卷面上似的。

62、Frankly, since you are paying him to clean an unused car, incessantly, and he isn’t doing it, any change is likely to be an improvement. ─── 坦白的说,因为你一直付他钱去清洁一辆不用的车,而他没有清洁,任何改变都会是改进。

63、Supply chain and its management adapt to this need ,at the same time,with incessantly exhibiting its competitive advantage and superiority of enterprise. ─── 为适应新的竞争环境的要求,供应链的思想和管理模式开始兴起,并不断表现出巨大的竞争力和优越性。

64、Odom has joked incessantly about his tackling ability, or lack thereof, since the NBA announced his punishment at midweek. ─── NBA的宣布他的处罚之后奥多姆曾开玩笑说他缺乏控制自己的能力。

65、the grand staircase, I say, trickled incessantly into the place, like a cascade into a lake. ─── 这样,我说呀,那道大台阶有如淌水,不断注入广场,好似一道飞瀑泻入湖泊一般。

66、She may lick incessantly, bark or growl at her puppies or lie on her tummy refusing to allow them to nurse. ─── 它可能会不断地舔舐幼犬,或是冲它们吠叫,咆哮,又或者将它们让小狗躺在它的肚子上,拒绝喂食。

67、But the suspension experiment must be incessantly repeated and be plentifully investigated to acquire the suitabler controller. ─── 但是,为了获得合适的控制器,这种悬浮实验又必须不断的重复,进行大量的研究。

68、He heard the bullets whizzing over him incessantly, and continually the soldiers moaned and fell to the right and left of him. ─── 他听见上空的子弹不停地呼啸,他的左右两旁的士兵不住地呻吟,一个个都倒下来。

69、China Mobile attained the wonderful success,which is the high technologic company in Telecom Industry in China,with the broad future and incessantly growing customers. ─── 中国移动通信作为我国电信业中技术含量高,市场前景广阔,用户需求不断增长的通信专业,更是取得了举世瞩目的成就。

70、One white, plump leg was incessantly moving with a rapid, spasmodic twitching. ─── 一条雪白的大粗腿快速不停地、像发疟疾似的抖动着。

71、America's eventual supremacy has been predicated incessantly. ─── 他们一再预言,美国终将称雄于世。

72、On one hand they have agreed to refrain from millitary action on the border but on the other hand they are violating it incessantly. ─── 他们一方面同意限制在(中印)边境的军事活动,但另一方面他们却不断地增加了边境侵扰。

73、Tesla puzzled incessantly about how to make a spark-free motor as he pursued his studies in Graz and then in Prague. ─── 在格拉茨与后来在布拉格求学时,特士拉便不停地思索要如何做出不会迸出火花的马达。

74、To Strengthen Management and Sound Working for Incessantly Promoting Power Reliability Level ─── 加强管理,扎实工作,不断提高供电可靠性水平

75、Dee talked incessantly about herself. ─── 迪伊滔滔不绝地谈论她自己。

76、Reflections from Economics on Meeting Incessantly the Most People's Fundamental Interests ─── 不断满足最广大人民根本利益的经济学思考

77、If the philosopher succeeds in fixing, for a moment, for purposes of observation, this language which is incessantly evaporating, he falls into doleful and useful meditation. ─── 一个从事哲学的人,如果能有一段时间来研究这种不断消失的语言,他便会落在苦痛而有益的沉思里。

78、All of us roar like bears And moan incessantly like doves; We look eagerly for justice, but there is none, For salvation, but it is far from us. ─── 11我们都咆哮如熊,不住哀鸣如鸽子;指望公平,却没有公平;指望救恩,救恩却远离我们。

79、They have to tread on the sand incessantly ─── 只要用脚不停地踩沙滩

80、He set out at a very hasty pace through the fields, taking whatever roads and paths presented themselves to him, without perceiving that he was incessantly retracing his steps. ─── 他在田亩中仓皇乱窜,不问大路小路,遇着就走,也不觉得他老在原处兜圈子。

81、Let us build up the body of Christ, to unite in loving fellowship, to grow incessantly in His grace, and to live the ever abundant life He has promised His followers ! ─── 但最大的心愿是:让我们一同在这里建立基督的身体,又在彼此相爱的联系和团契中,得著更丰盛的生命,并在恩典中不断长进!

82、And yet you incessantly stand on your head-- Do you think, at your age, it is right? ─── 可你老是头朝下倒立着,像你这把年纪,这合适吗?

83、Stop putting yourself down, and quit incessantly confessing your tiny flaws.Learn to highlight your positive attributes and the world will learn to see and celebrate them with you. ─── 不要小瞧自己,不要不停地自责自己的小缺点,要学会强调自己正面的品质和优点,这样周围的人会看在眼里,并和你一起庆贺。

84、The history of philosophical thought is the process of philosophical language creation,in which philosophical concepts,lexical content and the ways of expression are incessantly developing. ─── 哲学思维的发展史是哲学语言不断创新的历史,是哲学概念、语词的内容与表达方式不断更新的历史。

85、In order to confront Iran, Reagan and Bush administrations had incessantly backed Saddam Hussein regardless of his suppressing the Kurd and developing NBC weapons. ─── 为了对抗伊朗,雷根和布希政府更长期支持伊拉克海珊政权,放任他们发展核生化武器和镇压库德族人。

86、My life at university is inseparable from the cigarette, which I smoked incessantly while reading, watching movies, arguing, falling in love, conspiring or attempting to write. ─── 大学时随时随地我烟不离手:看书、看电影、聊天、吃饭、睡觉,谈恋爱及写作之前的构思我都在抽烟。

87、A recent survey of the effects of noise revealed (surprisingly?) that dogs barking incessantly in the night rated the highest form of noise pollution on a scale ranging from 1 to 7. ─── 参考翻译:最近一个有关噪音的作用的调查(令人吃惊地)指出,夜间连续不断的狗叫声,在一个从1级至7级刻度表上应列为最严重的噪间污染。

88、Try to imagine that when she tracked and monitored you for a whole day incessantly nothing is impossible (she said so). ─── 试着想象当她在一整天里不间断的跟踪和监视你,没有什么是不可能(她说到)。

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