pilotage 发音
英: 美:
pilotage 中文意思翻译
pilotage 短语词组
1、outward pilotage ─── [经] 出港引水费
2、pilotage act ─── 引航法
3、pilotage dues ─── [经] 领航费, 引水费
4、pilotage book ─── 引航手册
5、inward pilotage ─── [经] 进港引水费
6、compulsory pilotage ─── 强制引水
7、Pilotage Charts Low Level ─── 引航图表低水平
8、pilotage rh ─── 引航rh
9、pilotage cost ─── 引航费
10、pilotage tariff ─── [经] 领航费价目表
11、pilotage duty ─── 引航工作
12、pilotage llc ─── 领航有限责任公司
13、pilotage certificate ─── 领航员证书
14、pilotage inwards ─── [经] 领航入港, 领港费
15、pilotage rc ─── 引航rc
pilotage 相似词语短语
1、helotage ─── 直升机
2、pilot tape ─── 引导带
3、Pinotage ─── n.品乐塔吉
4、pilotweed ─── 毛呢
5、plottage ─── n.一块地皮的面积
6、pillage ─── v.(尤指在战争中)掠夺,抢劫;n.(尤指在战争中)掠夺,抢劫;掠夺物
7、flotage ─── n.浮力;漂浮;漂浮物
8、pilferage ─── n.偷盗,行窃;赃物
9、potage ─── n.浓汤,肉汤
pilotage 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Holiday: Ship's working is still normal(24 hours) during holiday but some overtime charges will be occurred i.e.: Pilotage (50%), tallying 100% not including 50% night charge), discharging etc. ─── 节假日:船舶作业一般在节假日期间24小时正常作业,但会产生加班费用,如引航(50%)、理货(100%,不含50%夜班加班费)、卸货等。
2、contact pilotage ─── 触针
3、The enforcement of compulsory pilotage shall be stipulated by MOTC by order. ─── 强制引水之实施,由交通部以命令定之。
4、pilotage dues ─── [经] 领航费, 引水费
5、domestic and foreign ship pilotage, sea cargo and passenger transportation and logistics services. ─── 国内外船舶进出港引航、水路货物和旅客运输、物流服务等。
6、pilotage inwards ─── 入港领港费领航入港费
7、8 An additional pilotage due of $3500 shall be payable for any pilotage service performed, where a pilot is required to board a ship or disembark from a ship at Tolo Harbour. (L. ─── 8.凡领港员被要求在吐露港登船或离船,须就所提供的领港服务支付$3500的额外领港费。
8、{0>Vessels navigating in the compulsory pilotage districts may designate or hire pilots on the long-term basis as approved by the local shipping administration authority. ─── 在强制引水区域之航行船舶,经当地航政主管机关核准,得指定或雇用长期引水人。
9、Research of Port Pilotage System Based on AIS ─── 基于AIS的港口船舶引航系统的研究
10、To the end of 2004, pilotage system reform is placed schedule. ─── 至2004年底,引航体制改革被摆上议事日程。
11、Pilotage plays a very important role in implementation of the open-door policy and promotion of harbor and shipping economy in China. ─── 引航在我国对外开放、促进港航经济持续快速发展方面起着十分重要的作用。
12、Compulsory pilotage: All ships with foreign nationalities and ships with Chinese nationalities required by competent authority to be piloted. ─── 强制引航:所有外国籍船舶和主管机关规定应当申请引航的中国籍船舶。
13、Lunar Pilotage System ─── 月球地标领航系统
14、No, I do not require pilot-i am the holder of Pilotage Exemption Certificate. ─── 不,我船不要引航员,我持有引航豁免证书。
15、The pilot of control stand of Shanghai harbor pilotage gave the work of hardships for this, be known as " trailbreaker " . ─── 上海港引航治理站的引航员为此付出了艰辛的劳动 ,被誉为“开路先锋”。
16、aeronautical pilotage chart ─── 航空导航图
17、Accordingly, can say pilotage basically is exercise of haven safe production to provide a service namely. ─── 因此,可以说引航主要就是为港口安全生产作业提供服务。
18、Pilotage Provisions for Vessels of Foreign Nationality Navigating in Songhua River for Trial Implementation ─── 外国籍船舶在松花江水域引航规定试行
19、inward pilotage ─── 进口引航
20、Note:N0.1 Pilotage and Quarantine Anchorage and the Shelter Anchorage are available for vessels of less than 500 gross tonnage or those approved by the competent authority; ─── 注:烟台港第一引航检疫锚地和避风锚地供500总吨以下的船舶和经主管机关批准的船舶锚泊;
21、pilotage certificate ─── 引航证
22、Maritime casualties through Bosporus depends on many factors such as special geographical condition,lack of visibility sea and weather condition,human errors(the pilotage),technical unavailability,and ship traffic density etc. ─── 博斯普鲁斯海峡的海上事故取决于很多因素,包括特殊的地理条件、海洋和天气条件下可见性缺乏、人为错误(领航)、技术无效性,以及海峡交通密度等。
23、Then, the paper analyses and forecast the demands for pilotage in further. ─── 之后对天津港到港船舶以及未来的引航需求进行了分析和预测。
24、There are 83 licensed pilots who provide pilotage services through a private company. ─── 本港现有83名持有执照的领港员,透过一家私人公司提供领航服务。
25、pilotage area ─── 引航区域
26、{0>4.The pilot rejects the requirement for piloting service without due reasons, or does not render the service after receiving the requirement, or misapplies rates and charges for pilotage. ─── 四引水人无正当理由拒绝招请,或已应招请而不领航,或已领航而滥收引水费者。
27、At last the paper gives out the risk control options and recommendations which are very useful to the ship pilotage safety. ─── 最后,通过对船舶引航过程中各危险因素进行风险评估,给出风险控制方案,并提出减小引航风险的决策建议,对引航安全有一定的指导意义。
28、Pilotage system ─── 引航系统
29、radar pilotage ─── 雷达引航
30、pilotage outwards ─── 出港引航费
31、The pilot rejects the requirement for piloting service without due reasons, or does not render the service after receiving the requirement, or misapplies rates and charges for pilotage. ─── 四引水人无正当理由拒绝招请,或已应招请而不领航,或已领航而滥收引水费者。
32、Tactical Pilotage Chart ─── 战术地表领航图
33、Handling the procedures for the entry and exit ports for ships, contacting for and arranging for pilotage, berthing and port handling; ─── 办理船舶进出港口手续,联系安排引航、靠泊和装卸;
34、under the pilotage of ... ─── 由 ...引航
35、While haven production exercise is improving efficiency, each link that still need whole production process cooperate cheek by jowl, among them pilotage is a very important segment. ─── 港口生产作业在提高效率的同时,还需要整个生产程序的各个环节紧密配合,其中引航是一个非常重要的环节。
36、In addition, the Port Operations Committee is concerned with the operational needs of the ports and the Pilotage Advisory Committee advises on all matters relating to marine pilotage services. ─── 港口行动事务委员会,负责提供港口运作需要方面的意见;领港事务咨询委员会,负责提供一切领港事务方面的意见;
37、pilotage fee ─── 引航费
38、Need before a few years because of what make a task, I still spent dot time to pilotage, did dot research. ─── 前几年因为搞课题的需要,我对引航还是化了点功夫,做了点研究。
39、Article 4 The division and alteration of the pilotage districts shall be stipulated by MOTC. ─── 第4条 (引水区域之划分变更)引水区域之划分或变更,由交通部定之。
40、How many tugs assist pilotage? ─── 几艘拖船协助引航?
41、If a maritime traffic accident happens in the course of pilotage, the pilot shall submit the Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents to the local harbour superintendency administration within 24 hours after his return to the harbour. ─── 三)引航员在引领船舶的过程中发生海上交通事故,应当在返港后24小时内向当地港务监督提交《海上交通事故报告书》。
42、Comprehensively enhance the ability of enterprises to create, and marketing capacity, design capacity, a trend of rapid development of enterprises, Chengfengpolang, pilotage future! ─── 全面提升企业的创造能力、行销能力、设计能力,形成企业飞速发展趋势,乘风破浪、领航未来!
43、The specific measures for pilotage shall be prescribed by the administrative department of communications under the State Council. ─── 引航的具体办法由国务院交通主管部门规定。
44、Keywords Waterway transportation;Accident;Prevention;Human error;pilotage; ─── 水路运输;事故;预防;人为失误;引航;
45、pilotage water ─── 引水区
47、To prevent accidents involving pilotage by raising the overall qualification of captains ─── 提高船长综合素质预防引航事故发生
48、Fielded since 2005, the M-TADS/PNVS, also known as Arrowhead, provides Apache pilots advanced pilotage and targeting capability when conducting day, night and adverse-weather missions. ─── 自2005年部署以来,M-TADS/PNVS被称为“箭头”系统,可以向阿帕奇直升机飞行员提供先进的导航和瞄准能力,可以在昼夜以及不利的天气情况下执行任务。
49、Regulation for the Work of Pilotage ─── 引航工作条例
50、Pilotage is not compulsory. ─── 引航是非强制的。
51、The Director of Marine is the authority regulating and monitoring the pilotage service. He achieves this through the assistance of the Pilotage Advisory Committee. ─── 海事处处长为领港事务监督,由领港事务咨询委员会协助,负责规管并监察领航服务。
52、Stockholm arrival and departure times are limited by daylight pilotage. ─── 由于领航时间的限制,邮轮只能在白天停靠和驶离斯德哥尔摩。
53、Mean, reform of pilotage management system leaves eventually rest period, quicken to target sprint. ─── 意味着,引航治理体制改革终于离别休眠期,加速向目标冲刺。
54、Provisions Concerning the Work of Pilotage in Sea Port ─── 海港引航工作规定
55、1.If the engagement of a pilot is cancelled within 1 hour before the last stated time of requirement, a pilotage due of $3500 shall be payable. (L. ─── 1.如在所述明的最后一次需要领港的时间前1小时内取消领港员的聘用,则须支付$3500的领港费。
56、Not compulsory pilotage, but get the best pilot the ship to help the pilot with navigation station contact Mercedes Kong. ─── 不强制引航,但大船最好获得领航员的帮助,引航可与梅塞德斯港领航站联系。
57、I am holder of pilotage exemption Certificate ─── 我有引航免除证书
58、The specific measures for pilotage shall be formulated by the competent department of communications under the State Council. ─── 引航的具体办法由国务院交通主管部门规定。
59、The result from the two modals is consistent which shows the practice of the RMBAV in pilotage risk assessment. ─── 用该模型分析所得的结论与事故树分析所得结论基本一致,也进一步说明了本模型在船舶引航风险评估中的适用性。
60、Night Vision Pilotage System ─── 夜视领航系统
61、Disperse according to pilotage flow, " Chan Bing fights " characteristic, begin in pilot " a pilot is mouth of a fenestella " activity. ─── 并根据引航流动分散、“单兵作战”的特点 ,在引航员中开展“一个引航员就是一个小窗口”活动。
62、3.If the engagement of a pilot is altered more than twice then an additional pilotage due of $300 shall be payable for the third and each subsequent alteration. ─── 3.如领港员的聘用更改超过两次,则须就第三次及其后的每次更改,支付$300的额外领港费。
63、Not compulsory pilotage, but the pilot made the best help available in the small island of high sodium pilot. ─── 不强制引航,但最好取得引航帮助,在小高纳岛可获得引航。
64、The Director of Marine is the authority regulating and monitoring the pilotage service. ─── 海事处处长为领港事务监督,由领港事务谘询委员会协助,负责规管并监察领航服务。
65、free pilotage ─── 自由引航
66、Nigh Navigation and Pilotage ─── 夜间导航与领航
67、Our goal: the world of jewelry equipment and materials pilotage; ─── 我们的目标:全世界饰品设备与材料的领航者;
68、compulsory pilotage ─── 强制导航
69、Combined Operations Pilotage Party ─── 联合作战领航组
70、(ii) port, canal and other waterway dues and pilotage dues; ─── 港口、运河及其他水道费用以及引航费用;
71、pilotage form ─── 引航签证单
72、Advanced Helicopter Pilotage ─── 先进直升机领港
73、Pilotage regards a of shipping group important economy as one of activities, want sermon camp of course. ─── 引航作为航运界的一个重要的经济活动之一,当然要讲经营。
74、navigation by pilotage ─── 地标导航
75、Song Dexing of waterborne department director points out the the Ministry of Communication, opportunity of reform of pilotage management system is already at present mature. ─── 交通部水运司司长宋德星指出,目前引航治理体制改革时机已经成熟。
76、Article 22 Pilots shall perform pilotage service within the designated pilotage district. ─── 第22条 (引水人执行领航业务之范围)引水人应于指定引水区域内,执行领航业务。
77、Pilotage refers to the guidance of vessels entering or leaving ports or sailing in certain areas on rivers and territorial seas ─── 引航是指引领船舶进出港口,或在江河内海一定区域航行。
78、ship pilotage ─── 船舶引航
79、outward pilotage ─── 出口引航
80、dowel pilotage ─── 合缝销两头尖销
81、Pilotage and Quarantine Anchorage NO. ─── 第二引航检疫锚地。
82、Pilotage Charts Low Level ─── 低空领航
83、The master rejects to hire a pilot or to allow apprentice pilots to board the vessel, or forces a pilot to perform service beyond the pilotage district without due reasons. ─── 五船长无正当理由拒用引水人,或拒绝携带学习引水人上船,或强迫引水人逾越引水区域执行业务者。
84、Vessel pilotage monitor system design and implementation ─── 港口引航及监控系统的设计
86、2.If the engagement of a pilot is altered within 2 to 3 hours of the last stated time of requirement, an additional pilotage due of $300 shall be payable. ─── 2.如在最后一次述明需要领港员的时间前2至3小时内更改领港员的聘用,则须支付$300的额外领港费。
87、The biggest difference between the knowledge pilotage's knowledge management and other sectors' is the specific knowledge management services. ─── 知识领航是图书馆进行知识管理与其它行业进行知识管理的最大不同之处,是知识管理的具体服务。
88、Compulsive pilotage attributes national boat advantageous position. ─── 强制引航属于国家航权。
89、Treaty Text and Practice: the Loss of Pilotage Right at the Port of Shanghai in Late Qing Dynasty ─── 条约文本与实践:晚清上海港引水权的丧失
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