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09-15 投稿


busby 发音

英:['bʌzbɪ]  美:['bʌzbi]

英:  美:

busby 中文意思翻译



busby 网络释义

n. 毛皮制高帽子n. (Busby)人名;(英)巴斯比

busby 词性/词形变化,busby变形

名词复数: busbies |

busby 短语词组

1、busby architects ─── 巴斯比建筑师事务所

2、busby montana county ─── 蒙大拿州巴斯比县

3、busby hat ─── 巴斯比帽

4、busby youtube channel ─── 巴斯比youtube频道

5、busby berkeley ─── 巴斯比伯克利。

6、busby vs triana ─── 巴斯比vs特里亚纳

7、Matt Busby n. ─── 马特·巴斯比

8、busby quints ─── 巴斯比·昆茨

9、Busby's stoop chair ─── 巴斯比之椅

busby 相似词语短语

1、bubby ─── n.乳房

2、busboy ─── n.(美)餐馆工(等于busboy)

3、busboys ─── n.(美)餐馆工(等于busboy)

4、Busby ─── n.毛皮制高帽子;n.(Busby)(美、英、加、澳)巴斯比(人名)

5、bushy ─── adj.浓密的;灌木茂密的;多毛的

6、busty ─── adj.大胸脯的,胸部丰满的

7、busy ─── adj.忙碌的;热闹的;正被占用的;vt.使忙于;n.(Busy)人名;(匈)布希;(法)比西

8、bus boy ─── 餐厅的帮手

9、busbar ─── n.母线,汇电板;汇流排;电压衡定可过高电流的电导体

busby 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The wages Sir Matt Busby offered George Best and Denis Law were not generous and by the rarefied standards of top-flight European football, this policy has continued under Sir Alex Ferguson. ─── 巴斯比爵士给贝斯特和劳开出的薪水跟欧洲大陆比也不算慷慨,而爵爷延续了这个政策。

2、Maybe he's already drifted too far to hear," Busby said. ─── 巴斯比说,“也许他漂得太远,听不到我们的声音。”

3、I wondered whether Busby had drawn his sample from his own university. ─── 我想知道巴斯比是不是在他自己的大学里抽取样本的。

4、"Is it a better team than Busby's? ─── 斯特拉坎说。“比巴斯比那支球队更好?

5、Busby was still looking to the future, trailblazing the way for English clubs by entering the European Cup in 1956/57 - initially against the wishes of the Football League. ─── 巴斯比还在着眼未来,他带领球队第一个参加欧洲冠军杯。这本来是违反联赛意愿的。

6、Just like the Busby babies in days gone by, ─── 就像曾经那些“巴斯比的孩子们”一样,

7、Will Ferguson, for instance, be remembered with the same affection as Busby, Shankley, Stein or Paisley?I'm not too sure. ─── 最后作者意味深长的发问:人们会像热爱巴斯比香克利斯泰因和派斯利那样热爱弗格森吗?

8、Ronaldo retained the Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year and Players' Player of the Year gongs - and added the Goal of the Season award to his collection. ─── 罗纳尔多卫冕了马特.巴斯比爵士年度最佳球员奖,而且还赢得了赛季最佳进球奖。

9、"Every Manchester United player knows what Munich and the Busby Babes meant to the history of our club. ─── "任何一位曼联球员都知道慕尼黑空难和巴斯比孩子对球队历史的意义。

10、Just like the Busby babies in days gone by. ─── 就像曾经那些[巴斯比的孩子们"一样.

11、Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year ─── Sir巴斯比年度最佳球员

12、He was one of the original Busby Babes and, by a miracle, survived the Munich disaster, after which he contemplated giving up the game. ─── 他也是当初初始的巴斯比宝贝之一,并且他奇迹般的从慕尼黑空难中生还,并且在那之后他一度放弃了他的职业生涯打算就此挂靴。

13、It would be unbelievable."Everyone knows what it means to the club, the Busby era and what happened at Munich. ─── 你不只需要完整的队伍,需要运气,你也需要表现得好。

14、"It would have been Sir Matt Busby‘s 90th birthday today, but I think he was up there doing a lot of kicking. ─── “今天是马特-巴斯比爵士90岁生日,但我认为他肯定在球场上帮我们踢球了。”

15、Even Matt Busby's teams lost four of the five semi-final ties they reached. ─── 即便巴斯比爵士的球队也输掉了5场半决赛中的4场。

16、Following in the footsteps of the late Sir Matt Busby, Sir Alex has redeveloped the club's youth set-up into arguably the best in the world. ─── 跟随马特-巴斯比爵士的脚步,弗格森爵士重建了俱乐部的青训系统,并使之成为世界最佳。

17、Forever and Ever, We'll follow the boys, Of Manchester United, The Busby Babes, For we made a promise, To defend our faith, In Manchester United, The Busby Babes. ─── 永远,永远,我们跟随着曼联的男孩,巴斯比宝贝;因为我们发誓要坚守我们的信念,在曼联,巴斯比宝贝。

18、He was always at the games at Old Trafford and obviously had the history of playing for the club as a Busby Babe. ─── 他一直会到老特拉福德看比赛,他也是巴斯比孩子之一,缔造了俱乐部的历史。

19、"Is it a better team than Busby's?Did they win 10 championships? ─── 他俩的表现就代表了他们本身。”

20、Busby rebuilt his side as best he could and made Charlton the cornerstone. ─── 巴斯比全力以赴重建了球队,并使查尔顿成为球队基石。

21、Wayne Rooney received some good news on Wednesday night when he was named the Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year at the club's end-of-season awards dinner. ─── 韦恩-鲁尼周三晚上得到了一些好消息,他获得了马特-巴斯比爵士年度最佳球员奖。在季末晚宴上他领取了这个奖项。

22、It stretches back to the Busby Babes, to players like Sir Bobby Charlton and George Best. ─── 从巴斯比孩子,到查尔顿和贝斯特,我们一直拥有这样的地位。

23、The match will commemorate not only the 50th anniversary of the Busby Babes' entry into European competition, but also the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, signalling a united Europe. ─── 这场比赛将不止纪念巴斯比爵士进军欧洲赛场50周年,更是罗马条约签署50周年纪念。这是欧洲联合的标志。

24、"Everyone knows what it means to the club, the Busby era and what happened at Munich. ─── 吉格斯在新赛季将不必代表威尔士参加国家队比赛,所以他认为这将使曼联得到好处。

25、I wasn't actually a Busby Babe because it was about two or three years before I got into the first team but I've always been included as one because I played when I was 18. ─── 我其实不能算,因为我是在之后的2-3年才进入的一线队,但是我一直被算作之中的一员,因为18岁起我就在一线队。

26、League titles followed in 1965 and 1967, giving Busby the chance to conquer Europe in the following seasons. ─── 联赛冠军在1965和1967年接连而来。巴斯比也有机会征服欧洲。

27、Berkeley Busby ─── 巴斯比·伯克利

28、Between them, he and Sir Matt Busby have managed the club for half a century of its 133-year history. ─── 不谈这个,弗爵爷和马特·巴斯比爵士在曼联133年的俱乐部历史里执教了曼联半个多世纪。

29、For Charlton, Busby and goalkeeper Billy Foulkes, the other crash survivor still in the team, it was a deeply emotional moment. ─── 对于查尔顿,巴斯比和球队中另一名空难幸存者,守门员比利•福尔克斯来说,这是让人无比动容的一刻。

30、Book online the cheapest hotels in Busby - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Busby 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

31、The next few years were to see the birth of the famed Busby Babes. ─── 接下来的几年里,人们看到了巴斯比宝贝的诞生。

32、Their youthful 'Busby Babes' team also reached the FA Cup final and European Cup semi-final and further glories beckoned, but fate was to intervene in tragic fashion. ─── 此时,朝气蓬勃的“巴斯比男孩”们打进了足总杯决赛和欧洲冠军杯半决赛,更高的荣誉在向他们招手。但命运捉弄,一场悲剧使他们壮志未酬。

33、Pickens /edited by Keith Busby, Bernard Guidot, and Logan E.Whalen. ─── 书名/作者 "De sens rassis"essays in honor of Rupert T.

34、Look at the players of Best's era, travelling to the training ground in a bus or getting a lift in Matt Busby's Bentley.Nowadays they arrive and leave on their own. ─── 在贝斯特的时代,球员经常坐公共汽车或者搭乘巴斯比爵士的宾利车去训练场,而现在他们来去都很孤独。

35、It wasn't until the end of the Second World War, when under the leadership of Sir Matt Busby, that the club came back to life. ─── 但一直到第二次世界大战之后,在马特巴斯比爵士的带领下,俱乐部才重新恢复生机与活力。

36、"When I first joined, the history we had to deal with was the Busby Babes, 1968 and the fact that we hadn't won the title for over 20 years. ─── “当我加入曼联的时候,我们要面对的历史是巴斯比爵士1968年赢得冠军杯的那拨人,还有我们已经20年没有拿过联赛冠军了。

37、" Giggs grew up in Salford hearing about the Busby Babes and his interest was enhanced by getting to know Charlton, a Munich survivor, when he joined the club at 14. ─── 而当他在14岁加盟曼联时,他非常希望能够了解慕尼黑空难里唯一的幸存者,查尔顿爵士的故事。当这个纪念日距离得越来越近时,情绪就会越来越高涨。

38、The tragedy is an indelible part of United's history, as is Sir Matt Busby overcoming his injuries to build another great team which won the European Cup 10 years later. ─── 这次悲剧是不可抹去的一部分俱乐部历史,这时马特巴斯比爵士克服了了心中的伤痛,重新建立了一直伟大的球队,于10年后赢得了欧洲冠军杯.

39、Busby rebuilt his side as best he could and made Charlton the cornerstone. ─── 巴斯比全力以赴重建了球队,并使查尔顿成为球队基石。

40、Busby almost lost his life as well - he was twice given the last rites while lying gravely ill in a German hospital. ─── 巴斯比也几乎遇难,他在德国的医院里2次被下了病危通知。

41、Today, Stan Busby and I will tell the story of the flight of Apollo Eleven in July1969. ─── 今天,我和斯坦·斯比将播讲“阿波罗”11号1969年7月飞行的故事。

42、Five years after Busby's death, the modern United side emulated his greatest feat by winning the European Cup. ─── 巴斯比爵士去世5年之后,一支全新的曼联再次站在了欧洲之巅。

43、Coupled with the celebrations of the 50 years following the Busby Babes' first title, Old Trafford will be the place to be next year. ─── 再加上巴斯比爵士首次夺冠50周年的庆典,老特拉福德会成为明年最耀眼的球场。

44、On another night of great emotion, United triumphed 4-1 after extra-time to win the European Cup for Busby. ─── 那是一个伟大的夜晚,曼联经过加时赛4-1大胜对手为巴斯比爵士获得了冠军。

45、"He was always at the games at Old Trafford and obviously had the history of playing for the club as a Busby Babe. ─── “他一直会到老特拉福德看比赛,他也是巴斯比孩子之一,缔造了俱乐部的历史。”

46、“That's what Matt Busby, and now Alex Ferguson, demands.It' ─── “这就是巴斯比爵士,现在是弗格森爵士。

47、How long has Miss Brown been at Busby High School? ─── 布朗小姐在巴士比高中多久了?

48、Busby, 21, and Joseph Savana, 18, slid across the deck and into the sea. ─── 21岁的罗斯·巴斯比和18岁的乔瑟夫·萨瓦那从甲板滑到了海里。

49、The dinner is one of a number of events to mark the 50th anniversary of the Busby Babes' first league title in 1956. ─── 这次的晚宴是纪念马特-巴斯比爵士1956年首次夺冠50周年庆典的一部分。

50、Here is part of that poem by Robert Frost, read by Stan Busby: ─── 下面是罗伯特?弗罗斯特的那首诗里的一部分,由斯坦?巴士比朗读:

51、The name ‘Busby Babes' came about because Matt fielded a group of youngsters and it went against the general thinking that you didn't get into the first team until you were physically right. ─── 巴斯比宝贝这个名字的由来是因为马特召集了一大批年轻队员,而当时普遍认为在年轻人身体长成之前不能进一队。

52、illustrated by Ailie Busby. ─── 作者声明: Francesca Simon ;

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