credenda 发音
英: 美:
credenda 中文意思翻译
credenda 相似词语短语
1、reddenda ─── 排序
2、credendum ─── n.信条;教条
3、credent ─── 相信的
4、credences ─── n.信任;凭证;祭器台(等于credencetable,credenza)
5、credenza ─── n.书橱,书柜;餐具橱
6、credently ─── 资格证书
7、credential ─── n.证书;凭据;国书
8、credenzas ─── n.书橱,书柜;餐具橱
9、credence ─── n.信任;凭证;祭器台(等于credencetable,credenza)
credenda 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、 双语使用场景
3、Our staff pursue “no best, only better” as our working credendum all along,that makes us overfly unceasingly in this vehement comparison. ─── 公司员工始终把“没有最好,只有更好”的格言作为我们工作的信条,使科尔电脑公司在竞争中飞跃。
4、school credendum ─── 校训
5、Serving you with specialty and treating each other with sincerity would be our credendum. ─── 专业服务,真诚相待是我们服务的信条。
6、Using this credendum to deal with the things around can make your life happier. ─── 用这一信条处理四周的事情,会使自己的日子过得兴奋。
7、Comfort thanks to Rieter is Rieter's credendum and Rieter Changzhou's promise to all customers. ─── “舒适源自立达”是立达多年以来秉承的宗旨,同时也是立达常州对所有中国用户的承诺;
8、If we want to built this credendum, it is necessary for us to believe the democracy is a ideology of “humanistic subject” confirmedly. ─── 这种信条的建立,需要我们坚定不移地相信民主首先是一种“以人为本”的价值思想体系。
9、there is endless roads to walk , and no unsearchable roads to credendum , and no even broken bridges to build in the world . ─── 世上只有走不完的路,没有开辟不了的路.更没有架不起的桥!
10、Our credendum is to regard customer as our gods and to look for mufual equivlant benefits. ─── 我们以最优的质量、最快的速度、最经济的价格提供给用户。
11、3. Our staff pursue“ no best, only better” as our working credendum all along, that makes us overfly unceasingly in this vehement comparison. ─── 公司员工始终把“没有最好,只有更好”的格言作为我们工作的信条,使华亲电脑公司在竞争中飞跃。
12、The birth and development of CRM is the consequence of modern business and the centralized representation of the client first credendum. ─── 客户关系管理的出现及发展,是现代商业发展推动的结果,是以客户为中心的现代商业理念的集中体现。
13、Our credendum is all for customer: "Make great effort on quality, Make continuously creative development, Make good satisfaction for our customer". ─── 我们的宗旨是:"励精图治,不断创新",“以信誉承诺,用实力合作”. 为了生存发展, 为满足广大客户的需要.
14、A few days ago, the school settled down Mr.Cai's epigraph as the school's credendum, and held the inauguration. ─── 日前该校已将蔡元培的题词定为校训,并举行了校训碑揭幕仪式。
15、CanXue often “let pen go ahead “when she is writing.The credendum she followed is similar to the Surrealism’s “automatic writing”. ─── 残雪写作时常常“笔比自己先走”,她遵循的是与超现实主义相似的“自动写作”方式。
16、If the cognition could sublime in a kind of self-assurance and modest heart, it would help us to create Chinese democracy credendum and system. ─── 这种了解与认识,如果能在一种自信但同时是谦逊的心态中得到升华,就一定能帮助我们创造出具有中国特色的民主信条和民主体制。
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