barbaric 发音
英:[bɑːrˈbærɪk] 美:[bɑːˈbærɪk]
英: 美:
barbaric 中文意思翻译
barbaric 网络释义
adj. 野蛮的,粗野的;原始的
barbaric 短语词组
1、barbaric sentence examples ─── 野蛮句例
2、barbaric cloth vest ─── 蛮布背心
3、barbaric growth ─── 野蛮生长
4、barbaric yawp ─── 野蛮喊叫
5、barbaric verb ─── 野蛮动词
6、barbaric bean ─── 野豆
7、barbaric definition ─── 野蛮的定义
barbaric 词性/词形变化,barbaric变形
副词: barbarically |
barbaric 相似词语短语
1、barbarism ─── n.野蛮;原始;未开化;暴虐
2、barbarians ─── n.野蛮人;蛮夷(barbarian的复数形式)
3、margaric ─── 十七烷的;n.(Margaric)人名;(塞)马尔加里茨
4、barbarian ─── n.野蛮人;未开化的人;无教养的人;adj.野蛮的;未开化的
5、barbarity ─── n.残暴;粗野
6、barbarise ─── 野蛮
7、bariatric ─── adj.肥胖症治疗学
8、barbarize ─── v.使野蛮,使粗野
9、Tartaric ─── adj.酒石的
barbaric 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Thank you for the protection of more than a year you are tolerant of my shortcomings and barbaric for the benefit of my willfulness and pride. ─── 就那样,我一直记得。小小的我来到这个世界,无论多难,不管多艰辛,你们的爱一直伴着我和妹妹的成长。
2、His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre ─── 他的设计豪放不羁,他的主意如同迸射出的犷悍的火花。
3、Like the crusading armies of old, the multi-national Waffen-SS would go forth as the defender of Western civilization against the barbaric hordes from the East. ─── 像原来的十字军圣战一样,多民族混合的武装党卫队将会为了西方文明来和东方的野蛮的游牧民族而战。
4、It is this outlook that strikes the Westerner as barbaric. ─── 正是这种文化视野和看法不同,而被西欧人误认为不文明。
5、barbar dryer ─── 干燥室
6、One of the biggest drawbacks is not selfish, Duoqing, barbaric, willfulness, but bigotry and love do not love themselves. ─── 一个人最大的缺点不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。
7、Anita Dunn just gave us a compelling justification for implementing the most barbaric methods of torture on the detainees in Guantanimo. ─── 安妮塔.邓恩正好给了我们一个关注对拘留在关塔拿摩的人实施残酷虐待的正当理由。
8、There will be barbaric darkness for a thousand years ─── 接着就会是一千年的野蛮黑暗时期。
9、Whenever I come beatings events, most people will immediately think of innocent property owners and barbaric, and the reasons for the occurrence of the matter, wrong? ─── 每每听说小区打人事件,多数人会即刻想到无辜的业主与野蛮的物业,而此事的发生究其原因,错在哪里?
10、"Not a law, but a tradition. On this world, my barbaric friend, tradition and custom can be a much stronger constraint than law. Laws are changed, but tradition endures." ─── “不是法律,而是传统。在这个世界上,我的野蛮人朋友,传统和风俗比法律有更好的约束效果。法律在变,但传统不太会。”
11、At its most theocratic, it forces people to follow sharia laws, sometimes with barbaric penalties. ─── 在神权至上的国家,它强迫人们服从伊斯兰律法,有时甚至施以野蛮的刑罚。
12、A person biggest shortcoming is not selfish,full of affection,barbaric,willful.but is likes one not loving own biased person. ─── 一个人最大的缺点不是自私,多情,野蛮任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人.
13、("I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world." W.W.Uncle Walt again.)Yawp! ─── 咆哮是一种大声的叫喊.教师让一个害怕表露自己内心的学生示范如何发出野性的狂叫.
14、Your barbaric ways. Your crude plans. You are too transparent my friend. ─── 你们这些野人。你们这些残酷的计划。你太坦率了,我的朋友。
15、The harsh intervals and shrill discords of barbaric music stirred him at times ─── 有时候,这种蛮子音乐的狂暴音程和尖利的不协和音很能打动他。
16、You think all the Janpanese are catoon freaks? It's like saying all the Spanish are savage, cruel, barbaric morons.I know one woman who is civilized and actually is AGAINEST bull fighting. ─── 你以为每个日本人都是漫画迷吗?就像说所有西班牙人都是残忍、冷酷又野蛮的野人是一样的。我认识一个文明的西班牙女人,而且事实上她就反对斗牛。
17、We have never condoned violence of any kind, and that includes the barbaric practices that are meted out as lawful punishment. ─── 我们绝不容忍任何形式的暴力,这也包括那些粗暴的判刑作为合法的惩罚手段。
18、For example, he told me of some tribute from India, and added, with a twinkling smile, “You see, I ‘sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world. ─── 比如,当提到印度诗坛对他的赞誉时,他狡黠地笑着补充说,“你看,我‘仰天长啸,响彻世界屋脊。’”
19、And when an associate found all of his deal toys broken, everyone assumed it was just a "barbaric" copy center worker. ─── 有位交易员发现他所有的交易玩具都损坏后,每个人都认为这是“野蛮的”复印中心的工作人员干的。
20、I simply can't bear your barbaric behavior. ─── 你粗野的行为我简直忍受不了。
21、Let others wear the high heels even landed! I barbaric, I can! ─── 普饵茶能解酒,降血脂,降血压。不过不是很好喝,象马尿一样!
22、The barbaric acts of extreme abuse of power! ─── 是权力滥用的极端野蛮的行为!
23、In fact mainland to Taiwan as a rogue barbaric rude, only speaks of fighting stresses kill, if not inferiority is arrogant. ─── 其实大陆对台湾就像一个野蛮粗鲁的流氓,只会讲打讲杀,如果不是自卑就是夜郎自大。
24、But the civilization the Greeks scorn as barbaric is actually more advanced and sophisticated than their own.Before their eyes glitter magnificent palaces, ornate statuary and gold. ─── 但被希腊人蔑视为野蛮的文明其实比希腊更先进、更富教养,堂皇的宫殿、华丽的雕像与黄金在他们眼前闪闪发亮。
25、"To write a poem after Auschwitz is barbaric". --阿多诺(Adorno) ─── “奥斯维辛之后,写诗是野蛮的。”
26、Thus, according to the (above) definition, regarding the Mongol Empire as the most barbaric group should be an objective description without any subjectivity. ─── 所以根据定义,蒙古被称为最野蛮的集团应该是客观描述而不是任何主观作用。
27、The horselords, as the Dothraki are also known, possess traditions that seem alien and sometimes barbaric to non-Dothraki eyes. ─── 多斯拉克人常被叫作马民,他们的习俗在外乡人看来颇为怪异甚至野蛮。
28、When the Waffen-SS men suffered casualties at the hands of the partisans it enraged Bach-Zelewski, who ordered even more barbaric reprisals. ─── 当武装党卫队在游击队手上遭到严重伤亡时,巴赫--彻勒维斯基被激怒了,他下令进行更加严酷的报复。
29、Generally, in the circle of the historical science, traditional research method seeks for Engles's elicitation of production tools in barbaric elementary stage to judge Engles's attitude towards the nature of this period. ─── 史学界传统的研究方法一般是通过寻找恩格斯对蒙昧低级阶段中生产工具的论述来判断恩格斯对这一历史阶段性质的看法。
30、And we find that as they emerge from a condition of barbaric warfare a new thing becomes apparent in their intellectual life. ─── 我们发现,当他们脱离野蛮战争的状态时,他们理性生活中的一件新生事物变得显而易见。
31、Into the future, the behavior of humans in the cities may become very barbaric. ─── 在未来,城市人类的行为将会变得非常野蛮。
32、The influential Washington Post, for its part, blasted three strikes sentencing as "barbaric". ─── 很有影响力的《华盛顿邮报》痛斥“三击出局法”是“野蛮的”。
33、semicivilized; barbaric ─── 半开化的
34、have a humanizing influence on a barbaric system ─── 对不文明的制度产生教化作用.
35、Probing into Engles's Theory on Barbaric Lower Stage Being human Societvg elementary State ─── 恩格斯关于蒙昧低级阶段是人类社会的低级状态学说之探析
36、With luck, any real education will not only make you aware of this ongoing dialogue, but will demand that you join in it, adding your barbaric yawp to the din. ─── 幸运的是,一个真正的教育环境,不仅能够让你参与这些对话,而且让你参与这些讨论、喧吵、争执中来。融入其中,个人领会。
37、I like to sit on the floor to eat, is that unsanitary? Foreigners are so barbaric! ─── 我喜欢坐地上吃饭,是不是不卫生?外国人真野蛮!
38、I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world. ─── 我在世界屋脊上,发出粗野的狂吼。
39、From his tainted blood a new army of barbaric fel orcs has risen. ─── 从他的污血之中,一只狂暴的混沌兽人军团已经崛起了。
40、Pakistan Foreign Minister Qureshi arrived in India Wednesday on a four-day visit to Mumbai, he said the "barbaric" attack was very shocked. ─── 中英文对照:巴基斯坦外长库雷希周三抵达印度进行为期四天的访问,他表示对孟买的“野蛮”袭击事件感到十分震惊。
41、The minor nationality called Baiyue, once lived in the southeast of China.It had created a colorful culture, and meanwhile left many ancient customs, one of which was the barbaric man-eating custom. ─── 摘要百越各族曾居住于中国的东南部,他们创造了丰富多彩的文化,也留下了许多古老的习俗,而食人俗就是其中出现过的一种较野蛮的习俗。
42、Any other society that had been subjected to this type of barbaric onslaught day in and day out would have been in an all-out civil war. ─── 任何其他的国家若整天长期遭受这种残暴的冲击将会爆发全面的内战。
43、a barbaric punishment ─── 残忍的处罚
44、Nothing but the impression that Indonesia is a "barbaric" and "inhuman" country. ─── 只能给全世界留下印尼是个“野蛮”、“惨无人道”的国家的坏印象。
45、Soon the Red devils tasted the bitter wrath of their barbaric brothers. ─── 很快红色的魔鬼尝了他们的野蛮兄弟的痛苦愤怒。
46、These would be the names of certain barbaric tribes, armed with iron weapons and using horsechariots, who were becoming a great affliction to the Aegean and Semitic civilizations on the northem borders. ─── 他们是一些野蛮人部落,备有铁制武器,使用战马,他们逐渐成为一个巨大的灾难,折磨着北部边境的爱琴海人和闪米特人的文明古国。
47、The exhaust has a barbaric undertone and the power on tap at any given time is plentiful. ─── 排气的野蛮耳语和电源开发在任何特定时间是充足的。
48、Your barbaric people will fall, and you will be forgotten by history! ─── 你那些野蛮的臣民都会消失,而你也将被历史所遗忘!
49、It is a tale of barbaric kings ruling a barbaric people. ─── 它讲述了历代野蛮国王统治同一个野蛮民族的故事。
50、Are you FenYuan townspeople going to continue this barbaric, uncivilized dog killing for 10 DAYS??!! ─── 你们还要用这个方法来补杀流浪狗持续十天吗?
51、The way these animals are killed is barbaric. ─── 宰杀这些动物的手段很残忍。
52、An Australian kangaroo receives a fierce blow to the head by a man dressed in a clown suit( pictured below) in a shameful contest that will further fuel fears over China's barbaric attitude to animals. ─── 一只澳大利亚袋鼠头部遭到身着小丑服饰的人的猛击,这样无耻的比赛更加激起中国人对待动物的野蛮态度。
53、The power to control the minds of others was a barbaric way of life to the Atlantean which was forbidden. ─── 对于亚特兰蒂斯人来说,控制他人思想的力量是一种野蛮的生活方式,这是不允许的。
54、Glyph of Barbaric Insults - Your Mocking Blow ability also taunts the target. ─── 你的惩戒痛击同样会嘲讽目标(仇恨继承?)
55、Its countryside is filled with sweet scent.Its cities built of white, red and black rock possess the beauty of barbaric marquetry. ─── 其郊野散发各种清香,城市则以精雕精雕细啄的黑、白及红色石头建成。
56、In an extremely barbaric era substantial risk of adventure! Collection of pages all food, carefully dinosaur attacks. ─── 在极度野蛮的时代进行大量危险的冒险!收集版面内的所有食物,小心恐龙的袭击。
57、PRAY WITH THE HEART! MEDUGORGJE MANUEL OF PRAYER, Fr. Slavko Barbaric, O.F.M., published in Yugoslavia by: Parish Office, Viganj, 50267 ─── 如果我曾经因为怕迷失方向,请求祢不要松开握紧我的手;现在,我请求祢抱紧我,因为我软弱无力,每走一步,都会跌倒!
58、” Leo dealt capably with the invasions of barbaric tribes, persuading the Huns not to attack Rome (452) and the Vandals not to sack the city (455). ─── 利奥巧妙处理了野蛮部落的入侵,劝服匈奴人不要进攻罗马(452),以及汪达尔人不要掳掠这个城市(455)。
59、Your barbaric ways... Your crude plans... You are too transparent my friend. ─── =>你们这些野人...你们这些残酷的计划...你太坦率了,我的朋友。
60、The reach of her slender white braceleted arm across the steaming table rings a barbaric chord into the scene ─── 她纤细白皙佩戴手镯的手臂伸过热气蒸腾的桌面,与整个场合很不和谐。
61、Any other society that had been subjected to this type of barbaric onslaught day in and day out would have been in an all-out civil war. ─── 任何其他的国家若整天长期遭受这种残暴的冲击将会爆发全面的内战。
62、According to Strauss, he stayed in Nazi Germany because he thought that someone should be there to protect the culture from Hitler's barbaric sabotage ─── 施特劳斯说,他之所以留在纳粹德国,是因为要有人来保护文化免受希特勒的野蛮迫害(这和物理学家海森伯的解释一样)。
63、But we do mean to impose punishment and retribution in full upon their guilty, barbaric leaders ─── 但是我们的确打算毫不留情地惩办他们那些犯有罪行且野蛮残暴的党魁,让他们受尽报应。
64、Dr Noel Gomes, also a member of the association, said the practice of organ trading was barbaric and should be condemned and stopped. ─── 协会成员诺埃尔.戈梅斯(NoelGomes)医生表示,器官贩卖是野蛮行径,应该受到谴责及制止。
65、In the game, only brothers and sisters in their hands as deep, not shallow barbaric acts. ─── 在赛场上,只有兄弟姐妹般的情手深,没有野蛮鄙陋的行径。
66、reports indicate that the barbaric orcs of Hellfire Citadel have somehow managed to find a new source of corruption to fuel their primitive bloodlust. ─── 但有报告指出在地狱火大本营中的野蛮兽人不知何故,通过他们的杀戮重新获得了一种新的能量来源。
67、Then the end of the barbaric times will be declared. ─── 从此宣告蛮荒时代的终结。
68、Tortures inflicted on Kenyan prisoners sometimes involved such barbaric implements as "castration pliers". ─── 施于肯尼亚监狱囚犯身上的折磨,有时甚至包括诸如“阉割钳”等野蛮刑具。
69、People can buy a very nice outfit in just a couple of minutes , and they can change their outward appearances in a few hours by going to a barbar"s shop or a hairdresser"s . ─── 以上只是考生中比较普遍的一些想法和观点。
70、Littering not proper, but this note is barbaric ─── 乱丢垃圾不道德,但是这张纸条也太野蛮了
71、ancestor to the new world.The nerly all these person's common faith is to the violence and the barbaric principle deep love.This is the one binding tradition in thir heritage. ─── 我写的有点急可能会有点错误,请原谅!
72、A cultivated person may occasionally enjoy barbaric music. ─── 一个文明人有时可能欣赏粗俗的音乐。
73、Well-known Russian writer Turgenev, against the young mother to sell the maid Rosa, that this is a barbaric act. ─── 俄国著名作家屠格涅夫,反对母亲卖掉年轻女仆路莎,认为这是野蛮的行径。
74、however, many people in those countries see us as barbaric and backward for our use of capital punishment and rampant gun possession. ─── 我们歧视哪些在两性平等以及公民选举自由不如美国的国家,但是,很多国家的人认为美国是野蛮,后退的而不是文明的,因为我们用金元和大棒侵略。
75、My support is totally behind the Sea Shepherd. This barbaric practice has to be stopped and desperate times call for drastic measures. ─── 我的支持完全是在海牧羊人之后。这野蛮实践必须被停止并且绝望时代要求激进措施。
76、It's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension. ─── 这是毁灭性的野蛮行径,完全没有方法可理解。
77、A Barbaric Girlfriend Of Mine ─── 我的野蛮女友
78、Its "gold reserve" is now definitely a hoard, something to be saved for the last emergency, the only reality in a barbaric chaos. ─── 此时,这个国家的“黄金储备”无疑成为囤积——用于最后的紧急状态,成为混乱战争中的唯一靠得住的东西。
79、I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world(Walt Whitman) ─── 我在世界屋脊上粗声叫喊(沃尔特·惠特曼)
80、Some of the critter's combat strategies seem barbaric or downright bizarre. ─── 这种生物的一些战斗策略看起来很野蛮,或者完全是怪异的。
81、I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world. ─── 我听见我那原始野蛮的嗥叫越过世界的屋脊。
82、The football march had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters. ─── 因为那些野蛮的助威者,足球比赛不得不暂停。
83、The ravages of conquest and the advent of a barbaric age placed all earning in real jeopardy ─── 战乱的劫掠,野蛮的时代的到来,给学术带来了一场真正的灾难。
84、Specimens of graphic art found among extant barbaric folk. ─── 在现存的野蛮人种中找到的图形艺术标本。
85、China disregards human suffering for her to chose to condone brutal barbaric N. ─── 中国无视人类痛苦而选择纵容残酷野蛮的北韩政权。
86、Some of us would consider it a barbaric policy which sometimes resulted in forced abortions, but it did its job in preventing even worse overpopulation. ─── 我们中的一些人可能会认为这是一项残忍的政策,导致被逼堕胎的结果,但却是防止了严重人口过多的问题。
87、"I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world" (Walt Whitman) ─── “我在世界屋脊上粗声叫喊”(沃尔特·惠特曼)
88、He entered strange ports of sun-washed lands, and trod market-places among barbaric peoples that no man had ever seen ─── 他进入了一个阳光普照的国度的陌生的海港,在从没人见过的野蛮民族的市场上漫步。
89、I think any sport involving harm to animals is barbaric and uncivilized. ─── 我认为,任何伤害到动物的体育运动都是野蛮的、不文明的。
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