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09-03 投稿


cozy 发音

[ 'kozi]

英:  美:

cozy 中文意思翻译




cozy 短语词组

1、cozy sunrise ─── 舒适的日出

2、cozy grove ─── 舒适的小树林

3、tea cozy ─── 茶壶保暖套

4、play it cozy ─── 小心行事

5、cosy,cozy adj. ─── 温暖而舒适的

6、cozy house ─── 舒适的房子

7、cozy glow ─── 舒适的发光

8、cozy up to ─── 奉承

9、cozy up ─── [网络] 奉承;拍马屁

10、cozy shop ─── 舒适商店

11、shift cozy ─── 轮班舒适

12、summer cozy rock ─── 夏日舒适的岩石

13、cozy hair logo ─── 舒适发型标志

14、cozy steps ─── 舒适的台阶

15、cozy lodge ─── 舒适小屋

16、cozy hotel ─── 舒适酒店

17、cozy house with fireplace ─── 带壁炉的舒适房子

18、cosy(cozy) ─── 舒适( ─── 舒适)

19、cozy day ─── 舒适的一天

cozy 词性/词形变化,cozy变形

动词过去分词: cozied/cosied |名词复数: cozies |动词第三人称单数: cozies/cosies |动词现在分词: cozying/cosying |动词过去式: cozied/cosied |名词: coziness |副词: cozily |

cozy 相似词语短语

1、cosy ─── adj.舒适的;惬意的;n.保温罩

2、coky ─── 骄傲的,自大的

3、cozey ─── 你好!

4、coly ─── n.鼠鸟;齿鹑

5、cory ─── n.克里,科里(人名)

6、coxy ─── adj.骄傲的

7、cowy ─── n.牛膻味;adj.似牛的

8、cony ─── n.兔子,兔毛皮;《圣经》中说的岩狸;n.(Cony)人名;(英、法)科尼

9、copy ─── n.副本;一册;稿件;作业本;(报纸、杂志的)题材;广告文字;vt.复制;抄写;抄送;抄袭;效仿;收到,听见;vi.复制;抄写

cozy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I found the lounge such a cozy place to study in. ─── 我发现休息室是一个非常舒适的学习场所。

2、Mama will keep baby cozy and warm. ─── 妈妈会让你舒适温暖。

3、A: To a small, cozy place in Vermont. You should join us some time. ─── 去了佛蒙特州一个小巧安逸的地方。你有时间可以跟我们一块去。

4、Specifics: SmileKid Training Center is a small and cozy training place, suitable for training of English teachers or English storytelling. ─── 场地特色-思克研习教室是一个温馨的小型研习场地、适合英文教师研习或美语说故事班。

5、It brings you a cozy feeling with soft tactile. ─── 它带给你惬意的感觉,柔软的触感。

6、One of the charms of the food-market scene is an Old World sense of cozy community: everyone seems to know one another. ─── 食品市场里景象的迷人之处,有一点是在于古老世界的舒适感觉:每个人看起来都互相认识。

7、As a seaside business hotel, each service offered by Gulangwan Hotel concentrates on building a professional and cozy convergence location. ─── 作为滨海商务酒店,鼓浪湾酒店的每一项服务都专注于为客人打造一个专业且温馨的会聚之所。

8、Reminds me of the snow-white lived in the deep forest, far away from the stately castle, far away from her own Lithe and cozy bed. ─── 住在森林里的白雪公主,远离堂皇的城堡,不能睡在自己柔软舒服的床上。

9、Unfortunately, the bigger his wallet, the more likely your busy bee is to cozy up with an office buddy. ─── 不幸的是,他的钱包越鼓,也就越容易像一只辛勤的蜜蜂,在办公室里传播花粉。

10、This modern material delivers a cozy look and feel. It can withstand heat and light, anti-mildew, colorfast, water repellant, UV resistant and ease of cleaning. ─── 仿藤塑胶表面比天然藤更为光滑凉爽,耐高温具不乾裂、不易黴变褪色、防水、防紫外线及易于清理。

11、Traditionally, punditry in Washington has been a cozy business. ─── 传统上,在华盛顿当权威是一件舒服的事。

12、Not even a stop from work I am ready to go on my dream travel to Europe, but maybe I 'll miss my small cozy room, a photo to make me feel stable. ─── 就要开始我的欧洲之行了,也许我会想念我的温暖小屋,留张照片在心里保存一份安定。

13、Located in Up-East Delta Compound, sublet some rooms in a cozy apartment, on 24th floor (top floor) with wonderful view and sunshine. ─── 上东三角洲,复式房出租,位于第24层,由顶层复式楼改造成类似在国外的宿舍。

14、That reeky cup of coffee on the desk makes her feels warm and cozy. ─── 咖啡就放到了桌子上,热气腾腾的,让人看了很暖和也很温馨。

15、Sleeping bunks are a tight squeeze, but the accommodations are surprisingly cozy unless a storm sloshes water below deck. ─── 休息的铺位虽然狭小局促,但设备一流,除非风暴把海水溅进甲板下面。

16、If use flat data, the vapor when bathing nowhere is current can condense into water polo to drip to go up in the body, the feeling is not quite cozy. ─── 如用平板材料,洗澡时水蒸气无处流通会凝聚成水球滴在身上,感觉不太舒适。

17、"The cozy relationship between the police and the yakuza is coming to an end," the source said. ─── “日本警察和黑社会的和睦关系正面临终结”,知情者说。

18、Fireplace and candle party: in the winter, outdoors is the snow heaven, while indoors is the cozy warmth provided by the fireplace and fragrant wine. What inebriation! ─── 壁炉、烛光酒会:冬日,室外是白雪世界,室内点起壁炉,品味着美酒,其乐融融。

19、At 6 a.m. on Feb. 2, Phil is awakened by the clock alarm in his cozy little Punxsutawney bed-and-breakfast. ─── 二月二号清晨六点,菲尔在他的Punxsutawney小镇的起居室里被闹钟吵醒。

20、Luckily, there are some easy ways to make your home a cozy haven from stress. ─── 幸运的是,的确有一些简单易行的办法能使你的家成为远离压力的温馨的避风港。

21、Country Mous:Perhaps.But it's very quiet and cozy. ─── 乡下老鼠:或许吧。但它非常地安静和舒适。

22、In cozy Copenhagen, splurge on pastries, visit the Little Mermaid and dance till dawn at Tivoli Gardens. ─── 在安逸的哥本哈根,可以尽情享用美味的馅饼,看望一下小美人鱼,在蒂沃利公园跳舞到天明。

23、Clinton tore apart a White House butler's pantry to create a cozy breakfast nook, emblematic of the closeness the family sought. ─── 女士拆散克林顿在白宫管家的厨房创造一个舒适的早餐角落,象征着亲密的家庭要求。

24、It's not until you make a swooping dive onto the stones that you find they are amazingly soft and cozy. ─── 只是,千万别把它和真石头放一起,否则后果很严重。

25、Glamping began when wealthy adventurers wanted to explore the world but refused to forgo the comforts of cozy beds and fine china. ─── “魅力露营”起源于,那些富裕的探险家希望探险世界,而又拒绝放弃舒适温暖的床被和上好的瓷器。

26、Maybe you can find a cozy space for him , somewhere between BFF and Some Boy I Used to Know . ─── 也许你可以把他放在一个合适的位置,放在“一辈子的好朋友”和“我以前认识的一个男孩”这两种关系之间。

27、This room features a king or queen-size bed, a kitchenette, a cozy sitting area with 2 chairs and a coffee table. ─── 客房设施:咖啡/茶设备,淋浴,浴缸,电视,电话,空调,吹风机,叫醒服务/闹钟,熨斗,小厨房,收音机,电冰箱,书桌,客厅角,微波炉,暖气,有线电视

28、The color of the wall cloth looks very cozy, which must be chosen with great care. ─── 他家卧室中壁布的色彩很温馨,一看就知道是精心选择的。

29、Customers could choose A La Carte or two packages in Laris, and indulge themselves in the cozy and perceptual dinning experience with plenty of time. ─── 客人在陆唯轩可选择零点方式或精心配搭的两款套餐,在宽裕的时刻里让自己尽情陶醉于舒适感性的用膳体验中。

30、The hotel provides cozy, complete equipment, as well as enthusiastic and polite service. ─── 大厦客房装修舒适,设备全,服务热情礼貌。

31、When there is love in the family, it is warm and cozy. ─── 家中有爱时,就显得温馨且舒适。

32、Cozy wood-burning fires? Not a good idea, because of the soot. ─── 劈柴生火挺惬意的,这个主意怎么样?不好,因为有烟。

33、Info:Our company offers durable and cozy men hooded tshirts &mens hooded sweat shirt, made up of qua ...... ─── 主要材质:尼龙/锦纶次要材质:尼龙/锦纶尺码:全码适用人群:男人

34、High-quality campus: cozy and harmony, beautified but practical, diverged ornament, and refined environment. ─── 优质校园:温馨和谐,美化实用,多元布置,精致境教

35、Cozy and comfortable. A fine collection of creative wines and coffees designed for all tastes. An ideal spot for private and business gathering. ─── 大堂酒吧环境幽雅宜人,气氛轻松闲逸,是三五知己小聚、洽谈商务事宜,品尝咖啡美酒的绝好去处。

36、Why not to share unforgettable moments with your colleagues in a cozy place? ─── 为什么不选择一个舒适的地方,与同事们促膝长谈?

37、Try the Dirty Duck for a chummy, cozy pub lunch. ─── 在酒吧亲切舒适的气氛中,享用熏鸭当午餐吧。

38、Do you feel cozy in the warm water? ─── 你觉得舒服吗?

39、However, they were not well received by Korean people because they did not give the ondol's warm and cozy feeling. ─── 但是,这个方法对于韩国人来说不能接受,因为韩国人感觉不到在暖炕里的暖和和舒服。

40、No, he had awakened to listen to the storm outside, the peals of thunder and flashes of bright blue lightning that illuminated the cozy bedroom as much as it did his own soul. ─── 不对,他清晰的听到了外面有暴风雨的声音。隆隆作响的雷声,明亮的蓝色闪电划过天际,照亮了舒适的卧室,同样也震撼着他的灵魂。

41、Likewise, a pair of cozy coevolutionary symbionts embracing each other can only seem to lead to stagnant solipsism. ─── 同样地,一对温馨相处的共同进化的共生生物看来只能演变为停滞的唯我主义[9]。

42、So it is important for architects to design cozy, safe and economical residence. ─── 如何做好舒适、安全、经济的住宅设计是建筑师必须妥善解决的重要问题。

43、For many people soup brings an image of a cozy comfort food that just has to be good for you. ─── 对许多人汤形象带来了融融舒适,只要是好的食物给你。

44、So workers at the Oakland Zoo are having a custom-fit coat made to keep the giraffe cozy this winter. ─── 因此奥克兰动物园的工作人员打算为她订做一件外套,让这只长颈鹿在冬天里也能感到舒适。


46、If you don't recognize the importance of these little challenges, your life might just slip right back into a cozy but stagnant ennui. ─── 如果你没注意到这些小小挑战的重要性,你的会重蹈以前那舒适但死水一潭的生活。

47、Likewise, a pair of cozy coevolutionary symbionts embracing each other can only seem to lead to stagnant solipsism. ─── 同样地,一对温馨相拥共同进化的共生体似乎会停滞不前,造成自闭。

48、A cozy agreement with the competition. ─── 和赛会之间的暧昧关系

49、Their cozy homes were bit newly built when the desperate tides of the civil war surged round them. ─── 他们刚建好的舒适的新家,便卷入了疯狂的内战旋涡。

50、Some of Mr. Madoff's fellow inmates suspect he has money hidden somewhere and try to cozy up to him in hopes of learning its location. ─── 马多夫的一些狱友猜他还有藏起来的钱,于是竭力讨好他,希望他说出藏宝地点。

51、In such a cozy environment, these homeless children really enjoyed the warmth of family life. ─── 在如此舒适的环境里,这些无家可归的孩子才真正享受到了家庭生活的温暖。

52、Apparently it was a cozy meeting. ─── 可以想见,这是朋友间轻松与和谐的聚会。

53、Having a feeling of home; comfortable; cozy. ─── 家庭般的舒适的;温暖;有家的感觉。

54、Located Beside Jiujiang's Beautiful Nanhu Lake, The SGN International Hotel Is Well Known For Its Cozy, Luxurious Environment. ─── SGN国际大酒店九江优惠预订,如果您需要在九江,中国住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。

55、Cozy fire is essential at all times in all positions. Fire! Her one weakness! We should have known! ─── 在所有时间所有位置都有舒适的篝火。火!她的一个弱点!我们早该想到的!他们真的在龙巢里到处点了烹饪用的篝火?

56、Country Mous: Perhaps.But it's very quiet and cozy. ─── 乡下老鼠:或许吧。但它非常地安静和舒适。

57、the manager of the bank was credulous individual named mr. fish. mr. fish invited the crab and his daughter into his cozy office. ─── 银行经理称“鱼先生,”是个轻信的人。鱼先生把蟹和他女儿请进他舒适的办公室。

58、When they have gone we can have a cozy chat to ourselves. ─── 他们走后,我们可以舒服地交谈了。

59、Master has given us a cozy place to call our home in this world, while we await departure to our true Home. ─── 在等待回到我们真正的家的同时,师父在红尘世界给了我们一个温暖的家。

60、Why not?That would be so cozy. ─── 为什么不呢?!那看起来会很舒适的。

61、After nine years at Bell labs, I decided to leave that warm, cozy ivory tower for what I considered to be the "real world, " a university. ─── 在贝尔实验室待了9年后,我决定离开这个温暖舒适的象牙塔,走进我眼中的“真实世界”——大学。

62、Jumbo Hostels opened for business on Thursday, giving customers the chance to check in and sleep in a room that can best be described as cozy. ─── “巨型飞机旅馆”于本周四开业,入住的客人可体验一把在飞机旅馆舒适的房间内过夜的感觉。

63、To provide a quick, safe and cozy travel and a better liv ing environment for people, Green Communication must be developed to cater for today's quick living paces. ─── 为了营造一个良好的生活环境,让人们的出行快捷,安全,舒适,就必需发展绿色交通来适应如今社会快节奏的生活步伐。

64、At the holily peaceful Christmas Eve, let me enjoy the cozy solitude while my heart is fulled with many many curious thoughts and dreams. ─── 在这神圣、祥和的平安夜,我且享受这份独处的坦然,让不尽的遐思和梦想涨满我的心海.

65、Rather than sit in a cozy room, he works out in the cold air. ─── 他没有在舒适的房间里安坐,而是冒着严寒在室外工作。

66、Do you want to go ahead or you wince back into your cozy closet? ─── 后来,我突然想到,为什么我一定是正确的呢?

67、The couple always dreamed of building a cozy nest for themselves. ─── 夫妇俩一直梦想着为自己建立一个安乐窝。

68、Get your friends and book a table in the cozy alp house for a great evening. ─── 带上您的朋友坐在舒适的瑞士小屋来享受温暖的夜晚,您可以零点也可以选择我们为您准备的精美套餐。

69、His room was small but quite cozy, with a fireplace, a soft chair and sofa. He seemed contented with it. ─── 他那个房间有壁炉,软椅和沙发,虽然小些,但挺舒适。看来他很满意。

70、If you are a gold-digging poodle, it pays to cozy up to an heiress, widow or actress rather than the stereotypical rich guy. ─── 如果你是个拜金狮子狗,那么通过讨好一个女继承人、寡妇或者女演员要好过跟着那些死板木讷的有钱男人。

71、She's got herself fixed up with a cozy flat. ─── 她弄到了一套舒适的公寓。

72、Add a cozy, country feel to your table setting by creating a natural candleholder. ─── 你可以做一个充满自然风味的烛台为你的餐桌背景增添一分舒适乡村的感觉。

73、Considerate idea and delicate design in every detail assures you of fresh-new space in kitchen and bathroom, bringing your family a safe, beautiful and cozy living contition. ─── 巧妙的构思,完美的演绎渗入设计的每个环节,构造成家庭厨卫全新空间,给家人营造一个安全、美观、舒适的居住环境。

74、A certain cozy charm; kept a certain air of mystery about him. ─── 一种可感知的令人舒服的魅力; 他保持一种引人注目的神秘气息

75、A small but warm and cozy home can be lovable. ─── ( 小巧而温暖窝心的家,也是讨人喜爱的。

76、Little vole woke up hungry.She left her cozy nest and scurried through the brush,nibbling at flowers. ─── 小田鼠睡醒了他很饿,他离开他的舒适的小洞穴,急急忙忙得穿过灌木丛,找到了各种花朵开始一点一点地吃了起来。

77、A simple beanbag chair or other cozy chair, a small table with a reading lamp and a small bookcase are all that is needed. ─── 一个简单的懒骨头沙发,或者舒适惬意的椅子,一张放着台灯的小桌子和一个小书架。

78、This cozy workplace no longer exists here. ─── 这个舒适的工作环境已经不复存在了。

79、There is a cozy atmosphere and if you have romantic plans, this is the time. You can take a hesitant step forward to woo loved ones. ─── 今天有着惬意的气氛,如果你有浪漫的安排再好不过了。提起你犹豫不决的脚步追求你心爱的人吧。

80、Or the dozens of other peccadilloes she laid at my door, like the cozy little get -togethers I had put up. ─── 再有就是那一次又一次的小过失,比如由我安排的舒心的小聚会,她都归咎于我。

81、Bedroom adornment should be mixed with warmth to the person cozy feeling, curtain, antependium, bedding these soft vestee art, often be a when collocation important step. ─── 卧室装饰应给人以温馨和舒适之感,窗帘、桌布、床上用品这些柔软的装饰布艺,往往是搭配时的一个重要手段。

82、So has his willingness to cozy up to the religious right. ─── 宗教右翼也因他的强硬态势转投他麾。

83、Gibbs doctors tree really interesting. Adversities and bring them the benefits of torture seems to be comfortable and cozy never given. ─── 吉布斯医生的树真是有趣。逆境和折磨带给它们的益处似乎是舒适和安逸永远无法给予的。

84、He lives in a cozy little room. ─── 他住在一个舒适的小屋里。

85、You can sit aboard in a cozy restaurant and look out at an endless sea of ice. ─── 你可以坐在船上舒适的餐厅里,向窗外看一望无垠的冰海。

86、The private room is outfitted with two single beds in a cozy space. ─── 以两个单人床组成的温暖舒适的私密空间。

87、His middle and late poetry, however, presents some cozy and peaceful scenes. ─── 促使他诗风大变的主要原因之一要归于道家思想的影响。

88、A couple of other proposals about handling our global economic crisis are unlikely to end in such cozy intergovernmental declarations. ─── 另外两种关于处理全球经济危机的提议,未必会因这类惬意的政府间的声明而终结。

89、Shining with snug sunlight in Winter, the old man looks very cozy. ─── 在冬日温暖的阳光的照耀下,老人看起来很舒服.

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