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08-27 投稿


confiscating 发音

英:[ˈkɒnfɪskeɪtɪŋ]  美:[ˈkɑːnfɪskeɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

confiscating 中文意思翻译




confiscating 词性/词形变化,confiscating变形

名词: confiscation |动词过去式: confiscated |动词第三人称单数: confiscates |动词现在分词: confiscating |形容词: confiscatory |动词过去分词: confiscated |

confiscating 短语词组

1、confiscating of the driving licence ─── [法] 吊销驾驶执照

2、confiscating define ─── 没收定义

3、confiscating gold ─── 没收黄金

4、confiscating definition ─── 没收定义

5、confiscating cac ─── 没收cac

6、confiscating ppe ─── 没收个人防护用品

confiscating 相似词语短语

1、confiscator ─── n.充公,没收

2、confecting ─── vt.混合;调制;n.糖果;西点

3、configurating ─── vt.配置;形成,使成形

4、confiscated ─── v.充公,没收(confiscate的过去分词)

5、confiscates ─── vt.没收;充公;查抄;adj.被没收的

6、conciliating ─── vt.安抚,安慰;调和;驯服;怀柔;赢得

7、confiscations ─── n.没收;征用;充公

8、confiscate ─── vt.没收;充公;查抄;adj.被没收的

9、confiscation ─── n.没收;征用;充公

confiscating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After confiscating it, the policeman said the aging weapon still had powder and a fuse that could make it explode. ─── 这名警察说,他收缴这枚陈旧的炸弹之后发现炸弹内仍有火药和引信,有可能会发生爆炸。

2、confiscating of the driving licence ─── [法] 吊销驾驶执照

3、Edit summary of confiscating fields and relocating plan during the course of highway construction ─── 公路工程建设中征地及重新安置计划编制概要

4、Whether the Education Department has drawn up any guidelines to advise teachers on the procedures and methods to be adopted in confiscating students electronic virtual pets; ─── 教育署有否任何指引,协助教师在没收学生的电子宠物时所采用的程序和手法;

5、Confiscating and destroying representations of right-infringing trademarks; ─── 收缴并销毁侵权商标标识;

6、Generally accepted guidelines for confiscating equipment, software and data ─── 设备,软件数据没收的通用可接受的方法指南

7、They searched the room of every monk, confiscating all mobile phones as well as the pictures. ─── 他们在搜查房间的每一个僧侣,没收所有移动电话以及图片。

8、The penalty of confiscating property is one of the strictest additional penalties and therefore, is substantially stipulated in the Criminal Law. ─── 没收财产刑是我国最为严厉的附加刑,现行刑法对之作了大量的规定。

9、The crackdown will focus on robbery and theft of those socially chaotic areas, on smashing drug trafficking and prostitution, and on confiscating unlawful firearms, etc. ─── 将集中打击一些治安混乱的地区的抢劫偷盗犯罪,禁止贩毒和卖淫,收缴非法枪支等等;

10、In a case where a humane society is confiscating a collector's animals, offer to help the shelter by walking or playing with the animals. ─── 有的例子是人权组织没收了动物收藏者所拥有的动物,并以散步或陪动物玩耍的方式协助提供动物避难所。

11、In other words, our policy of confiscating land from the landlord class was replaced by a policy of reducing rent and interest rates in order to appropriately satisfy the peasants' demands. ─── 这就是说,对于地主阶级,不采取没收土地的政策,但又要适当满足农民的要求,所以采取减租减息的政策。

12、During her last visit in August, public security officials searched her mother’s home in Lhasa, confiscating computers and subjecting Ms. ─── 她去年八月那一次回到拉萨的旅行,公安警察搜了她母亲在拉萨的家,没收了电脑,并且带走讯问了唯色女士八个小时之久。

13、For the rebels, the first order of business was confiscating cell phones. ─── 对于匪徒来说,它们的第一个命令就是没收手机。

14、The customs shall, after confiscating the goods infringing upon an intellectual property right, inform the intellectual property right holder in writing of the relevant information on the said goods. ─── 海关没收侵犯知识产权货物后,应当将侵犯知识产权货物的有关情况书面通知知识产权权利人。

15、Some light moments at today's White House briefing. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs getting tough on a reporter using a cellphone, confiscating the device then throwing it in his office. ─── 下面是来自白宫简报的一些轻松时刻。新闻秘书长吉布斯严厉对待了一个用手机的记者,并没收了他的手机扔在他办公室。

16、confiscating temple property to set up schools ─── 庙产兴学

17、This paper introduces the edit summry of confiscating fields and relocating plan during the course of highway construction for references. ─── 简要介绍了公路工程建设中征地及重新安置计划的编制概要,以供今后在其他公路工程项目实施时在此方面参考。

18、confiscating penalty ─── 没收财产

19、The mainland developed thorough agrarian revolution of confiscating the landlord's land to farmers, the "mutual cooperation " and "the people's commune movement". ─── 大陆则开展了没收封建地主土地分给农民的彻底的土地改革、互助合作及人民公社化运动。

20、Sudanese security has begun confiscating equipment from various relief agency offices. ─── 她说:“除了喀土穆外,我们在所能想到的各层面进行协调。

21、In Pakistan's war zones, a policy based purely on jamming, and confiscating kit, would upset local Pushtuns, for whom radio is a vital medium. ─── 巴基斯坦战争区,如果仅仅靠实行干扰信号、没收设备的政策,就会让当地的普什图族(Pushtuns)(译注8)心生不满,因为收音机对他们来说至关重要。

22、Anywhere relieve nature, in addition to confiscating it cause tool, give to expel from school a punishment. ─── 第十条:随地大小便,除没收其肇事工具外,给予开除学籍处分。

23、2) Confiscating and destroying representations of right-infringing trademarks; ─── 消除现存商品上的侵权商标;

24、Abortion should not abortion, destroy your house confiscating your cattle ─── 应该流产的不流产,毁掉你房子没收你的牛

25、Confiscating the molds, printing plates and other means used directly and specially for trademark infringement; ─── 收缴直接专门用于商标侵权的模具、印板和其他作案工具;

26、At that time we pursued a policy of confiscating land from the landlord class. ─── 那个时候,我们对于地主阶级的政策是没收土地的政策。

27、Besides the confiscating illegal products, they say, judicial protection of intellectual property rights is improving, patent applications are increasing and international cooperation is expanding. ─── 他们说,除了没收非法产品之外,中国也正在加强对知识产权的司法保护,专利权申请越来越多,有关国际合作也越来越广泛。

28、confiscating alien property; ─── 征用外国财产;

29、Human Rights Watch says soldiers attacked and occupied numerous villages in Kachin state, confiscating residents' property and belongings. ─── 人权观察组织说,缅甸部队攻击并占领了克钦邦的多个村庄,没收当地居民的财物。

30、The Research on Existent Issues and Measures of Actual Confiscating System ─── 现行征地制度存在的问题和对策研究

31、If we had continued our attack mainly on the landlord class, following a policy of confiscating land instead of a policy of reducing rent and interest rates, the landlords would have been driven to the side of the Japanese aggressors. ─── 如果主要的打击对象还是地主阶级,不采取减租减息的政策,而是采取没收土地的政策,那就会把地主阶级赶到日本侵略者那边去。

32、Defect of Confiscating Illicit Income Policies and Measures towards Them ─── 没收非法所得政策执行的缺陷和完善的措施

33、I feel those make track for shot but go to of the helicopters may have been wrong, otherwise I but had been confiscating till any news? ─── 我觉得那些追击而去的直升机可能已经出了问题,不然我却一直没收到任何消息呢?

34、The Kazakhstan National Security Committee has been raiding churches, confiscating computers and questioning church workers and church members. ─── 哈萨克国家安全委员会曾突袭教会,将电脑充公,并盘问教会同工与会友。

35、Police have raided the residences of at least ten individuals, confiscating laptops, computers, cell phones, and books. ─── 警方已搜查了至少十个人的住宅,没收了他们的笔记本电脑、台式机、手机和书籍。

36、2) changing the way of confiscating arable land; ─── 2)改变当前的征地方式;

37、Several Suggestion to Consummate Enforcing System of Confiscating Property Punishment ─── 完善没收财产刑执行制度的若干建议

38、and (4) the policy of confiscating the land of the landlords will be discontinued and the common programme of the anti-Japanese national united front resolutely carried out. ─── (四)停止没收地主土地之政策,坚决执行抗日民族统一战线之共同纲领。”

39、In a case where a humane society is confiscating a collector's animals, offer to help the shelter by walking or playing with the animals. ─── 有的例子是人权组织没收了动物收藏者所拥有的动物,并以散步或陪动物玩耍的方式协助提供动物避难所。

40、Press Secretary Robert Gibbs getting tough on a reporter using a cellphone, confiscating the device then throwing it in his office. ─── 新闻秘书罗伯特吉布斯对一名使用手机的记者发难,他没收了手机,并仍到了他的办公室里。

41、The system of corruption property recovery is a complete one which mainly includes four parts: the monitoring,detaining and freezing,confiscating,returning of the corruption property. ─── 追回腐败犯罪资产机制是一个完整的体系,主要包括对腐败资产的监测、扣押和冻结、没收、返还等四个环节。

42、Police in Beijing and other Chinese cities sparked outrage by entering the homes of dog owners and confiscating dogs that were either unlicensed or over 35 centimeters (14 inches) tall. ─── 北京和其他中国城市的警察日前强行进入养狗民众家中,捕捉没有登记或超过35公分高的狗,此举引起了民众的愤怒不满。

43、Then - about 10 years ago - officials started confiscating their children, it is claimed. ─── 据称从大约10年前开始,官方开始没收他们的孩子。

44、Bern warned it might go as far as confiscating the data, should a US court in Miami rule the bank was obliged to transfer the client names requested. ─── 瑞士政府警告称,如果美国迈阿密一家法庭裁定,瑞银有义务移交所要求的客户姓名,瑞方可能会没收相关材料。

45、Ten years ago: Iraq began confiscating foreign assets from countries that were imposing sanctions against the Baghdad government. ─── 10年前:伊拉克开始没收他国外资资产来反对巴格达政府。

46、The campaign, which started March 20 and will end October 31, includes confiscating illegal weapons, preventing gun crimes and supervising the use of guns. ─── 此次专项行动包括全面收缴非法武器、严密防范涉枪犯罪活动以及严格管理枪支使用等。

47、Reflections on the Problems of Compensation for Confiscating Farmers'Land ─── 对农民土地征收补偿的法律思考

48、During her last visit in August, public security officials searched her mother's home in Lhasa, confiscating computers and subjecting Ms. ─── 她去年八月那一次回到拉萨的旅行,公安警察搜了她母亲在拉萨的家,没收了电脑,并且带走讯问了唯色女士八个小时之久。

49、When punishing a party concerned by confiscating the vessel, the maritime administrative agency shall deal with the confiscated vessel according to law. ─── 对当事人处以没收船舶处罚的,海事管理机构应当依法处理所没收的船舶。

50、On the Legislative Perfection for the Property - Confiscating Penalty ─── 论没收财产刑的立法完善

51、Most places in the Border Region had carried out the policy of confiscating the land of the landlords and distributing it among the peasants and cancelling the old debts of the peasants. ─── 在边区内,大部分地方原来已经实行了没收地主土地分给农民和废除农民原先所负债务的政策。

52、of confiscating her birthday money, is there any way we can hope to discourage this? ─── 没收她的生日礼金,还有什么方法能阻止她这么做吗?

53、There was Mame by my side confiscating my intellects and attention. ─── 有玛米坐在我身边,害得我心不在焉。



1. I confide in her. (我信任她。)

2. He confided his worries to his close friend. (他把他的担忧告诉了他最好的朋友。)

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