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08-21 投稿


dalliance 发音

英:[ˈdæliəns]  美:[ˈdæliəns]

英:  美:

dalliance 中文意思翻译



dalliance 网络释义

n. 嬉戏;闲混;调情

dalliance 短语词组

1、dalliance defined ─── 调戏

2、dalliance sc ─── 达利安斯sc

3、dalliance syn ─── 达利安斯syn

4、dalliance definition ─── 玩乐定义

5、dalliance spa ─── 达利安斯水疗中心

6、dalliance define ─── 调戏

7、furtive dalliance ─── 偷 ─── 偷摸摸

8、dalliance font ─── 调戏字体

dalliance 词性/词形变化,dalliance变形


dalliance 相似词语短语

1、mesalliance ─── 门不当户不对的婚姻

2、realliance ─── 真实性

3、alliances ─── n.联盟,同盟;盟国(alliance的复数形式);联姻

4、misalliance ─── n.不适当的结合;不适当的婚姻

5、dalliances ─── n.嬉戏;闲混;调情

6、valiance ─── 英勇

7、Ballance ─── n.(Ballance)人名;(英)巴兰斯

8、mésalliance ─── n.与社会身份较低的人结婚;门不当户不对的婚姻

9、alliance ─── n.联盟,联合;联姻

dalliance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When it became clear that the Reformation was a poor friend of religious nationalism (Christian America) and moralism (tee-totaling) the fundamentalists abandoned their dalliance with the Reformation. ─── 一旦发现宗教改革不是宗教理性主义(美国的基督教)与道德主义(禁烟)的好友后,基要主义者就遗弃了他们与宗教改革的联盟。

2、1 Easy and pleasant as their life at Paris was/, it was after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling. ─── 他们在巴黎生活得又舒服又开心,说到底终究不过在那里偷安嬉戏罢了。

3、A deal between the pair would perhaps be more of a dalliance, conditional and undeclared. ─── 在一次浪漫邂逅的表面下,双方可能还达成了条件更多且未公开的交易。

4、primrose path of dalliance ─── 寻欢作乐的生活

5、It was a beautiful summer is a season of flowers blooming, I know her, This is a green boat among the romantic dalliance. ─── 那是一个美丽的夏天,是一个荷花盛开的时节,我认识她,就是在这绿荷轻舟徜徉的浪漫之中。

6、girls’ private words and young couples’ dalliance are often listened by next-door neighbor and become secret stories, jokes to talk about funding in the town. ─── 以至妹娃家的私房话,年轻夫妇的打情骂俏,都常常被隔壁邻居听了去,传为一镇的秘闻趣事,笑料谈资。

7、Easy and pleasant as their life at Paris was, it was after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling. ─── 他们在巴黎生活得又舒服又有趣,可是终久不过在偷安嬉耍,不是个久远之计。

8、Laker Nation's love affair with Ariza was not unlike South Carolina Gov.Mark Sanford's dalliance with Maria Belen Chapur: short, passionate and star-crossed.L. ─── 湖人与阿里扎的感情纠葛相比南卡罗来纳州政府官员马克.桑福德与玛利亚.贝勒.查普尔的调情故事有过之而无不及:短暂,激情而又不幸。

9、Now she has the opportunity to exact her revenge: I am continuing the dalliance at a conference abroad, but my wife says she plans to bring some girlfriends to holiday in the same place. ─── 现在她有机会报复了:我目前在国外开会,并且和情人在一起,但我妻子说她打算带一些女友到同一地点来度假。

10、to spend time in idle dalliance ─── 浪荡地消磨时间.

11、Transparent glasse are reflecting the midnight's dalliance ─── 透明的玻璃杯里

12、China's banking regulator, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), disapproves of the trust companies' dalliance with the banks. ─── 中国银行业的监管机构——中国银行业监督管理委员会并不认同信托公司与银行的这种密切的合作。

13、There was, however, one dalliance that continues to intrigue the old salts who worked on the 18-berth vessels at Ocean Village Marina. ─── 不过,最后还是被一个在有着18个船位的海洋村码头工作的小伙子抢了先。

14、Slight dalliance with her makes the very diminutive seem as big as life ─── 与她稍作嬉戏就会使无足轻重的小事变得性命攸关。

15、1 Easy and pleasant as their life at Paris was, it was after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling. ─── 尽管他们在巴黎过着简单又惬意的生活,但那毕竟只是闲散的闲混和和蔼可亲的琐事。

16、It turned out to be his last dalliance with the education system. ─── 这一次竟成了他对教育体制最后的嘲弄。

17、Such speculation was rife even before the reports of Costner's alleged dalliance with 35-year-old Michelle Amaral, a married mother of three who performs at the hotel. ─── 这些猜测在凯文与35岁的已婚带有三个孩子的酒店表演者Michelle Amaral的绯闻之前就开始盛传了。

18、The Dalliance of the Eagles ─── 双鹰的嬉戏

19、Dalliance between conventional pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology firms are nothing new. ─── 传统制药公司和生物技术公司之间暗中眉来眼去早就不是什么新鲜事了。

20、The Ivorian hitman has made it clear that he wants to leave Stamford Bridge and has continued his flirtation with the Diavolo by recalling a past dalliance in his book. ─── 科特迪瓦前锋已说明他想离开斯坦福桥,并在他的自传里回想起曾经和米兰的暧昧关系来继续这份近距离的暧昧。

21、entered into an advertising dalliance with Google, but this fell apart after antitrust authorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement.Talks between Microsoft and Yahoo! ─── 于是,雅虎又跟谷歌抛起了广告媚眼,但反垄断机构发出警示,这俩公司结连理,名不正,言不顺。

22、a costly dalliance with the stock market ─── 玩弄股市的昂贵代价((玩股票而被套牢))

23、Easy and pleasant as their life at Paris was, it was after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling. ─── 尽管他们在巴黎过着简单又惬意的生活,但那毕竟只是闲散的闲混和和蔼可亲的琐事。

24、" Dalliance mountains in China, you can completely blend together with nature. ─── 在青山绿水中徜徉,你完全可与大自然交融在一起。

25、It was a beautiful summer is a season of flowers blooming, I know her, This is a green boat among the romantic dalliance. ─── 那是一个美丽的夏天,是一个荷花盛开的时节,我认识她,就是在这绿荷轻舟徜徉的浪漫之中。

26、Mark Sanford's dalliance in Argentina raises a fairly basic question: In American politics, is having an affair a mortal sin? ─── 其一是虚伪,其二是利用职权找外遇。这是很难找出宽恕理由的两个不赦之罪,这也正是桑福德真正的问题。

27、Easy and pleasant as their life at Paris was, it was after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling ─── 他们在巴黎生活得又舒服又有趣,可是终究不过在偷安嬉耍,不是个久远之计。

28、7.If America is relatively unperturbed by the Russian-Chinese dalliance, that may be because it sees it as fragile. ─── 假使美国能够相对泰然自若地看待俄中亲密关系,那可能是因为美国认为这种关系是脆弱的。

29、The Dalliance of the Eagle ─── 鹰之恋

30、It turned out to be his last dalliance with the education system. ─── 这一次竟成了他对教育体制最后的嘲弄。

31、University! Stop dreaming of dalliance on me! ─── 大学!你不要想调戏我!

32、Stories about his daily dalliance with death are discussed in revered terms by Dubai 's workers. ─── 关于巴布每天和死神嬉戏的故事在迪拜的建筑工人中流传。

33、He had to fight to keep from laughing. She was good at dalliance. He wondered how experience she really was, under her facade. ─── 他拼命憋着不笑。她很会调情。他倒想知道在她的正面的下部,她真的是有经验么。

34、One thing about this dalliance with the OED is reassuring: If words emerge and evolve over time, it is possible to get behind them. ─── 对牛津英语大辞典的戏虐这件事,至少有一点值得肯定的是:文字的产生和演变经历了一个漫长的过程,因此,对某些字当时的意义无从考究,这是很有可能的。

35、In February 1967, she began a dalliance with Robin Douglas-Home, 35, a talented and troubled pianist and the nephew of a former prime minister. ─── 1967年2月,玛格丽特与一位前首相的侄子、才华横溢但天性伤感的钢琴家35岁的罗宾·道格拉斯-霍姆开始了一段情缘。

36、Come! for thy dalliance does thee wrong, ─── 来呀!浪费时间就坏了你的事,

37、entered into an advertising dalliance with Google, but this fell apart after antitrust authorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement. ─── 雅虎不用将数百万投入搜索和广告技术领域。

38、Slight dalliance with her makes the very diminutive seem as big as life. ─── 与她稍作嬉戏就会使无足轻重的小事变得性命攸关。

39、The reaction to Bush's management of the economy was the elevation of Arkansas governor William Clinton, whose dalliance with Monica Lewinski in turn helped to elect George W. ─── 老布什对经济方面的管理不力又提升了阿肯色州州长克林顿的地位,使其入主白宫,而克林顿与莱温斯基的调情反过来又帮助了小布什获选。

40、Terry's real offence was, I am sure, to try to prevent his alleged dalliance being reported by the tabloids. ─── 我可以肯定地说,特里真正错误在于试图阻止媒体小报们报道他的这遭出轨。

41、university!stop dreaming of dalliance on me! ─── 大学!你不要想调戏我!

42、In case you thought the Yankees' dalliance with the Twins over ace lefthander Johan Santana had ended, think again. ─── 如果你还认为洋基对于招揽双城的王牌投手山大王只是过时的戏言的话,你可以再考虑一下.

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