bluefin 发音
英:[ˈblʊˌfɪn] 美:[ˈbluːˌfɪn]
英: 美:
bluefin 中文意思翻译
bluefin 短语词组
1、bluefin uuv price ─── 蓝鳍uuv价格
2、bluefin fish ─── 蓝鳍鱼
3、bluefin isup ─── 蓝鳍金枪鱼上来了
4、bluefin tuna price ─── 金枪鱼价格
5、bluefin brands ─── 蓝鳍金枪鱼品牌
6、bluefin tuna ─── 蓝鳍鲔, ─── 蓝鳍金枪鱼
7、bluefin boats ─── 蓝鳍金枪鱼船
8、bluefin uuv ─── 蓝鳍无人机
bluefin 词性/词形变化,bluefin变形
形容词: bluecoated |
bluefin 常用词组
bluefin tuna ─── 金枪鱼;蓝鳍金枪鱼
bluefin 相似词语短语
1、blue vein ─── 青筋;蓝纹
2、blue funk ─── n.恐惧;精神紧张
3、bluetit ─── 蓝山雀
4、bluewing ─── 蓝翼
5、blueline ─── n.(划分冰球场成3个均等区域的)蓝线;[测]蓝色线条图
6、olefin ─── n.烯烃
7、blue line ─── 伯顿氏线(也称蓝线或铅线);蓝线(等于zoneline);停火分界线
8、blueing ─── v.(使)变成蓝色;(通过烧制)给(金属)烤蓝;用蓝色漂白剂洗(白色衣服)(blue的现在分词);n.蓝色漂白剂;(金属)烤蓝,发蓝(等于bluing)
9、bluefish ─── n.竹荚鱼,鲹鱼(美洲大西洋海岸所产的青鱼)
bluefin 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Sashimi made from the maw of bluefin tuna cost 300 NT per slice. ─── 黑鲔肚子的生鱼片以片计价,一片三百元。
2、Breeding the bluefin in captivity, however, is a major challenge.One company that is attempting this feat is Clean Seas Aquaculture Growout, owned by the Stehr Group in Port Lincoln, South Australia. ─── 然而,黑鲔的圈养是相当大的挑战,南澳林肯港的史特尔集团(StehrGroup)所拥有的净海水产养殖公司(CleanSeasAquacultureGrowout),正在尝试这种技术。
3、tuna, which melts in your mouth, is still seen as a rare delicacy even now. ─── 即化的黑鲔鱼,目前仍被看作是稀有珍味。
4、Yet even if the trade in bluefin tuna were to be halted completely, there would be no guarantee that the species would recover. ─── 然而,即使彻底禁止了一切金枪鱼交易,仍然不能确定金枪鱼种群就能恢复。
5、Natural Spawning of Bluefin Trevally Caranx melampygns Cuvier in Captivity ─── 蓄养黑尻?Caranx melampygus Cuvier的自然产卵
6、So many giant bluefin have been hauled out of the Mediterranean that the population is in danger of collapse. ─── 如此众多的大金枪鱼从地中海里捕捞上来,导致其种群数量急剧下降。
7、On June 5th Monaco did this for bluefin tuna. ─── 6月5日,摩纳哥提名了金枪鱼。
8、Japan buys around 25% of the global tuna catch;the shortage has pushed up prices of bluefin (the best sort for sushi) by around 30% in two years. ─── 日本购买了全球25%的吞拿鱼捕捞配额,供应量减少将使蓝鳍吞拿鱼(做寿司的最佳原料之一)的价格在2年的时间里攀升30%左右。
9、The bluefin has proved to be no match for a high-tech fishing industry, which has sent their numbers into a precipitous decline. ─── 金枪鱼已经证明没有对手因为高科技渔业,已经发送它们的数字到一个险峻的衰退时期。
10、northern bluefin ─── n. 青干金枪鱼
11、Southern bluefin tuna ─── 澳大利亚金枪鱼
12、These caged bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) swim in Spanish waters. ─── 意译:鱼的学校:图片美术馆。
13、Perhaps the most grotesque form of fish farming is the ranching of bluefin tuna, a delicacy that may sell for as much as $860 a kilo. ─── 也许最奇怪的养鱼场是蓝鳍金枪鱼大养殖场。蓝鳍金枪鱼做成的佳肴可以买到每公斤860美元。
14、bluefin tuna ─── 金枪鱼
15、Last October, Japan promised to halve its quota for the southern bluefin tuna as compensation for overfishing, but denied it had surpassed the quota on purpose. ─── 去年十月,日本承诺减半南方黑鲔鱼的配额,以补偿过度捕捞,但该国否认曾有意地超过捕捞的限额。
16、To begin our tour, Staunton and I had to change into special white rubber boots, sterilized to prevent the introduction of alien microbes into the tanks where the bluefin tuna are nurtured. ─── 参观一开始,史陶顿和我就必须换上特制的白色橡胶靴,这靴子已经消毒过,以免把外来的微生物带入饲养黑鲔的水槽。
17、"Frozen assets, bluefin tuna worth top yen are readied for Tsukiji's morning auction. ─── 这些价值不菲的冰冻物资蓝鳍金枪鱼是为筑地鱼市的晨间拍卖准备的。
18、Large, fast-swimming predatory fish such as swordfish, sharks, and bluefin tuna populate this zone. ─── 大型、快游的肉食性鱼类如剑鱼、鲨鱼、篮鳍、鲔鱼等游居于此地带。
19、The 6ft to 8ft-long Pacific bluefin tuna, weighing 268kg (590lbs), is believed to be the largest of its species landed by anglers, breaking New Zealand and possibly world weight records. ─── 日前,新西兰人捕获了一条体重268公斤的金枪鱼,它很可能是目前世界上被捕获的最大的太平洋蓝鳍金枪鱼。
20、Bluefin tuna are a pelagic species: they live in the open waters, far beyond the reach (and governance) of individual nations. ─── 金枪鱼是一种远洋物种。他们生活在开放的水域中,远离单个国家的管辖。
21、Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna ─── 马苏金枪鱼养护委员会
22、Pacific bluefin tuna swim in a fish tank at the Tokyo Sea Life Park. ─── 东京海洋生物公园,太平洋金枪鱼游弋在浴缸中。
23、Earlier this year Monaco proposed that the bluefin be listed in Appendix I of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). ─── 今年早些时候,摩纳哥提出将蓝鳍金枪鱼列入CITES的附录一中(CITES是濒危动植物国际贸易公约)。
24、Bluefin tuna: There is rising support for a ban on the international trade in bluefin tuna, although any effort to reduce catches will inevitably be met with opposition by Japan. ─── 金枪鱼:尽管任何减少捕鱼量的规定在日本都会毫无疑问地遭到反对,但一项禁止进行金枪鱼国际贸易的禁令日益获得广泛支持。
25、Things might be better for the bluefin if it were possible to breed them in captivity, as well as raising them there. ─── 如果不仅能够人工养殖蓝鳍金枪鱼,还能够让捕获的鱼在喂养状态下进行繁殖,则蓝鳍金枪鱼数量下降的局面可能就会得到改善。
26、Although the Aussies appear to be in the lead, it remains to be seen if they, the Japanese, or the Europeans will win the race to breed the bluefin in captivity. ─── 虽然澳洲人看似独领风骚,不过还不知道是谁会赢得这场圈养繁殖黑鲔的比赛,是澳洲人、日本人或欧洲人?
27、P, p'-DDE Polychlorinated-Naphthalenes, -Biphenyls, -Dibenzo-p-dioxins, -Dibenzofurans and p, p'-DDE in Bluefin Tuna, Swordfish, Cormorants and Barn Swallows from Italy ─── 意大利的金枪鱼、箭鱼、鸬鹚以及家燕等体内的多氯萘、多氯联苯、多氯二苯-p-二恶英、多氯二苯并呋喃以及
28、Yet even if the trade in bluefin tuna were to be halted completely, there would be no guarantee that the species would recover. ─── 然而,即使金枪鱼贸易被完全禁止,该物种依然不能被确保恢复如昔。
29、” The only variable they cannot duplicate is the depth of the water, and they are praying that it is not a critical factor in the breeding of the southern bluefin. ─── 唯一无法复制的条件是水深,而他们祈祷水深不是南方黑鲔繁殖的关键因子。
30、The report also found if Japan had stuck to what it was supposed to catch, the stock of Southern Bluefin would be at least five times larger. ─── 报告还显示,如果日本按照协议规定的那样去捕捞的话,澳大利亚金枪鱼的数量至少是现在的五倍有多.
31、We're still killing bluefin tuna, truly endangered, And much more valuable alive than dead. ─── 我们还在捕杀事实上已经濒临灭绝的蓝鳍金枪鱼,它们活着时的价值远高于死去时。
32、types of tuna, and bluefin tuna is considered to be the highest grade of all. ─── 鲔鱼的种类繁多,黑鲔鱼则为其中最高级的一种。
33、Add bluefin tuna and green turtles to the casualties in the Hezbollah-Israel conflict. ─── 黎以冲突让金枪鱼,绿毛龟也变成受害者。
34、Because ICCAT has failed to stop overfishing in the eastern Atlantic, bluefin stocks have collapsed throughout the ocean. ─── 由于ICCAT没能阻止大西洋东部的过渔行为,整个海洋的黑鲔族群数量已经衰竭。
35、A bluefin tuna can release 10 million fertilized eggs in a spawning season. ─── 在产卵季节,一只金枪鱼能产一千万只受精卵。
36、But illegal flights during June have been observed, says WWF Mediterranean, which campaigns for protection of bluefin tuna. ─── 世界自然基金会地中海分会表示,6月中曾经观察到非法的飞行,该分会宗旨即是要保护黑鲔鱼。
37、The bluefin are fattened offshore in sea cages before being shot and butchered for the sushi and steak markets in Japan, America, and Europe. ─── 在屠宰并卖到日本、美国和欧洲的寿司或者烤鱼片市场之前,这些金枪鱼被关在离岸的笼子中养肥。
38、And now we are witnessing the same phenomenon happening to giant bluefin tuna that we saw happen with America's buffalo.We are witnessing this, right now, right before our eyes. ─── 而现在,我们正见证着当年发生在美洲野牛身上的故事又在大金枪鱼的身上重演,就是现在,就是眼前。”
39、In 2001 a single bluefin tuna sold at the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo for $173,600. ─── 2001年东京的筑地鱼市场,就曾经创下一条黑鲔17万3600美元(约合新台币520万元)的高价。
40、It's not just a matter of taking bluefin tuna and other valuable species out of the oceans through industrial fishing. ─── 事情并不仅仅是工业化的捕鱼导致的金枪鱼和其它海洋经济物种减少。
41、But the bluefin tuna, a giant among fishes, is the premier choice for sushi and sashimi and has become the most desirable food fish in the world. ─── 体型较大的黄鳍鲔和大目鲔也被大量捕捞,不过这两种鱼做成寿司并不怎麽美味,通常拿来烤。
42、northern bluefin tuna ─── 北方蓝鳍金枪鱼
43、Two days ago, campaigners said stocks of the Mediterranean bluefin tuna, another staple of Japanese cuisine, were facing exhaustion because of overfishing. ─── 活动人员两天前表示,日本料理的另一种主要材料地中海黑鲔,也因过度捕捞面临绝种。
44、Bluefin tuna farms in the Mediterranean have also experience substantial decline, WWF said, another sign the species is in sharp decline. ─── 世界自然基金会表示,地中海的蓝鳍鲔鱼养殖场也经历了数量暴跌的情形,其他的徵兆还包括物种数大量减少。
45、The bluefin tuna is a veritable eating machine, superbly adapted to hunting in the cold waters of the temperate oceans. ─── 黑鲔可说是道地的吃东西机器,在温带海洋的冷水中捕捉猎物轻而易举。
46、As America already thinks the Atlantic bluefin tuna is overfished by Europeans, Mr Irranca-Davies will probably be pushing on an open door. ─── 美国一直认为欧洲过度捕捞大西洋域的金枪鱼,戴维斯无疑前路无阻;
47、The big-game fisher sees the bluefin tuna as a sleek and powerful opponent; ─── 狩猎大型鱼的渔夫把黑鲔视为健壮有力的对手;
48、These fish include red snapper, Atlantic salmon, bluefin tuna, and king crab. ─── 这些鱼类包括红鲷鱼、大西洋鲑鱼、金枪鱼和帝王蟹。
49、The bluefin has proved to be no match for a high-tech fishing industry which has sent their numbers into a precipitous decline. ─── 该蓝鳍金枪鱼已被证明是不符合条件的高科技捕鱼业,这已送出它们的数量到达一个险峻的下降期。
50、To supply the world's sushi markets, the magnificent giant bluefin tuna is fished in the Mediterranean at four times the sustainable rate. ─── 地中海每年4次,以可持续利用的比率,捕捞这些巨大的蓝鳍金枪鱼,供应给世界的寿司市场。
51、Bluefin tuna stocks have been tumbling worldwide, a situation conservationists blame on overfishing and poaching. ─── 全世界的黑鲔鱼正逐渐减少中,保育人士将此归咎于过度捕捞及偷捕。
52、As efforts to prevent the bluefin tuna suffering a similar fate are increased, some conservationists wonder whether there will still be a breeding population left to save. ─── 在防止金枪鱼惨遭同样的命运方面的努力不断加强的同时,一些资源保护学家在质疑---是否还有一个可繁殖的数量可以被保护。
53、On July 16th Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, announced that France would support the placing of Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna on the CITES list. ─── 7月16日,法国总统萨科奇宣布法国支持将大西洋及地中海域的金枪鱼列入公约。
54、On the basis of the catch returns received from the seven European Union countries that fish for bluefin, the 2007 EU quota of 16,780 metric tons has been exhausted, the Commission said. ─── 根据由7个欧盟国家收到黑鲔鱼捕获量的回报,委员会表示2007年欧盟的鲔鱼限量16,780公吨已耗尽。
55、Heedless overfishing is steadily pushing the bluefin toward extinction, and the species may soon disappear unless entrepreneurial fish farmers can learn how to breed the tuna in captivity. ─── 过渔问题不断把黑鲔推向灭绝,牠们可能很快就会消失,除非鱼类养殖业者学会如何圈养繁殖。
56、TheyThese caged bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) swim in Spanish waters. ─── 这些困在笼中的金枪鱼游泳在西班牙的海域。
57、acific bluefin tuna swim in a fish tank at the Tokyo Sea Life Park. ─── 东京水族馆里游弋的太平洋金枪鱼。
58、A decline in bluefin stocks has increased demand for the bigeye tuna which is also excessively fished in the Indian and Atlantic oceans and the Western and Central Pacific, the report added. ─── 报告补充道,黑鲔数量下滑造成大目鲔需求增加,使其在印度洋、大西洋、西部和中部太平洋被过度捕捞。
59、And consumers are being urged to avoid some fish altogether, such as eels and bluefin tuna. ─── 鱼、绿青鳕、比目鱼、鲱属小海鱼尝起来也别有风味。 而且消费者正在被催促避开集中购买某些鱼,诸如鳗鱼和黑鲔鱼。
60、The Atlantic has lost cod, swordfish, bluefin tuna. In the Pacific, groundfish stocks have collapsed and may take generations to recover. ─── 大西洋中的鳕鱼、旗鱼和金枪鱼已经灭绝了。在太平洋,底栖鱼的数量锐减,要重新恢复原来的种群则需要花费几十年不懈的努力。
61、Overfishing and acidification of the oceans are threatening marine species as diverse as the bluefin tuna and reef-forming corals. ─── 过度捕捞和海水酸化正威胁着金枪鱼和造礁珊瑚等海洋物种的生存。
62、Indeed, the World Wildlife Fund, a nature conservation organisation, reckons that bluefin spawners will be virtually eliminated by 2012. ─── 事实上,据自然保护组织---国际野生动物基金会估计:金枪鱼产卵鱼几乎可能于2012年灭绝。
63、So many giant bluefin have been hauled out of the Mediterranean that the population is in danger of collapse. ─── 如此众多的大金枪鱼从地中海里捕捞上来,导致其种群数量急剧下降。
64、Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna; ─── 南部蓝鳍金枪鱼养护公约;
65、It seems likely that a fresh attempt to list bluefin tuna will have to wait until the next CITES meeting in three years time. ─── 下次尝试将金枪鱼列入濒危物种的举措要等到3年后的下届国际贸易公约会议。
66、The bluefin did not become valuable as a food fish until the latter half of the 20th century, when sushi began to appear on menus around the globe. ─── 黑鲔一直到20世纪后半叶成为食用鱼时,价值才节节高升,同时寿司也开始出现在世界各地的菜单上。
bluefin uuv是哪个国家?
Bluefin机器人公司已经生产了该系列的约50个AUV 平台,包括装载在美国海军水面舰上的21英寸(533mm)BPAUV,以VSW(极浅海)和MCM(反水雷战)为目的的9英寸(229mm)便携式Bluefin-9系统,和兼顾灵活使用和操作的Bluefin-12(324mm)系统。
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