clique 发音
英:[kliːk] 美:[kliːk]
英: 美:
clique 中文意思翻译
clique 网络释义
n. 派系;阀;私党;小圈子vi. 结党n. (Clique)人名;(法)克利克
clique 词性/词形变化,clique变形
clique 短语词组
1、offender clique ─── 提供单击
2、Shanghai clique ─── 上海点击
3、financial clique ─── [经] 金融集团, 财团
4、Clique cover problem ─── 团集覆盖问题
5、conspiratorial clique ─── [法] 阴谋集团
6、connected clique ─── [计] 连接集团
7、Anhui clique ─── 安徽点击
8、clique structure ─── 单击结构
9、Clique problem ─── 单击问题
10、reactionary clique ─── [法] 反动集团
11、bear clique ─── [经] 空头集团
12、Clique (graph theory) ─── 斜(图论)
13、CC Clique CC ─── 单击
14、maximal clique ─── [计] 极大系, 最大集团
15、insurgent clique ─── [法] 叛乱集团
16、clique graph ─── [计] 团图
17、international criminal clique ─── [法] 国际犯罪集团
18、bull clique ─── [经] 多头派, 多头集团
19、traitorous clique ─── [法] 卖国集团, 叛徒集团
clique 相似词语短语
1、cliqued ─── n.派系;阀;私党;小圈子;vi.结党;n.(Clique)人名;(法)克利克
2、Lalique ─── n.拉力克;莱丽卡(法国装饰品牌)
3、cliquey ─── adj.小集团的
4、almique ─── n.白铁线子
5、cliquy ─── 陈词滥调
6、caique ─── n.地中海轻帆船;轻巧小舟
7、cliques ─── n.派系;小集团(clique的复数形式);v.结党(clique的第三人称单数)
8、Salique ─── adj.撒利人法典的;撒利族的(等于Salic)
9、cliquier ─── 点击
clique 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Gullit also claimed: "There's a clique of mediocre players who think if they stick close to him they will stay involved in the team. ─── 古立特还指出:“在纽卡球队中有一小撮普通球员认为只要巴结好希勒,他们就能留在队伍里混日子。
2、A new algorithm for the maximum clique problem has been presented in this paper,the local enumerative algorithm based on average degree sorting. ─── 提出了关于最大团问题的一种新思路基于平均度排序的局部枚举算法。
3、An eye-opening fantasy in which five members of a lesbian clique make room for an additional member. ─── 一群死党凑在一起,为了好奇兼死忠,个个做了一滴滴的冒险实验。
4、Some disciples whom cheated around and broke commandants, they were birds of one feather and formed a small clique. ─── 另外,一些在外面招摇撞骗、不守戒律的人,他们也是一丘之貉,物以类聚地各自形成一个小团体。
5、Issue the oaf that politics struggles as specific period setting, "Reorganization clique " very fast abortion has inevitability. ─── 作为特定时代背景下政治斗争的畸形儿 ,“改组派”很快流产具有必然性。
6、Its moving forces for negotiating with us are the warlords of the Kwangsi clique, those factions of the Kuomintang favouring peace and the Shanghai bourgeoisie. ─── 南京反动政府方面在这个谈判中的推动力量是桂系军阀,国民党主和派和上海资产阶级。
7、He is Bill Gates. 1998, bill comes to Chinese clique ambassador-at-large Li Kaifu inducts Chinese wisdom new establish the Microsoft China academy that is in China. ─── 1998年,比尔向中国派来特使李开复将中国的智慧吸纳入新设立在中国的微软中国研究院。
8、They colluded into a political clique despised by all and respected by none. ─── 他们结成了一个即被藐视又不被奉迎的政治集团。
9、The warlord period, the Baoding Military Academy has become a straight, Anhui, Bong-Jin clique barracks, school has repeatedly been destroyed. ─── 军阀混战时期,保定军校先后成为直、皖、奉、晋系军阀的兵营,校舍迭遭摧残。
10、Or did you create a clique of your own, foreshadowing the members-only world into which you've stumbled? What about life after school? ─── 或者你建立了你自己的小圈子,预示着你已陷入只和熟人交往的境界?毕业后的生活如何?
11、Virginia is proud that she belongs to a clique. ─── 弗吉尼亚州是自豪的是,她属于一个集团。
12、The remaining 1 or 2 per cent form their clique. ─── 另外百分之一、二的人,是为他们拍掌的,拥护他们的。
13、A Study of the Zhanguo Ce Clique Thought II. ─── 战国策派思潮研究2。
14、Work conditions in the early factories were very bad, but developing socialist and liberal movements were soon suppressed by the ruling clique. ─── 早期的工厂工作环境非常差,但是社会主义和民主运动都被统治阶级很快镇压下去。
15、Have a lucky house suppose, the host of this house gets the appreciate of the company, be served by the clique abroad. ─── 假设有间吉祥的住宅,该屋的主人受到公司的赏识,被派到国外去服务。
16、It might, at last, silence the small but noisy intellectual clique. ─── 它或许最终能让那个人数不多却哗众取宠的知识分子群体安静下来。
17、As a wicked clique held power, the land was thrown into turmoil. ─── 奸党弄权,天下大乱。
18、Like an earnest teacher who'd been outsmarted by a clique of relentlessly cheating students, it had lost credibility. ─── 就像一位认真的老师惨遭一群作弊学生无情戏弄那样,它(Google)已经丧失了公信力。
19、An art is only great and significant if it is one that all may enjoy. The art of a clique is but a plaything. ─── 人人喜爱的艺术具有真正伟大的意义。仅为某一群体所喜爱的艺术只是一种玩物。
20、What the new Kuangsi clique took over was the awful mess that an old laurel left over. ─── 新桂系接手的是旧桂系遗留下来的烂摊子。
21、Also, the Gang had their own factional set-up and they built a clique of some size -- particularly they made use of ignorant young people as a front, so they had a fair-sized base. ─── 但应该说,他们也是有一帮的,特别是利用一些年轻人没有知识,拉帮结派,有相当的基矗
22、A group of people united by common beliefs,attitudes,or interests and characteristically excluding outsiders; a clique. ─── 内集团一群因共同的信仰、态度和兴趣而集合在一起并明显排斥外人的小集团;小集团
23、In the mid and late Qing Dynasty, Huanqing businessmen clique appeared in Henan, who mainly dealt in local medicines and ferric goods. ─── 摘要河南在清代中后期诞生了自己的特色商帮-怀庆商帮,这是以经营怀药和铁货为主的商人集团。
24、He later became Vice-President and then President of the Republic under the regime of the Northern warlord clique. ─── 在北洋军阀统治时期曾任副总统和总统。
25、A clique or circle, especially of writers. ─── 小集团党派或小团体,尤指作家小集团
26、In the company, we allow the embezzlement in no way, did not allow has the clique or the small dot production in the company. ─── 在公司内部,我们决不容许贪污,不容许在公司内有派系或小圈圈产生。
27、The motive of serving the individual or a small clique is not good, nor is it good to have the motive of serving the masses without the effect of winning their approval and benefiting them. ─── 为个人的和狭隘集团的动机是不好的,有为大众的动机但无被大众欢迎、对大众有益的效果,也是不好的。
28、Can have evil spirit no longer probably will change an one clique elfland. ─── 大概不再会有魔枚来变出一派仙境。
29、If he did not resign, his "regime" in the factory was doomed, and Chien Paosheng and his clique would step into his shoes. ─── 不是辞职,就是他在厂里的“政权”倒坍,钱葆生那一派将要代替他上台。
30、The Kuomintang (KMT) ruling clique retreated from the mainland to entrench in China's Taiwan Province in confrontation with the Central Government with the support of foreign forces. This is the origin of the Taiwan issue. ─── 国民党统治集团退踞中国的台湾省,在外国势力的支持下,与中央政府对峙,由此产生了台湾问题。
31、"New economy " clique and held the distrustful faction that opposes position to spread out to argue repeatedly to this. ─── “新经济”派以及持反对立场的怀疑派对此展开了反复争论。
32、Tie-in clew: It is in the space with not large study, a plant is put in edge of metope skinning texture, can make the space presents the picture with an one exuberant clique. ─── 搭配提示:玻璃马赛克给人十分晶莹剔透、光洁的感觉,与凹凸的肌理墙面在质感上形成强烈的对比,搭配使用能打造十分个性化的卫生间。
33、You might think you left the world of [w]clique[/w]s and in-crowds behind when you left high school. ─── 你或许以为高中毕业就告别了拉帮结派和成群结队的生活...
34、Tsukie and her clique are always trying to shame the Nanas in front of Yuichi. ─── 怎么结束美国资本集团玩弄世界经济和无偿掠夺世界财富的局面?
35、The enterprise is taken out in succession " killer mace " , add clique bagman, a few adder favourable condition, contest price is sold. ─── 企业纷纷拿出“杀手锏”,增派推销员,附加一些优惠条件,竞价销售。
36、But I have a clear conscience, partly because I have never tried to form a clique. ─── 但是我问心无愧,其中一点就是我从来不搞小圈子。
37、In 1912 emperor Meiji died, and the era of the ruling clique of elder statesmen (genro) was about to end. ─── 1912年,明治天皇去世,年老的政客们统治的时代即将走到尽头。
38、On this point they are entirely at one with the capitulationist clique. ─── 在这一点上,他们和投降派毫无二致。
39、As Mr Blair once outpaced his party, so Mr Cameron and the tiny clique around him have moved further and faster than many Tory activists. ─── 与当年布莱尔先生在选举中“遥遥领先”一样,卡梅隆先生及其亲信也将一般保守党派活跃人士落在了后面。
40、Instead of isolating our Party and other democratic forces, they have isolated the reactionary Chiang Kai-shek ruling clique itself. ─── 它们没有使我党和其他民主势力陷于孤立,反而使蒋介石反动统治集团自己孤立起来。
41、But if Datang and the emerging mainland clique make his life difficult, I could easily see him accepting a buy-out in the next few months. ─── 但如果大唐和大陆同僚让其处境艰难,我敢说,他几个月后将接受合同买断。
42、Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds, this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs. ─── 今天,这个反动集团百孔千疮,内外交困,矛盾重重。
43、The Valentine's Day event, billed as "Love In A Capsule," is organised by Romancing Singapore and Clique Wise, another social networking outfit. ─── 新加坡政府于2006年推出一项100万新元(70.4万美元)的“派对基金”,专为向单身人士提供“社会互动新机会”的约会中介所提供资金支持。
44、"Those" refers to the Kuomintang reactionary clique headed by Chiang Kai-shek. ─── 指以蒋介石为首的国民党反动派。
45、In order to prepare the next move and seize the anti-Chiang leadership, certain elements from Chiang's own personal clique began participating in these intrigues. ─── 就是蒋介石嫡系中的某些人物为了夺取反蒋的旗帜,替自己留条后路,也都纷纷参与这种阴谋活动。
46、Bureaucrat-capital refers to that one clique--the four big families and doesn't mean bureaucrat plus capital. Otherwise, if a county magistrate opened a shop, we would have to confiscate it. ─── 官僚资本是指的四大家族那个集团,不是官僚加资本,不然县长开个店也得没收了。
47、The arrival of the famous model such as Yu Na, Wei Jie, Hu Dong, Zhang Weibiao, He Weiji more make a clique right ablaze give bright starlight. ─── 于娜、韦洁、胡东、张伟飚、何味奇等名模的到来更使派对闪亮出灿烂星光。
48、A class of undirected graph G= abstracted from practical problems whose vertices and edges have varied weight,a clique of graph G is maximum complete subgraph in G. ─── 一类由实际问题抽象出来的点边具有变权值的无向图G=,图G的团是G中的极大完全子图。
49、XU Bao-gang conjectured: If the clique complex C(G) of a graph G is acyclic, G is contractible. In this paper we prove that the conjecture holds for planar graphs. ─── 摘要许宝刚猜想:若图G的团复形是无圈的,则G为可伸缩图。本文证明了该猜想对平面图成立,即:若G是团复形为无圈的平面图,则G为可伸缩图。
50、Put Fencer Clique on top of its owner's library. ─── 将剑术群列放置在其拥有者的牌库顶。
51、The conflict was not the connotation of the clique struggle, nor its focus, still less its essence, but rather its surface. ─── 其间“吏治与文学之争”只是这场竞争的表现形态,它不是这场斗争的主要内涵,不是它的焦点,更不是它的本质。
52、Girls like boys that pay attention to everybody, not just your clique. ─── 女孩喜欢关注所有人而不是仅限于他的死党的男人。
53、They formed a clique for self-interests and went astray. ─── 他们结党营私,图谋不轨。
54、A group of military and political officials of the Kuomintang clique took refuge in Taiwan and,with the support of the then U.S. administration,created the division between the two sides of the Straits. ─── 国民党集团的一部分军政人员退据台湾。他们在当时美国政府的支持下,造成了台湾海峡两岸隔绝的状态。
55、An art is only great and significant if it is one that all may enjoy. The art of a clique is but a plaything. ─── 人人喜爱的艺术具有真正伟大的意义。仅为某一群体所喜爱的艺术只是一种玩物。
56、A group of people united by common beliefs, attitudes, or interests and characteristically excluding outsiders; a clique. ─── 内集团一群因共同的信仰、态度和兴趣而集合在一起并明显排斥外人的小集团; 小集团
57、The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife. ─── 反动统治集团内部勾心斗角,四分五裂。
58、I always hang out and eat lunch with my clique. ─── 我总是和我那群朋友出去和一起去吃午餐。
59、Thus, information about these episodic events is represented by neural clique assemblies that are invariantly organized hierarchically (from general to specific). ─── 因此,这些事件的相关讯息,是由阶层结构不变(从普遍到特殊)的神经元簇集合来代表。
60、The reactionary ruling clique is torn by internal strife. ─── 反动统治集团内部勾心斗角,四分五裂。
61、Those for whom the leading Shanghai newspapers speak are now tending towards the Left, while some members of the Fu Hsing Society have begun to vacillate and some members of the C.C. Clique are also wavering. ─── 上海各大报所代表的成分是左倾了;复兴社中有一部分人是开始动摇了,CC团中也有一部分人在动摇中。
62、B,if your company has some kinda office clique, how do you handle relationship with different kind of office clique? ─── 如果你们公司存在一些派系或交往圈,你是如何与不同圈里的人打交道?
63、YUEN's lifetime goal is to become the best fighter in the Martial Arts World.However, he could never beat CHU KOT before he left the clique, which bothered him enormously. ─── 元以成为当世第一高手为人生目标,但是叫他耿耿于怀的是,他直至下山前都始终打不过诸葛。
64、A clique is a terrible thing that leads to many failures and mistakes. ─── 小圈子那个东西害死人呐!很多失误就从这里出来,错误就从这里犯起。
65、It's natural to feel out of place in the beginning, but resist the temptation to engage in office gossip or to get pulled into a clique right away. ─── 开始感到自己有些"格格不入"是很自然的现象,但是你要管住自己不要立刻参与办公室的闲聊或被拉入“帮派”当中。
66、One by one they have deserted the president as he concentrated influence and money within a small clique of family and associates. ─── 迫于萨利赫高度的影响力以及对他们家庭金钱利诱和渗透,最终这些持反对意见的长老们一个个被抛弃。
67、They tried to make their protests heard by the ruling clique. ─── 他们设法使统治集团听到他们的抗议。
68、When you are leafed through, if each muscle quantity wheres the use on the clique in whole process also with respect to be clear at a glance. ─── 当您翻看时,每一个肌肉量如何在整个过程中派上用场也就一目了然。
69、If the renegade clique of that country were in power,it would have meant serious disaster for the people. ─── 如果那个国家的叛徒集团一得势,人民就要遭殃。
70、In the company, we allow the embezzlement in no way, did not allow has the clique or the small dot production in the company. ─── 在公司内部,我们决不容许贪污,不容许在公司内有派系或小圈圈产生。
71、Some leaders do not belong to this clique, by which they are even slighted, pushed asideor attacked. ─── 例:有一部分领导人不属于这个集团,而且被这个集团所打击、排斥或轻视。
72、Both dictionaries pronounce "clique" the same. ─── 两本词典给“clique”这个词注的音是相同的。
73、Meanwhile,urged on by the clique headed by Wang Ching-wei and Chen Kung-po,the bourgeoisie is promoting a reform movement of considerable proportions in the coastal areas and along the Yangtse River. ─── 同时资产阶级在汪精卫、陈公博一派鼓动之下,亦在沿海和扬子江沿江各地发展着颇大的改良主义运动。
74、Before the New Guangxi Clique ruled the guangxi, the organization of Guangxi's village had been imperfect and the government had been relatively weak to control the village . ─── 新桂系在统治广西期间,很重视农村问题,采取了一系列振兴农村经济的措施。新桂系开展公共造产,增加了乡村政府的收入对乡村的财政困难有所缓解;
75、Before we crossed the river,the Chiang Kai-shek clique mistook the leniency we extended them for weakness on the part of the people,and believed that the river,a natural barrier,could not be breached,staking their lot on it. ─── 在渡江前,蒋介石集团以为我们给他们宽大是表示人民的软弱,以为长江天险不可突破,他们就押这个宝。
76、You're not suggesting we should play one clique off against the other? ─── 你打算联合一派去打倒另一派么?
77、Take any color to be able to have very marked effect, but want " argent clique " if, it is of course take white, gray or argent. ─── 取任何颜色都能有非常醒目的效果,但要“银色派”的话,当然是取白色、灰色或银色。
78、In The Fu Hsing Society and the C.C. Clique, two fascist organizations within the Kuomintang, were headed by Chiang Kai-shek and Chen Li-fu respectively. They served the oligarchic interests of the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie. ─── 复兴社和cc团是国民党内的两个法西斯组织,是蒋介石用以维护统治的反革命工具。复兴社的主要骨干是贺衷寒、戴笠等,cc团的首领是陈果夫、陈立夫。
79、The massive and common hatred against this political clique constitutes another "possession" in their life, on top of all their existing evilness. ─── 人民普遍对他们的仇视,是他们拥有的除不义之财外的又一笔漫无边际的财富。
80、He was accepted into the most popular clique on campus. ─── 他被吸收到了校园里最受欢迎的小团体里。
81、Advocate the home is afraid that he is cheated, clique lackey follows. ─── 主家怕他欺骗,派仆人跟去。
82、People are already saying Miss Liu's brother is in the 'Wang Clique'. ─── 刘小姐的哥哥已经有人说他是‘汪派’了。”
83、When it came, a mere four sentences described his career as “one of the culprits of the Lin Bao and Jiang Qing Counter-revolutionary Clique”. ─── 在这仅有四句话的新闻中,将他说成是“林彪江青反革命集团的主犯之一”。
84、I've had nothing to do with him since he got in with that rather disreputable clique. ─── 自从他和那个声名狼藉的集团鬼混在一起之后,我就同他断绝了往来。
85、A considerable number of ringleaders from the pro-Japanese clique have long entrenched themselves in the party, government and army organizations of the Kuomintang and have been carrying on agitation day and night. ─── 中国亲日派首要分子,早已潜伏在国民党党政军各机关中,为数颇多,日夕煽诱。
86、The game of power, the emperor's will and the corruption of the clique were the root and essence of the conflict. ─── 封建专制下的权力游戏、君王个人意志的转移以及集团性的腐败,是这场斗争的根源与本质。
87、Kids need a range of authentic role models—as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes. ─── 孩子们需要一些真正的榜样,而不是他们小圈子里的人、流行歌星或自吹自擂的运动员那样的。
88、What are the details of the plot of the Japanese aggressors and the pro-Japanese clique? ─── 日寇和亲日派的整个计划为何?
89、For the present study, two work environment variables and one organizational-culture variable were selected to examine the factors that might influence clique formation. ─── 在考察影响派系形成的因素时,本文选取了与工作环境相关的两个变量以及表达组织气氛的一个变量。
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