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09-02 投稿


constructiveness 中文意思翻译



constructiveness 同义词

constructiveness 反义词


constructiveness 短语词组

1、constructiveness synonym ─── 建构性同义词

2、constructiveness approach ─── 建构主义方法

3、constructiveness theory ─── 建构性理论

constructiveness 词性/词形变化,constructiveness变形

副词: constructively |名词: constructiveness |

constructiveness 相似词语短语

1、obstructiveness ─── n.妨碍

2、destructiveness ─── n.破坏性;毁灭性;破坏能力

3、conduciveness ─── n.促成;诱因

4、contractiveness ─── 收缩性

5、consecutiveness ─── n.顺序,连续

6、conservativeness ─── n.保守,守旧;稳当;守恒性

7、constrictiveness ─── 收缩性

8、contradictiveness ─── 矛盾

9、instructiveness ─── 有益;启发性,指导性

constructiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How many man-days will be needed to construct this irrigation canal? ─── 修这条渠道要多少人工?

2、It took them two years to construct the bridge. ─── 他们用了两年时间建这座桥。

3、We have to construct a model to evaluate the consultants' team performance. ─── 因此,本文的目的为研析农民组织(销班)顾问专家的团队绩效评估指针订定原则,俾能符合管理理论及实际的需要。

4、Constructiveness emphasizes the aim of communication. ─── 是对沟通的目的性的强调。

5、Let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them. ─── 出25:8又当为我造圣所、使我可以住在他们中间。

6、But in building an attitude that has healthiness and constructiveness about it, what kinds of words should we advise ourselves to use? ─── 但要构建健康的和有建设性的看法,我们应当建议自己用什么样的词汇呢?

7、Construct an animation of three concurrent tangents of the astroid. ─── 建构一动态绘图:展示星状线共点的三切线。

8、They are planning to construct a new supermarket. ─── 他们正在计划建造一个新的超级市

9、Construct the astroid as the envelope of a family of lines. ─── 作由线族包络线所形成的星状线.

10、We shall leave him to exult over any mare's nest which he may choose to construct. ─── 如果他想要建立海市蜃楼,我们将让他去为此而欢跃。

11、To construct(a perpendicular, for example) from or on a given base. ─── 作一垂直线从某一给定基线建(如一条垂线)

12、On this basis, construct the core value system by the process of community. ─── 在此基础上,提出在社会化的过程中构建核心价值体系。

13、Will he be able to construct a coherent theory? ─── 他能建立一个清晰的理论吗?

14、Construct the Nephroid and its evolute. ─── [肾脏线及缩闭线].

15、They are a strange combination of demon and construct. ─── 他们是恶魔与构造体的奇妙组合。

16、Multiplicity is the force base to construct new world order. ─── 多极化是建立世界新秩序的力量基础。

17、He taught us how to construct sentences. ─── 他教我们怎样造句。

18、Main Loop: This construct is typical for iterating over the incoming data. ─── 主循环:这个结构是遍历输入数据的典型方法。

19、Indirectly construct it using a document template. ─── 使用文档模板间接地构建。

20、Construct and lay out the widgets within the layout you created in step 2. ─── 在第2步创建的布局中构造并布置窗口小部件。

21、To construct as or in the manner of a cantilever. ─── 作为一条悬臂或以悬臂的方式建造.

22、How to construct PBL community in a wiki system? ─── 如何构建Wiki环境下的PBL共同体?

23、How to construct the Decision Trees with high precision and small size is core. ─── 如何构造精度高、规模小的决策树是决策树算法的核心内容。

24、The only way to build new bases is to construct outpost ships and send them to empty astros. ─── 唯一建造新基地的方法是建造前哨船,并把它们发送到无主的星球上。

25、Astral Construct VI. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 六级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

26、You will also be provided with plans to construct an Elven Lumber Mill and the sylvan craftsman to operate it. ─── 你也要计划为此修建一个精灵木材厂并雇佣木材制作工匠使它运作。

27、Construct the nephroid as the envelope of a family of circles. ─── 作一由圆族包络线所形成的肾脏线.

28、An object defining a function construct in a source file. ─── 定义源文件中函数构造的对象。

29、It has the characteric of unknit and compact construct. ─── 它具有平整、结构紧密特密特点。

30、Astral Construct V. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 五级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

31、Let us try our best together to construct a harmonious society! ─── "让我们共同努力构造和谐社会"翻译成英文!谢谢!

32、I suppose that the relationship between local Party newspaper and government should have more constructiveness, vigor and influence. ─── 笔者认为,当前城市党报需要有意识地重塑与地方政府之间的关系,使之更富有建设性、更具活力和影响力。

33、This event can be programmatically handled to construct a new custom item. ─── 可以以编程方式处理该事件以构造一个新的自定义项。

34、Construct the deltoid as the envelope of a family of lines. ─── 作由线族包络线所形成的三角线.

35、Construct a international foodstuff promotion and exhibition trade center. ─── 建成国际食品会展经贸中心。

36、As a full member of the Human Rights Council, the U. S. works to enhance the constructiveness and objectivity of the Council. ─── 作为人权理事会(HumanRightsCouncil)的正式成员,美国努力加强理事会的建设性和客观性。

37、To construct 5)arches and 6)vaults, the Romans also developed a lightening. ─── 为了建造拱门与拱顶结构,罗马人还发展了减压技术。

38、Astral Construct I. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 一级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

39、You must learn how to construct a logical argument. ─── 你必须学会怎样确立合乎逻辑的论点。

40、Do not save an image to the same stream that was used to construct the image. ─── 不要将图像保存到用于构造该图像的同一个流中。

41、The next step is to construct the SQL Query. ─── 下一步是构造SQL查询。

42、The content and construct validities were acceptable. ─── SCL - 90内容效度和结构效度也达到心理学可接受的水平。

43、To construct with such parallel horizontal beams. ─── 为 ... 架搁栅,为 ... 装托梁用平行水平横梁来构筑

44、The sky and sea construct a harmonious picture. ─── 天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面。

45、Bengal begins to construct his Taj Mahal, still on... ─── 孟加拉开始盖起山寨版的泰姬陵,目前还是建设中。

46、A set of patterns to construct a service. ─── 一系列设计模式构建一个服务。

47、Learn how to construct and create a series. ─── 学习如何创造及构建作品系列。

48、Design &construct of gardens/parks. ─── 七、园木景观设计、施工。

49、A side-effect is a language construct that modifies the state of the system. ─── 副作用是修改系统状态的语言结构。

50、Once a word has been dentified, it is used to construct a syntactic structure. ─── 单词一经识别就用来构建句法结构。

51、Shanghai HDKJ Exhibition Design and Construct Co., Ltd. ─── 上海互动空间展览设计制作有限公司上海禾丽贸易有限公司。

52、Construct a pair of rotating orthogonal cardioids. ─── 作一对相互正交的旋转心脏线。

53、Why? One difficulty is to construct the agreements. ─── 为什么呢?困难之一是起草这些协议。

54、Construct "Square-Triangle Dissection of Dudeney". ─── 一正三角形切割成四块

55、Constructivists treat students as subjects for cognition and emphasize the activeness and constructiveness in cognition. ─── 建构主义认为认知的主体是学生,并强调其在认知过程中的主动性及建构性。

56、Astral Construct IX. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 九级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

57、Astral Construct IV. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 四级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

58、Astral Construct III. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 三级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

59、A suitable developer was found to construct the new building. ─── 一个合适的开发商被找来建造这个新的建筑。

60、Hard rubber is a much better substance with which to construct a clarinet. ─── 其实硬橡胶是制造单簧管的很好的选择。

61、He relied on drapery rather than tailoring to construct his new look. ─── 他开创了女性服装依赖于材质而非裁剪的新气象。

62、Construct an instance of the type with default parameters. ─── 以缺省参数构造该类型的一个实例。

63、Astral Construct II. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 二级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

64、Assume that you want to construct XML that provides sales order information. ─── 假定要构造提供销售订单信息的XML。

65、Cognitive context is a psychological construct which differs from the traditional concept of context, and its particularity lies in its strong constructiveness. ─── 认知语境有别于传统的语境概念,它是一个心理建构体,其与传统语境概念最大的差异就在于它具有很强的建构性。

66、It is a debate about how to construct sanatorium. ─── 争辩的核心是如何建立疗养院.

67、Not a matter of theoretical possibility of doctrinal construct. ─── 不只是理论上的可能;不只是教义上的架构。

68、It won't take a lot of manpower to construct this irrigation canal. ─── 修建这条渠道不需要很多人工。

69、To construct or relate a myth. ─── 创作神话;讲。述神话

70、Construct a triangle on this line. ─── 在这条直线上画一个三角形。

71、To construct and operate a temporary bus depot at Area 85, TKO. ─── 在将军澳85区建造及营办临时巴士车厂。

72、The Query Designer does not support the CASE SQL construct. ─── 它的意思是不是在查询设计里不能用到CASE呀?

73、Students are asked to construct a square metre using tape. ─── 学生被要求用卷尺量出一平方米来。

74、based on postmodern philosophy, the psychological education curriculum is one of the texts, its characteristics include: openness, nobility and constructiveness. ─── 从后现代哲学的角度解读,心理教育课程是一种文本,具有开放性、流动性、建构性特色。

75、Construct the personal statement into 4 to 5 paragraphs. ─── 4到5个段落搞定。

76、How to construct agile,scalable, collarobrative systems. ─── 如何建构迅捷、可扩充性、合作式系统。

77、Construct the cardioid as the envelope of a family of circles. ─── 作一由圆族包络线所形成的心脏线.

78、In line 27 you construct the message to be published using the topic name. ─── 在第27行,使用主题名称构造消息以待发布。

79、The perfect ideological construct only exists in your mind. ─── 完美的意识形态观念只存在于人的头脑中。

80、Fields are used to construct a customized invocation context. ─── 域被用来构造自定义的调用上下文。

81、To construct(a perpendicular,for example) from or on a given base. ─── 从某一给定基线建(如一条垂线)。

82、One of them is to construct field works in wartime. ─── 其中之一是战时构筑工事

83、They are going to construct another bridge over the Changjiang River. ─── 他们打算在长江上再建一座桥。

84、Identity is characterized by sociality, individuality, stability and constructiveness. ─── 身份具有社会性、独特性、稳定性和建构性。

85、How to Correctly Choose the Piles and Construct for Complicated Geology? ─── 复杂地质如何正确选择基础桩类及施工?

86、Attempts have been made to construct protoplasm in the lab. ─── 已多次尝试在实验室里构造原生质。

87、To construct the gate, builders made a breach in the existing wall. ─── 为了建造大门,建筑者在现有的墙上挖了个洞。

88、They are planning to construct a bridge over the river. ─── 他们计划在这条河上建桥。

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