bossed 发音
英:[bɒst] 美:[bɔːst]
英: 美:
bossed 中文意思翻译
bossed 词性/词形变化,bossed变形
过去式:bossed 原型:boss
bossed 短语词组
1、bossed def bossed ─── 定义
2、bossed stones ─── 浮石
3、bossed nails ─── 长钉
4、bossed eyed adj. ─── 单面的;斜视的;乖僻的
bossed 相似词语短语
1、dossed ─── v.(凑合着)睡觉,过夜;消磨时间;n.(将就的)睡眠;(简陋的)床铺;廉价客栈;轻松的事;不费力的工作;n.(Doss)(美)多斯(人名)
2、possed ─── abbr.所有格的(possessive);可能的(possible);拥有(possession);n.(Poss)人名;(英、法、德)波斯
3、sossed ─── 浸透
4、bussed ─── n.公共汽车;vt.乘公共汽车
5、betossed ─── vt.猛烈地投;摇晃
6、bosses ─── [劳经]老板
7、fossed ─── 窝
8、tossed ─── 扔;后甩;抛硬币的方法;辗转反侧
9、bosset ─── 瘤角
bossed 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He is always playing up to his boss. ─── 他总是在讨好他的老板。
2、Have you noticed how he tries to keep in with the boss? ─── 你注意到他多巴结老板了吗?
3、The boss and his secretary bell gave Jack the raspberry today. ─── 今天老板和他的秘书两人对杰克咂舌砸唇的。
4、Her boss landed all over her because of her carelessness. ─── 她因粗心大意而受到她上司的责骂。
5、Polish officials still have fresh memories of their country's EU accession, when they were bossed around and told to shape up. ─── 波兰官员仍然对加入欧盟时的情景记忆犹新,欧盟委员会的人颐指气使的告诉他们要好好表现。
6、He got off on the wrong foot when he asked the boss for a day off after working there only a week. ─── 他在那里工作了一周以后就要求上司让他休一天假,真是一开始就给人不良印象。
7、I saw you old boss the other day and he still speaks well of you. ─── 前几天我见到你原来的老板,他仍然很称赞你。
8、She's always cringing to the boss. ─── 她在上司面前总是卑躬屈膝。
9、Now he's left, she's always slagging off her old boss. ─── 因原老板已走了,她就一个劲儿地褒贬他。
10、He was booted out without any reason by the white boss. ─── 他被白人老板毫无理由地解雇了。
11、Their boss told them that they must wear neckties in the company. ─── 他们的老板告诉他们在公司里必须打领带。
12、I had a stand-up row with my boss today. ─── 今天我跟上司大吵了一顿。
13、The boss brought him to task over his lateness. ─── 上司因为他迟到而责备他。
14、The surface of the gangplank was bossed to prevent slipping. ─── 跳板的表面被装上凸出物以防止滑动。
15、Their boss escaped to weasel out of his responsibility. ─── 他们的老板为逃避责任溜走了。
16、In filling up the post, the boss passed Lewis over in favour of Cary. ─── 在填空补缺时,老板不考虑刘易斯而赏识卡里。
17、He was fired by his boss. ─── 他被他的老板解雇了。
18、If you keep your nose clean, the boss might promote you. ─── 你若是规规矩矩的,老板就可能提拔你。
19、She was propositioned by her boss. ─── 她的老板向她提出非分的要求。
20、Bossed corner design brilliantly intensifies its features and luxurious appearance. ─── 浮雕式边角设计,彰显尊容华贵。
21、The boss talked with him about this matter when they had their coffee hour. ─── 他们会后进咖啡点心的时候老板就此事和他交谈。
22、She tired to make up to the boss. ─── 她想讨好老板。
23、The boss had me on the carpet over my expenses claim. ─── 因为索取报销费的事,老板把我叫去训了一顿。
24、He is a worker who is obsequious to the boss. ─── 他是个对老板卑躬屈膝的人。
25、He accused his boss of having broken his word. ─── 他指责老板不守信。
26、He bearded his boss and demanded an explanation. ─── 他公然蔑视上司,并要求他作出解释。
27、No matter what he is concerned in, he always wants to boss the show. ─── 不管他参与什么事情,他总想掌管一切。
28、About 20 Chinatown garment workers— who said their boss abruptly closed up shop, leaving them high and dry at Christmas— yesterday demanded $40,000 in back pay. ─── 大约20名唐人街制衣工人——他们说老板突然关闭工厂,令他们在圣诞节一筹莫展——昨天要求付给他们40000元欠薪。
29、I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. ─── 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
30、He(President Bush) should call in his chief of staff and hand him a one- sentence letter: Dear John: Please quit. Yours, Poppy. Or, better yet, Sununu should beat his boss to the punch and hand in his resignation. ─── 他(布什总统)应该把他的幕僚长叫进来,递给他一封只有一句话的信:亲爱的约翰:辞职吧。老头子。或者,更好的办法是,苏努努争取机先自行递上辞呈。
31、She's certainly gone up in my estimation since she told the boss what she thought of him. ─── 她对老板讲了自己对他的看法後,我就更加尊敬她了。
32、His boss told him to be present at the monthly meeting. ─── 他的老板要求他参加月会。
33、She ran away with her boss/She and her boss ran away (together). ─── 她与老板私奔了。
34、If I say no, the boss will only make trouble for me. ─── 假若我说个不字,老板只会找我的麻烦。
35、He submitted a report to his boss. ─── 他向老板提交了一份报告。
36、Boy, do my boss make a blooper today! ─── 哇,我们老板今天犯了一个大错误!
37、She does a brilliant take-off of the boss. ─── 她学老板的样子学得可笑极了。
38、He bossed his wife about. ─── 他对他妻子发号施令。
39、He fall foul of his boss and lose his job. ─── 他冒犯了老板,丢了工作。
40、He will bring a suit against his boss. ─── 他要对老板提出控告。
41、As a secretary, she sometimes has to dance attendance on her boss. ─── 作为秘书,她有时不得不小心地待候她的老板。
42、She works for a tyrannical new boss. ─── 她在一个专横的新上司手下工作。
43、How are you doing with your new boss? ─── 你跟你的新上司处得如何?
44、He is my sometime boss. ─── 他是我从前的上司。
45、Can you give me a line on the new boss? ─── 你能跟我讲讲新老板的情况吗?
46、He did it under the acquiescence of his boss. ─── 他是在上司的默许下做这件事的。
47、Have you noticed how he's trying to get in with the boss? ─── 你注意到他现在多巴结老板了吗?
48、She got blown up by her boss for being late. ─── 她因迟到而受到老板严厉训斥。
49、Ms Merkel needs to show German voters that she is not being bossed about by the French president. ─── 默克尔需要向德国的选民显示,她不会被法国的总统颐指气使。
50、She was just buttering up to the boss to try to get a favour of him. ─── 为了从老板那里得到好处,她正在巴结他呢。
51、His boss looked at him coldly because he made several big mistakes. ─── 他的老板冷漠地看着他因为他犯了几个大错误。
52、Having bossed the crime underground of New Jersey, James Gandolfini is, believe it or not, headed to perhaps an even crazier secret world. ─── 信不信由你,在影片中指挥了新泽西州的地下犯罪活动之后,詹姆斯·甘多菲尼已朝着他的下一个荧幕世界而去,一个可能更为疯狂的秘密世界。
53、He managed to persuade us of the workability of the scheme; now we had to persuade the boss. ─── 他设法使我们相信了计划的可行性,现在我们该去劝说老板了。
54、Don't let the boss catch you napping! ─── 别让老板发现你走神儿!
55、The boss is in today, so we have to do a lot of busywork. ─── 今天老板在,因此我们必须不忙也得装忙。
56、He was browned off at his boss because he didn't get a raise. ─── 他因为没有获得加薪而生老板的气。
57、By mistake he took the tall heavy-set man for his boss. ─── 他误以为那个敦实的高个子男人是他老板。
58、Their boss kept them all on their toes. ─── 他们的老板让他们一天到晚忙碌着。
59、For the rest of the day the port presented a scenario of furious productivity, guaranteed to warm the cockles of any dock boss's heart. ─── 为了保证使码头上各位老板心里喜欢,那一天,后来港口呈现出一片繁忙的工作景象。
60、My job doesn't include making coffee for the boss! ─── 为老板煮咖啡不是我份内的事!
61、He used to run errands for his boss. ─── 他过去时常为老板跑腿。
62、He arrived back drunk after lunch and the boss showed him the red card. ─── 午饭后,他喝得醉醺醺回来,结果老板解雇了他。
63、He never criticized his boss because he was afraid of loosing his job. ─── 他从不批评他的老板,因为他怕丢掉工作。
64、He was unhappy in his job for years but always fought shy of telling his boss. ─── 他多年来工作都很不愉快,却始终未向老板启齿。
65、Every value they created ultimately redounded to his boss. ─── 他们创造的价值最后全进了他们老板的腰包。
66、you react when you're taken for granted, bossed around, or treated as an inferior? ─── 当人家把你的服事当作理所当然、支使你、把你当作下人看待时,你作何反应?
67、Make a glass (cup) which has a bossed scale mark saying FULL on the edge of it. ─── 制作一个透明玻璃杯,紧挨杯口有突起的一根刻度线和FULL这个词。
68、The check of the belt strength and strain is bossed upon that tension and strain. ─── 胶带强度和应变的校核均应以该处胶带断面的张力和应变为依据。
69、His boss will jump on every little mistake he makes, no matter how trivial. ─── 哪怕是出了再小的差错,老板也会对他横加斥责。
70、He is always echoing what his boss says. ─── 他老是重复他老板的话。
71、He gets along well with his boss. ─── 他和老板相处得很好。
72、He toadied to his boss for promotion. ─── 他为升职向老板献殷勤。
73、He was dismissed by his boss. ─── 他被他的老板开除了。
74、He has to cater for his boss. ─── 他得迎合他的老板。
75、She explained her conduct to her boss. ─── 她向老板说明了自己那种表现的原因。
76、He promised that he'd quit his job if the boss was ever rude to him again, and sure as hell that's exactly what he did. ─── 他发誓老板如果再对他粗暴无礼,他就辞职不干了,他确实说到做到。
77、He is in bad with the boss. ─── 他与老板关系不好。
78、She' s certainly gone up in my estimation since she told the boss what she thought of him. ─── 她对老板讲了自己对他的看法后,我就更加尊敬她了。
79、He was browned off at his boss because he didn't get a rise. ─── 他因为没有加到工资,所以在生老板的气。
80、His work was bad, so the boss gave him a dressing down. ─── 他工作得很糟糕,因此老板训斥了他一顿。
81、He had the brass to ask his boss for a 20% pay rise. ─── 他厚著脸皮要求老板给他增加20%的工资。
82、But the boss said we were likely to work overtime today. ─── 但是老板说我们今天很可能要加班。
83、Your boss speaks very highly of your work. ─── 你的老板对你的工作称颂备至。
84、It all depend on whether she like the boss or not. ─── 一切都取决于她喜欢还是不喜欢这个老板。
85、She's always crawling (to the boss). ─── 她老是拍(上司的)马屁。
86、He isn't anything like my first boss. ─── 他一点也不像我第一个老板。
87、He was awarded a cash bounty by his boss. ─── 他的上司奖给他一笔现金。
88、Do you get along with your boss?/Do you and your boss get along? ─── 你跟老板合得来吗?
89、Firing senior staff without reference to the boss comes pretty close to lese-majeste. ─── 不请示老板而解雇高级职员,罪近欺君。
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