custodianship 发音
英: 美:
custodianship 中文意思翻译
custodianship 短语词组
1、custodianship play ─── 托管游戏
2、custodianship def ─── 托管def
3、custodianship declaration ─── 保管声明
4、custodianship trust ─── 托管信 ─── 托
5、custodianship stock ─── 托管股票
6、custodianship defined ─── 托管定义
7、custodianship form ─── 保管表格
custodianship 词性/词形变化,custodianship变形
名词: custodianship |
custodianship 相似词语短语
1、captainship ─── n.首领或队长之职;统帅之才;将帅的资格
2、castellanship ─── n.城主之阶级
3、custodian bank ─── 保管银行
4、custodian ─── n.管理人;监护人;保管人
5、guardianship ─── n.监护;监护人的责任
6、musicianship ─── n.音乐才能;音乐鉴赏力;音乐技巧
7、bushmanship ─── 武士道
8、justiciarship ─── n.最高司法官;高等法院法官(justiciar的变形)
9、custodians ─── [经管]保管人
custodianship 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、management and custodial fees of the securities investment trust enterprise and the fund custodian institution. ─── 十、证券投资信讬事业及基金保管机构之经理或保管费用。
2、Pursued by the Empire's sinister agents,Princess Leia races home aboard her starship,custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy.... ─── 在邪恶的帝国军追逐之下,莉亚公主急于将此偷得的结构图护送回航,因为此结构图能解救其人民,并且使整个银河系重获自由....)
3、The photocopy of the letter of authorization on the fact that the trustee entrusts the custodian to apply for the opening of bond custody accounts. ─── 受托人委托托管人申请开立债券托管账户的委托书复印件。
4、Renminbi banknote custodian certificate ─── 人民币现钞保管证
5、Your money should be held separately from the brokerage accounts, an independent custodian should be appointed to manage it. ─── 你的资金应当与经理人的账户分开,并指定一位监督人管理你的账户。
6、Despite the lucrative opportunity to be a part of the Reds, the Aussie custodian still has doubts because he would end up deputising for Reina while being starved of regular appearances. ─── “当然能够为一家豪门效力是我儿子的梦想,我们会在看看之后的消息。”
7、On this recommendation, Mr Bush needs to insist on his prerogatives as custodian of America's foreign policy and just say no. ─── 关于这一点,布什需要坚持他做为美国外交政策监护人的特权,正好说不。
8、The fund manager and fund custodian may not attribute any of the fund property into their own property. ─── 基金管理人、基金托管人不得将基金财产归入其固有财产。
9、Dont dally, go get it, said the custodian. ─── 别磨磨蹭蹭的,快去拿短剑。看管人说。
10、Johnstone has become the custodian of the 30ft by 15ft flag. ─── Johnstone是这面30英尺长15英尺宽的队旗的治理人。
11、As such, the former Vojvodina custodian is eager to leave the Stadio Artemi Franchi during the winter with the aim of reviving his career. ─── 因此为了能获得出场机会,阿夫拉莫夫非常渴望能在冬季转会中离开佛罗伦萨。他在佛罗伦萨的合同还剩下2年。
12、Until the $38bn blockbuster deal in 2007, Rio had been a conservative custodian of assets rather than a trader or acquirer of companies. ─── 在2007年的这宗380亿美元巨额交易之前,力拓一直是保守的资产看护者,而非企业的交易或收购者。
13、QFII should mandate its custodian to open a RMB settlement account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution. ─── 合格投资者应当委托托管人在证券登记结算机构代为开立人民币结算资金账户,用于与证券登记结算机构进行资金结算。
14、When the fund custodian institution is unable or fails to convene it, it shall be convened as provided in the securities investment trust contract or by the beneficiaries themselves. ─── 基金保管机构不能或不为召开时,依证券投资信讬契约之规定或由受益人自行召开;
15、The Fund manager shall decide whether or not to convene such meeting and inform the Fund custodian in writing within10 days of the date of receipt of the written proposal. ─── 基金管理人应当自收到书面提议之日起十日内决定是否召集,并书面告知基金托管人。
16、The 22-year-old upset Reds goalkeeper Jose Reina when his theatrical dive in the clubs' last encounter at Stamford Bridge brought about the sending off of the Spanish custodian. ─── 在红在球场交战时,22岁的罗本激怒红军守门员雷纳,随之戏剧性地摔倒,从而导致雷纳被红牌罚下。
17、The oversubscription rate of the notes issued under the NIP, in which the HKMA acts as the arranger, custodian, agent and operator, averaged 4.9 times. ─── 债券发行计划由金管局负责安排、保管、代理及管理,根据该计划发行的债券的超额认购倍数平均为4.9倍。
18、After spending the latter part of last season on loan at Hereford United, the custodian was included in the first-team squad for the trips to Switzerland and Asia. ─── 在经过上赛季租借到赫雷福德联后,古拉克斯入随队参加季前赛瑞士以及亚洲的巡游赛。
19、By this he means that the growing paralysis of the federal system is due to built-in weaknesses that emphasize custodianship at the expense of forward-looking leadership. ─── 他的意思是说,现在联邦政府体系之所以正在瘫痪,是因为存在一个弱点,它强调付出更多的成本在预期的领导机制来培养代理人。
20、The property and benefits obtained by the fund manager and fund custodian as a result of the management, utilization or any other use of the fund shall be included into the fund property. ─── 基金管理人、基金托管人因基金财产的管理、运用或者其他情形而取得的财产和收益,归入基金财产。
21、Israeli Custodian of Absentee Property ─── 以色列不在业主财产保管委员会
22、name and address of the securities investment trust enterprise and the fund custodian institution. ─── 一、证券投资信讬事业及基金保管机构之名称及地址。
23、The Central Moneymarkets Unit (CMU) Service was established in 1990 and operated by the HKMA to provide a clearing and custodian system for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes. ─── 债务工具中央结算系统于一九九零年设立,由金管局负责管理,为外汇基金票据及债券提供结算和托管服务。
24、The Vengeance, as custodian of the drum, could have wakened him up and had the same speech out of him as before the Bastille fell, or old Foulon was seized; not so with the hoarse tones of the men and women in Saint Antoine's bosom. ─── 作为大鼓保管人的复仇女神还可以把鼓叫醒,让它发出跟巴士底狱陷落或老富伦被抓之前相同的声音,可圣安托万怀里的男男女女的嗓子都哑了。
25、"I appreciate all the nice things people have said about me," added the former Barcelona custodian. ─── “我很感谢大家对我的褒美之词,”雷纳如是说。
26、Indian Mutual Fund Custodian System ─── 印度基金托管人制度
27、The name and address of the securities investment trust enterprise and the fund custodian institution. ─── 一证券投资信?事业及基金保管机构之名称及地址。
28、"The engaged custodian is more likely to be happy than the independently wealthy, unengaged millionaire," he says. ─── 他声称,“忙碌的管理者可能比独立富有的、无所事事的百万富翁更加快乐。
29、The duties and responsibilities of the fund custodian institution. ─── 五基金保管机构之义务与责任。
30、It's only that a couple of adjustments should be made concerning the overdraft facility and the custodian fees. ─── 只是在透支便利和托管费用方面有几个地方需要作些调整,
31、The avuncular Custodian of the Holy Places, as Saudi monarchs title themselves, had a reputation for probity, tolerance and humility that augured change for the better. ─── 像沙特统治者们称呼自己的那样,这位圣地的伯父般的守护人一向以廉洁正直,宽容谦逊出名,并预测国家将会变得更好。
32、"[T]he custodian's act of production is not deemed a personal act, but rather an act of the corporation." ─── "保管员出示记录的行为不被视为是个人的行为,而是公司的行为。
33、The Somers Middle School custodian has informed us that the fire drill last week was a success. We would like to thank everyone for your cooperation! ─── 上周的消防演习非常成功。疏散的过程安静迅速。非常感谢大家的合作。
34、worked nights as custodian of a high school ─── 一个高级中学晚间的看门人
35、We offer comprehensive services including stock broking, margin financing, custodian and nominee services, financial advisory, corporate finance and professional research. ─── 其业务主要分布在香港、新加坡、马来西亚、中国及英国等地。
36、Application Review Form by the Custodian Bank (The Custodian Bank examines the suitability of application materials) ─── 境外机构投资者申请合格投资者的材料审查表(托管人代为审核所送文件是否符合规定)
37、The official custodianship agreement signed with its custodian; ─── 与托管人签订的正式托管协议;
38、Judged from its aim, right and obligation, a custodian case contract is a custodian contract, but its scope and approach is different from a common custodian contract. ─── 保管箱合同从合同的目的、同的权利、同的义务来看是一种保管合同,但其保管范围和保管方法又不同于一般的保管合同。
39、The CIRC may order an insurance company to replace its domestic custodian if the domestic custodian violates these Measures seriously. ─── 境内托管人违反本办法情节严重的,中国保监会可以责令保险公司予以更换。
40、Change of its overseas trustee, domestic custodian or overseas escrow agent; ─── 变更境外受托人、境内托管人或者境外托管代理人的;
41、instruct the fund custodian institution to lend securities held by the fund to another person. ─── 六、指示基金保管机构将基金持有之有价证券借与他人。
42、Custodian services, yeah. ─── 保管服务,对。
43、A mentally retarded custodian undergoes a breakthrough surgical technique that triples his IQ. He's got the mind of a genius,but the emotional maturity of a child. ─── 一个心理上弱智的小管理员接受了一项具有突破性意义的外科手术,使得其智商提高了三倍。他拥有了天才的头脑,但却只有孩童的情感。
44、All the father's wealth had fallen into his father's brothers's hands and as supposed to be released to Milarepa when he became old enough to be the custodian. ─── 其父亲的财产全部落入到密勒日巴伯父的手里,这些财产原本是应该在密勒日巴长大成人时交还给他的。
45、When his father died his uncle became his legal custodian. ─── 他父亲死后, 他叔叔成了他的法定监护人。
46、Draft Custody Agreement signed with the Applicant's Custodian ─── 与托管人签订的托管协议草案
47、Accountable to the Pastor, the OMT as the parish custodian follows the Church Maintenance Guidelines issued by the Archdiocese of Toronto. ─── 堂区运作小组作为堂区圣堂的监保管理组别,向本堂的主任司铎负责,遵守多伦多总教区发出的圣堂维修指引。
48、A Fund's performance data shall be checked by the Fund custodian. ─── 基金业绩表现数据应当经基金托管人复核。
49、“That's a cynical remark,” the custodian snapped back. ─── “别奚落我了。”看管人辩驳道。
50、Flowers for Algernon.Daniel Keyes.A mentally retarded custodian undergoes a breakthrough surgical technique that triples his IQ. ─── 一个心理上弱智的小孩接受了一项具有突破性意义的外科手术,使得其智商提高了三倍。
51、UBP said it identified the “non-segregation of investment management, executing broker and custodian functions” as a risk. ─── UBP表示,它认识到“投资管理、履约经纪商和保管人职能没有分离”是一个风险。
52、Beidaihe Beach is one of Hebei MSA's custodianship zone, so it's very important to prevent pollution from ships. ─── 河北海事局辖区内有举世闻名的北戴河海滨,做好船舶防污染工作具有非常重要的意义。
53、Arrange custodians and custodianship papers for students. ─── 为中国学生安排法律监护人及监护文件。
54、During the period of continued existence of a trust plan, the trust company shall choose a commercial bank with sound and stable operation performance to act as the custodian. ─── 信托计划存续期间,信托公司应当选择经营稳健的商业银行担任保管人。
55、Custodian of Absentee Property ─── 业主不在财产保管局长
56、Draft Custody Agreement signed with its expected custodian; ─── (三)与托管人签订的托管协议草案;
57、“Don't dally , go get it,” said the custodian. ─── “别磨磨蹭蹭的,快去拿短剑。”看管人说。
58、Central Clearing and Custodian System ─── 中央结算及托管系统
59、The promoter institution or loan service institution for the securitization of credit assets shall not act as the capital custodian institution for a same transaction. ─── 信贷资产证券化发起机构和贷款服务机构不得担任同一交易的资金保管机构。
60、“Don't dally, go get it,” said the custodian. ─── “别磨磨蹭蹭的,快去拿短剑。”看守人说。
61、A portrait of Communist East German ruler Erich Honecker hanging in a custodian's office in an east Berlin school was removed after complaints from parents, Berlin city government officials said. ─── 一帧悬挂在东柏林一所学校警卫室的前东德共党头子艾利希.何内克的画像,在引起学生家长抱怨后被取下,柏林市政府官员说。
62、The custody enterprise shall set down related schemes according to the agreement concerning custody, and reorganize the assets and liabilities of the custodian enterprise. ─── 受托企业应当根据托管协议制订相关方案,重组托管企业的资产与债务。
63、AS THE custodian of a revered national sport, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has a poor record. ─── 作为深受尊崇的国家体育管理部门,印度板球管理委员会有着惨淡的成绩。
64、Mothers are often powerless to prevent their daughters from being married off, as Yemeni law gives custodianship to fathers. ─── 而母亲们往往无力阻止她们的女儿出嫁,因为也门法律将监管权赋予了父亲。
65、"The mundumugu is also a teacher, and the custodian of the tribal customs," I said. "It is an honorable profession." ─── “巫医也担当了教师的职责,同时也是部族习俗传统的守护者。”我接着说,“这可是个很荣耀的工作哦。”
66、The 22-year-old upset Reds goalkeeper Jose Reina when his theatrical dive in the clubs'last encounter at Stamford Bridge brought about the sending off of the Spanish custodian. ─── 在红蓝军在斯坦福桥球场交战时,22岁的罗本激怒红军守门员雷纳,随之戏剧性地摔倒,从而导致雷纳被红牌罚下。
67、passbook custodian certificate ─── [经] 存折保管证
68、For Prior Custodian Use Only - Delivery Instructions: ODL Securities only accepts fund transfers by wire. ─── 只接受电汇转账资金。
69、On Establishment And Perfection Of People's Custodian System ─── 人民监督员制度的健全及完善
70、Meanwhile, Kuyt paid tribute to the performance of Wigan goalkeeper Chris Kirkland after the former Liverpool custodian produced two top-class saves to thwart the Dutchman. ─── 同时,库伊特表扬了维甘的门将科克兰德,前利物浦门将对荷兰人两次射门做出了世界级的扑救。
71、Arrange custodians and custodianship papers for students. ─── 为中国学生安排法律监护人及监护文件。
72、Information about its domestic custodian and draft custody agreement; ─── 境内托管人的有关材料和托管协议草案;
73、The CMU will act as custodian of Korean debt securities for CMU Members. ─── 债务工具中央结算系统将会担任其成员的韩国债券托管人。
74、change of fund custodian institution. ─── 一、更换基金保管机构。
75、"You can put this desire aside for a season, but after that I am sure that certain feelings will return," added the custodian. ─── “你能压下这个欲望一个赛季,但在那之后,我相信那种感觉又会返回,”这名守护神补充。
76、Last month he became the quickest custodian in the club's history to achieve 100 clean sheets in all competitions, beating Ray Clemence's record that had stood for three decades. ─── 上个月他成为利物浦历史上最快达到100场零封纪录的门将,此前这个记录由雷-克莱门斯保持30年之久。
77、Custodian ( n.): a person who has the custody or care of something, as of a private library; caretaker; keeper ─── (私人图书馆等的)管理员,看管人
78、Photocopy of Approval for QFII Custodian issued by People's Bank of China (PBOC) and China Securities Regulatory Committee (CSRC) (with applicant's company chop). ─── 中国人民银行和中国证券监督管理委员会关于核准合格境外机构投资者托管人资格的批复(复印件加盖公章);
79、Strengthen Custodian Intervention and Consummate Mutual Fund's Audit System ─── 加强托管人的介入完善契约型基金审计体系
80、V. An investment custodian shall lease or arrange special seats for securities transaction of enterprise annuity fund for different trustees. ─── 五、投资管理人要按不同托管人,为企业年金基金证券交易租用或安排专用席位。
81、Participants in the inter-bank bond market have their purchased bonds settled in DVP terms via their bond custodian accounts in the Bookkeeping System. ─── 三、参与者通过其在簿记系统的债券托管账户办理券款对付的债券结算。
82、The property and proceeds obtained by the fund manager and fund custodian through appropriation of the fund property for other unauthorized purposes shall be included into the fund property. ─── 基金管理人、基金托管人将基金财产挪作他用而取得的财产和收益,归入基金财产。
83、A struggling, bit part actor's job as a hotel custodian is a facade for his profession: being rented out as a gigolo by his woman supervisor. ─── 在旅馆工作的女主角,反覆租看同样的录影带,因为他心仪的男同事,在里面负责跑龙套。
84、Israeli Custodian of Absentee Property; ─── 以色列不在业主财产保管委员会;
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