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08-28 投稿


constrainedly 发音

英:[[kənst'reɪnədlɪ]]  美:[[kənst'reɪnədlɪ]]

英:  美:

constrainedly 中文意思翻译



constrainedly 词性/词形变化,constrainedly变形

名词: constrainer |动词现在分词: constraining |动词第三人称单数: constrains |副词: constrainedly |动词过去式: constrained |形容词: constrainable |动词过去分词: constrained |

constrainedly 反义词

liberate |free

constrainedly 同义词

restrict | inhibit | hold back | tighten | hamper | press | localize |force | make | stiffen | shame | check | cumber | encumber | urge | restrain | limit | stem | coerce | tighten up | conscript | pressure | confine | oblige | constrict | compel | hinder

constrainedly 短语词组

1、constrainedly meaning ─── 勉强的意思

2、constrainedly definition ─── 限制性定义

constrainedly 相似词语短语

1、contractedly ─── 契约地

2、strainedly ─── 紧张地

3、constrained ─── adj.不自然的;强迫的;过于受约束的,拘泥的;v.驱使;强迫(constrain的过去式和过去分词)

4、cross-grainedly ─── 交叉粒状

5、constrainable ─── 可约束的

6、contrivedly ─── 巧妙地

7、restrainedly ─── adv.谨慎地;限制地;忍耐地

8、unconstrainedly ─── 无拘无束地

9、constrainer ─── 约束器

constrainedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A national drug agency would provide governments more influence on pharmaceutical companies in order to constrain the ever-increasing cost of drugs. ─── 为了一直不断上涨的药价,一个国家药物机构会让政府对医药公司施加更大的影响。

2、Right-click the column you want to constrain to unique values. ─── 右击要约束为唯一值的列。

3、However,their end effects and improper stop criteria result in non-existent frequencies during decomposition and constrain their application. ─── 但端点效应和分解终止条件的不当使其在分解过程中出现假频,限制了其应用。

4、Venice was an important center of trade with the East; they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade. ─── 威尼斯是东方重要的贸易中心。

5、But that should not come at the cost of harming exporters, which the DPJ has myopically threatened to constrain through union-friendly wage controls. ─── 但那不应该以伤害出口商为代价,而日本民主党则非常短视的以亲工会的工资控制作为限制手段对出口商进行威胁。

6、After propping up a year many constrainedly, almost senior administrator collective resigns in collectivity seaing Hai Wei. ─── 勉强支撑一年多后,几乎全体瀛海威中高级管理人员集体辞职。

7、Iran's Islamic revolutionaries and Russia's Vladimir Putin have both bet in different ways that a bruised Uncle Sam will not be able to constrain them. ─── 伊朗的伊斯兰革命者和俄罗斯的普京都已经以不同的方式下注,一个鼻青脸肿的萨姆大叔将无能约束他们。

8、She tried to constrain herself from a cough in class. ─── 上课时她竭力忍住不咳嗽。

9、You can constrain the types of logical servers to which an application can bind when defining deployment for a system. ─── 在定义系统部署时,可以将逻辑服务器的类型限制为应用程序可以绑定的类型。

10、Arrived Zhou Si, swollen disappear a few, he can see wife little from left the corner of the eye constrainedly eventually. ─── 到了周四,肿消了一些,他终于勉强能从左眼角看到妻子一点点了。

11、He feels extremely flattered simply, although already needed no longer in abdomen, but still ate to go down constrainedly. ─── 他简直受宠若惊,虽然肚子里已不再需要了,但还是勉强吃了下去。

12、His pay is very low, pay quite constrainedly chummage and buy food. ─── 他的薪水很低,勉强够付房租和购买食品。

13、Just as parliament has no right (in the UK) to constrain the choices of subsequent parliaments, so society today has no right to constrain the choices of society in the future. ─── 如同(英国)国会没有权利强制以后国会的选择,今天的社会没有权利强制未来社会的选择。

14、He smiled a little constrainedly as she tousled his head; ─── 当她搅乱他的头发时,他有点儿勉强地微笑一笑;

15、To improve the stability of imaging process, the well log was introduced into the inversion process and is used to constrain crosswell seismic inversion. ─── 为了提高成像过程的稳定性,本文将测井资料引入到反演过程中,利用测井资料约束井间地震反演成像过程。

16、Since fixtures rely on contacts to constrain wor kp iece, the effect of friction should be considered. ─── 夹具依靠与工件的接触来约束工件,必须考虑二者之间的摩擦力。

17、Lack of rectification of the urban and rural gap will definitely affect and constrain the sustainable development of the nation's economy. ─── 城乡差距难以在短期内得到矫正,这在一定程度上必然影响并制约着经济的发展;

18、A string of characters that constrain user input in a text control to certain input types. ─── 一个字符串,它将文本控件中的用户输入约束为某种输入类型。

19、The appellation “sister”shortens the distance among us and we immediately introduce ourselves to Sister Zou without pudency and constrain. ─── 一声亲切的“姐姐”,立刻拉近了彼此的距离,大家抛开了拘束,向邹静姐姐介绍起自己,以及自己所在部门的工作。

20、Although bridegroom is already dog-tired, but mix again constrainedly bridal nimbus, bend over tiredly this motionless on the bed. ─── 新郎虽然已经筋疲力尽,但是勉强又和新娘雨云一番,这次累的趴在床上一动不动。

21、Overcome gender barriers that constrain agricultural productivity and reduce gender gaps. ─── 克服制约农业生产的社会性别障碍,减少社会性别差距。

22、From current situation of asset backed security market, it can be found that institutional and market factors mostly constrain assets securitization. ─── 从我国资产支持证券市场的现状和存在的问题可知,制约资产证券化发展的主要是制度因素和市场因素。

23、Land and other resources should not constrain the development of biomass as a renewable energy source for the future. ─── 土地和其它资源应该不妨碍作为未来可更新能源的生物量的发展。

24、The driver was forced to come constrainedly hardly, later sweating. ─── 司机只好艰难地勉强地来了一次,之后满头大汗。

25、Accordingly, he comes to san Francisco constrainedly, dinner is in together with family the apartment of susan is spent. ─── 因此,他勉强来到了旧金山,晚餐就和家人一起在苏珊的公寓度过。

26、Away from rap, do these linguistic aspects constrain or affect your songwriting? ─── 不说说唱,语言有没有制约或影响你的创作呢?

27、After consulting the lawyer, I were capable to give the constituent some constructive suggestions or to constrain he to follow the law. ─── 向律师询问一番后,我方才为那位选民给予了一部份建设性想法,并强制他依法办事。

28、This and no indication its just weak person of act, Constrainedly hidden will makes illness feeling comeback further adagio. ─── 这并不表示其就是弱者的行为,勉强隐藏只会使病情恢复更加缓慢罢了。

29、A lack of formal education, however, doesn't constrain the ability of the developing world's workforce to substantially improve productivity for the foreseeable future. ─── 但是,发展中国家的劳动力在可预见的未来充分提高生产力的能力没有因缺乏正规教育而受到限制。

30、Is it really necessary to constrain yourself like that? ─── 如此控制,压抑自我真的有必要吗?

31、Very constrainedly, she agreed a young doctor to operate on her. ─── 她非常勉强地同意让一位年轻医生为她作手术。

32、Don't constrain yourself only to class study. ─── 不要把自己的学习只局限于课堂。

33、The paper gave the algorithm for the time-varying shortest path problem with waiting and with constrain of at most of total traverse time T. ─── 在组合优化过程中,往往需要获得从起点到终点之间的最短路,而其所考虑的目标可能是一个与时间相关的变量。

34、When writing to breath harbor to go to work, quited the company, xiaogong manages, can earn a painstaking money only, eat and drink quite constrainedly. ─── 去信息港上班的时候,就把公司放弃了,小公司,只能赚个辛苦钱, 勉强够吃喝。

35、Some improvements concerning coding, operator designing, constrain handling etc. were made so as to make the algorithm more suitable for the models constructed in the paper. ─── 在编码方式方面,分别采用浮点数编码和二进制编码求解机组启停决策模型和机组组合规划模型;

36、In order to remove the residual noise which can not be smoothed by filter, the smoothing coefficient and constrain coefficient were used to threshold the gradient image. ─── 为了消除噪声残留,引入了平滑系数与限制强度系数对梯度图作阈值化处理。

37、People pass, black and white, the Negroes frankly participants in the spirit of Spring, the whites laughing constrainedly, awkward in natural emotion. ─── 过的行人中有黑人也有白人,黑人自在地享受着美好的春光,白人们则强作欢笑,表情显得不自然。

38、This paper discussed the reasons for electricity unbalance in china, and analyzed the factors which constrain performing the mechanism of electricity price bidding. ─── 分析了造成电力供需失衡的原因和各种应对措施,并重点分析了制约推行电力竞价上网机制的因素。

39、BLP Model?s access rules of "No Read Up,No Write Down" seriously constrain the system?s availability and data integrity,it doesn?t have any mechanism to control inference. ─── BLP模型也没有对推理进行任何控制。

40、This paper introduces several typical structures of HCB and expatiate on the principle of naturally current commutating and constrainedly current commutating. ─── 介绍了几种混合式断路器的典型结构,阐述了自然换流和强制换流的原理。

41、Zones can be configured to constrain the kinds of logical servers they can contain and the direction and kinds of communication that can flow into and out of the zone. ─── 可以对区域进行配置,从而约束它们可包含的逻辑服务器类型以及进出区域的通信方向和类型。

42、Based on this theory, the "zigzag" method is used to optimize an example of continuous girder structure only under the stress constrain. ─── 在此理论基础上,运用齿行法对一仅受应力约束的连续梁实例进行结构优化分析。

43、Although the current recession is not expected to dampen passenger growth for long, ballooning government debt will constrain spending for years. ─── 尽管目前的经济衰退不会长期抑制乘客人数的增长,但是扩大政府赤字将会在未来数年内约束政府开支。

44、An individual process may define and constrain how inputs are used to produce outputs for that Process Group. ─── 其中,某个过程可以定义和制约该过程如何利用依据创造成果。

45、At the same time, the prudent meditation in rational abstract was just the powerful weapon to prevent blind impulse and constrain the abuse of the wild preliminary ardor. ─── 同时,理性抽象中严谨的思辨性,则是校正情感盲动,规范野性原始激情泛滥的有力武器。

46、If you wish to constrain an application to run only on a particular subset of nodes, define a Node Group that includes just that set of nodes. ─── 如果希望限制一个应用程序,使其仅运行在一个特定节点子集中,则可以定义一个仅包括该节点集的节点组。

47、But husband does not agree to yield however, finally, he nods constrainedly agree, insist to want to make whole drawer again however! ─── 但老公却不肯让步,最后,他勉强点头同意,却又坚持要做整排抽屉!

48、This paper analyses all kinds of costs distribution company confronts,and proposes a distribution price model integrating kinds of constrain. ─── 作者对供电公司所面临的各种约束进行了分析,并提出了一种综合考虑各种约束下的供电电价模型。

49、The REFERENCE permission authorizes the principal to use the XML schema collection to type or constrain xml type columns, in tables and views and parameters. ─── REFERENCE权限可授权主体使用XML架构集合来类型化或约束表和视图中的xml类型列和参数。

50、I hold my tears constrainedly. ─── 强忍着泪水的眼睛。

51、We have to bear the weight and the constrain of love, to enjoy the tiresome yet soothing burden of the love of our family. ─── 只有忍耐爱的负担和枷锁,享受天伦之乐中一些累人的无奈和欣慰。

52、Given such a situation, governments have only two options: to address the fundamental policy issues or to further constrain growth. ─── 如遇这样一种局势,政府只有两条路可走:不是去解决有关根本政策问题,就是限制经济的进一步增长。

53、She swallon the tears and smiled constrainedly. ─── 她咽下眼泪,强作笑容.

54、ElementSet constraints allow you to constrain or allow an IDE feature or property value for all elements included by a parent Element node's ElementSet. ─── 元素集约束允许您约束或允许父元素节点的ElementSet所包含的所有元素的IDE功能或属性值。

55、But continue constrainedly, ability not equal to one's ambition. ─── 但勉强继续,又力不从心。

56、Very constrainedly,she agreed a young doctor to operate on her. ─── 她非常勉强地同意让一位年轻的医生为她做手术。

57、You can constrain the types of logical servers that the zone can contain. ─── 可以对区域可包含的逻辑服务器的类型进行约束。

58、This paper introduces several typical structures of HCB and expatiate on the principle of naturally current commutating and constrainedly current commutating. ─── 介绍了几种混合式断路器的典型结构,阐述了自然换流和强制换流的原理。

59、Chronological assertions can constrain the date/time value of one field based on the date/time of another field. ─── 一个字段的值约束是在另一字段值的基础上的。

60、The child heard mom's word eventually, wearing yellow cap to go constrainedly nursery school. ─── 孩子终于听了妈妈的话,勉强戴着黄帽子去幼儿园了。

61、As with dragging, a meta-key is often used to constrain the direction of a resize interaction. ─── 和拖动一样,元键在这里也可以用来约束调整尺寸操作的方向。

62、Among the forces that constrain state power, the most important may be global justice enshrined in the world civil society. ─── 在限制国家权力的力量中,最重要的就是存在于世界公民社会中的全球正义。

63、Thus, in an unparenthesized sequence of power and unary operators, the operators are evaluated from right to left (this does not constrain the evaluation order for the operands). ─── 因此,在一串没有括号的由幂运算符和一元运算符组成的序列,会从左到右面求值(没有强制改变求值顺序)。

64、To constrain and imprison body and the bodily desire is injury body, but overdraws body and the bodily desire is not liberation. ─── 压抑和禁锢身体及身体欲望是对人的戕害,但放纵和透支身体及身体欲望也不是对人的解放。

65、We will constrain ourselves to rather static data at the moment and add flexibility during the next chapters. ─── 在下一章我们将不使用当前的静态数据并增加一些灵活性。

66、During the majority moment of the life, commitments equals to constrain, reluctantly we all enjoy being constrained by others. ─── 人生的大部份时间里,承诺同义词是束缚,奈何我们向往束缚。

67、You can also constrain an application endpoint by limiting the types of logical server endpoints to which it can bind when defining deployment in Deployment Designer. ─── 在部署设计器中定义部署时,还可以限制应用程序终结点可绑定到的逻辑服务器终结点的类型,从而对应用程序终结点进行约束。

68、But all of these differences do not constrain the use of onomatopoetic words in both languages. ─── 两种语言具有相互不同的语序系统。

69、But bigger to weight patient, the doctor should estimate whether strong volume adequately to achieve the standard that turn over a back smoothly, do not operate constrainedly. ─── 但对于体重较大的患者,医生应充分估计到是否有力量顺利完成反背法,切勿勉强操作。

70、In sliding mode control, the VSCS is designed to drive and then constrain the system state to lie within a neighbourhood of the switching function. ─── 在滑模控制中,VSCS被设计成操作并强迫系统状态位于邻近的开关方程中。

71、In some cases, it's also useful to constrain the resize to either a vertical , horizontal, or locked aspect ratio. ─── 在某些情况下,让尺寸调整保持在水平方或者垂直方向上,或者是长宽比不变可能都非常有用。

72、Finished a lesson to children constrainedly, the preparation before sitting to the table takes medicine. . . ─── 勉强给小朋友们上完了课,便坐到桌子前预备吃药…

73、To bind, compel, or constrain by a social, legal, or moral tie. ─── 使负有责任或义务被社会、法律或道德约束所束缚,强制或限制

74、A fallen bridge might constrain your ability to get across a river. ─── 一座坍塌的大桥可能对你过河的能力产生约束。

75、She smiled constrainedly and said to him that it was going to be well. ─── 她勉强地微笑着对他说,没有事的,会没有事的。

76、Because they are entirely outside the system of checks and balances that serve to constrain the exercise of discretion by government officials. ─── 因为他们完全处于旨在抑制政府官员裁量权运作的监督制衡体系之外。

77、The life short several dozens years, do not leave behind any regret for you ow,want to laugh to laugh, want to cry to cry, should love time love, constrain themselves senselessly. ─── 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。

78、ElementSet Member constraints allow you to constrain or allow an IDE feature or property value for a specific member element in a parent Element node's ElementSet. ─── 元素集成员约束允许您约束或允许父元素节点的ElementSet中的特定成员元素的IDE功能或属性值。

79、If the constrain conditions is satisfied on hyphenated chromatography data matrics, these methods can be proved to be completely possible for them to be used on... ─── 对联用色谱数据阵如果约束条件得到满足,这些方法能被证明用于被嵌人组分的光谱和嵌入组分的浓度曲线分辨是完全可能地。

80、She pins internal heat constrainedly, twist a head to ask again advocate the surname of book wife. ─── 她勉强压住火气,又扭头问主簿老婆的姓氏。

81、In impersonal exchange there is nothing to constrain the parties from taking advantage of each other. ─── 在非人格化交易中没有什么约束双方相互利用。

82、He can constrain an enemy to desist from harming me, even though he has a mind to do so. ─── 即使敌人有加害于我们的心,上帝也能管制他,使他不能伤到我们。

83、Attributes constrain how many times in succession the specified entity can appear in the corresponding position in an XML instance document. ─── 属性限制指定的实体可以连续出现在XML实例文档中的对应位置的次数。


85、At the moment of on train, I could no longer constrain a string of yearning tears from sliding down. ─── 上火车的一刹那,一串思念的泪水止不住地滑落。

86、Use Element constraints to constrain or allow an IDE feature or property value for a specific element whenever it occurs within the current PDL file's scope. ─── 使用元素约束来约束或允许特定元素在当前PDL文件范围内出现时的IDE功能或属性值。

87、The pillow that makes do with constrainedly and mattess, although may temporary airframe suited, but early social evening appears vertebral harm. ─── 勉强凑合的枕头和床垫,虽然可能暂时机体适应了,但早晚会出现脊椎的损害。

88、Firstly , the cost model, which is applied to obtain break-even price and constrain condition of FCECBD , is created by Activity Linear Regression method . ─── 分析不同市场模式下,为了利润最大化,由成本曲线、需求曲线确定报价曲线而产生的行为。

89、How to allocate local counterpart funds timely for project construction has become the key constrain for on-time completing the project. ─── 如何保证工程建设资金特别是地方配套资金足额到位,已成为制约工程能否完工的关键问题。

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