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08-31 投稿


reprimand 发音

英:[ˈreprəmænd]  美:[ˈreprɪmɑːnd]

英:  美:

reprimand 中文意思翻译




reprimand 网络释义

n. 谴责;训斥;申诉vt. 谴责;训斥;责难

reprimand 短语词组

1、reprimand thesaurus ─── 训斥辞典

2、reprimand vs censure ─── 训斥vs责难

3、reprimand means ─── 谴责意味着

4、reprimand or rebuke ─── 斥责

5、severe reprimand ─── [法] 严重警告

6、reprimand sb for sth ─── 为某事申斥某人

7、incure a reprimand ─── [法] 招致谴责

8、reprimand sb. for sth. ─── 为某事训斥某人

9、reprimand define ─── 训斥定义

10、reprimand definition ─── 训斥定义

11、reprimand synonyms ─── 斥责同义词

12、reprimand letters ─── 训斥信

reprimand 词性/词形变化,reprimand变形


reprimand 相似词语短语

1、reprimed ─── 重印

2、preprimary ─── 初学前

3、reprimanding ─── n.谴责;训斥;申诉;vt.谴责;训斥;责难

4、unreprimanded ─── 未经处理

5、to reprimand ─── 斥责

6、reprimander ─── n.谴责;训斥;申诉(reprimand的变形)

7、reprimands ─── n.谴责;训斥;申诉;vt.谴责;训斥;责难

8、reprimanded ─── n.谴责;训斥;申诉;vt.谴责;训斥;责难

9、repriming ─── 重印

reprimand 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In response, Baidu said that the severe reprimand, and that it reserves its legal rights. ─── 对此,百度表示严厉谴责,并声称保留对其进行法律诉讼的权利。

2、call down; reprimand ─── 严厉责备;谴责;申斥

3、He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be alltered. ─── 他可以温和地指责一个官员,或者甚至建议议会修改法律条款。

4、College President Jean Floten said action would be initiated against Ratener under a section of the faculty contract that covers punishment, such as a reprimand or suspension, but not termination. ─── 学院院长吉恩·弗洛顿说,根据包含有诸如申斥、中止但不终止等惩罚的教员合同,校方将对雷特纳采取措施予以处理。

5、He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered. ─── 他可以温和地批评某一官员,也可以向议会建议修改某条法律。

6、He received a severe reprimand for his behaviour. ─── 他的行为受到了谴责。

7、At some point, a country might withdraw from the WTO rather than accept its reprimand in a trade dispute. ─── 在有些方面,一个国家可能会脱离WTO而不是接受它在贸易争端中的申诉。

8、The police officer receive an official reprimand after the Inquiry Into the accident . ─── 在调查该事故后警察收到一方官方的申斥。

9、He gave the child a con to reprimand him. ─── 他给了那个孩子一个栗暴以示惩戒。

10、The book of the words of righteousness, and of the reprimand of the eternal Watchers in accordance with the command of the Holy Great One in that vision. ─── 公义之书,按照至圣至大者在异象中的命令对永恒的守望者的训斥。

11、She be reprimand for putt undue pressure on her client ─── 她因给顾客施加过度的压力而受责备

12、Ide did himself no favours with his move on Albers, and was arguably lucky to escape with an official reprimand from the stewards. ─── 井出有治让自己的赛车撞向了阿尔伯斯,但幸运地逃过了赛会干事的官方申诉。

13、But after major parent discovers the child masturbates, those who adopt often is reprimand. ─── 但大部分的家长发现孩子手淫后,采取的往往是斥责。

14、She was thinking that she must reprimand her home help the next morning. ─── 她心想明天上午一定要好好训斥那个干家务的帮手。

15、reprimand sb for sth ─── 为某事申斥某人

16、A reprimand to someone who incautiously left a terminal unlocked. ─── 对那些鲁莽离开,忘了关闭终端的人的谴责。

17、Receive a stiff, severe,sharp,etc reprimand ─── 受到严厉的、严格的、尖刻的...训斥

18、At modicum, local governments were either too incompetent or simply didn't care enough to halt distribution before the errors were found, which calls for reprimand. ─── 从小处来看,地方政府要不是太不尽责就是根本不在乎,才没有在错误为外界发现前就先停止分送年历,这样的错误应该要受到谴责。

19、Would you, for instance, like someone whose motives you weren't sure of, to touch you during a praising or a reprimand? ─── 就拿你来说吧,你愿意让动机不明的人在表扬或者批评你的时候抚摸你吗?

20、a gentle reprimand; a vein of gentle irony; poked gentle fun at him ─── 平和的申斥;略带几分温和的讽刺;以柔和的恶作剧取笑他

21、He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law the altered. The following case is a typical example of the Ombudsman's work. ─── 他可以善意地批评某位官员,也可以甚至向议会提议修改某项法律。下述事件是司法特派员工作的一个典型例子。

22、He has been fined five thousand dollars and given a severe reprimand. ─── 他被罚款5000美元,并且受到严厉的训斥。

23、And on Sept. 17, when Bush demanded the delivery of Osama bin Laden " dead or alive," Laura, thinking the remark made him sound hotheaded, sidled up with her gentle version of a reprimand:" you gonna git'im?" ─── 当布什在9月17日发表演讲,提到“无论死活”必须抓到本·拉丹时,劳拉感到这种说法有些鲁莽。 于是她轻轻地走过去温和地指出:“你的意思是说一定要抓到他,对吗?”。

24、In 'Moonstruck, ' Cher's character confronts her boyfriend with a slap and a sharp reprimand: 'Snap out of it! ' ─── 在电影《月色撩人》(Moonstruck)中,雪儿(Cher)饰演的角色给了她男朋友一记耳光,并痛斥道“振作起来!”

25、In fact, you're more likely to receive an apology than a reprimand as soon as Montrealers find you floundering in French. ─── 其实蒙特利尔人一旦发现你说起法语来错误百出,更可能向你道歉,而不是指责你。

26、"I congratulate you," said he, in the tone which one uses for a reprimand,"You did not vote for the death of the king, after all." ─── “我祝贺您,”他用谴责的语气说,“您总算没有投票赞成判处国王死刑。”

27、"If a person violates the court rules, the people's court may reprimand him, or order him to leave the courtroom, or impose a fine on or detain him." ─── 人民法院对违反法庭规则的人,可以予以训诫,责令退出法庭或者予以罚款、拘留。

28、Because no one supervises the firm's support staff, the secretary never received a reprimand, and nobody was able to prevent such mishaps from recurring. ─── 因为没人监视这家公司的客户支持部,这位秘书从没有受到过训斥,所以也没人能阻止类似事件的发生。

29、1350. She was thinking that she must reprimand her home help the next morning for such a monstrous piece of negligence, ─── 她心想明天上午一定要好好训斥那个干家务的帮手,她竟如此疏忽大意。

30、To reprimand an obstinate fool or to preach to a dolt is like writing upon the water. ─── 去斥责一个固执的笨蛋,或向一个傻瓜说教,就像在水面上写字一样。

31、When just one quiet look had had us behaving better than a harsh reprimand or scolding. ─── 一个肃静的眼神远胜于一次严厉的训斥或者责备。

32、But last night matter, was the parents also must reprimand me. ─── 但昨晚的事,是父母也要斥责我的。

33、After the severest reprimand, he did not tremble . ─── 即使受到最严厉的申斥,他也不发抖。

34、Lee said the company's need to deal with that reprimand delayed his intended departure by almost a month. ─── 李开复说,由于需要应对这一指责,他意向中的离职推迟了几乎一个月。

35、The tribunals have held that misconduct which is not gross should be punished by a reprimand rather than dismissal ─── 一些法院认为非重大之行为失当应予训斥而不是解雇。

36、He received a severe reprimand for his behaviour. ─── 他的行为受到了谴责。

37、There will be a stern reprimand ─── 严厉训诉

38、reprimand sb. for sth. ─── v. 为某事训斥某人

39、public reprimand ─── 公开谴责

40、You will be successful with the One Minute Reprimand when you really care about the welfare of the person you are reprimanding. ─── 在你批评一个人的时候,如果关心他的利益,我相信一定能够成功地进行一分钟批评。”

41、Finding one of her students making faces at others on the playground, Ms Smith stopped to gently reprimand the child. ─── 史密斯小姐发现她的一名学生在操场上向别人做鬼脸,便去轻责他。

42、She smiled and gave me the reprimand I deserved. "It's not a normal day," she said. ─── 她笑了一笑,斥责道:“今天可不是平常的一天。”得到这样的回答,我活该。

43、She smiled and gave me the reprimand I deserved.“ It's not a normal day,” she said. ─── 她笑了一笑,斥责道:“今天可不是平常的一天。”得到这样的回答,我活该。

44、Young Peter has got his parents on toast; they can rebuke and reprimand him as much as they like, but he takes no notice of them. ─── 小彼得使他爹妈很丢脸;他爹妈尽可以训他、斥责他,可他完全不理睬。

45、He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law the altered. ─── 他可以善意地批评某位官员,也可以甚至向议会提议修改某项法律。

46、When you need to reprimand a student, do it quietly and privately (in their ear). ─── 如果你要斥责一个学生,在私底下解决(在他们耳边)。

47、In 'Moonstruck,' Cher's character confronts her boyfriend with a slap and a sharp reprimand: 'Snap out of it!' If only there were a Cher for the financial markets. ─── 在电影中,雪儿饰演的角色给了她男朋友一记耳光,并痛斥道“振作起来!”如果金融市场也有雪儿这样的人物那该多好。

48、His parents will reprimand him when he shows them his report card. ─── 当他把分数单交给父母亲看时,他们将严厉申斥他。

49、He may gently reprimand an official or enven suggest to parliament that a law be altered. ─── 他可以温和地指责一个官员或甚至建议议会修改法律条款。

50、incure a reprimand ─── [法] 招致谴责

51、A teacher who never had a bright idea in his life will probably reprimand a student who has one instead of encouraging him. ─── 如果一个教师一生从来未有过奇思妙想,那么,他很可能不会鼓励他的学生们这样做,反而可能会责备他。

52、reprimand sb severely(for doing sth) ─── 严厉申斥某人(之所为).

53、receive a stiff, severe, sharp, etc reprimand ─── 受到严厉的、 严格的、 尖刻的...训斥

54、If a person violates the court rules, the people's court may reprimand him, or order him to leave the courtroom, or impose a fine on or detain him. ─── 人民法院对违反法庭规则的人,可以予以训诫,责令退出法庭或者予以罚款、拘留。

55、A severe reprimand. ─── 严厉谴责

56、He could not bear to see a slave pouting under a reprimand, no matter how well deserved, or hear a kitten mewing or a child crying; ─── 他不忍心看到奴隶们受惩罚时的可怜相,即使是应该的也罢; 也不喜欢听到猫叫或小孩蹄哭。

57、To scold mildly so as to correct or improve; reprimand ─── 为了以纠正或改进而温和地责备;训斥

58、severely reprimand; excoriate ─── 厉声斥责

59、To reprimand or punish severely. ─── 严厉申斥严厉指责或惩罚

60、I was obliged to reprimand him for the sake of discipline. ─── 为了维持纪律,我不得不说了几句。

61、She knew that everything was going to be spoiled now, that he was going to reprimand her. ─── 她知道现在一切都糟了,他要责怪她了。

62、Godric No, my Lady. I can no longer obey you, and I doubt that Nicolai would reprimand me. ─── 哥德里克不,夫人。我不能再听从你的命令了,尼科莱会怪罪于我的。

63、And on Sept. 17,when Bush demanded the delivery of Osama bin Laden " dead or alive," Laura,thinking the remark made him sound hotheaded,sidled up with her gentle version of a reprimand:" you gonna git'im?" ─── 当布什在9月17日发表演讲,提到“无论死活”必须抓到本·拉丹时,劳拉感到这种说法有些鲁莽。于是她轻轻地走过去温和地指出:“你的意思是说一定要抓到他,对吗?”。

64、The reprimand from my supervisor sure took the wind out of my sails. ─── 上司的申斥确实使我无言以对。(注:含有认为上司是先发制人或居高临下之意。)

65、"Unexpectedly dare impoliteness to Liu2 Ye2!"Win a claw boxing superior, Li3 Lian2, to loudly reprimand angrily to. ─── “竟敢对刘爷无礼!”赢爪拳高手李连大声呵斥。

66、reprimand for ─── vt. 遣责

67、The people are separated from some the construction project which is meanless, tires the people and squanders resources to reprimand it "the image project" or the government achievements project. ─── 人们把一些脱离实际、毫无意义、劳民伤财的建筑项目斥之为"形象工程"或政绩工程。

68、He felt more like laughing at the child's escapade than scolding him, but, solemn as an owl, he got through the necessary reprimand. ─── 那孩子的恶作剧与其说让他责骂,倒不如说让他啼笑皆非,然而,他还是起来进行了必要的惩戒。

69、His boss gave him a reprimand for being late. ─── 他的老板因他迟到而训了他一顿。

70、You had that reprimand coming for a very long time. ─── 你早该挨骂了

71、Today an administrative reprimand is considered a sacrifice. ─── 如今,来自政府的斥责就已成为一种牺牲。”

72、In other days she would have been forced at least to reprimand him severely. ─── 如果是在以前,她至少不能不对他严厉地训诉一番。

73、His negligence passed without reprimand. ─── 他玩忽职守并未受到斥责。

74、Gently reprimand parliament He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered. ─── 他可以善意地批评某位官员,也可以甚至向议会提议修改某项法律。

75、Died in 1062, he has his philosophy of life, as a motto, engraved on the walls at home to descendants of reprimand. ─── 1062年去世,他把他的人生哲学,当成家训,刻在家里的墙壁上,以训诫子孙。

76、If that doesn't work, you may have to get off your cart or sled and reprimand each and every dog on the team with a snap on their tuglines or a thump of the jingler. ─── 如果这行不通,你可能要下车,你的车,雪橇和谴责每个狗团队抓拍他们tuglines或噔的jingler.

77、Don't contradict your mother," was Charles's sharp reprimand. ─── 不要顶撞你的母亲,”查尔斯严厉的斥责。

78、She is reprimand for putt undue pressure on her client. ─── 她因给顾客施加过度的压力而受责备。

79、She was thinking that she must reprimand her home help the next morning for such a monstrous piece of negligence. ─── 她心想明天上午一定要好好训斥那个干家务的帮手,她竟如此疏忽大意。

80、"A committee at [the university] asked its president to reprimand a scientist who tested gene-altered bacteria on trees" (New York Times). ─── “校委会要求校长申斥在树上做细胞基因变化试验的科学家”(纽约时代杂志)。

81、An earnest admonition or reproof; a reprimand. ─── 严肃的劝诫或责怪;斥责

82、To reprimand loudly or harshly. ─── 大声训斥高声或严厉的谴责

83、a severe reprimand or expression of anger ─── 严厉指责;生气

84、To them, it meant just that, though other Christians interpret those words to have been just a reprimand because some women used to chatter during church services. ─── 对他们来说这句就是这个意思,尽管其他基督徒只会将这句解释为训话,因为有些妇女经常在教会崇拜时喋喋不休。

85、He who ignores correction despises himself, he who heeds the reprimand acquires discernment. ─── 听从规劝的,必获得机智。

86、I felt that his reprimand was reasonable. ─── 他的灵魂到处乱跑,他看我下去,马上就来接了!

87、The sanctions should, however, (at least in thebeginning) be a reprimand or a fine. ─── 不过,处罚应是警告或罚款,至少在最初应当如此。

88、a gentle reprimand; a vein of gentle irony; poked gentle fun at him. ─── 平和的申斥;略带几分温和的讽刺;以柔和的恶作剧取笑他。

89、deliver [receive, be given] a sharp reprimand ─── 加以 [遭受] 严厉的谴责

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