connivent 发音
英:[kə'naɪvənt] 美:[kə'naɪvənt]
英: 美:
connivent 中文意思翻译
connivent 短语词组
1、connivent anthers ─── 合生花药
2、connivent definition ─── 纵容定义
connivent 相似词语短语
1、coinvent ─── 共同事件
2、connivency ─── 纵容
3、connivently ─── 纵容地
4、connived ─── vi.共谋;纵容;默许
5、connivence ─── n.纵容;默许
6、connive ─── vi.共谋;纵容;默许
7、confident ─── adj.自信的;确信的
8、condiment ─── n.调味品;佐料
9、conniver ─── 纵容者
connivent 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、anthers often connivent or connate around style, dehiscing by apical pores, often later splitting longitudinally. ─── 在花柱周围合生的花药通常靠合的或,通过顶孔开裂,通常过后纵向劈开。
2、Perianth segments above wing leathery, not reflexed but embracing utricle, connivent, and together forming a cone in fruit; bractlets shorter than perianth. ─── 翅上面花被片似皮革,不反折但是包括的胞果,靠合,以及在果期的一同形成一圆锥形;小苞片短于花被。(29
3、filaments short;anthers sagittate, connivent, adherent to pistil head, cells spurred at base; ─── 花丝短花药箭头形,靠合,对雌蕊头状花序,室基部具距附着;
4、stigma conical, 2-lobed, lobes connivent, decurrent. ─── 柱头圆锥状,2裂,裂片靠合,。
5、Leaves opposite; upper corolla lip galeate, as long as lower lip; anther locules equal in length, connivent. ─── 叶对生盔状的上面花冠唇,倍于下唇;药室等长,靠合。(29
6、anthers dorsally hairy, connivent, adnate to stigma head; ─── 背有毛,靠合的花药,贴生于柱头头状花序;
7、portion of segment above wing connivent with others, tightly appressed to utricle, margin membranous, ciliate; ─── 翅上部的裂片与其它的靠合,紧紧贴伏于胞果,边缘膜质,具缘毛;
8、filaments short;anthers mostly sagittate, free or connivent into a cone adherent to pistil head, dehiscing longitudinally, base rounded, cordate, sagittate, or prolonged into an empty spur; ─── 花丝短花药多数箭头形,离生或靠合花柱成圆锥形,纵裂,基部圆形、心形、箭头形,或延长为空的距;
9、portion of segment above wing connivent with others, forming an obtuse cone, apex obtuse; ─── 翅上部的裂片与其它的靠合,形成一钝锥形,先端钝;
10、Shrubs small; perianth (including wings) 8-14 mm in diam. in fruit, portion above wing together connivent and forming a cone. ─── 灌木小;花被(包括翅)在果期8-14毫米直径,翅上部靠合和形成圆锥形。(31
11、anthers connivent in pairs, locules often apically confluent. ─── 花药靠合成对,子房室通常汇合。
12、stigma conical, 2-lobed, lobes prominent, connivent or free, decurrent. ─── 柱头圆锥状,2裂,裂片突出,或离生,下延。
13、Plants 1.5-2 m tall. Stem glabrous or strigose at nodes of upper part. Basal leaves orbicular or broadly ovate, large, 30-60 cm. Panicle much branched; branches connivent. ─── 植株1.5-2米高。茎无毛的或上半部分的具糙伏毛的在节上。基生叶圆形或宽卵形,大,30-60厘米。圆锥花序多分枝;分枝靠合。
14、anthers 2-celled, connivent, opening by a slit or pore. ─── 花药2室,靠合,通过一条裂缝或者孔开裂。
15、Sepals oblong-linear, connivent, erect, base of lateral pair saccate. ─── 萼片长圆形线,靠合,直立,侧的对的基部囊状。
16、portion of segment above wing connivent with others, enclosing utricle, slightly reflexed and appearing rosettelike, apex mucronate; ─── 翅上部的裂片与其它的靠合,包围胞果,稍反折和出现莲座丛状,短尖的先端;
17、branches connivent. ─── 分枝靠合。
18、filaments short;anthers exserted, sagittate, connivent at middle, adherent to pistil head, cells spurred at base; ─── 花丝短花药外露,箭头形,靠合的在中部,对雌蕊头状花序,室基部具距附着;
19、anthers connivent, locules equal in size and base conically pointed, bearded along slit after dehiscence. ─── 花药靠合,子房室大小相等和基部尖,具髯毛沿着在开裂之后裂缝。
20、Perianth azure to dark violet, segments 1--7 mm wide, not connivent proximally into a pseudotube. ─── 花被碧蓝的到深色的紫罗兰色的,裂片1-7毫米宽,下部不靠合成为假管。
21、anthers connivent, divergent at base, longitudinally dehiscent. ─── 花药靠合,基部分叉,纵向开裂。
22、anthers connivent, divergent at base, longitudinally dehiscent. ─── 花药靠合,基部分叉,纵向开裂。
23、filaments short;anthers sagittate, connivent, adherent to pistil head, connective usually pilose at apex, cells spurred at base; ─── 花丝短通常的对雌蕊头状花序,药隔箭头形,靠合,附着的花药具柔毛的在先端,室基部具距;
24、Sepals oblong-linear, connivent, erect, base of lateral pair saccate. ─── 萼片长圆形线,靠合,直立,侧的对的基部囊状。
25、anthers sagittate, with a bristly, filiform apical appendage, pilose, connivent, adherent to pistil head; ─── 花药箭头形,具具刚毛,顶端附属物,对雌蕊头状花序来说具柔毛,靠合,附着;
26、Petals violet or reddish, free but connivent and tubelike. ─── 花瓣紫色或者带红色,离生但靠合和管状。
27、anthers connivent, locules equal in size and base conically pointed, bearded along slit after dehiscence. ─── 花药靠合,子房室大小相等和基部尖,具髯毛沿着在开裂之后裂缝。
28、filaments short;anthers included, sagittate, connivent, adherent at middle to pistil head, cells with an empty tail; ─── 花丝短花药包括,箭头形,靠合,附着在中部兑一雌蕊头状花序,室具一空有尾;
29、anthers erect, free or connivent or connate, connectives often dilated into membranous appendages; ─── 花药直立,分离的、靠合或靠合,药隔经常膨大成膜质的附属物;
30、anthers exserted [or included], sagittate, connivent, adherent to pistil head, lobes spurred at base; ─── 花药外露[或包括],箭头形,靠合,对雌蕊头,耳垂基部具距来说粘性;
31、Lobed parts of blade narrowly triangular; flowers small, perianth purple-red; fruiting branches connivent. ─── 叶片裂片部分狭三角形;花小,花被紫色红;果分枝靠合。
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