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08-18 投稿


conveniences 发音


英:  美:

conveniences 中文意思翻译



conveniences 网络释义

n. 方便性

conveniences 词性/词形变化,conveniences变形

动词过去式: convened |名词: convener |形容词: convenable |动词第三人称单数: convenes |动词现在分词: convening |动词过去分词: convened |

conveniences 反义词


conveniences 同义词

wash room | freedom | gizmo | propitiousness | spare moment | opportuneness | contraption | utility | opportunity | usefulness | gadget | accessory |suitability | fittingness | widget | mechanical | public convenience | public toilet | gismo | nearness | advantage | comfort station | spare | closeness | chance | ease | expedience | spare time | profit | avail | restroom | suitable | seasonableness | time-saver | free time | appliance | appropriateness | time | timeliness | fitness | public lavatory | leisure | amenity | accessibility | mechanical aid | contrivance | favourableness | service | use | accommodation | free | moment | expediency | aid | handiness | facility

conveniences 短语词组

1、conveniences means ─── 便利手段

2、conveniences in life ─── 生活中的便利

3、public conveniences ─── 公共厕所( public convenience的名词复数 )

4、conveniences is ─── 方便是

5、conveniences definition ─── 便利性定义

6、conveniences meaning ─── 便利的含义

7、conveniences definition google ─── 方便定义

conveniences 相似词语短语

1、convenances ─── n.惯例;礼仪

2、convenience ─── n.便利;厕所;便利的事物

3、inconvenienced ─── v.给(某人)造成不便(inconvenience的过去式及过去分词)

4、conveniencies ─── n.方便;便宜

5、inconveniences ─── n.不便;麻烦;vt.麻烦;打扰

6、convergencies ─── n.[数]收敛;集聚;集中;趋同现象;非周期阻尼运动

7、convergences ─── [数]收敛;[生物][电子][光]会聚,集合(convergence的复数)

8、conveniency ─── 方便

9、inconveniencies ─── n.不方便;麻烦

conveniences 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There are other more important conveniences in a city. the custom and the multi connotation can satisfy all kinds of city life's consumption and requirements. ─── 在那里更多更重要的是便利。城市家居生活形式与内涵的多元化,能满足人们城市生活的各种消费与需求。

2、These modern conveniences in the office save them a lot of time. ─── 办公室的这些现代化便利设备节省了他们许多时间。

3、Without the modern conveniences would he be able to visit Machu Picchu at all? ─── 如果没有这些便利的现代化设施,他岂能上麦屈·皮克屈来?

4、You have to break down all barriers of paychecks, family & peer pressures, comfort zones, conveniences and start dreaming about the kind of career you want to pursue. ─── 你必须从高额的薪水,来自家庭和同龄人的压力,舒适的环境,便捷的设施中挣脱出来,要开始追求自己梦想的各种事业。

5、yes. it is. It was just painted and it has all the modern conveniences, including the heating system. ─── 好。刚刚油漆过,现代化设备齐全,包括暖气设备。

6、Conveniences of techno gadgets were made available to those living near the resorts, but not to the locals living in the countryside. ─── 技术产品的便利可以让生活在酒店附近的人们得到,但生活在乡村的当地人却得不到。

7、Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, they in fact, prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. ─── 尽管许多人认为现代生活的奢华和便利是丝毫没有坏处的,但是这实际上让人们无法成为真正强大和独立的个体。社会和个人之发展问题。

8、I think New York has all the conveniences ─── 我觉得纽约具备了一切便利的条件

9、As expected, their individual cells were splendidly designed affairs with all the necessary conveniences and furnishings, all the more sinister in their homeyness. ─── 可以预见到的是,用于拘禁他们每一个人的那些小房间都有着很好的设计,里面有必需的设施和家具,但却限制了他们的自由。

10、She descanted on the beauty of the neighbourhood, the size of the yard, and the manifold conveniences of the establishment. ─── 她在信里赞美那地方的风景多么好,院子多么大,以及说不尽种种舒适便利的地方。

11、Managers and users of highways and other related units or individuals should accept the supervision and checking by road supervisory and checking personnel and provide them with conveniences. ─── 公路经营者、使用者和其他有关单位、个人,应当接受公路监督检查人员依法实施的监督检查,并为其提供方便。

12、Because formatting output and sending it to the console are common tasks, there are conveniences available to this behavior. We ll look at those next. ─── 因为格式化输出并将它发送给控制台是一项常见的任务,所以对这种操作提供了方便的方法。

13、Campers in tents don't have the conveniences that campers in trailers do. Tent campers lead a very simple but healthy life. ─── 在帐篷中露营的人不具备那些入住拖车者所拥有的便利条件,他们过着一种简朴却有益于健康的生活。

14、They are seen as abandoning both modern conveniences and the American dream of success and progress. ─── 他们被视为是同时抛弃了现代化便利和对于成功与进步的美国梦。

15、Household conveniences such as a washing machine, an electric can opener, and disposable diapers.See Synonyms atamenity ─── 家庭便利用具,如洗衣机,电动开罐器,以及免洗尿布参见

16、The components are all split type linked by refined bolts with reamed holes for transportation conveniences. ─── 以便于陆路运输,结构分件均制造为拆拼形式,采用精制交制孔螺栓连接。

17、People's governments at the county and township levels shall provide conveniences for primary and secondary school teachers in rural areas in solving the housing problems. ─── 县、乡两级人民政府应当为农村中小学教师解决住房提供方便。

18、You can easily reach us via mail, phone and e-mail, or you can use the contact form provided to your conveniences. ─── 您可以轻松地达到通过电子邮件,电话和电子邮件,也可以使用联系表格提供给我们的便利。

19、Public conveniences,In US English it is called the lavatory,toilet or bathroom be in private houses and the washroom or rest-room be in public buildings. ─── 公共厕所在美式英语中称为“lavatory”,在私人住宅中的厕所称为“toilet”或者“bathroom”,在公共建筑中称为“washroom”或者“rest-room”。

20、The work load in house and on farm was more reduced by modern conveniences. ─── 家务劳动和农场劳动的负担由于多种现代化设备而减轻了。

21、Development of the Internet brings about lots of conveniences for the dubbing industry. ─── 互联网的发展,给配音业带来了方便。

22、The Guest Rooms Have Recently Been Refurbished And Feature All Modern Conveniences. ─── 客房最近经过装修,配备了所有现代化设施。

23、For the conveniences of the administration, issues like membership fees, election method &meeting procedures will be regulated by bylaws ®ulations below. ─── 为方便协会能因时制宜,因此关于会员费、选举方法和议事程序将在各个附例中订明。

24、He lives in an expensive hotel with lots of conveniences. ─── 他住在一家有许多便利设备,花费昂贵的旅馆里。

25、In whatever situation men can be placed, they may find conveniences and inconveniences. ─── 人们不论处在什么情况下,总会有顺利和不顺利的地方。

26、So with all these new and modem postal conveniences, I won't have to deal with that rude little parking lot officer. ─── 因此与所有的这些新的和调制解调器邮政的方便, 我将不必处理那座粗鲁无礼的小停车场官员。

27、If you're not willing to give up some freedoms (or at least the conveniences you grew up with), you must be in favor of child abuse. ─── 如果你不愿意牺牲一些自由(或者至少牺牲一些“方便”)的话,你肯定会被别人指为虐待儿童。

28、Four previous works in Chinese on the Four Boundless Minds are also attached for your conveniences. ─── 四篇之前以中文所作关于四无量心的作品亦附呈供您们方便。

29、Today we can buy many goods which come from the entire world in the local market, which brings us much more conveniences. ─── 今天我们可以在市场上买到来自世界各地的产品,给我们的生活带来很多便利。

30、Can you imagine life without electricity and other modem conveniences? ─── 你能想像出没有电和其他现代化设施的生活情形吗?

31、On the technological front, based on changes over the past two decades, Canadians will have access to more conveniences and services than they currently enjoy. ─── 在科技方面,基于过去二十年的革新,加拿大人将比现在享有更多的便利条件和服务设施。

32、Conveniences that people look for in cities include shopping centers, public transportation, parking, restaurants and nightlife, and if they have children, parks and schools. ─── 在市区里,人们要求的生活方便设施包括购物中心,公交车站,停车场,餐馆和夜生活的去处。如果有小孩的话,还包括公园和学校。

33、Medical institutions shall provide conveniences in medical care for teachers in the localities. ─── 医疗机构应当对当地教师的医疗提供方针。

34、Five-star hotels are full of conveniences of every sort. ─── 五星级酒店设备齐全。

35、While enjoying the conveniences brought by the Internet, people should develop kind of precarious consciousness towards the cyber eco-ethics. ─── 在充分享受网络带来的美好生活的同时,我们应该树立一种网络生态伦理观的忧患意识。

36、It costs a lot to fit up the new hotel with modern comforts and conveniences. ─── 为给新宾馆装备舒适方便的现代化设备花了许多钱。

37、Screen Editor has many of the conveniences of WordStar, but is a much smaller and faster program. ─── (译):屏幕编辑器有很多的便利的WordStar ,但规模要小得多,更快的程序。

38、more conveniences, but less time; ─── 我们拥有更多的便利,时间却日显紧张;

39、They are modelled on the Franconian countryhouse style and offer all the modern conveniences that help you make the most of your stay. ─── 我们将用电子邮件发送即时信息给予您预定订确认。

40、On the one hand I enjoy the conveniences of the city, on the other, I really appreciate the quiet life in the countryside. ─── 一方面我喜欢城市的各种便利条件,另一方面,我也很欣赏乡村的宁静生活。

41、an apartment without modern conveniences. ─── 一个没有现代化设备的公寓。

42、The videophone realizes the far-end meeting, has provided many conveniences for people's life and work. ─── 可视电话可以实现远端见面,为人们的生活和工作提供了很多方便。

43、And also adornments of gold. But all this were nothing but conveniences of the present life: The Hereafter, in the sight of thy Lord is for the Righteous. ─── 并将他们的房屋变成有金饰的。这些无非是今世生活的享受;在你的主那里的后世,是专归敬畏者的。

44、Had taken off the edge of my invention for my own conveniences ─── 以往,为使自己的生活过得舒服,我充分发挥了创造发明的才能,但现在就无法充分发挥了。

45、It also offers conveniences for enterprises to choose dubbing staff for promos and promotion video. ─── 为企业广告片和宣传片选定配音员,提供了方便。

46、China is a state of etiquette.In order to provide convience and security for those who attend or watch the games, it is reasonable for the locals to put up some conveniences. ─── 中华民族是礼仪之邦,为来华比赛、观赛的外国人提供方便及安全保障,本地居民受些委屈是应有之意。

47、toilet and lavatory conveniences ─── 化妆室与卫生间

48、Thank you very mutch. You have really good conveniences. ─── 十分感谢,你们提供方便服务。

49、We've put in all the modem conveniences. ─── 我们这个房间里现代化设备应有尽有。

50、"Did not your wife marry you because of the money and the conveniences you bring her?" ─── “您太太嫁给您难道不是因为钱,难道不是您带给她的一切享受?”

51、In the case of a financial services scenario, messaging provides the user with added features and conveniences. ─── 在财政服务案例中,通讯为用户带来了更多特性和便利。

52、We didn't have a TV or all of the conveniences that you have. ─── 我们没有电视,也没有所有你们现有的便利设施。

53、All 44 rooms are tastefully furnished and absolutely relaxing with spacious private balconies, and equipped with modern conveniences for your comfort. ─── 所有44间客房都是典雅设计,提供有宽敞的私人阳台及完善的现代便利设施。

54、Such a design features with clear distribution of force bearing, light weight, small wind resistance, installation conveniences, easy hold-up process and flexible realization of 29 combinations of transformation. ─── 具有受力明确,重量轻,风阻力小,安装方便,扳起省力等优点,可方便地实现29种变形组合。

55、Ogle, Maureen. All the Modern Conveniences: American Household Plumbing, 1840-1890. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. ─── 《所有的现代便利:美国家庭管道系统》,1840-1890。约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社,1996。

56、A law firm shall provide conveniences and benefits for the people, strengthen its internal management, reduce service costs, and provide convenient and quality legal services for the clients. ─── 律师事务所应当便民利民,加强内部管理,降低服务成本,为委托人提供方便优质的法律服务。

57、This apartment is new with sample decoration and is also suitable for office.This house combines peaceful and beautiful surroundings with city conveniences, so making the best of both worlds. ─── 大厅东面窗户正好对别墅外的大马路,此单位也适宜办公室或者办事处!

58、exact and conveniences ─── 准确和简便

59、In short, there are several syntax conveniences for attaching a dim attribute to a vector, but at heart that is all the syntax sugar does. ─── 简单地说,将dim属性附着到向量上有好几种语法,但是这些语法在本质上做的事是一样的。

60、difficulties for oneself but conveniences for others ─── 困难留给自己, 方便让给别人

61、They think there are more job opportunities in cities, life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country, and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy. ─── 他们认为有更多的就业机会,在城市里,生命就有更丰富、有意义的国家,有更多的现代设施在城市的人们享受。

62、And of course he is right; but without the modern conveniences and inconveniences would he be able to visit Machupicchu at all? ─── 他这样说当然是对的,但如果没有这些便利的现代化设施(也包括那些不顺心的事),他岂能上得来马丘比丘?

63、Because trusts, therefore simple, because simple, therefore convenient! Let on-line shopping bring more conveniences and the actual benefit for you! ─── 因为信任所以简单,因为简单所以方便!让网上购物为您带来更多的方便与实惠!

64、Our test model was an LT with all the conveniences. ─── 我们测试的型号,是集所有方便于一身的LT型号。

65、EVERY man is rich or poor according to the degree in which he can afford to enjoy the necessaries, conveniences, and amusements of human life. ─── 一个人是贫是富,就看他能在什么程度上享受人生的必需品、便利品和娱乐品。

66、Nearly fifty percent of the children here live below the poverty line without the services and conveniences that we all take for granted. ─── 这儿有一半的孩子生活在贫困线下,没有我们觉得理所应当的服务和便利。

67、And of course he is fight; but without the modem conveniences--and inconveniences---would he be able to visit Machu Picchu at all? ─── 而当然,他会被反驳道:要没有现代化所带来的种种便利和不便,他今天能够来到玛丘比丘城参观吗?

68、The warehouse manager should provide office space and other conveniences for the customs. ─── 仓库经理人应当为海关提供办公场所和必要的方便条件。

69、has a cabin and plumbing and other conveniences necessary for living on board. ─── 为了在船上生存所必需的有小屋、铅管品制造业和其他便利的设施的船。

70、Household conveniences such as a washing machine,an electric can opener,and disposable diapers. ─── 家庭便利用具,如洗衣机,电动开罐器,以及免洗尿布。

71、Yes, it is. It was just painted and it has all the modern conveniences, including the heating system. ─── 好。刚刚油漆过,现代化设备齐全,包括暖气设备。

72、While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. ─── 电脑在给消费者提供这些便利的同时,也给销售者带来了很多好处。

73、Each is equipped with modern conveniences including broadband Internet access, in-room safe and an oversized working desk while Suites and Deluxe rooms have full kitchen facilities. ─── 同时,所有套房和部分豪华客房中配备厨房用具以满足商务宾客的长期居停的需求,让宾客体验多一份家的温暖!

74、It's an old house but it has all of the up-to-date conveniences you could want. ─── 这是一所老房子,但它拥有你所需要的一切现在化设施。

75、Oh, well. As far as other conveniences in the neighborhood, there`s a grocery store just up the block, and there`s lots of little shops nearby. ─── 哦.附近其他的便利设施还包括:街区内有一个杂货店.附近则有很多小店铺.查看全文来源分类:衣食住行

76、It's an old house but it has all of the up-to-date conveniences you would want. ─── 这是一座旧房子,但它有你所想要的所有现代化设备。

77、Both large-size file and reduced-size file are attached for your conveniences. ─── 大小档案都一并附呈以供你们的方便。

78、various conveniences ─── 各种便利

79、You have urban conveniences here, too. ─── 您还能享受都市的便利。

80、The IICORE contains 9,810 characters and it can provide conveniences for day-to-day electronic communication in Chinese on resource-limited devices. ─── IICORE包含9,810个字符,可方便用户在资源有限的设备上以中文作日常电子通讯。

81、I am afraid that, in the modern age, nobody can do without the many conveniences that scientific discoveries have brought about. ─── 在现代社会,若失去科技发展所带来的种种方便,恐怕已没有人能够忍受。

82、Household conveniences such as a washing machine, an electric can opener, and disposable diapers. ─── 家庭便利用具,如洗衣机,电动开罐器,以及免洗尿布

83、We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. ─── 我们拥有更大的房屋,和更小的家庭;越多方便,却越少时间。

84、household conveniences ─── 家用设备

85、modern conveniences ─── (房间里的)现代化设备

86、household conveniences such as a washing machine, an electric can opener, and disposable diapers.See Synonyms at amenity ─── 家庭便利用具,如洗衣机,电动开罐器,以及免洗尿布参见

87、In fact, Eclipse has lots of little conveniences like this. ─── 实际上,Eclipse提供了一些象这样的方便之处。

88、I like all the conveniences of the big city, but at the same time I need to have trees around me to be happy. ─── 我喜欢住在大城市里的方便性,但同时我也需要周遭有些树可以让我感到愉快。

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