compellable 发音
英: 美:
compellable 中文意思翻译
compellable 短语词组
1、compellable definition ─── 强制性定义
2、compellable witness ─── [法] 被迫作证的证人
compellable 反义词
free | liberate
compellable 词性/词形变化,compellable变形
形容词: compellable |名词: compeller |动词现在分词: compelling |动词第三人称单数: compels |副词: compellably |动词过去分词: compelled |动词过去式: compelled |
compellable 同义词
lean on | constrain | enforce | have | require | oblige | make | oppress | inhibit | induce | conscript | coerce | actuate |force | shame | drive | impel | obligate
compellable 相似词语短语
1、counsellable ─── 可咨询的
2、compliable ─── adj.依从的,屈从的
3、commendable ─── adj.值得赞扬的;adv.值得赞扬地
4、comparable ─── adj.类似的,可比较的;同等的,相当的
5、companiable ─── 兼容的
6、cancellable ─── adj.可约的;可删除的
7、compellative ─── n.名称;称号
8、compensable ─── adj.可补偿的;应予以补偿的
9、compellably ─── 勉强地
compellable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The instant her voice broke off, ceasing to compel my attention, my belief, I felt the basic insincerity of what she had said. ─── 她的话音一落,不再强迫我注意她和相信她时,我就感到她刚才说的根本不是真心话。
2、"Did you notice," he said, at last, breaking forth concerning another item which he had found, "that they have entered suit to compel the Illinois Central to get off the lake front, Julia?" he asked. ─── “你注意到这则新闻没有,朱利亚? "他看到另一则消息时,终于忍不住开口说,"有人对伊利诺州中央铁路公司提起诉讼,不准他们在湖滨区修铁路。
3、In what ways and to what extent does the fact of common residence in a locality compel or invite its inhabitants to act together? ─── 共同居住这样一个事实,以什么方式,并在多大程度上迫使或诱使其居民来共同谐调行动的?
4、These did not compel any material change in our planned operations. ─── 因此在已计划的行动中,并没有发生任何实质的改变。
5、And they that were sent from king Antiochus came thither, to compel them that were fled into the city of Modin, to sacrifice, and to burn incense, and to depart from the law of God. ─── 君王派来强迫人民背教的官吏,也来到了摩丁城,勒令人祭神。
6、How will the president compel Americans to buy these cars? Especially inthe two years it takes for Chrysler to churn out any Fiat originatedproduct? ─── 奥巴马将怎样推动美国人买这些汽车?尤其是在未来两年,克莱斯勒需要两年的时间才能制造出菲亚特的产品。
7、If a people's revolutionary force is to avoid extermination by Chiang Kai-shek and to compel him to acknowledge its existence, it has no alternative but to wage a tit-for-tat struggle against his counter-revolutionary policies. ─── 任何的人民革命力量如果要避免为蒋介石所消灭,并迫使他承认这种力量的存在,除了对于他的反革命政策作针锋相对的斗争,便无他路可循。
8、The altruist, instead of continuing to perform selfless acts, will try to compel change in the offender. ─── 利他主义者不是继续进行无私的行为,而是试图强迫违反者改变(观念)。
9、I must compel to accomplish my achievement in this country or else I shall be up against myself fact of a case of crabs. ─── 不是没人对新概念感兴趣。而且是这里学新概念的人很多。但别人我不知道,可是我自己也才学到第二册,刚开始呢。
10、But I am certain that the revolutionary prospects of nanoscale devices will eventually compel such changes. ─── 但我确信奈米元件革命性的前景,终将迫使工业界改变。
11、However, this broad power to compel disclosure was later narrowed by a series of cases involving requirements that criminal conduct be reported to the government. ─── 但这一强迫披露信息的广泛权力后来被一系列涉及犯罪行为的案件所限制,此类案件要求必须向政府报告犯罪行为。
12、We cannot compel people to give up idealism, any more than we can force them to embrace Marxism. ─── 不能强制人们放弃唯心主义,也不能强制人们相信马克思主义。
13、Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised. ─── 12凡希图外貌体面的人,都勉强你们受割礼。
14、The need for a transparent and fair legal system will compel China to quicken the reform of its judiciary. ─── 加入世贸组织,要求中国建立透明公正的法律体系。
15、Rarities are always helped by any device which will rouse curiosity and compel remark. ─── 只要上面有能激发好奇心并已让人不得不看的印迹,这种精品总是好卖的。
16、No one can compel love. ─── 如果没有爱情,我死都不嫁。
17、His cleverness and talents compel our admiration. ─── 他精明能干,令我们不得不肃然起敬。
18、His cleverness and skill compel our admiration. ─── 他的聪明和技巧使我们赞叹不已。
19、No State organ,public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in,or not to believe in,any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in,or do not believe in,any religion. ─── 任何国家机关、社会团体和个人不得强制公民信仰宗教或者不信仰宗教,不得歧视信仰宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民。
20、Properly invoked, these powers can be used to summon demons from the nether world and compel them to fight against their kindred. ─── 如果能够正确应用,这些力量可以召唤恶魔并驱使他们倒戈相向。
21、In the case of China,the Kuomintang has deprived all other political parties of equal rights and is trying to compel them to take its orders. ─── 中国的情形是国民党剥夺各党派的平等权利,企图指挥各党听它一党的命令。
22、The Fifth Amendment analysis may be different if the agency seeks to compel an individual to report information rather than trying to get access to existing records or documents. ─── 如果行政机关试图强迫某人报告信息而非试图取得现有的记录或文件,第五条修正案的分析就有可能不同。
23、He has no power to compel us to be wise. He can only stand and wait. ─── 他没有能力驱使咱们得到智慧。他只能站著等待。
24、The state can demand that children attend school; it cannot compel them to participate in ceremonies that violate their religious convictions. ─── 各州可以要求儿童上学,但不能强迫他们参加违反其宗教信念的仪式。
25、So to behave like a hacker, you have to develop an instinctive hostility to censorship, secrecy, and the use of force or deception to compel responsible adults. ─── 因此,作为一个黑客,你得对审查、保密,以及使用武力或欺骗去压迫有行为能力的人们的做法有一种本能的敌意。
26、So far, nipping means working with international standard setters to compel companies to disclose exactly what set of rules they are using. ─── 到目前为止,“掐死”还停留在和国际准则制定者一起强迫公司表明自己到底采用哪种会计准则的阶段上。
27、The time and complexity penalty for using disks is so severe that nothing short of an enormous cost differential could compel us to rely on them. ─── 使用磁盘的时间和复杂性带来的惩罚如此严重,要不是因为成本问题,我们不会依赖它。
28、You cannot compel good work from unwilling students. ─── 你不能迫使不肯学习的学生取得好成绩。
29、But there are those who yearn for the Divine here and now and whose love for God and propensity for the contemplation of the Divine Realities (al-haqaiq) compel them to seek the path of inwardness. ─── 伊斯兰的启示意味着人类注定要遵守这一传统信仰。但不是所有的人都要去遵守内在的道乘。
30、A policeman can compel obedience to the law . ─── 一名警察能迫使人服从法律。
31、To compel by violent measures or threats;coerce. ─── 以武力迫害或威协;强迫
32、You can compel obedience, but not affection. ─── 可以逼人服从, 却无法逼人生爱.
33、And in all the synagogues I punished them often and tried to compel them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly enraged at them, I persecuted them even as far as foreign cities. ─── 11在各会堂,我屡次用刑,想强逼他们说亵渎的话,又格外恼恨他们,甚至追逼他们,直到外邦的城邑。
34、But a smaller number may adjourn from day to day,and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members,in such manner,and under such penalties as each house may provide. ─── 不足法定人数时,可以一天推一天地延期开会,并有权依照各该议院所规定的程序和罚则,强迫缺席的议员出席。
35、He always compel me to obey his will. ─── 他总是想逼我服从他的意愿.
36、The FDA has the right to block the importation of unsafe products, but it cannot compel foreign governments to allow inspections on their soil. ─── FDA有权阻止不安全产品的进口,但不能强迫外国政府允许他们在当地实施检查。
37、She had the god-given power to compel him and, because he'd rather die a free-willed man than a priestess's plaything, Shemsen had thrown down his weapon. ─── 她拥有神授的力量来迫使他屈服,因为他更希望自己死去的时候是一个自由人,而非祭司的玩物,所以舍姆森扔掉了自己的武器。
38、A focus of reform of the state owned enterprises (SOEs) is how to compel them to enter into the trajectory of sustainable innovation. ─── 如何使国有企业尽早步入持续创新的轨道,是国有企业改革的焦点之一。
39、According to her the time of late silent night is the best time to get knowledge and also,’ the best means to compel confront flippancy is to find strong strength by reading. ─── 她说,万籁俱寂的时候,是汲取知识养分的最佳时刻,“对抗浮躁最简单的办法,就是在书中寻找强大的力量。”
40、To bind, compel, or constrain by a social, legal, or moral tie. ─── 使负有责任或义务被社会、法律或道德约束所束缚,强制或限制
41、A policeman can compel obedience to the law. ─── 一名警察能迫使服从法律。
42、Boise's commitment of capability and capacity for Compel Semi Gloss Label is critical to address the declining supply in the North American market. ─── 博伊西的承诺的能力和能力迫使半光泽标签是关键,以解决减少供应北美市场。
43、The push for medals can compel kids to suddenly start training in sports they didn't know existed before the coaches came calling. ─── 奖牌的驱动能够迫使一个孩童突然开始一项教练出现之前他根本不知道名字的运动的训练。
44、And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. ─── 主人对仆人说,你出去到路上和篱笆那里,勉强人进来,坐满我的屋子。
45、If rationalizing due to false ego, you resolve not to fight such a decision is only in vain; your own nature will compel you. ─── 如果你的“假我”使你决心不去作战,这样的决定也是徒劳的。因为的你的自性也会迫使你卷入战争。
46、For the transaction to succeed, some means had to be found to compel the trustee to comply with the terms of the trust. ─── 为了保证该交易的成功,就需要一些方法迫使受托人遵守信托的条款。
47、Tess's powerless characteristics and compellable characteristics made her empty of the intelligence to struggle. ─── 她性格上的无力缺陷和强迫缺陷使他缺乏斗争的智慧。
48、The rain compel me to stay indoors. ─── 不定式做复合一、宾语。
49、The material to send in the whet room directly, adopt special stir to anticipate centrifugal wing wheel to separate compellable inlet pulp the machine. ─── 系物料直接送进磨室,采用特殊拨料离心翼轮强制分离进料的高浓磨浆机。
50、Her intelligence and skill compel our admiration. ─── 她的聪明和技巧使我们非常佩服。
51、But they are also known for extreme stubbornness and Patna, the capital of Bihar state in eastern India, hired scores of them Wednesday to compel shop owners to pay their tax arrears. ─── 但是,他们也以不达目的不罢休而著称。位于印度东部的比哈尔邦首府巴特那周三雇佣了几十个太监帮助他们向店主索要拖欠的税款。
52、And what's so great about it is that it will literally compel a woman to talk with you no matter how hot she is or how uninterested she may be initially. ─── 它很有威力,能强迫一个女人跟你说话,不管她有多辣,或者她起初对你多兴趣索然。
53、And the master said to the slave, Go out into the roads and hedges and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled. ─── 主人对奴仆说,你出去到路上和篱笆那里,勉强人进来,坐满我的屋子。
54、If they are not willing to work, the people's state will compel them to work. ─── 他们如果不愿意劳动,人民的国家就要强迫他们劳动。
55、Boise Compel Semi Gloss Label excels in both objectives through exceptional gloss, high brightness, and excellent print quality. ─── 博伊西强迫半光泽标签擅长于这两个目标,通过特殊的光泽度,高亮度,和出色的打印质量。
56、Three methods - essential factors disintegration, compellable distribution method and comprehensive method - are constantly used in the course of the administration of human resources. ─── 在人力资源管理过程中常用的考核方法有要素分解法、强制分布法、综合法三种。
57、Don't hastily compel to decide, everything will happen at the right time! ─── 不需要匆促或强求,每件事都会发生在最恰当的时间点。
58、Can they compel obedience from us? ─── 他们能迫使我们屈服吗?
59、Courts have no authority to order a bank to change the terms of a loan or compel a homeowner to continue making payments on a home. ─── “法庭有太多的案子要处理,很可能不会提供最好的解决办法。
60、A body at rest will never move unless a force compel it. ─── 一个静止的物体永远不会运动,除非有一个力强迫它。
61、Do you think you can compel obedience from me? ─── 你以为你能逼我服从吗?
62、Second, the APA provides relief only to litigants whose goal is to compel, enjoin, or set aside agency action. ─── 其次,《行政程序法》仅向其国的是强迫、禁止或取消行政机关行为的诉讼当事人提供救济。
63、She could no longer compel her mother's heart to keep silence. ─── 她这做母亲的再也忍不住要说几声了。
64、The nature characteristics of secret investigation is compel lent. ─── 在对秘密侦查进行介绍与分析之后,文章第三部分对我国秘密侦查之现状进行了评析。
65、Why do you always ruthlessly hit my enthusiasm when each time I want to be kind to you, and compel me to the cold corner, then something unfeeling is in my mind. ─── 为什么每次想对你好一点,你总是无情地打击我的热情,然后把我逼到冰冷的角落,只能任由冷血的想法不停地闪现。
66、Lastly, the need for a transparent and fair legal system will compel China to quicken the reform of its judiciary. ─── 五、加入世贸组织,要求中国建立透明公正的法律体系。
67、The pretreatment(reduction) of sample should be the same as the method,while the seperating analysis technique wouldn't compel the conformable. ─── 作者认为样品的预处理(还原)应予以统一,但在后道分离分析上不一定强求完全照搬;
68、No unit or person may compel the tenderer to authorize a procuratorial agency to carry out the tender. ─── 任何单位和个人不得强制其委托招标代理机构办理招标事宜。
69、Other, darker desires than sex compel Herschell after his change. ─── 其他的,黑暗的欲望比性迫使Herschell后,他的变化。
70、Eddie Jordan believes the Schumacher news might compel Ferrari chiefs to try to bring forward Fernando Alonso's expected move to the Italian team. ─── 埃迪乔丹认为舒马赫取消复出可能会迫使法拉利的主管尝试提出让阿隆索回到意大利队。
71、No organization or individual shall in any way compel voters to elect or not to elect any candidate. ─── 任何组织和个人不得以任何方式强迫选举人选举或不选举某个人。
72、No leading members of local authorities, departments or units may compel or prompt statistics institutions or statisticians to tamper with or fabricate statistical data. ─── 各地方、部门、单位的领导人不得强令或者授意统计机构、计人员篡改统计资料或者编造虚假数据。
73、His courage and skill compel our admiration. ─── 他的勇气和技巧使我们都很钦佩。
74、And the humane laws of the land compel no man to read another's books. ─── 也没有任何(应允之地)本地的人道法案会强迫任何人去读任何书。
75、If you have made a great mistake in your life, do not let it becloud all of it;but, locking the secret in your breast, compel it to yield strength and sweetness. ─── 如果你生活在性情不相投的人们中间,你就当用爱心去战胜他们。
76、Civil suits may also be initiated to compel the payment of legitimate bills or financial obligations. ─── 为了催索账款或欠款也可以提出民事诉讼。
77、For instance, during an economic downturn, fluctuations in income may compel parents to withdraw their children from school. ─── 例如在经济衰退时期,收入的波动可能迫使父母要小孩辍学。
78、But chlamydiae somehow compel their entry vacuoles to avoid lysosomes, enabling the bacteria to proliferate freely while separated physically from the rest of the infected cell. ─── 不过,披衣菌却有办法让进入细胞的囊泡避开溶小体,使披衣菌与受感染细胞的其他部份隔离,而能自由增殖。
79、The arguments are founded on facts and compel conviction. ─── 令人不得不信服。
80、It was as though their rank gave them sufficient advantages to compel people to listen. ─── 好像地位给了他们特权,别人不听也得听。
81、And the armed forces of all the Liberated Areas were to launch vigorous offensives on all the main communication lines under enemy control to compel the Japanese and puppet troops to surrender. ─── 命令各解放区的武装部队,向一切敌占交通要道展开积极进攻,迫使日伪军投降。
82、Remember the death of Wilson was fearfully avenged and those yet live who can compel you to drink the dregs of your poisoned chalice. ─── 你记着,威尔逊之死带来了可怕的报复,而现在还活着的人能够迫使你喝干下了毒药的圣餐酒杯里的残浆。
83、No state organ, social organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion. ─── 任何国家机关、社会团体和个人都不得强制公民信仰宗教或不信仰宗教,不得歧视信仰宗教的公民或不信仰宗教的公民。
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