candelabra 发音
英:[ˌkændəˈlɑːbrə] 美:[ˌkændəˈlɑːbrə]
英: 美:
candelabra 中文意思翻译
candelabra 词性/词形变化,candelabra变形
candelabra 短语词组
1、candelabra bulbs ─── 烛台灯泡
2、candelabra base ─── 小形灯座
3、candelabra lamp ─── 烛台灯
4、candelabra socket ─── 烛台插座
5、candelabra led bulbs ─── 烛台led灯泡
6、candelabra wall ─── 烛台墙
7、candelabra shades ─── 烛台灯罩
8、candelabra hair ─── 叠生星状毛
9、candelabra smart bulbs ─── 烛台智能灯泡
candelabra 相似词语短语
1、candelabrums ─── n.枝状大烛台
2、candelabrum ─── n.枝状大烛台
3、candelabras ─── n.枝状大烛台(candelabrum的复数)
4、candelas ─── n.(Candelas)人名;(西)坎德拉斯
5、cancellable ─── adj.可约的;可删除的
6、candela ─── n.烛光;发光强度单位;adj.小雪茄烟的;n.(Candela)人名;(意)坎代拉;(西)坎德拉
7、candelillas ─── 蜡大戟;坎台里蜡
8、candelilla ─── 蜡大戟;坎台里蜡
9、cancelable ─── adj.可撤销的
candelabra 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、the stone inscription of The Eulogy on Candelabrum of Longxing Temple in Tang Dynasty and the Preface ─── 〈大唐龙兴观灯台颂并序〉石刻
2、Saxifraga candelabrum ─── n. 灯架虎耳草
3、We are all seated around the dining room table under a lamp that looks like a Spanish candelabra. ─── 我们围着餐桌坐下来,桌子上方垂着一盏西班牙式的大吊灯。
4、In the evening the candelabra, carefully wrapped up, was duly carried to Shashkin's. ─── 当天傍晚,大烛台就给包得严严实实,送到喜剧演员沙希金那儿去了。
5、When he had gone away the lawyer examined the candelabra, fingered it all over, and then, like the doctor, racked his brains over the question what to do with the present. ─── 他走后,律师瞧着大烛台,伸出手指头去把它前后左右都摸一阵,后来也象医师那样,为一个问题绞尽脑汁,想了很久: 该怎么处置这个礼物呢?
6、Moving at a slow pace, you"ll cover several hundred miles from the state of Tamil Nadu to Kerala, pausing in small towns to hike through ruins and witness temple ceremonies in which Brahman priests swing flaming candelabra. ─── 节奏缓慢地行走,你将穿越从泰米尔那都到喀拉拉几百英里的地区,在城镇间停留,然后徒步穿过废墟,并成为寺庙典礼的见证人,在那里婆罗门的司祭会摇晃着点燃的枝状大烛台。
7、It was a not very tall candelabra of old bronze and artistic workmanship. ─── 这是个不高的古铜大烛台,艺术品。
8、Feet on the underside protect the underlying surface and keep the candelabra firmly in place. ─── 底面带有支腿,保护与之接触的物体表面,而且,可将烛台牢牢地固定在位。
9、candelabra hair ─── 叠生星状毛
10、The consecutive swings were becoming smaller and smaller as the candelabrum was slowly coming to rest. ─── 随着烛架慢慢地将要停下来,连续的摆动越来越小了。
11、'My first reaction was, why are we getting any of this and what is a candelabra? ' he says. ─── 贾斯汀说,“我的第一反应是,为什么要这些玩意儿,大烛台又是什么东西?”
12、a triangular candelabrum used at Tenebrae during Holy Week ─── 一种在圣周的熄灯礼拜中使用的三角形烛台
13、The lights burn clear in the heavy brass candelabra. ─── 我已经把主教和他手下的人全杀了。
14、bayonet candelabra ─── 卡口灯台
15、The niche breadths of Caragana microphylla and Corispermum candelabrum were the biggist all the same, while others were narrower; ─── 狗尾草和烛台虫实在整个演替过程中生态位宽度值都较大,大多数物种的生态幅度较窄;
16、Arolla pines dot the foothills of the Alps, the trees' coneladen branches curving upward like arms of a candelabrum. ─── 阿尔卑斯山下的丘陵点缀着五针松,长满松球的枝干像灯台支架向上伸展。
17、The menorah is a seven branched candelabrum to be lit by olive oil in theTabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem. ─── 放置在耶路撒冷的礼拜堂和寺庙里的金灯台是一个有7分枝的烛台,用橄榄油点燃。
18、deciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowers. ─── 在热带美洲的灌木或乔木属枝条粗象枝状大烛台和芬芳的白或红花的每年落叶的灌木和乔木。
19、"Say something to her," hisses the candelabrum. ─── 烛台先生小声提醒:“去和她说说话。”
20、Corispermum candelabrum ─── n. 烛台虫实
21、She lit the candles of a candelabra, opened a door facing the end of her bed, and disappeared. ─── 她点燃了一只枝形烛台上的几支蜡烛,打开靠床脚边的一扇门走了进去。
22、Delphinium candelabrum ─── n. 奇林翠雀花
23、Happily for you we have succeeded in picking up the pair to your candelabra! ─── 说来也是您走运,我们总算给您的大烛台配成了对!
24、FONT color=#000000>Say the word 'cactus,' and many people get a mental picture of a thick, straight up trunk with rounded tip, and sturdy branches curving to the vertical in a candelabra effect. ─── 一提到仙人掌,很多人脑中就会浮现出这样一副画面:粗直的树干、圆形的顶,强健的枝干如烛台状垂直立着。
25、"Say the word 'cactus,' and many people get a mental picture of a thick, straight up trunk with rounded tip, and sturdy branches curving to the vertical in a candelabra effect. ─── 当我们提到“仙人掌”,很多人脑子里会有一个粗壮、笔直的圆顶躯干,结实的弯曲成枝状大烛台一样的分枝的仙人掌形象。
26、deciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowers ─── 在热带美洲的灌木或乔木属枝条粗得象枝状大烛台和芬芳的白或红花的每年落叶的灌木和乔木
27、Corporation in Taiwan, established in 2002 offices in Dongguan. engaged in gift trade, the main products are resin candelabra, ornaments, Night Light, wood products. ─── 总公司于台,2002年成立东莞办事处。从事礼品贸易,主要产品有树脂烛台,摆饰,夜灯,木制品。
28、The empty spaces between the candelabra were filled in with bouquets, so that where there was not a light, there was a flower. ─── 烛台的空隙处,插满了花束,因此,没有烛光的地方就有花朵。
29、She'd packed every thing she needed to take home except the books she was cramming with and her menorah, the 8 branch candelabra that's lit every night of Chanukah. ─── 她将所有需要拿回家的东西打包装好,除了房间里塞得满满的书和她的大烛台,光明节每晚都要点亮的8分支圣烛台。
30、Many of Mrs Lalanne's pieces are fashioned from sinuous vines and leaves twisted into candelabra, garden benches, jewellery and gates. ─── 拉兰内夫人的许多作品源自枝叶缠绕的枝状烛台、花园长椅、珠宝首饰和栅栏大门。
31、sterling silver threebranch candelabrum ─── 标准银三支形烛台
32、Say the word' cactus,' and many people get a mental picture of a thick, straight up trunk with rounded tip, and sturdy branches curving to the vertical in a candelabra effect. ─── 一提到仙人掌,很多人脑中就会浮现出这样一副画面:粗直的树干、形的顶,强健的枝干如烛台状垂直立着。
33、Now in no one of the seven apartments was there any lamp or candelabrum, amid the profusion of golden ornaments that lay scattered to and fro or depended from the roof. ─── 七间屋子的装饰极尽繁复,满眼流丽,连天花板上都没放过。但却没有一盏灯,也没有一架烛台。
34、A few bottles of wine stood on the table and two bright candelabra shed a brilliant light. ─── 桌子上放着几瓶酒,两个明晃晃的枝形烛台,烛火发出耀眼的光芒。
35、The official emblem of the State of Israel is a candelabrum (menorah), whose shape is said to be derived from the seven-branched moriah, a plant known since antiquity. ─── 国徽:为长方形盾徽。蓝色盾面上有一个七杈烛台,据记载此烛台为耶路撒冷圣殿中点燃祭坛的物件。烛台两旁饰以橄榄枝,象征犹太人对和平的渴望。
36、Ceratium candelabrum var. depressum ─── n. 腊台角藻扁变种
37、A triangular candelabrum used at Tenebrae during Holy Week. ─── 纪念烛台一种尤用于犹太教纪念耶稣受难的赞美诗晨祷中的三角形烛台
38、The murdered bishop and the slain warriors and priests are displayed under a black canopy, surrounded by candelabra decked with crape. ─── 那位被杀死的主教和仆从,被陈列在一个黑颜色的华盖下面,四周是用黑纱包裹起来的烛台。
39、The white-covered table was arrayed with pretty dishes and lighted with a four-armed candelabra, each light of which was topped with a red shade. ─── 铺着白色台布的餐桌上摆着精美的盘子,点着四叉灯台,每盏灯上安着一只红色灯罩。
40、Our company is a production of tank-type, barrel type, candelabra type, such as Christmas-oriented hardware manufacturer. ─── 我公司是一家以生产罐类,桶类,烛台类等五金圣诞礼品为主的生产厂家。
41、Ceratium candelabrum var. dilatatum ─── n. 腊台角藻扩张变种
42、And Sasha, all of a tremor with gratitude, set the candelabra before the doctor. ─── 萨沙由于满心感激而发抖,把一个大烛台放在医师面前。
43、Meet a talking candelabrum, a yapping clock, a cockney teapot, an ensemble of singing, dancing household utensils -- and of course the Beast. ─── 影片中有滔滔不绝的烛台先生,絮絮叨叨的时钟管家,操着伦敦腔的茶壶太太,还有能唱会跳的碗碗碟碟,当然,他们都是中了魔法。
44、Take CANDLE from candelabra on the table behind the laptop and exit room. ─── 从烛台上背后的笔记本电脑和退出房间桌子蜡烛。
45、you aware there's a candelabra on your desk? ─── 你注意到你桌子上有一个很大的烛台了吗?
46、the most sought-after item was the silver candelabrum. ─── 最受欢迎的货物是银烛台。
47、9.Without further procrastination the doctor put on his hat and coat, took the candelabra and went off to Uhov’s. ─── 医师没有把这件事推到以后去办,他穿上外衣,拿着大烛台,到乌霍夫家去了。
48、Torpedo-shaped candelabra bulbs fit nicely in small light fixtures such as sconces and designer lamps. ─── 鱼雷形烛台灯泡适合于小型照明灯具,如壁灯和设计灯。
49、For some time, at the very ends of the bare boughs of fig trees, spurts of pure green have been burning like little cloven tongues of green fire vivid on the tips of the candelabrum. ─── 一时,无花果光秃的树梢上,到处喷射纯净的绿色,就像烛台顶上跳跃绿色小火舌。
50、bayonet candelabra base ─── 烛台卡口灯头
51、Without further procrastination the doctor put on his hat and coat,took the candelabra and went off to Uhov's. ─── 医师没有把这件事推到以后去办,他戴上帽子,穿上外衣,拿着大烛台,到乌霍夫家去了。
52、a fully gilt version of Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby’s Cidade surtout de table (candelabra) and a monochromatic edition of their hand-blown glass Cupola reading table; ─── 一个完全烫金版的爱德华理发和Jay Osgerby的居住城市surtout餐酒(烛台)和一个单色版的手吹玻璃冲天读表;
53、A nine-branched candelabrum used in celebration of Hanukkah. ─── 九分枝圣烛台犹太人庆祝献殿节用的装有九个分枝的枝形烛台
54、CANDLE from candelabra on the table behind the laptop and exit room. ─── 从烛台上背后的笔记本电脑和退出房间桌子蜡烛。
55、deciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowers. ─── 在热带美洲的灌木或乔木属枝条粗象枝状大烛台和芬芳的白或红花的每年落叶的灌木和乔木。
56、After Sasha's departure the doctor looked for a long time at the candelabra, scratched behind his ear and meditated. ─── 萨沙走后,医师久久地瞧着大烛台,搔着耳背,沉思不语。
57、They sat at the table, where a candelabra was already casting flickering gold light on the table settings. ─── 他们坐在了桌边,桌上的大烛台早已摇曳着金色的光芒。
58、Eddie: No, no, Mrs. Seaver. One candelabra is plenty. Welcome to my home. ─── 埃迪:不不不,西弗太太,一个烛台足够了,欢迎你到我家来。
59、candelabra base ─── 小形灯座蜡台形灯座
60、A ceremonial seven-branched candelabrum of the Jewish Temple symbolizing the seven days of the Creation. ─── 七分枝圣烛台犹太教堂仪式中使用的有七个分枝的枝形烛台,象征上帝创世纪的七天
61、It is 8 metres long and in the centre of a room with candelabra and real wood panelling. ─── 这是8米长,在该中心内的一个房间,与烛台,和真正的木材镶板。
62、I'm going to suppress the candelabra. ─── 我要熄灯了。”
63、wire, aluminum alloy tin ornaments and a series of garden decoration, candelabra, candle cups, alloy frame and so on, has now formed a large product line. ─── 铁线、铝锡装饰品与合金系列有花园装饰、烛台、烛杯、合金相架等等,现已形成庞大产品系列。
64、10. After Sasha's departure the doctor looked for a long time at the candelabra, scratched behind his ear and meditated. ─── 萨沙走后,医师久久地瞧着大烛台,搔着耳背,沉思不语。收藏指正
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