ciphers 发音
英:[ˈsaɪfərz] 美:[ˈsaɪfəz]
英: 美:
ciphers 中文意思翻译
ciphers 短语词组
1、ciphers to learn ─── 要学习的密码
2、ciphers with keys ─── 带密钥的密码
3、ciphers using numbers ─── 使用数字的密码
4、ciphers meaning ─── 密码含义
5、ciphers with ─── 带
6、ciphers means ─── 密码是指
7、ciphers and codes ─── 密码和代码
8、ciphers for the little folks ─── 小人物的密码
ciphers 词性/词形变化,ciphers变形
动词过去分词: ciphered |动词现在分词: ciphering |动词过去式: ciphered |动词第三人称单数: ciphers |
ciphers 常用词组
block cipher ─── 分组密码
stream cipher ─── 流密码;密文流
cipher out ─── v. 算出;(美)想出
ciphers 相似词语短语
1、cipherer ─── 密码器
2、cipher ─── n.密码;暗号;零;vi.使用密码;计算;做算术;vt.计算;做算术;将…译成密码
3、enciphers ─── v.把(电文、文本)译成密码
4、cithers ─── n.齐特拉琴(等于cittern)
5、cyphers ─── n.密码,暗号;以密码书写的东西;解码;零;无足轻重的人,不重要的东西;(姓名首字母的)拼合字,花押字;(管风琴音管因机械故障发出的)连响;v.用密码书写;做算术,计算;(管风琴音管)连响
6、ciphered ─── n.密码;暗号;零;vi.使用密码;计算;做算术;vt.计算;做算术;将…译成密码
7、cipherers ─── 密码器
8、deciphers ─── v.破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解;n.密电(或密信的)译文
9、unciphers ─── 解开
ciphers 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A cryptographer friend tells the story of an amateur who kept bothering him with the cipher he invented. ─── 一个密码学家朋友跟我讲过一个故事,一个爱好者总爱用他发明的密码算法打扰他。
2、If a bit in the cipher text is mangled, one plain text bit is mangled and the shift register is corrupted. ─── 如果密码文本中有一个位出错,则一个纯文本位出错,并且移位寄存器损坏。
3、AES (advanced encryption standard) block cipher algorithm has been adopted as the block encryption standard. ─── AES是新的分组对称加密算法高级加密标准,源自比利时人Daemen和Rijmen共同设计的Rijndael算法。
4、Cipher Card is a hardware module based on bus interface of computer and offering cryptogram service function. ─── 加密卡是基于计算机总线接口的、提供密码服务功能的硬件模块。
5、The block cipher with a substitution permutation network is the best known and widely used block cipher system. ─── 包含代替置换网络的分组密码是一种广泛使用的分组密码系统。
6、Unknowns can become knowns by publishing cryptanalyses of existing ciphers;most conferences accept these papers. ─── 不知名的作者可以通过发表对现有密码算法的分析文章来出名,大多数会议接受此类论文。
7、One followed by two ciphers is 100. ─── 一的后面跟两个零是一百.
8、A system of secret or cipher writing; a cipher. ─── 密码一种秘密的或用密码书写的系统;密码
9、He is a mere cipher in our company. ─── 他在我们公司纯粹是个无用之人。
10、Such ciphers permit length-preserving encryption of a data stream with only a single pass through the data. ─── 这些加密方法使得对只有单一输入数据的数据流实施保持长度不变的加密成为可能。
11、The army uses a special cipher so that military messages are kept secret. ─── 军队使用一种特殊密码,军事电讯因此得以保密。
12、I will not write down his real name even in this bothersome Yiddish-letter cipher. ─── 即使是用难以辨认的意弟绪语字母的密码,我也不愿意在这里写下他的真实姓名。
13、As the only nonlinear component in most block ciphers, S-box is responsible for the security of block ciphers. ─── S盒是许多分组密码算法中唯一的非线性部件,它的密码强度决定了整个密码算法的安全强度。
14、The block cipher mode encodes data one block at a time. ─── 块密码模式一次一块对数据进行编码。
15、If text is encrypted with a weak key, encrypting the resulting cipher again with the same weak key returns the original text. ─── 如果文本是用弱密钥加密的,则使用同一弱密钥再次加密所得到的密码将会返回原始文本。
16、One way to compromise data encrypted with this type of cipher is to perform an exhaustive search of every possible key. ─── 可以危及用此类型密码加密的数据的一个方法是,对每个可能的密钥执行穷举搜索。
17、A generally simple mechanism whereby plain text characters are replaced with other characters to form the cipher text. ─── 使用其它字符替换明文字符以形成密文的一种常用简单机制。
18、People occasionally design strong ciphers.Amateur cryptographers even design strong ciphers. ─── 人们偶尔能设计出强的密码算法,爱好者也可以设计强的密码算法。
19、If you do not select at least one cipher, SSLv2 will not work. ─── 如果您没有至少选择一个加密算法,SSL版本2将不工作。
20、The numerical symbol0; a cipher. ─── 0数字符号0;零
21、Every morning the cipher clerk operating a Hagelin inside the embassy reset the wheels before beginning transmissions. ─── 使馆内操作“哈盖林”机器的译电员每天早上在开始发报之前都重新给转轮定位。
22、Keyword: FPGA, PCI, Logic Analyzer, Cipher Coprocessor, Experimental system. ─── 关键词:FPGA;PCI;逻辑分析仪;密码协处理器;实验系统
23、The ciphers capacity is 2048.The ciphers length is 32. ─── 密码器的容量为2048,密码长度为32。
24、Typically, secret-key algorithms, called block ciphers, are used to encrypt one block of data at a time. ─── 通常,私钥算法(称为块密码)用于一次加密一个数据块。
25、As an important example of the entire solution, we introduce a cipher scheme TCR6 which has some satisfactory features in both security and efficiency. ─── 做为例子,给出了一个在安全和效率方面均有良好性能的密码算法TCR6。
26、The RC2CryptoServiceProvider object is a block cipher that encrypts and decrypts data in blocks of 8 bytes. ─── RC2CryptoServiceProvider对象是一个加密和解密8字节数据块的块密码。
27、Block ciphers use the same encryption algorithm for each block. ─── 块密码对每个块使用相同的加密算法。
28、If you have duplicate blocks within your plain text stream, you will have duplicate blocks within your cipher text stream. ─── 如果在明文流中有重复的块,那么在密文流中将存在重复的块。
29、Weak keys are keys that result in ciphers that are easy to break. ─── 弱密钥是所生成的密码容易被破解的密钥。
30、C. Use the CIPHER command-line utility to decrypt the folder and its contents. ─── 使用CIPHER指令行公用程式对资料夹及其内容解密。
31、In statistical attacks on ciphers the known frequency of various bigrams, in a given language, can be used in attempts to break the cipher. ─── 在对密码的统计攻击中,可用已知语言的各双字母组的频度来攻破密码。
32、Again, the result is similar to a stream cipher. ─── 同样,结果类似于流加密。
33、IDEA is a symmetrical block cipher . End-to-end encryption based on IDEA is presented and analyzed. ─── 分析了基于分组密码算法IDEA设计的端-端加密系统。
34、In 2005, Andreas Klein presented another analysis of the RC4 stream cipher. ─── 在2005年,安德烈克莱因提出了另一种分析的RC4流密码。
35、In this case, there's an antidote: cryptography, the use of codes and ciphers to protect information. ─── 在这种情况下,有一种解决办法:密码学,用密码保护信息。
36、Block Ciphers SourceCode in Pascal complete source code can be directly used by the test. ─── (译):分组密码完整的源代码中的源代码帕斯卡尔可直接使用的考验。
37、Cipher Computing based on distributed (Grid) architecture is one of the Important applications. ─── 基于分布式(网格)的密码学计算就是这其中的一个重要应用。
38、"The best cryptographers around" break a lot of ciphers. ─── “圈子里最好的密码学家”攻破了很多密码算法。
39、In cryptography,the additional characters added to a plaintext message,to ensure that its length is an integral number of blocks for encryption by a block cipher. ─── 在密码学中,为了使明文信息的长度为分组密码加密中所用的块的整数倍,而在明文中添加的附加字符。
40、If a bit in the cipher text is mangled, the corresponding bit of plain text will be mangled. ─── 如果密码文本中有一个位出错,纯文本中相应的位也将出错。
41、English: Failed to initialize the decryption cipher slot. ─── 初始化解密密钥槽失败。
42、Block ciphers' security mostly depends on S box that is the only non-linear structure in most block ciphers. ─── 分组密码的安全性很大程度上取决于分组密码中唯一的非线性结构S盒。
43、The writers often put their results in ciphers or anagrams. ─── 写信人常常把成果写成密码或者搞成字谜。
44、One followed by two ciphers is 100. ─── 一的后面跟两个零是一百。
45、It accepts a Base 64 encoded cipher byte array, and decodes and decrypts it to return the clear data string. ─── 它接受用Base 64编码的密码字节数组,并对它译码和解密以返回明文数据字符串。
46、If be prefab stair, divide with dimensional height with stair length OK cipher out the footfall height of every step. ─── 假如是预制的楼梯,用空间高度除以楼梯长度就可以算出每个台阶的踏步高度。
47、Because of this, a block of plain text will always return the same cipher text when encrypted with the same key and algorithm. ─── 因此,当用同样的密钥和算法加密时,纯文本块总是返回同样的密码文本。
48、Based on the encryption principle of affine cipher, a frequency transition function of DFH is designed. ─── 基于仿射密码的加密原理,构造了一种差分跳频的频转移函数。
49、I guess this must be a book of ciphers. ─── 其实我猜它就是个口令本。
50、Three kinds of equivalent ciphers of AES are presented by separating S-box s affine transformation. ─── 分离了AES密码中S盒的仿射变换,得到了与原密码S盒不同的三种等价密码。
51、WEP is an encryption scheme, based on the RC-4 cipher, that is available on all 802.11a, b and g wireless products. ─── WEP是一种加密方案的基础上的RC - 4加密,即对所有802.11a,b和g无线的产品。
52、Julius Caesar, for example, is known to have employed a simple substitution cipher to protect messages from unauthorized viewers. ─── 例如传说中恺撒大帝就曾使用简单的替换加密来防止未经授权者读懂消息。
53、The SSLCipherspecs attribute accepts a string of two byte ciphers. ─── SSLCipherspecs属性接受一串两字节的密码。
54、As you can see, working with JDK Ciphers is quite a cumbersome task. ─── 如你所见,使用JDKCipher是一项相当繁重的任务。
55、Semi-weak keys are pairs of keys that result in ciphers that are easy to break. ─── 半弱密钥是产生的密码容易被破解的密钥对。
56、XSL algorithm is introduced for the cryptanalysis of block ciphers by Nicolas Courtois and Josef Pieprzyk, derived from XL. ─── XSL算法是Courtois和Pieprzyk在分析分组密码时,在XL算法的基础上提出的一种新的算法。
57、If a single bit of the cipher text block is mangled, the entire corresponding plain text block will also be mangled. ─── 如果密码文本块中有一个位出错,相应的整个纯文本块也将出错。
58、I was a cipher in this company. ─── 在这群人中,我是一个微不足道的小角色。
59、The academic literature is littered with the carcasses of ciphers broken by their analyses. ─── 学术文献里被他们的分析而攻破的密码算法可以说是尸横遍野。
60、However, block cipher algorithms tend to execute more slowly than stream ciphers. ─── 但是,块密码算法执行起来通常比流密码慢。
61、The default settings are to allow all V2 and V3 ciphers. ─── 默认设置是允许所有 V2 和 V3 加密程序。
62、He's a mere cipher in the company. ─── 他在公司里是个无足轻重的人物。
63、In data security, the science and study of methods of breaking ciphers. ─── 在数据安全领域中,对破译密码的方法进行研究的一门学科。
64、A word that serves as a key to a code or cipher. ─── 关键词密码或索引中重要的词
65、In cryptography, a product cipher developed by IBM that formed the basis of DES. It used 128-bit data blocks and a 128-bit key. ─── 在密码学中,由IBM公司开发的一种乘积密码,后成为DES的基础,它使用128位数据块和一个128位的密钥。
66、Who would fall for that DNA is the cipher? ─── 中文:谁会相信DNA就是密码呢?
67、Design is also formed and sustained by these forces and, as a result, designed artifacts act as cultural ciphers. ─── 依靠这种力量,设计作为一种结果形成了并且保持不变,史前古董作为文化密码被设计出来。
68、If a single bit of the cipher text block is mangled, the corresponding plain text block will also be mangled. ─── 如果密码文本块中有一个位出错,相应的纯文本块也将出错。
69、RCA and RUC provide a structural sketch, analysis methods and design rules for the research of reconfigurable cipher processing architecture. ─── RUC模型和RCA模型为可重构密码处理结构的研究提供了基本的参考结构、分析方法和设计准则。
70、Block ciphers with long keys are stronger than stream ciphers. ─── 使用长密钥的块密码比流密码更强。
71、He went to school at the age of forty, and learned to read, to write, to cipher. ─── 他四十岁进学校,学习了读,写,算。
72、They use a highly efficient symmetric cipher for the rest of their communication. ─── 在余下的通信中,它们使用高效的对称口令。
73、Yet the double absence makes it impossible to care whether these two ciphers will, or will not, in the end get together as one glorious nullity. ─── 但这种双重个性缺失无法吸引人们关注这两个毫无意义的人物会否终成眷属,即便终成眷属也不过是一个绚烂的虚无。
74、Information processing. Modes of operation for a 64-bit block cipher algorithm. ─── 信息处理.64位字组码算法的运算方式。
75、There are many important documents in the cipher suitcase he is taking. ─── 他随身携带的密码箱里,有很多重要的文件。
76、There are, however, a number of issues related to implementing symmetric key ciphers to protect data at rest that should be discussed at some length. ─── 但是,本文对有关实现对称密钥加密来保护静态数据的一些值得讨论的问题进行了讨论。
77、"The only problem," Langdon said, "is that we don't have anything on which to apply the cipher. ─── “现在唯一的问题是,”兰登沉吟道:“我们找不到什么东西来套用这套密码。”
78、Pseudo random sequence has broad applications in stream cipher, channel coding, and spread spectrum communication. ─── 伪随机序列在流密码、信道编码、频通信等领域有着广泛的应用.
79、Given that a specific cipher has no major design flaws, key length is the primary determinant of security. ─── 如果某个加密算法没有大的设计缺陷,那么密钥长度就是安全性的决定因素。
80、The following day I received another telegram consisting of 34 ciphers, giving more details. ─── 例8:第二天,我又接到一个电报。这个电报有34个字,比前一个电报说得更详细。(按内容连贯合译
81、He watched her dance, a random cipher drawing its signature across the time-slopes of this dissolving yantra, a symbol in a transcendental geometry. ─── 他目视着她翩翩起舞,一个随机密码在这渐渐消融的印度教具的时间坡上画上了它的签名,那是超越几何中的一个符号。
82、You do not have to open the key immediately before decrypting the cipher text. ─── 不必只在解密密码之前才打开密钥。
83、DES consequently came under intense academic scrutiny, and motivated the modern understanding of block ciphers and their cryptanalysis. ─── DES因此遭到激烈学术审议,激励现代理解分组密码及密码翻译法。
84、Schneier provides a table showing relative encryption speeds of various block cipher algorithms in his. ─── 中提供了一个表,其中展示了不同的块加密算法的相对加密速度。
85、Namely finally realizes the infrared long-distance remote control which the numerical ciphers lock. ─── 即最终实现数字密码锁的红外线远程遥控。
86、Block cipher algorithms encrypt data in block units, rather than a single byte at a time. ─── 块密码算法以块为单位加密数据,而不是逐个字节地加密数据。
87、Rijndael block cipher was designed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen of Belgium. ─── Rijndael算法属于迭代型分组密码,其开发者是比利时密码专家Joan Danmen和Vincent Rijmen。
88、Cryptograph: a system of secret or cipher writing; a cipher. ─── 密码:一种秘密的或用密码书写的系统;密码。
89、The study and application of Ciphers that use a single secret key for both encryption and decryption operations. ─── 使用单个密钥执行加密和解密操作的密码算法研究和应用。
1、password音标:[ 'pɑ:swə:d ] 。PASS :经过,关口,通行证的意思。WORD :字,词,消息,命令的意思。合起来PASSWORD就是通过的命令或通过的消息 ,标准翻译就是密码、口令的意思。
(1)access password 访问口令。
(2)admin password 管理密码。
(3)choose password 登陆密码。
(4)enter password 输入密码。
(1)Gets or sets the url of the password recovery page
获取或设置密码恢复页的url 。
(2)Ba zhi is like a series of password
(3)when prompted , enter an appropriate password
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