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08-25 投稿


sculpturing 发音

英:[ˈskʌlptʃərɪŋ]  美:[ˈskʌlptərɪŋ]

英:  美:

sculpturing 中文意思翻译




sculpturing 词性/词形变化,sculpturing变形

副词: sculpturesquely |

sculpturing 短语词组

1、sculpturing questions ─── 雕塑问题

2、electronic sculpturing ─── [电] 电子模型法

3、sculpturing in soapstone ─── 皂石雕刻

4、sculpturing limestone video ─── 雕刻石灰石视频

5、sculpturing wax ─── 雕刻蜡

sculpturing 相似词语短语

1、capturing ─── v.捕捉(capture的ing形式)

2、culturing ─── n.培植;开化;v.[细胞][微]培养;教化(culture的ing形式)

3、rupturing ─── adj.断裂的;破裂的;v.使断裂;使破裂;使不和(rupture的ing形式)

4、sculping ─── vi.雕塑;雕刻

5、cloturing ─── n.讨论终结;v.结束辩论

6、sculpting ─── n.雕塑法;v.雕刻;雕塑(sculpt的现在分词)

7、subculturing ─── n.继代培养

8、coculturing ─── 共培养

9、sculpturings ─── n.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vt.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vi.从事雕刻

sculpturing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Having received strict training in traditional stone sculpturing, Chang attempts to break away from the limits of orthodox approaches by seeking inspiration from ancient Chinese poetry. ─── Oriental Poetry Life (东方.诗歌.生活) .The exhibition features a series of sculptures by Chang Kuo-ken (张国根), a sculptor whose work spans three decades.

2、Cutting and Sculpturing Vegetables and Fruit ─── 军训蔬果切雕

3、reflects all those restless and pulsatile souls in his sculpturing world. ─── 瞬间的异想天开,他的雕塑世界充满了不安分的,跳动的灵魂。

4、sculpturing handicraft ─── 雕塑工艺品

5、Contemporary Haerbin ice lamp festival mixed western and oriental cultures and is enhanced to a system art wherein saturated with group sculpturing, construction, gardening, mechanics and electronics. ─── 时至今日东方和西方两种文化孕育而生的哈尔滨冰灯,已发展成为集雕刻、建筑、园林、机械、电子等多元学科为一体的系统艺术工程。

6、The Otterhound is shown in a natural coat, with no sculpturing or shaping of the coat. ─── 奥达猎犬应该具有自然的被毛,不能修剪或雕琢。

7、Sculpturing, scissoring, stripping or shaving are totally contrary to breed type and are serious faults. ─── 雕琢、修剪、剥除或刨除被毛,背离了该品种的基本要求,属于严重缺陷。

8、Haptic Sculpturing in the Virtual Volume Space ─── 虚拟体空间中的触觉雕刻

9、Conclusions The Face|lift combined with the facial aesthetic sculpturing may be ... ─── 结论年轻化面部轮廓改型术对面部轮廓老化的改善是有效的。

10、pollen spheroidal, angular, or elongate, with 1 or more leptomata, exine intectate [or absent], sculpturing of pointed or rounded microgemmae or these absent. ─── 花粉近球形,有角,或者延长,有1或更多薄壁区,外壁无覆盖层[或者无],小配子囊尖或者圆形,有文饰或无。

11、sculpturing machine ─── 雕刻机

12、First, it discusses the role of ECJ in the sculpturing of the general principle and classic precedents of EU law. ─── 接着论证了欧洲法院判例法在创造欧盟法基本原则和经典先例中的决定性影响。

13、Six birds is flying into the sky and the sculpturing edge tops are very peculiar style. ─── 该坊鸱吻(鸱吻有六,取“六六大顺”意),鳌尖造型考究,帽顶十二鳌脊呈鸱吻冲天状。

14、As far as sculpturing stone is concerned, when you are looking for the stone, you also should make efforts to learn sculpture well. ─── 就雕刻石头而言,在寻找石头的同时,还要下功夫学好雕塑的本领。

15、The out-bursting whimsicality reflects all those restless and pulsatile souls in his sculpturing world. ─── 瞬间的异想天开,他的雕塑世界充满了不安分的,跳动的灵魂。

16、Application of Imitated Sculpturing Methods in Product Design ─── 论模仿造型法在产品设计中的应用

17、Conclusion : Cell proliferation and programmed cell death are interrelated and interact on each other in the development of teeth, and they both involve in sculpturing the shape of teeth. ─── 结论 :牙齿发育过程中的细胞增殖与凋亡同时出现在生长中心部位,说明二者在牙齿发育中相互协调,共同控制牙齿的形态形成。

18、electronic sculpturing ─── 电子模型法

19、In the process of sculpturing with landscape materials, the authors focus on not only best expressing the design ideas, but also the perfect balance of scientific and artistic ideas. ─── 在设计中运用雕塑艺术的设计理念,将园林看作一个大型的雕塑。在对园林造景材料的“雕”与“塑”过程中,实现设计理念的完美表达,并使科学性与艺术性完美融合。

20、He's so versatile; mostly he can be a pro of the field whenever he picks up a hobby. He likes WOODWORKING, PAINTING, SCULPTURING and music is his favorite, of course. ─── 他多才多艺,无论学什么,都能学的像模像样。他喜欢做木工活,画画,雕刻,当然音乐还是他最大的爱好。

21、Liu Yen-chun is a young female artist. She has always been doing sculpturing with a focus on human body. ─── 刘彦均是一位年轻的纯创作女性艺术家,一直从事雕塑和立体造型的创作,专注于「人体」系列。

22、Virtual Sculpturing ─── 虚拟雕刻

23、Methyl methacrylate,benzene,methyl acrylate,styrene and toluene-These major deleterious contaminants would be monitored and controlled as some characteristic compounds in sculpturing organic glass. ─── 其中甲基丙烯酸甲酯、丙烯酸甲酯、苯、甲苯、苯乙烯等5种有毒有害物可以作为代表该行业特征的污染物加以监控。

24、Yet, working with what we have, we are all capable of sculpturing a masterpiece. ─── 然而,用我们所拥有的一切,我们却能够雕塑出一件杰作。

25、Seeds not pitted but with other kinds of sculpturing; main stems abortive, with rosulate leaves; pedicels curved or straight; leaf sheaths mostly hirsute only on mouth side. ─── 种子并非具洼点的但是具其他类雕刻;主茎流产,具莲座丛叶;花梗弯曲或者直;只在嘴边上的多数的叶鞘具粗毛。(16

26、Which money nature price is compared to the laser sculpturing machine more highly? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>电脑/网络>电脑装机>激光雕刻机哪款性价比更高?

27、Keywords Sculpturing for fruits and vegetable Machine; ─── 关键词果蔬雕花;机械;

28、Computer design cannot replace one's ability to mentally conceive and visualize golf course sculpturing. ─── 电脑设计也不能取代个人的构想和想象球场起伏的能力。

29、and sculpturing from the time he was a small boy in Spain. ─── 他就对素描、绘画和雕塑产生了兴趣。

30、The act or art of sculpturing or forming in a pliable material,such as clay or wax. ─── 造型术,柔性的物质如粘土或蜡塑造或成形的行为或艺术。

31、and sculpturing from the time he was a small boy in Spain. ─── 他就对素描、绘画和雕塑产生了兴趣。

32、Sculpturing the New Image of Modern Librarian with the Time ─── 与时俱进努力塑造现代图书馆员全新形象

33、Computer design cannot replace one's ability to mentally conceive and visualize golf course sculpturing. ─── 电脑设计也不能取代个人的构想和想象球场起伏的能力。

34、Marble is used not only in the building industries but also for sculpturing. ─── 大理石不仅用于建筑工业,还可用于雕刻。

35、Therefore, we must strengthen the sense of traditional sculpturing and Chinese culture to indoctrinate. ─── 为此,我们必须加强传统造型精神和中国文化精神的灌输。

36、is chiefly responsible for the sculpturing of coastlines around the world. ─── 世界各地海洋刻蚀现象主要是由海浪作用而形成的。

37、Each piece of Lee's works is a dedicated design and is executed through complex composing, sculpturing, grinding and refining. ─── 李在孝每一件作品均为一项巧妙的设计,并经过繁复的并合、雕琢、打磨及精工而成。

38、Thus the function of education is lying in sculpturing man. ─── 而教育的功能在于塑造人。

39、The deleterious ingredients in gas emission of sculpturing organic glass were studied,using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry coupled with 3-step preconcentrator. ─── 研究了3阶段预浓缩气相色谱-质谱法检测有机玻璃在雕刻过程中排放的有害气体的组成。

40、The size and shape of the pollen grains and the number and orientation of the apertures and sculpturing is characteristic of particular families, genera, or sometimes species. ─── 花粉粒的大小、形状、雕纹及孔沟的位置是科、属或种所特异的。

41、QDSM is the first one of its kind in China, which is an important symbol of development of Chinese sculpturing. ─── 青岛雕塑艺术馆是中国第一座专业性、学术性的雕塑艺术场馆,是中国雕塑艺术事业蓬勃发展的重要标志之一。

42、On the base of the analysis of the special prototyping process of Decomposed Injection Sculpturing (DIS), the general design of equipment and its control system for DIS is accomplished. ─── 摘要在分析分段注射/雕刻快速原型制造(DIS)特殊工艺过程的基础上,提出DIS工艺设备及其控制的总体方案。

43、clipping and sculpturing technique ─── 剪片工艺

44、I may paint for a time, then turn to pottery, and then do some sculpturing. ─── 我可能画一段时间画,然后转向陶瓷,然后做一些雕塑。

45、Sand sculpturing, fire works, fruits planting, and beach sports make your family trip have more fun. ─── 沙雕比赛、沙滩球类、认种果树、烟花晚会让您亲子活动更添情趣。

46、The act or art of sculpturing or forming in a pliable material, such as clay or wax. ─── 造型术柔性的物质如粘土或蜡塑造或成形的行为或艺术。

47、He likes WOODWORKING, PAINTING, SCULPTURING and music is his favorite, of course. ─── 他喜欢做木工活,画画,雕刻,当然音乐还是他最大的爱好。

48、He believed art to be the noblest and greatest of all of man's abilities and of higher importance than sculpturing, writing or musicianship. ─── 他确信艺术是人类最圣洁的能力,远超过雕塑、写作或音乐才能。

49、This thesis is a research about the way of sculpturing characteristic during comprehensive urban design. ─── 本课题是针对总体阶段城市设计特色塑造方法的研究。

50、free sculpturing ─── 自由雕塑

51、A Preliminary Study of Tujue Nationality's Sculpturing Convention ─── 突厥立像习俗探析

52、I’m sculpturing a live character. ─── 我是在演我自己,我是在塑造一个鲜活的角色。”

53、Sculpturing is an ancient artistic style with a history of more than 30, 000 years. ─── 雕塑是一门有三万年以上历史的古老艺术形式。

54、Choosing and sculpturing of implants in augmentation rhinoplasty ─── 隆鼻术中鼻假体的选择与雕刻

55、The sculpturing of artistic conception is in the tiptop level of Chinese garden art. ─── 意境的创造是中国园林艺术的最高境界。

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